// Copyright (c) 1998, Microsoft Corporation, all rights reserved // // sadlg.c // Remote Access Common Dialog APIs // Shared Access Settings property sheet // // 10/20/1998 Abolade Gbadegesin // //#include "pch.h" #pragma hdrstop #include "sautil.h" #include #include "sainfo.h" #include "ipnat.h" #include "fwpages.h" // extern(s) // replaced global atom with "HNETCFG_SADLG" // Loopback address ( in network and host byte order // #define LOOPBACK_ADDR 0x0100007f #define LOOPBACK_ADDR_HOST_ORDER 0x7f000001 // 'Shared Access Settings' common block // typedef struct _SADLG { HWND hwndOwner; HWND hwndDlg; HWND hwndSrv; HWND hwndServers; IHNetCfgMgr *pHNetCfgMgr; IHNetConnection *pHNetConn; LIST_ENTRY PortMappings; BOOL fModified; TCHAR *ComputerName; IUPnPService * pUPS; // iff downlevel } SADLG; // Info block for port mapping entries // typedef struct _SAPM { LIST_ENTRY Link; IHNetPortMappingProtocol *pProtocol; IHNetPortMappingBinding *pBinding; BOOL fProtocolModified; BOOL fBindingModified; BOOL fNewEntry; BOOL fDeleted; TCHAR *Title; BOOL Enabled; BOOL BuiltIn; UCHAR Protocol; USHORT ExternalPort; USHORT InternalPort; TCHAR *InternalName; IStaticPortMapping * pSPM; } SAPM; #define HTONS(s) ((UCHAR)((s) >> 8) | ((UCHAR)(s) << 8)) #define HTONL(l) ((HTONS(l) << 16) | HTONS((l) >> 16)) #define NTOHS(s) HTONS(s) #define NTOHL(l) HTONL(l) #define SAPAGE_Servers 0 #define SAPAGE_Applications 1 #define SAPAGE_FirewallLogging 2 #define SAPAGE_ICMPSettings 3 #define SAPAGE_PageCount 4 inline SADLG * SasContext(HWND hwnd) { return (SADLG*)GetProp(GetParent(hwnd), _T("HNETCFG_SADLG")); } #define SasErrorDlg(h,o,e,a) \ ErrorDlgUtil(h,o,e,a,g_hinstDll,SID_SharedAccessSettings,SID_FMT_ErrorMsg) const TCHAR c_szEmpty[] = TEXT(""); static DWORD g_adwSrvHelp[] = { CID_SS_LV_Services, HID_SS_LV_Services, CID_SS_PB_Add, HID_SS_PB_Add, CID_SS_PB_Edit, HID_SS_PB_Edit, CID_SS_PB_Delete, HID_SS_PB_Delete, 0, 0 }; static DWORD g_adwSspHelp[] = { CID_SS_EB_Service, HID_SS_EB_Service, CID_SS_EB_ExternalPort, -1, CID_SS_EB_InternalPort, HID_SS_EB_Port, CID_SS_PB_Tcp, HID_SS_PB_Tcp, CID_SS_PB_Udp, HID_SS_PB_Udp, CID_SS_EB_Address, HID_SS_EB_Address, 0, 0 }; // FORWARD DECLARATIONS // HRESULT DeleteRemotePortMappingEntry( SADLG *pDlg, SAPM * pPortMapping ); VOID FreePortMappingEntry( SAPM *pPortMapping ); VOID FreeSharingAndFirewallSettings( SADLG* pDlg ); HRESULT LoadPortMappingEntry( IHNetPortMappingBinding *pBinding, SADLG* pDlg, SAPM **ppPortMapping ); HRESULT LoadRemotePortMappingEntry ( IDispatch * pDisp, /* SADLG* pDlg, */ SAPM **ppPortMapping ); HRESULT LoadSharingAndFirewallSettings( SADLG* pDlg ); VOID SasApply( SADLG* pDlg ); LVXDRAWINFO* SasLvxCallback( HWND hwndLv, DWORD dwItem ); INT_PTR CALLBACK SasSrvDlgProc( HWND hwnd, UINT unMsg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam ); HRESULT SavePortMappingEntry( SADLG *pDlg, SAPM *pPortMapping ); BOOL SharedAccessPortMappingDlg( IN HWND hwndOwner, IN OUT SAPM** PortMapping ); INT_PTR CALLBACK SspDlgProc( IN HWND hwnd, IN UINT unMsg, IN WPARAM wparam, IN LPARAM lparam ); VOID SrvAddOrEditEntry( SADLG* pDlg, LONG iItem, SAPM* PortMapping ); BOOL SrvCommand( IN SADLG* pDlg, IN WORD wNotification, IN WORD wId, IN HWND hwndCtrl ); BOOL SrvConflictDetected( SADLG* pDlg, SAPM* PortMapping ); BOOL SrvInit( HWND hwndPage, SADLG* pDlg ); #define WM_PRIVATE_CANCEL 0x8000 VOID SrvUpdateButtons( SADLG* pDlg, BOOL fAddDelete, LONG iSetCheckItem ); void DisplayError (HWND hwnd, int idError, int idTitle) { TCHAR* pszError = PszFromId (g_hinstDll, idError); if (pszError) { TCHAR* pszTitle = PszFromId (g_hinstDll, idTitle); if (pszTitle) { MessageBox (hwnd, pszError, pszTitle, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | MB_APPLMODAL); Free (pszTitle); } Free (pszError); } } BOOL APIENTRY HNetSharedAccessSettingsDlg( BOOL fSharedAccessMode, HWND hwndOwner ) // Displays the shared access settings property-sheet. // On input, 'hwndOwner' indicates the window of the caller, // with respect to which we offset the displayed property-sheet. // { HRESULT hr; IHNetCfgMgr *pHNetCfgMgr; BOOL fComInitialized = FALSE; BOOL fModified = FALSE; TRACE("HNetSharedAccessSettingsDlg"); // // Make sure COM is initialized on this thread // hr = CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED | COINIT_DISABLE_OLE1DDE); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { fComInitialized = TRUE; } else if (RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE == hr) { hr = S_OK; } // // Create the HNetCfgMgr // if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_HNetCfgMgr, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IHNetCfgMgr, (VOID**) &pHNetCfgMgr ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { fModified = HNetSharingAndFirewallSettingsDlg( hwndOwner, pHNetCfgMgr, FALSE, NULL ); pHNetCfgMgr->Release(); } } if (TRUE == fComInitialized) { CoUninitialize(); } return fModified; } int CALLBACK UnHelpCallbackFunc( IN HWND hwndDlg, IN UINT unMsg, IN LPARAM lparam ) // A standard Win32 commctrl PropSheetProc. See MSDN documentation. // // Returns 0 always. // { TRACE2( "UnHelpCallbackFunc(m=%d,l=%08x)",unMsg, lparam ); if (unMsg == PSCB_PRECREATE) { extern BOOL g_fNoWinHelp; // Turn off context help button if WinHelp won't work. See // common\uiutil\ui.c. // if (g_fNoWinHelp) { DLGTEMPLATE* pDlg = (DLGTEMPLATE* )lparam; pDlg->style &= ~(DS_CONTEXTHELP); } } return 0; } HRESULT APIENTRY HNetGetSharingServicesPage (IUPnPService * pUPS, PROPSHEETPAGE * psp) { // _asm int 3 if (!pUPS) return E_INVALIDARG; if (!psp) return E_INVALIDARG; // psp->dwSize muust be filled out by caller! if (psp->dwSize == 0) return E_INVALIDARG; SADLG* pDlg = (SADLG*)Malloc(sizeof(*pDlg)); if (!pDlg) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; ZeroMemory(pDlg, sizeof(*pDlg)); pDlg->hwndOwner = (HWND)psp->lParam; // double-secret place to hang the owning window pDlg->pUPS = pUPS; pUPS->AddRef(); InitializeListHead(&pDlg->PortMappings); HRESULT hr = LoadSharingAndFirewallSettings(pDlg); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // use the size we're given DWORD dwSize = psp->dwSize; ZeroMemory (psp, dwSize); // double-secret place gets wiped here psp->dwSize = dwSize; psp->hInstance = g_hinstDll; psp->pszTemplate = MAKEINTRESOURCE(PID_SS_SharedAccessServices); psp->pfnDlgProc = SasSrvDlgProc; psp->lParam = (LPARAM)pDlg; } else { FreeSharingAndFirewallSettings(pDlg); Free(pDlg); } return hr; } HRESULT APIENTRY HNetFreeSharingServicesPage (PROPSHEETPAGE * psp) { // this must be called if and only if the psp has not been displayed // NOTE: these tests are not definitive!!! if (IsBadReadPtr ((void*)psp->lParam, sizeof(SADLG))) return E_UNEXPECTED; SADLG * pDlg = (SADLG *)psp->lParam; if (pDlg->pUPS == NULL) return E_UNEXPECTED; // TODO: should I walk the heap? FreeSharingAndFirewallSettings(pDlg); Free(pDlg); return S_OK; } BOOL APIENTRY HNetSharingAndFirewallSettingsDlg( IN HWND hwndOwner, IN IHNetCfgMgr *pHNetCfgMgr, IN BOOL fShowFwOnlySettings, IN OPTIONAL IHNetConnection *pHNetConn ) // Displays the shared access settings property-sheet. // On input, 'hwndOwner' indicates the window of the caller, // with respect to which we offset the displayed property-sheet. // { // _asm int 3 DWORD dwErr; BOOL fModified = FALSE; SADLG* pDlg; PROPSHEETHEADER psh; PROPSHEETPAGE psp[SAPAGE_PageCount]; TCHAR* pszCaption; CFirewallLoggingDialog FirewallLoggingDialog = {0}; CICMPSettingsDialog ICMPSettingsDialog = {0}; HRESULT hr; HRESULT hFirewallLoggingResult = E_FAIL; HRESULT hICMPSettingsResult = E_FAIL; TRACE("HNetSharingAndFirewallSettingsDlg"); // Allocate and initialize the property-sheet's context block, // and read into it the current shared access settings. // pDlg = (SADLG*)Malloc(sizeof(*pDlg)); if (!pDlg) { return FALSE; } ZeroMemory(pDlg, sizeof(*pDlg)); pDlg->hwndOwner = hwndOwner; pDlg->pHNetCfgMgr = pHNetCfgMgr; pDlg->pHNetConn = pHNetConn; InitializeListHead(&pDlg->PortMappings); hr = LoadSharingAndFirewallSettings(pDlg); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Construct the property sheet. // We use a single DlgProc for both our pages, and distinguish the pages // by setting the applications page's 'lParam' to contain the shared // context-block. // (See the 'WM_INITDIALOG' handling in 'SasDlgProc'.) // int nPages = 0; ZeroMemory(psp, sizeof(psp)); ZeroMemory(&psh, sizeof(psh)); if(NULL != pHNetConn && fShowFwOnlySettings) { hFirewallLoggingResult = CFirewallLoggingDialog_Init(&FirewallLoggingDialog, pHNetCfgMgr); hICMPSettingsResult = CICMPSettingsDialog_Init(&ICMPSettingsDialog, pHNetConn); } if(NULL != pHNetConn) { psp[nPages].dwSize = sizeof(PROPSHEETPAGE); psp[nPages].hInstance = g_hinstDll; psp[nPages].pszTemplate = MAKEINTRESOURCE(PID_SS_SharedAccessServices); psp[nPages].pfnDlgProc = SasSrvDlgProc; psp[nPages].lParam = (LPARAM)pDlg; nPages++; } if(SUCCEEDED(hFirewallLoggingResult)) { psp[nPages].dwSize = sizeof(PROPSHEETPAGE); psp[nPages].hInstance = g_hinstDll; psp[nPages].pszTemplate = MAKEINTRESOURCE(PID_FW_FirewallLogging); psp[nPages].pfnDlgProc = CFirewallLoggingDialog_StaticDlgProc; psp[nPages].lParam = (LPARAM)&FirewallLoggingDialog; nPages++; } if(SUCCEEDED(hICMPSettingsResult)) { psp[nPages].dwSize = sizeof(PROPSHEETPAGE); psp[nPages].hInstance = g_hinstDll; psp[nPages].pszTemplate = MAKEINTRESOURCE(PID_FW_ICMP); psp[nPages].pfnDlgProc = CICMPSettingsDialog_StaticDlgProc; psp[nPages].lParam = (LPARAM)&ICMPSettingsDialog; nPages++; } psh.dwSize = sizeof(PROPSHEETHEADER); psh.dwFlags = PSH_PROPSHEETPAGE | PSH_NOAPPLYNOW | PSH_USECALLBACK; psh.hInstance = g_hinstDll; psh.nPages = nPages; psh.hwndParent = hwndOwner; psh.ppsp = (LPCPROPSHEETPAGE)psp; pszCaption = pHNetConn ? PszFromId(g_hinstDll, SID_SharedAccessSettings) : PszFromId(g_hinstDll, SID_NetworkApplicationSettings); psh.pszCaption = (pszCaption ? pszCaption : c_szEmpty); psh.pfnCallback = UnHelpCallbackFunc; if (PropertySheet(&psh) == -1) { dwErr = GetLastError(); TRACE1("SharedAccessSettingsDlg: PropertySheet=%d", dwErr); SasErrorDlg(hwndOwner, SID_OP_LoadDlg, dwErr, NULL); } fModified = pDlg->fModified; Free0(pszCaption); // REVIEW is this right if(SUCCEEDED(hICMPSettingsResult)) { CICMPSettingsDialog_FinalRelease(&ICMPSettingsDialog); } if(SUCCEEDED(hFirewallLoggingResult)) { CFirewallLoggingDialog_FinalRelease(&FirewallLoggingDialog); } FreeSharingAndFirewallSettings(pDlg); } Free(pDlg); return fModified; } VOID FreePortMappingEntry( SAPM *pPortMapping ) { ASSERT(NULL != pPortMapping); if (NULL != pPortMapping->pProtocol) { pPortMapping->pProtocol->Release(); } if (NULL != pPortMapping->pBinding) { pPortMapping->pBinding->Release(); } if (pPortMapping->pSPM) pPortMapping->pSPM->Release(); Free0(pPortMapping->Title); Free0(pPortMapping->InternalName); Free(pPortMapping); } VOID FreeSharingAndFirewallSettings( SADLG* pDlg ) // Frees all sharing and firewall settings // { PLIST_ENTRY pLink; SAPM *pPortMapping; ASSERT(pDlg); // // Free port-mapping entries // while (!IsListEmpty(&pDlg->PortMappings)) { pLink = RemoveHeadList(&pDlg->PortMappings); pPortMapping = CONTAINING_RECORD(pLink, SAPM, Link); ASSERT(pPortMapping); FreePortMappingEntry(pPortMapping); } // // Free computer name // Free0(pDlg->ComputerName); if (pDlg->pUPS) { pDlg->pUPS->Release(); pDlg->pUPS = NULL; } } #define NAT_API_ENTER #define NAT_API_LEAVE #include "natutils.h" #include "sprtmapc.h" HRESULT GetCollectionFromService (IUPnPService * pUPS, IStaticPortMappingCollection ** ppSPMC) { CComObject * pC = NULL; HRESULT hr = CComObject::CreateInstance (&pC); if (pC) { pC->AddRef(); // init hr = pC->Initialize (pUPS); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = pC->QueryInterface (__uuidof(IStaticPortMappingCollection), (void**)ppSPMC); pC->Release(); } return hr; } HRESULT GetStaticPortMappingCollection ( SADLG* pDlg, IStaticPortMappingCollection ** ppSPMC) { _ASSERT (pDlg); _ASSERT (pDlg->pUPS); _ASSERT (ppSPMC); *ppSPMC = NULL; return