/*++ Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: debug.c Abstract: This module contains all debug-related code. Revision History: Who When What -------- -------- ---------------------------------------------- arvindm 05-29-97 Created, based on ATM ARP. Notes: --*/ #include #define __FILENUMBER 'GBED' #if DBG INT ndisuioDebugLevel=DL_WARN; NDIS_SPIN_LOCK ndisuioDbgLogLock; PNUIOD_ALLOCATION ndisuiodMemoryHead = (PNUIOD_ALLOCATION)NULL; PNUIOD_ALLOCATION ndisuiodMemoryTail = (PNUIOD_ALLOCATION)NULL; ULONG ndisuiodAllocCount = 0; // how many allocated so far (unfreed) NDIS_SPIN_LOCK ndisuiodMemoryLock; BOOLEAN ndisuiodInitDone = FALSE; PVOID ndisuioAuditAllocMem( PVOID pPointer, ULONG Size, ULONG FileNumber, ULONG LineNumber ) { PVOID pBuffer; PNUIOD_ALLOCATION pAllocInfo; if (!ndisuiodInitDone) { NdisAllocateSpinLock(&(ndisuiodMemoryLock)); ndisuiodInitDone = TRUE; } NdisAllocateMemoryWithTag( (PVOID *)&pAllocInfo, Size+sizeof(NUIOD_ALLOCATION), (ULONG)'oiuN' ); if (pAllocInfo == (PNUIOD_ALLOCATION)NULL) { DEBUGP(DL_VERY_LOUD+50, ("ndisuioAuditAllocMem: file %d, line %d, Size %d failed!\n", FileNumber, LineNumber, Size)); pBuffer = NULL; } else { pBuffer = (PVOID)&(pAllocInfo->UserData); NUIO_SET_MEM(pBuffer, 0xaf, Size); pAllocInfo->Signature = NUIOD_MEMORY_SIGNATURE; pAllocInfo->FileNumber = FileNumber; pAllocInfo->LineNumber = LineNumber; pAllocInfo->Size = Size; pAllocInfo->Location = (ULONG_PTR)pPointer; pAllocInfo->Next = (PNUIOD_ALLOCATION)NULL; NdisAcquireSpinLock(&(ndisuiodMemoryLock)); pAllocInfo->Prev = ndisuiodMemoryTail; if (ndisuiodMemoryTail == (PNUIOD_ALLOCATION)NULL) { // empty list ndisuiodMemoryHead = ndisuiodMemoryTail = pAllocInfo; } else { ndisuiodMemoryTail->Next = pAllocInfo; } ndisuiodMemoryTail = pAllocInfo; ndisuiodAllocCount++; NdisReleaseSpinLock(&(ndisuiodMemoryLock)); } DEBUGP(DL_VERY_LOUD+100, ("ndisuioAuditAllocMem: file %c%c%c%c, line %d, %d bytes, [0x%x] <- 0x%x\n", (CHAR)(FileNumber & 0xff), (CHAR)((FileNumber >> 8) & 0xff), (CHAR)((FileNumber >> 16) & 0xff), (CHAR)((FileNumber >> 24) & 0xff), LineNumber, Size, pPointer, pBuffer)); return (pBuffer); } VOID ndisuioAuditFreeMem( PVOID Pointer ) { PNUIOD_ALLOCATION pAllocInfo; NdisAcquireSpinLock(&(ndisuiodMemoryLock)); pAllocInfo = CONTAINING_RECORD(Pointer, NUIOD_ALLOCATION, UserData); if (pAllocInfo->Signature != NUIOD_MEMORY_SIGNATURE) { DEBUGP(DL_ERROR, ("ndisuioAuditFreeMem: unknown buffer 0x%x!\n", Pointer)); NdisReleaseSpinLock(&(ndisuiodMemoryLock)); #if DBG DbgBreakPoint(); #endif return; } pAllocInfo->Signature = (ULONG)'DEAD'; if (pAllocInfo->Prev != (PNUIOD_ALLOCATION)NULL) { pAllocInfo->Prev->Next = pAllocInfo->Next; } else { ndisuiodMemoryHead = pAllocInfo->Next; } if (pAllocInfo->Next != (PNUIOD_ALLOCATION)NULL) { pAllocInfo->Next->Prev = pAllocInfo->Prev; } else { ndisuiodMemoryTail = pAllocInfo->Prev; } ndisuiodAllocCount--; NdisReleaseSpinLock(&(ndisuiodMemoryLock)); NdisFreeMemory(pAllocInfo, 0, 0); } VOID ndisuioAuditShutdown( VOID ) { if (ndisuiodInitDone) { if (ndisuiodAllocCount != 0) { DEBUGP(DL_ERROR, ("AuditShutdown: unfreed memory, %d blocks!