// Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // Implementation of CAutDirectMusicSegmentState. // #include "stdinc.h" #include "autsegmentstate.h" #include "activescript.h" #include "autconstants.h" #include const WCHAR CAutDirectMusicSegmentState::ms_wszClassName[] = L"SegmentState"; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Method Names/DispIDs const DISPID DMPDISP_IsPlaying = 1; const DISPID DMPDISP_Stop = 2; const AutDispatchMethod CAutDirectMusicSegmentState::ms_Methods[] = { // dispid, name, // return: type, (opt), (iid), // parm 1: type, opt, iid, // parm 2: type, opt, iid, // ... // ADT_None { DMPDISP_IsPlaying, L"IsPlaying", ADT_Long, true, &IID_NULL, // returns true if playing ADT_None }, { DMPDISP_Stop, L"Stop", ADPARAM_NORETURN, ADT_Long, true, &IID_NULL, // flags ADT_None }, { DISPID_UNKNOWN } }; const DispatchHandlerEntry CAutDirectMusicSegmentState::ms_Handlers[] = { { DMPDISP_IsPlaying, IsPlaying }, { DMPDISP_Stop, Stop }, { DISPID_UNKNOWN } }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Creation CAutDirectMusicSegmentState::CAutDirectMusicSegmentState( IUnknown* pUnknownOuter, const IID& iid, void** ppv, HRESULT *phr) : BaseImpSegSt(pUnknownOuter, iid, ppv, phr) { } HRESULT CAutDirectMusicSegmentState::CreateInstance( IUnknown* pUnknownOuter, const IID& iid, void** ppv) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CAutDirectMusicSegmentState *pInst = new CAutDirectMusicSegmentState(pUnknownOuter, iid, ppv, &hr); if (FAILED(hr)) { delete pInst; return hr; } if (pInst == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; return hr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Automation HRESULT CAutDirectMusicSegmentState::IsPlaying(AutDispatchDecodedParams *paddp) { LONG *plRet = reinterpret_cast(paddp->pvReturn); if (!plRet) return S_OK; IDirectMusicPerformance *pPerf = CActiveScriptManager::GetCurrentPerformanceWEAK(); HRESULT hr = pPerf->IsPlaying(NULL, m_pITarget); *plRet = ::BoolForVB(hr == S_OK); return hr; } const FlagMapEntry gc_flagmapStop[] = { { ScriptConstants::AtGrid, DMUS_SEGF_GRID }, { ScriptConstants::AtBeat, DMUS_SEGF_BEAT }, { ScriptConstants::AtMeasure, DMUS_SEGF_MEASURE }, { ScriptConstants::AtImmediate, DMUS_SEGF_DEFAULT }, // this flag gets flipped later { 0 } }; HRESULT CAutDirectMusicSegmentState::Stop(AutDispatchDecodedParams *paddp) { LONG lFlags = paddp->params[0].lVal; DWORD dwFlags = MapFlags(lFlags, gc_flagmapStop); // Reverse the default flag because our flag means the opposite. Default is the default and immediate is the flag. dwFlags ^= DMUS_SEGF_DEFAULT; IDirectMusicPerformance8 *pPerformance = CActiveScriptManager::GetCurrentPerformanceWEAK(); __int64 i64IntendedStartTime; DWORD dwIntendedStartTimeFlags; CActiveScriptManager::GetCurrentTimingContext(&i64IntendedStartTime, &dwIntendedStartTimeFlags); HRESULT hr = pPerformance->Stop(NULL, m_pITarget, i64IntendedStartTime, dwFlags | dwIntendedStartTimeFlags); return hr; }