GetCollectionFromService (pDlg->pUPS, ppSPMC); } HRESULT LoadRemotePortMappingEntry (IDispatch * pDisp, /* SADLG* pDlg, */ SAPM **ppPortMapping ) { // NOTE: may need pDlg to get computer name if loopback *ppPortMapping = NULL; SAPM *pMapping = (SAPM*)Malloc(sizeof(*pMapping)); if (!pMapping) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; ZeroMemory(pMapping, sizeof(*pMapping)); InitializeListHead(&pMapping->Link); HRESULT hr = pDisp->QueryInterface (__uuidof(IStaticPortMapping), (void**)&pMapping->pSPM); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // get title (description) CComBSTR cbDescription; hr = pMapping->pSPM->get_Description (&cbDescription); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // immediately figure out if it's "built-in" #define BUILTIN_KEY L" [MICROSOFT]" OLECHAR * tmp = wcsstr (cbDescription.m_str, BUILTIN_KEY); if (tmp && (tmp[wcslen(BUILTIN_KEY)] == 0)) { // if the key exists and is at the end, then it's a built-in mapping pMapping->BuiltIn = TRUE; *tmp = 0; } pMapping->Title = StrDupTFromW (cbDescription); if (NULL == pMapping->Title) hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // get protocol CComBSTR cbProtocol; hr = pMapping->pSPM->get_Protocol (&cbProtocol); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (!_wcsicmp (L"tcp", cbProtocol)) pMapping->Protocol = NAT_PROTOCOL_TCP; else if (!_wcsicmp (L"udp", cbProtocol)) pMapping->Protocol = NAT_PROTOCOL_UDP; else { _ASSERT (0 && "bad protocol!?"); hr = E_UNEXPECTED; } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // get external port long lExternalPort = 0; hr = pMapping->pSPM->get_ExternalPort (&lExternalPort); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { _ASSERT (lExternalPort > 0); _ASSERT (lExternalPort < 65536); pMapping->ExternalPort = ntohs ((USHORT)lExternalPort); // get internal port long lInternalPort = 0; hr = pMapping->pSPM->get_InternalPort (&lInternalPort); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { _ASSERT (lInternalPort > 0); _ASSERT (lInternalPort < 65536); pMapping->InternalPort = ntohs ((USHORT)lInternalPort); // get Enabled VARIANT_BOOL vb; hr = pMapping->pSPM->get_Enabled (&vb); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { pMapping->Enabled = vb == VARIANT_TRUE; } } } } } } } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // lastly, get private IP or host name (hard one) // TODO: check for loopback, etc., like in LoadPortMappingEntry code below CComBSTR cbInternalClient; hr = pMapping->pSPM->get_InternalClient (&cbInternalClient); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (!(cbInternalClient == L"")) { pMapping->InternalName = StrDupTFromW (cbInternalClient); if (!pMapping->InternalName) hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) *ppPortMapping = pMapping; else FreePortMappingEntry (pMapping); return hr; } HRESULT LoadPortMappingEntry( IHNetPortMappingBinding *pBinding, SADLG* pDlg, SAPM **ppPortMapping ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; IHNetPortMappingProtocol *pProtocol = NULL; SAPM *pMapping; BOOLEAN fTemp; OLECHAR *pwsz; ASSERT(NULL != pBinding); ASSERT(NULL != ppPortMapping); pMapping = (SAPM*) Malloc(sizeof(*pMapping)); if (NULL != pMapping) { ZeroMemory(pMapping, sizeof(*pMapping)); InitializeListHead(&pMapping->Link); hr = pBinding->GetProtocol (&pProtocol); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pProtocol->GetName (&pwsz); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { pMapping->Title = StrDupTFromW(pwsz); if (NULL == pMapping->Title) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } CoTaskMemFree(pwsz); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pProtocol->GetBuiltIn (&fTemp); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { pMapping->BuiltIn = !!fTemp; hr = pProtocol->GetIPProtocol (&pMapping->Protocol); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pProtocol->GetPort (&pMapping->ExternalPort); } pMapping->pProtocol = pProtocol; pMapping->pProtocol->AddRef(); pProtocol->Release(); } } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pBinding->GetTargetPort (&pMapping->InternalPort); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pBinding->GetEnabled (&fTemp); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { pMapping->Enabled = !!fTemp; hr = pBinding->GetCurrentMethod (&fTemp); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (fTemp) { hr = pBinding->GetTargetComputerName (&pwsz); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { pMapping->InternalName = StrDupTFromW(pwsz); if (NULL == pMapping->InternalName) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } CoTaskMemFree(pwsz); } } else { ULONG ulAddress; hr = pBinding->GetTargetComputerAddress (&ulAddress); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (LOOPBACK_ADDR == ulAddress) { // // The mapping is directed at this machine, so // replace the loopback address with our // machine name // pMapping->InternalName = _StrDup(pDlg->ComputerName); if (NULL == pMapping->InternalName) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else if (0 != ulAddress) { pMapping->InternalName = (LPTSTR) Malloc(16 * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (NULL != pMapping->InternalName) { IpHostAddrToPsz( NTOHL(ulAddress), pMapping->InternalName ); } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } } } } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = S_OK; pMapping->pBinding = pBinding; pMapping->pBinding->AddRef(); *ppPortMapping = pMapping; } else if (NULL != pMapping) { FreePortMappingEntry(pMapping); } return hr; } class CWaitDialog { public: struct SWaitDialog { HWND hwndOwner; private: CComAutoCriticalSection m_acs; HWND m_hwndDlg; public: SWaitDialog (HWND hwnd) { hwndOwner = hwnd; m_hwndDlg = NULL; } void SetWindow (HWND hwnd) { m_acs.Lock(); if (m_hwndDlg == NULL) m_hwndDlg = hwnd; m_acs.Unlock(); } HWND GetWindow () { return m_hwndDlg; } }; private: SWaitDialog * m_pwd; public: CWaitDialog (HWND hwndOwner) { m_pwd = new SWaitDialog (hwndOwner); if (m_pwd) { // create thread DWORD ThreadId = NULL; CloseHandle (CreateThread (NULL, 0, CWaitDialog::ThreadProc, (void*)m_pwd, 0, &ThreadId)); } } ~CWaitDialog () { if (m_pwd) { HWND hwnd = m_pwd->GetWindow(); m_pwd->SetWindow ((HWND)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); if (hwnd != NULL) EndDialog (hwnd, 1); } } static DWORD WINAPI ThreadProc (VOID *pVoid) { SWaitDialog * pWD = (SWaitDialog *)pVoid; EnableWindow (pWD->hwndOwner, FALSE); DialogBoxParam (g_hinstDll, MAKEINTRESOURCE(PID_SS_PleaseWait), pWD->hwndOwner, CWaitDialog::DlgProc, (LPARAM)pWD); EnableWindow (pWD->hwndOwner, TRUE); delete pWD; return 1; } static INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProc (HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { switch (uMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { // hang onto my data SWaitDialog * pWD = (SWaitDialog *)lparam; SetWindowLongPtr (hwnd, DWLP_USER, (LONG_PTR)pWD); // center window on owner CenterWindow (hwnd, pWD->hwndOwner); // fill out dlg's hwnd pWD->SetWindow (hwnd); if (pWD->GetWindow() == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) // already destructed! PostMessage (hwnd, 0x8000, 0, 0L); return TRUE; } case WM_PAINT: { SWaitDialog * pWD = (SWaitDialog *)GetWindowLongPtr (hwnd, DWLP_USER); if (pWD->GetWindow() == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) // already destructed! PostMessage (hwnd, 0x8000, 0, 0L); break; } case 0x8000: EndDialog (hwnd, 1); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } }; HRESULT LoadSharingAndFirewallSettings( SADLG* pDlg ) { CWaitDialog wd(pDlg->hwndOwner); // may be NULL HRESULT hr = S_OK; IHNetProtocolSettings *pProtSettings; ULONG ulCount; DWORD dwError; ASSERT(pDlg); // // Load the name of the computer // #ifndef DOWNLEVEL_CLIENT // downlevel client doesn't have this call ulCount = 0; if (!GetComputerNameEx(ComputerNameDnsHostname, NULL, &ulCount)) { dwError = GetLastError(); if (ERROR_MORE_DATA == dwError) { pDlg->ComputerName = (TCHAR*) Malloc(ulCount * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (NULL != pDlg->ComputerName) { if (!GetComputerNameEx( ComputerNameDnsHostname, pDlg->ComputerName, &ulCount )) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); } } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwError); } } else { // // Since we didn't pass in a buffer, this should never happen. // ASSERT(FALSE); hr = E_UNEXPECTED; } if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; #else // downlevel client version TCHAR szComputerName[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH+1]; DWORD dwSize = MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH+1; if (!GetComputerName (szComputerName, &dwSize)) hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); else { pDlg->ComputerName = _StrDup (szComputerName); if (!pDlg->ComputerName) hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } #endif // do downlevel and remote case here if (pDlg->pUPS) { CComPtr spSPMC = NULL; hr = GetCollectionFromService (pDlg->pUPS, &spSPMC); if (spSPMC) { CComPtr spEV = NULL; CComPtr spunk = NULL; hr = spSPMC->get__NewEnum (&spunk); if (spunk) hr = spunk->QueryInterface ( __uuidof(IEnumVARIANT), (void**)&spEV); if (spEV) { CComVariant cv; while (S_OK == spEV->Next (1, &cv, NULL)) { if (V_VT (&cv) == VT_DISPATCH) { SAPM *pSAPortMap = NULL; hr = LoadRemotePortMappingEntry (V_DISPATCH (&cv), /* pDlg, */ &pSAPortMap); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) InsertTailList(&pDlg->PortMappings, &pSAPortMap->Link); } cv.Clear(); } } } } // do stuff below iff not remote if (NULL != pDlg->pHNetConn) { IEnumHNetPortMappingBindings *pEnumBindings = NULL; // // Load port-mapping settings // hr = pDlg->pHNetConn->EnumPortMappings (FALSE, &pEnumBindings); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { IHNetPortMappingBinding *pBinding; do { hr = pEnumBindings->Next (1, &pBinding, &ulCount); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && 1 == ulCount) { SAPM *pSAPortMap; hr = LoadPortMappingEntry(pBinding, pDlg, &pSAPortMap); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { InsertTailList(&pDlg->PortMappings, &pSAPortMap->Link); } else { // // Even though an error occured for this entry we'll // keep on going -- this allows the UI to show up. // hr = S_OK; } pBinding->Release(); } } while (SUCCEEDED(hr) && 1 == ulCount); pEnumBindings->Release(); } } return hr; } extern BOOL IsICSHost (); // in upnpnat.cpp VOID SasApply( SADLG* pDlg ) // Called to save all changes made in the property sheet. // { if (!pDlg->fModified) { return; } if (pDlg->hwndServers) { SAPM* pPortMapping; #if DBG LONG i = -1; while ((i = ListView_GetNextItem(pDlg->hwndServers, i, LVNI_ALL)) >= 0) { pPortMapping = (SAPM*)ListView_GetParamPtr(pDlg->hwndServers, i); ASSERT(pPortMapping->Enabled == ListView_GetCheck(pDlg->hwndServers, i)); } #endif // // Commit modified port-mapping entries. Since entries marked // for deletion were placed at the front of the port-mapping // list there's no chance of having a new or modified entry // conflicting with a deleted entry. // HRESULT hr = S_OK; PLIST_ENTRY Link; for (Link = pDlg->PortMappings.Flink; Link != &pDlg->PortMappings; Link = Link->Flink) { pPortMapping = CONTAINING_RECORD(Link, SAPM, Link); if (pPortMapping->fDeleted) { Link = Link->Blink; RemoveEntryList(&pPortMapping->Link); if(NULL != pPortMapping->pProtocol) { pPortMapping->pProtocol->Delete(); } else if (pPortMapping->pSPM) { HRESULT hr = DeleteRemotePortMappingEntry (pDlg, pPortMapping); if (FAILED(hr)) { // TODO: should I pop up some UI? } } FreePortMappingEntry(pPortMapping); } else if (pPortMapping->fProtocolModified || pPortMapping->fBindingModified || pPortMapping->fNewEntry) { HRESULT hr2 = SavePortMappingEntry(pDlg, pPortMapping); if (SUCCEEDED(hr2)) { pPortMapping->fProtocolModified = FALSE; pPortMapping->fBindingModified = FALSE; pPortMapping->fNewEntry = FALSE; } else { if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = hr2; // grab first error } } } if (FAILED(hr)) { if (pDlg->pUPS && !IsICSHost ()) DisplayError (pDlg->hwndDlg, SID_OP_TheirGatewayError, SID_PopupTitle); else DisplayError (pDlg->hwndDlg, SID_OP_GenericPortMappingError, SID_PopupTitle); } } } INT_PTR CALLBACK SasSrvDlgProc( HWND hwnd, UINT unMsg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam ) // Called to handle messages for the 'Services' pages. // { // Give the extended list-control a chance to look at all messages first. // if (ListView_OwnerHandler(hwnd, unMsg, wparam, lparam, SasLvxCallback)) { return TRUE; } switch (unMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { SADLG* pDlg = (SADLG*)((PROPSHEETPAGE*)lparam)->lParam; return SrvInit(hwnd, pDlg); } case WM_PRIVATE_CANCEL: { SADLG* pDlg = SasContext(hwnd); PostMessage (pDlg->hwndDlg, PSM_PRESSBUTTON, PSBTN_CANCEL, 0L); return TRUE; } case WM_HELP: case WM_CONTEXTMENU: { SADLG* pDlg = SasContext(hwnd); ContextHelp(g_adwSrvHelp, hwnd, unMsg, wparam, lparam); break; } case WM_COMMAND: { SADLG* pDlg = SasContext(hwnd); return SrvCommand( pDlg, HIWORD(wparam), LOWORD(wparam), (HWND)lparam); } case WM_NOTIFY: { SADLG* pDlg = SasContext(hwnd); switch (((NMHDR*)lparam)->code) { case PSN_APPLY: { SasApply(pDlg); return TRUE; } case NM_DBLCLK: { SendMessage( GetDlgItem(hwnd, CID_SS_PB_Edit), BM_CLICK, 0, 0); return TRUE; } case LVXN_SETCHECK: { pDlg->fModified = TRUE; SrvUpdateButtons( pDlg, FALSE, ((NM_LISTVIEW*)lparam)->iItem); return TRUE; } case LVN_ITEMCHANGED: { if ((((NM_LISTVIEW*)lparam)->uNewState & LVIS_SELECTED) != (((NM_LISTVIEW*)lparam)->uOldState & LVIS_SELECTED)) { SrvUpdateButtons( pDlg, FALSE, ((NM_LISTVIEW*)lparam)->iItem); } return TRUE; } } break; } } return FALSE; } BOOL SasInit( HWND hwndPage, SADLG* pDlg ) // Called to initialize the settings property sheet. // Sets the window-property in which the shared context-block is stored, // and records the dialog's window-handle. // { HWND hwndDlg = GetParent(hwndPage); if (!SetProp(hwndDlg, _T("HNETCFG_SADLG"), pDlg)) { return FALSE; } pDlg->hwndDlg = hwndDlg; return TRUE; } LVXDRAWINFO* SasLvxCallback( HWND hwndLv, DWORD dwItem ) // Callback for extended list-controls on the 'Applications' and 'Services' // pages. // { static LVXDRAWINFO info = { 1, 0, LVXDI_DxFill, { LVXDIA_Static } }; return &info; } HRESULT DeleteRemotePortMappingEntry (SADLG *pDlg, SAPM * pPortMapping) { _ASSERT (pPortMapping); _ASSERT (!pPortMapping->pProtocol); _ASSERT (!pPortMapping->pBinding); _ASSERT (pPortMapping->pSPM); // don't use value in pPortMapping struct: they could have been edited. long lExternalPort = 0; HRESULT hr = pPortMapping->pSPM->get_ExternalPort (&lExternalPort); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CComBSTR cbProtocol; hr = pPortMapping->pSPM->get_Protocol (&cbProtocol); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // get IStaticPortMappings interface (collection has Remove method) CComPtr spSPMC = NULL; hr = GetStaticPortMappingCollection (pDlg, &spSPMC); if (spSPMC) hr = spSPMC->Remove (lExternalPort, cbProtocol); } } return hr; } HRESULT SaveRemotePortMappingEntry( SADLG *pDlg, SAPM *pPortMapping ) { _ASSERT (pPortMapping); _ASSERT (!pPortMapping->pProtocol); _ASSERT (!pPortMapping->pBinding); _ASSERT (pDlg->pUPS); // either remote or downlevel USES_CONVERSION; HRESULT hr = S_OK; // common params long lExternalPort = htons (pPortMapping->ExternalPort); long lInternalPort = htons (pPortMapping->InternalPort); CComBSTR cbClientIPorDNS = T2OLE(pPortMapping->InternalName); CComBSTR cbDescription = T2OLE(pPortMapping->Title); CComBSTR cbProtocol; if (pPortMapping->Protocol == NAT_PROTOCOL_TCP) cbProtocol = L"TCP"; else cbProtocol = L"UDP"; if (NULL == pPortMapping->pSPM) { // brand-new entry: // delete dup if any // add new entry CComPtr spSPMC = NULL; hr = GetStaticPortMappingCollection (pDlg, &spSPMC); if (spSPMC) { spSPMC->Remove (lExternalPort, cbProtocol); // just in case hr = spSPMC->Add (lExternalPort, cbProtocol, lInternalPort, cbClientIPorDNS, pPortMapping->Enabled ? VARIANT_TRUE : VARIANT_FALSE, cbDescription, &pPortMapping->pSPM); } return hr; } // edited case: check what changed. // if ports or protocol changed,... long lOldExternalPort = 0; pPortMapping->pSPM->get_ExternalPort (&lOldExternalPort); CComBSTR cbOldProtocol; pPortMapping->pSPM->get_Protocol (&cbOldProtocol); if ((lOldExternalPort != lExternalPort) || (!(cbOldProtocol == cbProtocol))) { // ... delete old entry and create new entry CComPtr spSPMC = NULL; hr = GetStaticPortMappingCollection (pDlg, &spSPMC); if (spSPMC) hr = spSPMC->Remove (lOldExternalPort, cbOldProtocol); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { pPortMapping->pSPM->Release(); pPortMapping->pSPM = NULL; hr = spSPMC->Add (lExternalPort, cbProtocol, lInternalPort, cbClientIPorDNS, pPortMapping->Enabled ? VARIANT_TRUE : VARIANT_FALSE, cbDescription, &pPortMapping->pSPM); } return hr; } // else, just edit in place. // Note that the client address must be filled out before trying to enable // did the client IP address change? CComBSTR cbOldClientIP; pPortMapping->pSPM->get_InternalClient (&cbOldClientIP); if (!