//Microsoft Developer Studio generated resource script. // #include "resource.h" #define APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 2 resource. // #include "winres.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #undef APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // English (U.S.) resources #if !defined(AFX_RESOURCE_DLL) || defined(AFX_TARG_ENU) #ifdef _WIN32 LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US #pragma code_page(1252) #endif //_WIN32 #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // TEXTINCLUDE // 1 TEXTINCLUDE DISCARDABLE BEGIN "resource.h\0" END 2 TEXTINCLUDE DISCARDABLE BEGIN "#include ""winres.h""\r\n" "\0" END 3 TEXTINCLUDE DISCARDABLE BEGIN "1 TYPELIB ""sdoias.tlb""\r\n" "2 TYPELIB ""sdoiaspriv.tlb""\r\n" "\0" END #endif // APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // REGISTRY // IDR_SdoMachine REGISTRY DISCARDABLE "SdoMachine.rgs" IDR_SdoService REGISTRY DISCARDABLE "SdoService.rgs" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // String Table // STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_PROJNAME "Sdoias" IDS_SDOMACHINE_DESC "SdoMachine Class" IDS_SDOSERVICE_DESC "SdoService Class" IDS_INFOTIP "Configures IAS, which performs authentication, authorization and accounting of dial-up and VPN users. IAS supports the RADIUS protocol." IDS_SHORTCUT_DISPLAY "Internet Authentication Service" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_DESC_NOT_AVAIL "Description not available" IDS_M90 "User's connection encryption type" IDS_1 "User requesting authentication" IDS_2 "Password of user requesting authentication" IDS_3 "Password of CHAP user requesting authentication" IDS_4 "IP address of the NAS originating the request (IAS only)" IDS_5 "Physical port number of the NAS originating the request" IDS_6 "Type of service user has requested" IDS_7 "The protocol to be used" IDS_8 "Framed address to be configured for user" IDS_9 "IP netmask to be configured for user" IDS_10 "Routing method to be used by user" IDS_11 "Name of filter list for user requesting authentication" IDS_12 "Maximum Transmission Unit to be configured for user" IDS_13 "Compression protocol to be used" IDS_14 "IP address of host to which user should be connected" IDS_15 "Service connecting user to login host" IDS_16 "TCP port to which user should be connected" IDS_18 "Message to be displayed to user when authentication request is accepted or rejected" IDS_19 "Callback phone number" IDS_20 "Name of a place to be called by the NAS" IDS_22 "Routing information to be configured on the NAS for user" IDS_23 "IPX network number to be configured on the NAS for user" IDS_24 "Attribute sent to client in an Access-Challenge packet" IDS_25 "Used to classify accounting records" IDS_26 "Used to support proprietary NAS features" IDS_27 "Length of time (in seconds) before session is terminated" IDS_28 "Length of idle time (in seconds) before sesson is terminated" IDS_29 "Action NAS should take when service is completed" IDS_30 "Phone number dialed by user" IDS_31 "Phone number from which call originated" IDS_32 "String identifying the NAS originating the request (IAS only)" IDS_33 "String sent by proxy server when forwarding an Access-Request packet" IDS_34 "Host with which user is to be connected by LAT" IDS_35 "Node with which user is to be connected by LAT" IDS_36 "LAT group codes for which user is authorized" IDS_37 "AppleTalk network number for the serial link to user (only when user is router)" IDS_38 "AppleTalk network number the NAS must probe to allocate user's AppleTalk node" IDS_39 "AppleTalk Default Zone for user" IDS_40 "Specifies whether Accounting packet starts or stops a bridging routing or terminal server session" IDS_41 "Length of time (in seconds) for which the NAS has been sending the same accounting packet" IDS_42 "Number of octets received during the session" IDS_43 "Number of octets sent during the session" IDS_44 "Unique numeric string identifying the server session" IDS_45 "Specifies which server authenticated an incoming call" IDS_46 "Length of time (in seconds) for which the session has been logged in" IDS_47 "Number of packets received during the session" IDS_48 "Number of packets sent during the session" IDS_49 "Reason a connection was terminated" IDS_50 "Unique numeric string identifying the multilink session" IDS_51 "Number of links in a multilink session" IDS_52 "Number of times the Acct-Input-Octets counter has wrapped around 2^32" IDS_53 "Number of times the Acct-Output-Octets counter has wrapped around 2^32" IDS_55 "This attribute is included in an Accounting-Request packet to record the time that this event occured on the NAS in seconds since