\n", ndisuiodAllocCount)); DEBUGP(DL_ERROR, ("MemoryHead: 0x%x, MemoryTail: 0x%x\n", ndisuiodMemoryHead, ndisuiodMemoryTail)); DbgBreakPoint(); { PNUIOD_ALLOCATION pAllocInfo; while (ndisuiodMemoryHead != (PNUIOD_ALLOCATION)NULL) { pAllocInfo = ndisuiodMemoryHead; DEBUGP(DL_INFO, ("AuditShutdown: will free 0x%x\n", pAllocInfo)); ndisuioAuditFreeMem(&(pAllocInfo->UserData)); } } } ndisuiodInitDone = FALSE; } } #define MAX_HD_LENGTH 128 VOID DbgPrintHexDump( IN PUCHAR pBuffer, IN ULONG Length ) /*++ Routine Description: Print a hex dump of the given contiguous buffer. If the length is too long, we truncate it. Arguments: pBuffer - Points to start of data to be dumped Length - Length of above. Return Value: None --*/ { ULONG i; if (Length > MAX_HD_LENGTH) { Length = MAX_HD_LENGTH; } for (i = 0; i < Length; i++) { // // Check if we are at the end of a line // if ((i > 0) && ((i & 0xf) == 0)) { DbgPrint("\n"); } // // Print addr if we are at start of a new line // if ((i & 0xf) == 0) { DbgPrint("%08x ", pBuffer); } DbgPrint(" %02x", *pBuffer++); } // // Terminate the last line. // if (Length > 0) { DbgPrint("\n"); } } #endif // DBG #if DBG_SPIN_LOCK ULONG ndisuiodSpinLockInitDone = 0; NDIS_SPIN_LOCK ndisuiodLockLock; VOID ndisuioAllocateSpinLock( IN PNUIO_LOCK pLock, IN ULONG FileNumber, IN ULONG LineNumber ) { if (ndisuiodSpinLockInitDone == 0) { ndisuiodSpinLockInitDone = 1; NdisAllocateSpinLock(&(ndisuiodLockLock)); } NdisAcquireSpinLock(&(ndisuiodLockLock)); pLock->Signature = NUIOL_SIG; pLock->TouchedByFileNumber = FileNumber; pLock->TouchedInLineNumber = LineNumber; pLock->IsAcquired = 0; pLock->OwnerThread = 0; NdisAllocateSpinLock(&(pLock->NdisLock)); NdisReleaseSpinLock(&(ndisuiodLockLock)); } VOID ndisuioAcquireSpinLock( IN PNUIO_LOCK pLock, IN ULONG FileNumber, IN ULONG LineNumber ) { PKTHREAD pThread; pThread = KeGetCurrentThread(); NdisAcquireSpinLock(&(ndisuiodLockLock)); if (pLock->Signature != NUIOL_SIG) { DbgPrint("Trying to acquire uninited lock 0x%x, File %c%c%c%c, Line %d\n", pLock, (CHAR)(FileNumber & 0xff), (CHAR)((FileNumber >> 8) & 0xff), (CHAR)((FileNumber >> 16) & 0xff), (CHAR)((FileNumber >> 24) & 0xff), LineNumber); DbgBreakPoint(); } if (pLock->IsAcquired != 0) { if (pLock->OwnerThread == pThread) { DbgPrint("Detected multiple locking!: pLock 0x%x, File %c%c%c%c, Line %d\n", pLock, (CHAR)(FileNumber & 0xff), (CHAR)((FileNumber >> 8) & 0xff), (CHAR)((FileNumber >> 16) & 0xff), (CHAR)((FileNumber >> 24) & 0xff), LineNumber); DbgPrint("pLock 0x%x already acquired in File %c%c%c%c, Line %d\n", pLock, (CHAR)(pLock->TouchedByFileNumber & 0xff), (CHAR)((pLock->TouchedByFileNumber >> 8) & 0xff), (CHAR)((pLock->TouchedByFileNumber >> 16) & 0xff), (CHAR)((pLock->TouchedByFileNumber >> 24) & 0xff), pLock->TouchedInLineNumber); DbgBreakPoint(); } } pLock->IsAcquired++; NdisReleaseSpinLock(&(ndisuiodLockLock)); NdisAcquireSpinLock(&(pLock->NdisLock)); // // Mark this lock. // pLock->OwnerThread = pThread; pLock->TouchedByFileNumber = FileNumber; pLock->TouchedInLineNumber = LineNumber; } VOID ndisuioReleaseSpinLock( IN PNUIO_LOCK pLock, IN ULONG FileNumber, IN ULONG LineNumber ) { NdisDprAcquireSpinLock(&(ndisuiodLockLock)); if (pLock->Signature != NUIOL_SIG) { DbgPrint("Trying to release uninited lock 0x%x, File %c%c%c%c, Line %d\n", pLock, (CHAR)(FileNumber & 0xff), (CHAR)((FileNumber >> 8) & 0xff), (CHAR)((FileNumber >> 16) & 0xff), (CHAR)((FileNumber >> 24) & 0xff), LineNumber); DbgBreakPoint(); } if (pLock->IsAcquired == 0) { DbgPrint("Detected release of unacquired lock 0x%x, File %c%c%c%c, Line %d\n", pLock, (CHAR)(FileNumber & 0xff), (CHAR)((FileNumber >> 8) & 0xff), (CHAR)((FileNumber >> 16) & 0xff), (CHAR)((FileNumber >> 24) & 0xff), LineNumber); DbgBreakPoint(); } pLock->TouchedByFileNumber = FileNumber; pLock->TouchedInLineNumber = LineNumber; pLock->IsAcquired--; pLock->OwnerThread = 0; NdisDprReleaseSpinLock(&(ndisuiodLockLock)); NdisReleaseSpinLock(&(pLock->NdisLock)); } #endif // DBG_SPIN_LOCK