////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*++ Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999 Module Name: PoliciesPage2.h Abstract: Header file for the CPoliciesPage2 class. This is our handler class for the second CMachineNode property page. See PoliciesPage2.cpp for implementation. Revision History: mmaguire 12/15/97 - created --*/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if !defined(_NAP_POLICIES_PAGE_2_H_) #define _NAP_POLICIES_PAGE_2_H_ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BEGIN INCLUDES // // where we can find what this class derives from: // #include "PropertyPage.h" // // // where we can find what this class has or uses: // // // END INCLUDES ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CPoliciesPage2 : public CIASPropertyPage { public : // ISSUE: how is base class initialization going to work with subclassing??? CPoliciesPage2( LONG_PTR hNotificationHandle, TCHAR* pTitle = NULL, BOOL bOwnsNotificationHandle = FALSE) : CIASPropertyPage ( hNotificationHandle, pTitle, bOwnsNotificationHandle ) { // Add the help button to the page // m_psp.dwFlags |= PSP_HASHELP; } // This is the ID of the dialog resource we want for this class. // An enum is used here because the correct value of // IDD must be initialized before the base class's constructor is called enum { IDD = IDD_PROPPAGE_POLICIES2 }; BEGIN_MSG_MAP(CPoliciesPage2) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_INITDIALOG, OnInitDialog) // COMMAND_ID_HANDLER( IDC_BUTTON_CLIENT_PAGE1_FIND, OnResolveClientAddress ) CHAIN_MSG_MAP(CIASPropertyPage) END_MSG_MAP() LRESULT OnInitDialog( UINT uMsg , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam , BOOL& bHandled ); BOOL OnApply(); }; #endif // _NAP_POLICIES_PAGE_2_H_