<%@ LANGUAGE = VBScript %> <% Option Explicit %> <% if Session("FONTSIZE") = "" then %> <% else %> <% On Error Resume Next Dim path, currentobj, mbw, maxtext, logonly path=Session("spath") Session("path")=path Session("SpecObj")="" Session("SpecProps")="" Set currentobj=GetObject(path) %> <% function writeSlider(prop, stops, width, selnum) dim slidestr, i slidestr="" for i=0 to stops-2 slidestr=slidestr & drawStop(i,prop, selnum) slidestr=slidestr & "" Next slidestr=slidestr & drawStop(i, prop, selnum) slidestr=slidestr & "" writeSlider=slidestr end function function drawStop(curr,prop, selnum) dim thisname, slidestr,formname thisname=quote & prop & curr & quote if Session("IsIE") then formname = "parent.document.userform." else formname = "document.userform." end if slidestr="" if curr=selnum then drawStop=slidestr & "" else drawStop=slidestr & "" end if end function %> " TOPMARGIN=5 TEXT="#000000" LINK="#000000" >
<%= sFont("","","",True) %> <%= L_PERFORMANCE_TEXT %>

<%= sFont("","","",True) %> <%= L_TUNESERVER_TEXT %>

<%= sFont("","","",True) %> <% if Session("IsIE") then %> <% else %> <%= writeSlider("ServerSize", 3, L_SLIDERSTEPSIZE_NUM, currentobj.ServerSize) %> <% end if %>
<%= sFont("","","",True) %> <%= L_MINHITS_TEXT %> <%= sFont("","","",True) %> <%= L_MIDHITS_TEXT %> <%= sFont("","","",True) %> <%= L_MAXHITS_TEXT %>

<%= sFont("","","",True) %> <% if Session("vtype") <> "svc" then %> <%= checkboxVal(0, currentobj.MaxBandwidth > 0 , "hdnchkMaxBandwith", "SetMaxBW(this.checked);", True) %>  <%= L_ENABLEBANDWIDTH_TEXT %> HEIGHT=2 BORDER=0 ALIGN="middle">
<%= sFont("","","",True) %> <% if currentobj.MaxBandwidth < 0 then mbw = "" else mbw = currentobj.MaxBandwidth/1024 end if %> <%= L_LIMITNET_TEXT %>

<%= L_MAXNETUSAGE_TEXT %> <%= inputbox(0,"text","hdnMaxBandwidth",mbw,L_MAXNETUSAGE_NUM,"","","isNum(this,1,32767);calcBW(this);",True,True, not Session("IsAdmin") ) %> <%= L_KBS_TEXT %>

<% end if %> <%= checkbox("CPULimitsEnabled", "", True) %>  <%= L_ENABLECPUACCT_TEXT %> HEIGHT=2 BORDER=0 ALIGN="middle">
<%= sFont("","","",True) %> <%= L_MAXCPUUSAGE_TEXT %>  <%= inputbox(0,"text","hdnPctCPULimitLogEvent",(currentobj.CPULimitLogEvent/1000),L_MAXCPUUSAGE_NUM,"","","isNum(this,0,32767);setCPUThrottle();",False,True, not Session("IsAdmin") ) %>  <%= L_PRCNT_TEXT %> <%= writehidden("CPULimitLogEvent") %> <%= writehidden("CPULimitPriority") %> <%= writehidden("CPULimitProcStop") %> <%= writehidden("CPULimitPause") %>

<% logonly = (currentobj.CPULimitLogEvent <> 0) and (currentobj.CPULimitPriority = 0 and currentobj.CPULimitProcStop = 0 and currentobj.CPULimitPause = 0) %> <%= checkboxVal(0, not logonly, "hdnEnforceLimits", "setCPUThrottle();", True)%> <%= L_LOGEVENT_TEXT %> 

<% if Session("vtype") <> "svc" then %> <% end if %> <% end if %>