Welcome to ActiveVRML
ActiveVRML is a player for interactive 3D multimedia on the Web. It is also an advanced markup language for 3D multimedia. ActiveVRML plugs into Internet Explorer 3.0 as an OCX and uses DirectX, including Direct3D. Web pages using ActiveVRML can include interactive 3D animation and 2D cel animation accompanied by synchronized sounds. These effects can also be triggered by events from Visual Basic Scripting (Java soon as well). ActiveVRML will be available on Windows, Mac and SGI for Internet Explorer and Netscape browsers.
Setup Instructions Creating ActiveVRML Content ActiveVRML Samples ActiveVRML Homepage ActiveVRML Documentation ActiveVRML Release Notes As you use ActiveVRML please report problems to enriquep and toddfe. Feature requests and feedback should go to colinc and enriquep.
Thanks for your interest in ActiveVRML. Enjoy!