/******************************Module*Header*******************************\ * Module Name: condlg.cpp * * Author: David Stewart [dstewart] * * Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. \**************************************************************************/ #include "windows.h" #include "condlg.h" #include "netres.h" #include "..\cdopt\cdopt.h" #include #include "icwcfg.h" extern HINSTANCE g_dllInst; TCHAR g_Drive; BOOL InternetConnectionWizardHasRun() { HKEY hKey; DWORD dwICWCompleted = 0; if (RegOpenKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, TEXT(ICW_REGPATHSETTINGS), &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD dwSize = sizeof(dwICWCompleted); RegQueryValueEx(hKey, TEXT(ICW_REGKEYCOMPLETED), NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&dwICWCompleted, &dwSize); RegCloseKey(hKey); } if (dwICWCompleted > 0) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void LaunchICW() { HINSTANCE hInetCfgDll = LoadLibrary(TEXT("inetcfg.dll")); if (hInetCfgDll) { PFNCHECKCONNECTIONWIZARD fp = (PFNCHECKCONNECTIONWIZARD)GetProcAddress(hInetCfgDll, "CheckConnectionWizard"); if (fp) { DWORD dwRet; DWORD dwFlags = ICW_LAUNCHFULL | ICW_LAUNCHMANUAL | ICW_FULL_SMARTSTART; // Launch ICW full or manual path, whichever is available // NOTE: the ICW code makes sure only a single instance is up fp(dwFlags, &dwRet); } FreeLibrary(hInetCfgDll); } } BOOL _InternetGetConnectedState(DWORD* pdwHow, DWORD dwReserved, BOOL fConnect) { //note: to make this work on Win95 machines, set retval to true by default BOOL retval = FALSE; //check to see if we have configured the connection already if (!InternetConnectionWizardHasRun()) { //nope, so we need to run the ICW and return FALSE here LaunchICW(); return FALSE; } HMODULE hNet = LoadLibrary(TEXT("WININET.DLL")); if (hNet!=NULL) { typedef BOOL (PASCAL *CONPROC)(DWORD*, DWORD); CONPROC conProc = (CONPROC)GetProcAddress(hNet,"InternetGetConnectedState"); if (conProc) { retval = conProc(pdwHow,dwReserved); if ((!retval) && (*pdwHow &1)) //INTERNET_CONNECTION_MODEM { if (fConnect) { typedef BOOL (PASCAL *DIALPROC)(DWORD, DWORD); DIALPROC dialProc = (DIALPROC)GetProcAddress(hNet,"InternetAutodial"); if (dialProc) { retval = dialProc(1,0); //INTERNET_AUTODIAL_FORCE_ONLINE } } //end if connect } //end if not online, but with a modem } //end if connection proc available FreeLibrary(hNet); } return (retval); } INT_PTR CALLBACK ConDlgProc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { static LPCDOPTDATA pOptionData = NULL; switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG : { pOptionData = (LPCDOPTDATA)lParam; SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd,IDC_RADIO_DOWNLOAD_ONE,BM_SETCHECK,1,0); RECT rectDialog; GetWindowRect(hwnd,&rectDialog); SetWindowPos(hwnd, GetParent(hwnd), (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN)/2) - ((rectDialog.right - rectDialog.left) /2), (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN)/2) - ((rectDialog.bottom - rectDialog.top) /2), 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE); //title of dialog is a "format string" with room for a single char drive letter TCHAR szFormat[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szTitle[MAX_PATH]; GetWindowText(hwnd,szFormat,sizeof(szFormat)/sizeof(TCHAR)); wsprintf(szTitle,szFormat,g_Drive); SetWindowText(hwnd,szTitle); } break; case WM_COMMAND : { switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case (IDOK) : { if (SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd,IDC_RADIO_DOWNLOAD_ALL,BM_GETCHECK,0,0)) { pOptionData->fDownloadPrompt = FALSE; } EndDialog(hwnd,CONNECTION_GETITNOW); } break; case (IDCANCEL) : { if (pOptionData->fBatchEnabled) { EndDialog(hwnd,CONNECTION_BATCH); } else { EndDialog(hwnd,CONNECTION_DONOTHING); } } break; case (IDC_DOWNLOAD_HELP) : { #ifndef DEBUG HtmlHelp(hwnd, TEXT("deluxcd.chm>main"), HH_DISPLAY_TOPIC, (DWORD_PTR) TEXT("CDX_overview.htm")); #endif } break; } // end switch on WM_COMMAND } //end case WM_COMMAND break; } return FALSE; } int ConnectionCheck(HWND hwndParent, void* pPassedOpt, TCHAR chDrive) { if (!pPassedOpt) { return CONNECTION_DONOTHING; } LPCDOPT pOpt = (LPCDOPT)pPassedOpt; LPCDOPTIONS pOptions = pOpt->GetCDOpts(); LPCDOPTDATA pOptionData = pOptions->pCDData; if ((pOptionData->fDownloadPrompt) && (pOptionData->fDownloadEnabled)) { //set global drive letter for dialog box g_Drive = chDrive; //no options selected, so prompt instead int nSelection = (int)DialogBoxParam(g_dllInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_DIALOG_DOWNLOAD), hwndParent, ConDlgProc, (LPARAM)pOptionData ); pOpt->UpdateRegistry(); return nSelection; } if (pOptionData->fDownloadEnabled) { return CONNECTION_GETITNOW; } if (pOptionData->fBatchEnabled) { return CONNECTION_BATCH; } return CONNECTION_DONOTHING; }