January 1 1970 00 00 UTC" IDS_60 "CHAP challenge sent by NAS to CHAP user" IDS_61 "Type of physical port used by the NAS originating the request" IDS_62 "Maximum number of ports NAS provides to user" IDS_63 "Port with which user is to be connected by LAT" IDS_64 "Tunneling protocols to be used" IDS_65 "Transport medium to use when creating a tunnel for protocols (such as L2TP) that can operate over multiple transports" IDS_66 "IP address of the initiator end of the tunnel" IDS_67 "IP address of the server end of the tunnel" IDS_68 "Description not available" IDS_69 "Password for authenticating to a remote server" IDS_70 "User Password (AppleTalk Remote Access Protocol only)" IDS_71 "Information the NAS should send to user in the ARAP feature flags packet (AppleTalk Remote Access Protocol only)" IDS_72 "Indicate how the ARAP zone list for user should be used (AppleTalk Remote Access Protocol only)" IDS_73 "ARAP Security Module to be used in an Access-Challenge packet (AppleTalk Remote Access Protocol only)" IDS_74 "Actual security module challenge or response (AppleTalk Remote Access Protocol only)" IDS_75 "Number of times user can try to be authenticated before NAS terminates connection" IDS_76 "Specifies to the NAS whether or not it should echo user's response as it is entered" IDS_77 "Indicate the nature of user's connection" IDS_78 "Indicate a type of user profile to be used (sent from a RADIUS proxy server to a RADIUS proxy client in an Access-Accept packet; should not be sent to a NAS)" IDS_79 "Opaquely encodes Extended Access Protocol information to allow dial-in users to use EAP to authenticate without having to implement EAP on the NAS" IDS_80 "Can be used to sign Access-Requests to prevent dictionary attacks on CHAP ARAP or EAP authentication methods" IDS_81 "Group ID for a particular tunneled session" IDS_82 "Tunnel to which a session is to be assigned" IDS_83 "Relative preference assigned to each tunnel when more than one set of tunneling attributes is returned to the tunnel initiator" IDS_85 "Length of interval (in seconds) between each interim update the NAS sends" IDS_86 "Number of packets lost on a given link" IDS_87 "Contains a text string which identifies the port of the NAS which is authenticating the user." IDS_88 "Contains the name of an assigned address pool that SHOULD be used to assign an address for the user." IDS_90 "Name used by the tunnel initiator during the authentication phase of tunnel establishment" IDS_91 "Name used by the tunnel terminator during the authentication phase of tunnel establishment" IDS_108 "Delay (in seconds) before the Ascend NAS calls user back" IDS_120 "Port number for the modem the Ascend NAS is using" IDS_121 "Slot number for the modem the Ascend NAS is using" IDS_122 "Shelf number for the modem the Ascend NAS is using" IDS_125 "Maximum time (in minutes) before the Ascend NAS terminates a connection" IDS_126 "The route preference for the Ascend NAS" IDS_131 "Specifies whether dial-out is allowed" IDS_132 "Gateway to be used by the Ascend NAS" IDS_135 "Primary DNS name used by the Ascend NAS" IDS_136 "Secondary DNS name used by the Ascend NAS" IDS_139 "IP address of server on which user has an account" IDS_141 "Shared secret of server on which user has an account" IDS_152 "Specifies when user is a multicast client of the Ascend NAS" IDS_153 "Time (in seconds) the Ascend NAS waits before accepting another packet from a multicast client" IDS_154 "Subnet mask in use for the local numbered interface" IDS_155 "IP address of the numbered interface at the remote end of a link" IDS_156 "PVC (Permanent Virtual Connection) for which user profile is an endpoint" IDS_157 "Specifies whether the frame relay link comes up automatically in a Frame Relay Profile" IDS_158 "Associates a group of nailed-up channels with the Frame Relay Profile" IDS_159 "Type of frame relay connection used by the Frame Relay Profile" IDS_160 "Link management protocol used between the Ascend NAS and the frame relay switch in a Frame Relay Profile" IDS_161 "Interval (in seconds) between Ascend NAS requests for Full Status Reports in a Frame Relay Profile" IDS_162 "Number of errors during Ascend-FR-DCE-N393-monitored events that cause the network side to declare user side's procedures inactive" IDS_163 "Number of errors during Ascend-FR-DTE-N393-monitored events that cause user side to declare the network side's procedures inactive" IDS_164 "DCE-monitored event count. A link is always considered active if the value of Ascend-FR-DCE-N393 is not reached" IDS_165 "DTE-monitored event count. A link is always considered active if the value of Ascend-FR-DTE-N393 is not reached" IDS_166 "The Link Integrity Verification polling timer" IDS_167 "Time the unit should wait between Status Inquiry messages" IDS_168 "Description not available" IDS_169 "Length of time (in seconds) that a terminal server connection must be idle before the Ascend NAS disconnects the session" IDS_170 "Specifies whether the Ascend NAS uses a terminal server idle timer and if so whether both user and host must be idle before the Ascend NAS disconnects the session" IDS_171 "Method the Ascend NAS uses to monitor traffic on a Multilink Protocol Plus (MP+) call" IDS_172 "Initial number of channels an Ascend NAS sets up when originating certain calls" IDS_173 "Minimum number of channels used in a Multilink Protocol Plus (MP+) call" IDS_174 "Used to configure a static IPX route in a user's file entry (Ascend only)" IDS_175 "Specifies whether NAS initiates FT1-AIM or FT1-B&O calls or whether it waits for a remote end to initiate such calls" IDS_176 "Profile name of a backup profile for a nailed-up link" IDS_177 "Type of nailed-up connection used" IDS_178 "Nailed-up channels used by WAN link" IDS_179 "Data Link Connection Indicator that identifies the Connection Profile to the frame relay switch" IDS_180 "Name of the Frame Relay Profile for this connection" IDS_181 "Password of the incoming caller on an AppleTalk Remote Access connection" IDS_182 "Unique IPX node address" IDS_183 "IP address of home agent in ATMP operation" IDS_184 "Password sent by foreign agent to home agent in ATMP operation" IDS_185 "Connection Profile through which home agent sends packets received by mobile node in ATMP operation" IDS_186 "UDP port foreign agent to send messages to home agent" IDS_187 "ID of a Multilink bundle (multichannel MP or MP+ call)" IDS_188 "Number of sessions remaining in a Multilink bundle (multichannel MP or MP+ call) as reported in an Accounting Stop packet" IDS_189 "Destination IP address of the first packed received in an authenticated connection" IDS_190 "Number of input octets received before authentication" IDS_191 "Number of output octets sent before authentication" IDS_192 "Number of input packets received before authentication" IDS_193 "Number of output packets sent before authentication" IDS_194 "Length of time (in seconds) before session is terminated by Ascend NAS" IDS_195 "Reason a connection was terminated" IDS_196 "State of connection before it is terminated" IDS_197 "Data rate of connection (in bits per second)" IDS_198 "Length of time (in seconds) between when a call connects and when authentication is complete" IDS_199 "Length of time (in minutes) a cached token can remain alive between authentications if a call is idle (Ascend NAS only)" IDS_200 "Method RADIUS uses to handle passwords received from users who are required to use hand-held security card server" IDS_201 "Specifies whether additional authentication is required for CLID-authenticated calls (Ascend NAS only)" IDS_202 "Number of active sessions of the class specified in the Class attribute" IDS_203 "Ascend NAS login name for PPP authentication" IDS_204 "Lifetime of a cached token or hand-held security card authentication (Ascend NAS only)" IDS_205 "Prompt for user input in the terminal server menu interface (Ascend NAS only)" IDS_206 "Single menu item for an Ascend NAS user profile" IDS_207 "Description not available" IDS_208 "The number of days for which user's password is valid (Ascend NAS only)" IDS_209 "IP address to which Ascend NAS redirects packets from user" IDS_210 "Specifies that Ascend PPP code must not use slot compression when sending VJ-compressed packets" IDS_211 "Specifies that Ascend PPP code must use 0x0037 value for VJ compression type" IDS_212 "Async control character map that Ascend PPP code must use during the PPP session (Ascend NAS only)" IDS_213 "Additional prompt for user input after login and password prompts (Ascend NAS only)" IDS_214 "Specifies that password is encrypted when passed between RADIUS server and Ascend NAS. Used in place of Ascend-Send-Passwd." IDS_215 "Value received from dial-in user used to verify encrypted password" IDS_216 "Mode of the IPX router module" IDS_217 "Defines an IP address pool for dynamic assignment" IDS_218 "Index number of the IP address pool that user must use for dynamic address assignment" IDS_219 "Specifies whether Connection Profile uses frame relay redirect mode (Ascend NAS only)" IDS_220 "Name of Frame Relay Profile" IDS_221 "DLCI (Data Link Connection Indicator) for user profile in a frame relay redirect connection" IDS_222 "Method Ascend NAS uses to handle NCP watchdog requests during IPX bridging" IDS_223 "Length of time (in minutes) for which an Ascend NAS responds to NCP watchdog requests" IDS_224 "IPX address used by NAS when connecting to IPX routers requiring numbered interfaces" IDS_225 "Virtual hop count of the route" IDS_226 "Type of phone number the MAX dials" IDS_227 "Phone number the Ascend NAS dials to reach the bridge router or node at the remote end of the link" IDS_228 "Enables IP routing" IDS_229 "Enables IPX routing" IDS_230 "Specifies that protocol-independent bridging should be used for current connection" IDS_231 "Protocol to use for name-password authentication following CLID authentication" IDS_232 "Password to be sent by IAS to the remote end of a connection on outgoing calls" IDS_233 "Description not available" IDS_234 "Percentage of bandwidth use at which the Ascend NAS adds or subtracts bandwidth." IDS_235 "Maximum number of channels allowed on an MP+ call" IDS_236 "Number of channels the Ascend NAS adds when bandwidth changes either manually or automatically during a call" IDS_238 "Length of time (in seconds) the Ascend NAS uses as a sample for calculating average line utilization (ALU) of transmitted data" IDS_239 "The Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation (DBA) algorithm to use for calculating average line utilization (ALU) of transmitted data" IDS_240 "Time in seconds by which average line utilization for transmitted data must exceed the threshold indicated by the Ascend-Target-Util attribute before the Ascend NAS adds bandwidth" IDS_241 "Time that average line use for transmitted data must fall below the threshold indicated by the Ascend-Target-Util attribute before the Ascend NAS removes bandwidth from a session" IDS_242 "Data filter for Ascend NAS" IDS_243 "Call filter for Ascend NAS" IDS_244 "Length of time (in seconds) the Ascend NAS waits before clearing a call when a session is inactive" IDS_245 "Number of idle seconds the Ascend NAS waits before using one of the channels of an idle link for a new call" IDS_246 "Enables or disables callback on the Ascend NAS" IDS_247 "Specifies data service used by Ascend NAS" IDS_248 "Specifies whether Ascend NAS uses only 56-KBps portion of a channel even if all 64 KBps are available" IDS_249 "Billing number for charges incurred on the line" IDS_250 "Specifies the T1 PRI service used by NAS" IDS_251 "U.S Interexchange Carrier (IEC) you use for long distance calls over a T1 PRI line" IDS_252 "Specifies a list of hosts to which a user can establish a Telnet session" IDS_253 "IP address reporting to the calling unit during PPP IPCP negotiations" IDS_254 "Percentage of bandwidth utilization below which the Ascend NAS clears a single-channel MP+ call" IDS_4096 "Framed address to be configured for user (for IAS internal use only)" IDS_4097 "Phone number to be used for callback (for IAS internal use only)" IDS_4098 "Phone number from which call originated" IDS_4099 "Phone number from which call originated (for IAS internal use only)" IDS_4100 "Routing information to be configured on the NAS for user (for IAS internal use only)" IDS_4101 "Ignore the user's dial-in properties" IDS_4102 "Time periods and days of week during which user is allowed to connect" IDS_4103 "Phone number dialed by user" IDS_4104 "Port types permitted for a connection" IDS_4105 "Authentication types permitted for a connection" IDS_4106 "EAP encryption modes permitted for a connection" IDS_4107 "Shared secret used by NAS" IDS_4108 "IP address of RADIUS client. (IAS only)" IDS_4116 "Manufacturer of RADIUS proxy or NAS. (IAS only)" IDS_4117 "Port IAS uses to communicate with client" IDS_4127 "Authentication scheme used to verify user" IDS_4128 "Friendly name for the RADIUS client. (IAS only)" IDS_4129 "Description not available" IDS_4130 "Description not available" IDS_4131 "Windows groups that user belongs to" IDS_4132 "EAP Friendly name" IDS_4149 "Friendly name of Network Access Policy" IDS_4161 "Specifies the allowed OIDs in dotted decimal format for the certificate Enhanced Key Usage (EKU) when performing certificate-based authentication (EAP-TLS)." IDS_5000 "Cisco AV Pair VSA" IDS_6000 "Indicates the Quality of Service values the switch will use for the packets fromm the user" IDS_6001 "Indicates the IEEE 802.1p priority value." END #endif // English (U.S.) resources ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 3 resource. // 1 TYPELIB "sdoias.tlb" 2 TYPELIB "sdoiaspriv.tlb" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #endif // not APSTUDIO_INVOKED // // this is to get binary versioning // #include "winver.h" #include "ntverp.h" #define VER_FILETYPE VFT_DLL #define VER_FILESUBTYPE VFT2_UNKNOWN #define VER_FILEDESCRIPTION_STR "IAS SDO Component" #define VER_INTERNALNAME_STR "IASSDO.DLL" #define VER_ORIGINALFILENAME_STR "IASSDO.DLL" #include