How to run the smoke tests: 1) Ssync to this full directory tree 2) Create a virtual root on your machine called "smoke" pointing at c:\denali\checkin\smoke and another vroot called 'gsmoke' pointing at c:\denali\checkin\gsmoke. The virtual roots must have Execute permissions turned on and must have Read permissions turned off 3) CD to \denali\checkin, and type "smoke [email]**". If any test fails, it will show a line reading ":FAIL". In this case, logs\.log will have the full details of all the tests run. You will need to correct your problem before checking in. 4) Attempt to shut down IIS. If IIS fails to shut down after running the smoke test, then you have a failure (shutdown should be automatic at this point pass.bat tries to shutdown w3svc). ** type in your email if you have special scripts from test to run. for instance: 'smoke 1 davek' will run all of the smoke scripts and then any special scripts in the 'davek' directory under \denali\checkin\smoke. it runs the special scripts through a .bat called davek.bat - this will be checked in and updated by test as needed. there will also be a readme.txt in your dir with notes from the tester.