(cbClientIPorDNS == cbOldClientIP)) { hr = pPortMapping->pSPM->EditInternalClient (cbClientIPorDNS); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; } // did the internal port change? long lOldInternalPort = 0; pPortMapping->pSPM->get_InternalPort (&lOldInternalPort); if (lOldInternalPort != lInternalPort) { hr = pPortMapping->pSPM->EditInternalPort (lInternalPort); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; } // did the enabled flag change? VARIANT_BOOL vbEnabled = FALSE; pPortMapping->pSPM->get_Enabled (&vbEnabled); if (vbEnabled != (pPortMapping->Enabled ? VARIANT_TRUE : VARIANT_FALSE)) { hr = pPortMapping->pSPM->Enable (pPortMapping->Enabled ? VARIANT_TRUE : VARIANT_FALSE); } return hr; } HRESULT SavePortMappingEntry( SADLG *pDlg, SAPM *pPortMapping ) { if (pDlg->pUPS) // remote case return SaveRemotePortMappingEntry (pDlg, pPortMapping); HRESULT hr = S_OK; OLECHAR *wszTitle; ASSERT(NULL != pDlg); ASSERT(NULL != pPortMapping); wszTitle = StrDupWFromT(pPortMapping->Title); if (NULL == wszTitle) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else if (pPortMapping->fNewEntry) { IHNetProtocolSettings *pSettings; ASSERT(NULL == pPortMapping->pProtocol); ASSERT(NULL == pPortMapping->pBinding); hr = pDlg->pHNetCfgMgr->QueryInterface (IID_IHNetProtocolSettings, (void**)&pSettings); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pSettings->CreatePortMappingProtocol( wszTitle, pPortMapping->Protocol, pPortMapping->ExternalPort, &pPortMapping->pProtocol ); pSettings->Release(); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pDlg->pHNetConn->GetBindingForPortMappingProtocol( pPortMapping->pProtocol, &pPortMapping->pBinding ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // // At this point, the protocol is set. However, we // still need to save the binding information // pPortMapping->fProtocolModified = FALSE; pPortMapping->fBindingModified = TRUE; } } } if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pPortMapping->fProtocolModified) { hr = pPortMapping->pProtocol->SetName (wszTitle); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pPortMapping->pProtocol->SetIPProtocol ( pPortMapping->Protocol); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pPortMapping->pProtocol->SetPort (pPortMapping->ExternalPort); } } if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pPortMapping->fBindingModified && NULL != pPortMapping->InternalName) { ULONG ulAddress = INADDR_NONE; if (lstrlen(pPortMapping->InternalName) >= 7) { // // -- minimum of 7 characters // ulAddress = IpPszToHostAddr(pPortMapping->InternalName); } if (INADDR_NONE == ulAddress) { // // Check to see if the target name is either // 1) this computer's name, or // 2) "localhost" // // If so, use the loopback address instead of the name. // if (0 == _tcsicmp(pPortMapping->InternalName, pDlg->ComputerName) || 0 == _tcsicmp(pPortMapping->InternalName, _T("localhost"))) { ulAddress = LOOPBACK_ADDR_HOST_ORDER; } } // // We can't just check for INADDR_NONE here, since that // is 0xFFFFFFFF, which is To catch this // we need to compare the name against that explicit string // address. // if (INADDR_NONE == ulAddress && 0 != _tcsicmp(pPortMapping->InternalName, _T(""))) { OLECHAR *wsz; wsz = StrDupWFromT(pPortMapping->InternalName); if (NULL != wsz) { hr = pPortMapping->pBinding->SetTargetComputerName (wsz); Free(wsz); } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else { hr = pPortMapping->pBinding->SetTargetComputerAddress (HTONL(ulAddress)); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pPortMapping->pBinding->SetEnabled (!!pPortMapping->Enabled); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pPortMapping->pBinding->SetTargetPort (pPortMapping->InternalPort); } } Free0(wszTitle); return hr; } VOID SrvAddOrEditEntry( SADLG* pDlg, LONG iItem, SAPM* PortMapping ) // Called to display the 'Add' or 'Edit' dialog for a service. // { LV_ITEM lvi; // Display the dialog, and return if the user cancels. // Otherwise, remove the old item (if any) and insert the added or edited // item. // if (!SharedAccessPortMappingDlg(pDlg->hwndDlg, &PortMapping)) { return; } if (iItem != -1) { ListView_DeleteItem(pDlg->hwndServers, iItem); } ZeroMemory(&lvi, sizeof(lvi)); lvi.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_PARAM; lvi.lParam = (LPARAM)PortMapping; lvi.pszText = PortMapping->Title; lvi.cchTextMax = lstrlen(PortMapping->Title) + 1; lvi.iItem = 0; iItem = ListView_InsertItem(pDlg->hwndServers, &lvi); if (iItem == -1) { RemoveEntryList(&PortMapping->Link); if (NULL != PortMapping->pProtocol) { PortMapping->pProtocol->Delete(); } else if (NULL != PortMapping->pSPM) { DeleteRemotePortMappingEntry (pDlg, PortMapping); } FreePortMappingEntry(PortMapping); return; } // Update the item's 'enabled' state. Setting the check on the item // triggers an update of the button state as well as conflict detection. // (See 'SrvUpdateButtons' and the LVXN_SETCHECK handling in 'SasDlgProc'). // ListView_SetCheck(pDlg->hwndServers, iItem, PortMapping->Enabled); ListView_SetItemState( pDlg->hwndServers, iItem, LVIS_SELECTED, LVIS_SELECTED); pDlg->fModified = TRUE; } BOOL SrvCommand( IN SADLG* pDlg, IN WORD wNotification, IN WORD wId, IN HWND hwndCtrl ) // Called to process a 'WM_COMMAND' message from one of the page's buttons. // { switch (wId) { case CID_SS_PB_Add: { SrvAddOrEditEntry(pDlg, -1, NULL); return TRUE; } case CID_SS_PB_Edit: { LONG i = ListView_GetNextItem(pDlg->hwndServers, -1, LVNI_SELECTED); SAPM* PortMapping; if (i == -1) { MsgDlg(pDlg->hwndDlg, SID_NoModifySelection, NULL); SetFocus(pDlg->hwndServers); return FALSE; } PortMapping = (SAPM*)ListView_GetParamPtr(pDlg->hwndServers, i); if (PortMapping) { SrvAddOrEditEntry(pDlg, i, PortMapping); } SetFocus(pDlg->hwndServers); return TRUE; } case CID_SS_PB_Delete: { LONG i = ListView_GetNextItem(pDlg->hwndServers, -1, LVNI_SELECTED); SAPM* PortMapping; if (i == -1) { MsgDlg(pDlg->hwndDlg, SID_NoDeleteSelection, NULL); SetFocus(pDlg->hwndServers); return FALSE; } // Delete each selected item. Items with marked 'built-in' // cannot be deleted, and are ignored. // do { PortMapping = (SAPM*)ListView_GetParamPtr(pDlg->hwndServers, i); if(NULL == PortMapping) { break; } if (PortMapping->BuiltIn) { ++i; } else { ListView_DeleteItem(pDlg->hwndServers, i); --i; // // If this is a new entry we can immediately remove // it from the list and free it; otherwise, we move // it to the front of the list and mark it for // deletion. // RemoveEntryList(&PortMapping->Link); if (PortMapping->fNewEntry) { _ASSERT(NULL == PortMapping->pProtocol); _ASSERT(NULL == PortMapping->pSPM); FreePortMappingEntry(PortMapping); } else { InsertHeadList(&pDlg->PortMappings, &PortMapping->Link); PortMapping->fDeleted = TRUE; } } i = ListView_GetNextItem(pDlg->hwndServers, i, LVNI_SELECTED); } while (i != -1); // Update the dialog and synchronize the button-states with the // current selection, if any. // pDlg->fModified = TRUE; SetFocus(pDlg->hwndServers); SrvUpdateButtons(pDlg, TRUE, -1); return TRUE; } } return TRUE; } BOOL SrvConflictDetected( SADLG* pDlg, SAPM* PortMapping ) // Called to determine whether the given item conflicts with any other // item and, if so, to display a message. // { SAPM* Duplicate; PLIST_ENTRY Link; for (Link = pDlg->PortMappings.Flink; Link != &pDlg->PortMappings; Link = Link->Flink) { Duplicate = CONTAINING_RECORD(Link, SAPM, Link); if (PortMapping != Duplicate && !Duplicate->fDeleted && PortMapping->Protocol == Duplicate->Protocol && PortMapping->ExternalPort == Duplicate->ExternalPort) { MsgDlg(pDlg->hwndDlg, SID_DuplicatePortNumber, NULL); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } BOOL SrvInit( HWND hwndPage, SADLG* pDlg ) // Called to initialize the services page. Fills the list-control with // configured services. // { BOOL fModified; LONG i; LV_ITEM lvi; PLIST_ENTRY Link; SAPM* PortMapping; // Initialize the containing property-sheet, then store this page's // data in the shared control-block at 'pDlg'. // if (!SasInit(hwndPage, pDlg)) { return FALSE; } // Store this page's data in the shared control-block at 'pDlg'. // pDlg->hwndSrv = hwndPage; pDlg->hwndServers = GetDlgItem(hwndPage, CID_SS_LV_Services); // Initialize the list-control with checkbox-handling, // insert a single column, and fill the list-control with the configured // items. // ListView_InstallChecks(pDlg->hwndServers, g_hinstDll); ListView_InsertSingleAutoWidthColumn(pDlg->hwndServers); fModified = pDlg->fModified; for (Link = pDlg->PortMappings.Flink; Link != &pDlg->PortMappings; Link = Link->Flink) { PortMapping = CONTAINING_RECORD(Link, SAPM, Link); ZeroMemory(&lvi, sizeof(lvi)); lvi.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_PARAM; lvi.iItem = 0; lvi.lParam = (LPARAM)PortMapping; lvi.pszText = PortMapping->Title; lvi.cchTextMax = lstrlen(PortMapping->Title) + 1; i = ListView_InsertItem(pDlg->hwndServers, &lvi); if (i != -1) { ListView_SetCheck(pDlg->hwndServers, i, PortMapping->Enabled); } } pDlg->fModified = fModified; // Finally, update the appearance of the buttons for the current selection. // ListView_SetItemState(pDlg->hwndServers, 0, LVIS_SELECTED, LVIS_SELECTED); SrvUpdateButtons(pDlg, TRUE, -1); // if we got no portmappings, check to see if the button allowing // other network users to control the gateway is unchecked (on the host) if (IsListEmpty (pDlg->PortMappings.Flink) && pDlg->pUPS && IsICSHost ()) { // display error DisplayError (pDlg->hwndDlg, SID_OP_OurGatewayError, SID_PopupTitle); // cancel PostMessage (hwndPage, WM_PRIVATE_CANCEL, 0, 0L); } return TRUE; } VOID SrvUpdateButtons( SADLG* pDlg, BOOL fAddDelete, LONG iSetCheckItem ) // Called to set an initial selection if necessary, update the appearance // of the 'Edit' and 'Delete' buttons, and perform conflict-detection // if an entry's checkbox was set. // { LONG i; SAPM* PortMapping; // If an entry was added or removed, ensure that there is a selection. // If there are no entries at all, disable the 'Edit' button. // if (fAddDelete) { if (ListView_GetItemCount(pDlg->hwndServers)) { ListView_SetItemState( pDlg->hwndServers, 0, LVIS_SELECTED, LVIS_SELECTED); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(pDlg->hwndSrv, CID_SS_PB_Edit), TRUE); } else { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(pDlg->hwndSrv, CID_SS_PB_Edit), FALSE); } } // Disable the 'Delete' button, and enable it only if at least one of the // selected items is not a built-in item. // EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(pDlg->hwndSrv, CID_SS_PB_Delete), FALSE); i = ListView_GetNextItem(pDlg->hwndServers, -1, LVNI_SELECTED); while (i != -1) { PortMapping = (SAPM*)ListView_GetParamPtr(pDlg->hwndServers, i); if ( (NULL != PortMapping) && (!PortMapping->BuiltIn)) { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(pDlg->hwndSrv, CID_SS_PB_Delete), TRUE); break; } i = ListView_GetNextItem(pDlg->hwndServers, i, LVNI_SELECTED); } // If the check-state of an item was changed and the item is now checked, // perform conflict-detection. If a conflict is detected, clear the item's // check state. // if (iSetCheckItem != -1) { PortMapping = (SAPM*)ListView_GetParamPtr(pDlg->hwndServers, iSetCheckItem); if(NULL == PortMapping) { return; } if (ListView_GetCheck(pDlg->hwndServers, iSetCheckItem)) { if (SrvConflictDetected(pDlg, PortMapping)) { ListView_SetCheck(pDlg->hwndServers, iSetCheckItem, FALSE); SrvAddOrEditEntry(pDlg, iSetCheckItem, PortMapping); } else { PortMapping->Enabled = TRUE; PortMapping->fBindingModified = TRUE; // If the item is marked 'built-in' and it is being enabled // for the first time, pop up the edit-dialog so the user can // specify an internal IP address or name for the server. // if (PortMapping->BuiltIn && (!PortMapping->InternalName || !lstrlen(PortMapping->InternalName))) { // // We fill in the local computer name as the default // target. It's OK if this allocation fails; the UI // will show an empty field, so the user will be // required to enter a target. // PortMapping->InternalName = _StrDup(pDlg->ComputerName); SrvAddOrEditEntry(pDlg, iSetCheckItem, PortMapping); if (!PortMapping->InternalName || !lstrlen(PortMapping->InternalName)) { ListView_SetCheck( pDlg->hwndServers, iSetCheckItem, FALSE); PortMapping->Enabled = FALSE; PortMapping->fBindingModified = FALSE; } } } } else { PortMapping->Enabled = FALSE; PortMapping->fBindingModified = TRUE; } } } BOOL SharedAccessPortMappingDlg( IN HWND hwndOwner, IN OUT SAPM** PortMapping ) // Called to display the dialog for adding or editing a service-entry. // 'Server' points to NULL if adding, or the target entry if editing. // { LRESULT nResult = DialogBoxParam(g_hinstDll, MAKEINTRESOURCE(DID_SS_Service), hwndOwner, SspDlgProc, (LPARAM)PortMapping); return nResult == -1 ? FALSE : (BOOL)nResult; } INT_PTR CALLBACK SspDlgProc( IN HWND hwnd, IN UINT unMsg, IN WPARAM wparam, IN LPARAM lparam ) // Called to handle messages for the add/edit service dialog. // { switch (unMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { SADLG* pDlg; SAPM* PortMapping; // Retrieve the context-block for the settings dialog from which // this dialog was launched. // if (!(pDlg = SasContext(hwnd))) { EndDialog(hwnd, FALSE); return TRUE; } Edit_LimitText(GetDlgItem(hwnd, CID_SS_EB_ExternalPort), 5); Edit_LimitText(GetDlgItem(hwnd, CID_SS_EB_InternalPort), 5); // Create new service if adding a service, or retrieve the service // to be edited. // if (!(PortMapping = *(SAPM**)lparam)) { PortMapping = (SAPM*)Malloc(sizeof(*PortMapping)); if (!PortMapping) { EndDialog(hwnd, FALSE); return TRUE; } *(SAPM**)lparam = PortMapping; ZeroMemory(PortMapping, sizeof(*PortMapping)); PortMapping->Enabled = TRUE; PortMapping->fNewEntry = TRUE; InitializeListHead(&PortMapping->Link); CheckDlgButton(hwnd, CID_SS_PB_Tcp, TRUE); } else { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, CID_SS_EB_Service), FALSE); SetDlgItemText(hwnd, CID_SS_EB_Service, PortMapping->Title); SetDlgItemInt(hwnd, CID_SS_EB_ExternalPort, ntohs(PortMapping->ExternalPort), FALSE); SetDlgItemInt(hwnd, CID_SS_EB_InternalPort, ntohs(PortMapping->InternalPort), FALSE); CheckDlgButton( hwnd, CID_SS_PB_Tcp, PortMapping->Protocol == NAT_PROTOCOL_TCP); CheckDlgButton( hwnd, CID_SS_PB_Udp, PortMapping->Protocol != NAT_PROTOCOL_TCP); SetDlgItemText(hwnd, CID_SS_EB_Address, PortMapping->InternalName); // If the entry to be modified is marked 'built-in', disable // all input fields except the server-name, which the user must // now enter. // if (PortMapping->BuiltIn) { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, CID_SS_EB_ExternalPort), FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, CID_SS_EB_InternalPort), FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, CID_SS_PB_Tcp), FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, CID_SS_PB_Udp), FALSE); } } SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, DWLP_USER, (ULONG_PTR)PortMapping); CenterWindow(hwnd, GetParent(hwnd)); AddContextHelpButton(hwnd); return TRUE; } case WM_HELP: case WM_CONTEXTMENU: { ContextHelp( g_adwSspHelp, hwnd, unMsg, wparam, lparam ); break; } case WM_COMMAND: { if (HIWORD(wparam) != BN_CLICKED) { return FALSE; } // If the user is dismissing the dialog, clean up and return. // SAPM* PortMapping; SADLG* pDlg; if (IDCANCEL == LOWORD(wparam)) { PortMapping = (SAPM*)GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, DWLP_USER); if (IsListEmpty(&PortMapping->Link)) { FreePortMappingEntry(PortMapping); } EndDialog (hwnd, FALSE); return TRUE; } else if (LOWORD(wparam) != IDOK) { return FALSE; } else if (!(pDlg = SasContext(hwnd))) { return FALSE; } // Retrieve the service to be added or modified. // PortMapping = (SAPM*)GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, DWLP_USER); // Retrieve the values specified by the user, // and attempt to save them in the new or modified entry. // UCHAR Protocol = IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, CID_SS_PB_Tcp) ? NAT_PROTOCOL_TCP : NAT_PROTOCOL_UDP; BOOL Success; ULONG ExternalPort = GetDlgItemInt(hwnd, CID_SS_EB_ExternalPort, &Success, FALSE); if (!Success || ExternalPort < 1 || ExternalPort > 65535) { MsgDlg(hwnd, SID_TypePortNumber, NULL); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hwnd, CID_SS_EB_ExternalPort)); return FALSE; } ExternalPort = htons((USHORT)ExternalPort); // // Check to see if this is a duplicate. To do this we need // to save the old port and protocol values, put the new // values into the protocol entry, perform the check, and // then restore the old values. // USHORT OldExternalPort = PortMapping->ExternalPort; PortMapping->ExternalPort = (USHORT)ExternalPort; UCHAR OldProtocol = PortMapping->Protocol; PortMapping->Protocol = Protocol; if (SrvConflictDetected(pDlg, PortMapping)) { PortMapping->ExternalPort = OldExternalPort; PortMapping->Protocol = OldProtocol; SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hwnd, CID_SS_EB_ExternalPort)); return FALSE; } PortMapping->ExternalPort = OldExternalPort; PortMapping->Protocol = OldProtocol; // per BillI, there's no need to test internal ports for conflicts ULONG InternalPort = GetDlgItemInt(hwnd, CID_SS_EB_InternalPort, &Success, FALSE); if (InternalPort == 0) InternalPort = ExternalPort; else { if (InternalPort < 1 || InternalPort > 65535) { MsgDlg(hwnd, SID_TypePortNumber, NULL); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hwnd, CID_SS_EB_InternalPort)); return FALSE; } InternalPort = htons((USHORT)InternalPort); } TCHAR* InternalName = GetText(GetDlgItem(hwnd, CID_SS_EB_Address)); if (!InternalName || !lstrlen(InternalName)) { MsgDlg(hwnd, SID_SS_TypeAddress, NULL); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hwnd, CID_SS_EB_Address)); return FALSE; } if (IsListEmpty(&PortMapping->Link)) { PortMapping->Title = GetText(GetDlgItem(hwnd, CID_SS_EB_Service)); if (!PortMapping->Title || !lstrlen(PortMapping->Title)) { MsgDlg(hwnd, SID_TypeEntryName, NULL); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hwnd, CID_SS_EB_Service)); Free0(InternalName); return FALSE; } } if (PortMapping->Protocol != Protocol || PortMapping->ExternalPort != (USHORT)ExternalPort || PortMapping->InternalPort != (USHORT)InternalPort) { PortMapping->fProtocolModified = TRUE; } PortMapping->fBindingModified = TRUE; PortMapping->Protocol = Protocol; PortMapping->ExternalPort = (USHORT)ExternalPort; PortMapping->InternalPort = (USHORT)InternalPort; if (PortMapping->InternalName) { Free(PortMapping->InternalName); } PortMapping->InternalName = InternalName; if (IsListEmpty(&PortMapping->Link)) { InsertTailList(&pDlg->PortMappings, &PortMapping->Link); } EndDialog (hwnd, TRUE); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }