/*++ Copyright(c) 1998,99 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: univ.h Abstract: Windows Load Balancing Service (WLBS) Driver - global definitions Author: kyrilf --*/ #ifndef _Univ_h_ #define _Univ_h_ #include #include "wlbsparm.h" /* CONSTANTS */ /* debugging constants and macros */ #undef ASSERT #define ASSERT(v) #if DBG #define UNIV_TODO(s) DbgPrint ("Convoy ToDo (%s, %d) - %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, s) #define UNIV_PRINT(msg) { DbgPrint ("Convoy [%d @ %s] ", \ __LINE__, __FILE__); \ DbgPrint msg; DbgPrint ("\n"); } #define UNIV_DBG_ASSERT(c,m,d1,d2) if (!(c)) { DbgPrint ("Convoy (%s) [%X, %X] failed [%d @ %s] ", \ #c, d1, d2, __LINE__, __FILE__); \ DbgPrint m; DbgPrint ("\n"); } #define CVY_ASSERT_CODE 0xbfc0a55e #define UNIV_ASSERT(c) if (!(c)) \ KeBugCheckEx (CVY_ASSERT_CODE, \ log_module_id, __LINE__, \ 0, 0); #define UNIV_ASSERT_VAL(c,v) if (!(c)) \ KeBugCheckEx (CVY_ASSERT_CODE, \ log_module_id, __LINE__, \ v, 0); #define UNIV_ASSERT_VAL2(c,v1,v2) if (!(c)) \ KeBugCheckEx (CVY_ASSERT_CODE, \ log_module_id, __LINE__, \ v1, v2); /* TRACE_... defines below toggle emmition of particular types of debug output */ /* enabled trace types */ #define TRACE_PARAMS /* registry parameter initialization (params.c) */ #define TRACE_RCT /* remote control request processing (main.c) */ #define TRACE_RCVRY /* packet filtering (load.c) */ #define TRACE_FRAGS /* IP packet fragmentation (main.c) */ /* disabled trace types */ #if 0 #define TRACE_GRE /* GRE packet processing (main.c) */ #define TRACE_IPSEC /* IPSEC packet processing (main.c) */ #define TRACE_TCP /* TCP packet processing (main.c) */ #define TRACE_UDP /* UDP packet processing (main.c) */ #define TRACE_ARP /* ARP packet processing (main.c) */ #define TRACE_OID /* OID info/set requests (nic.c) */ #define TRACE_DIRTY /* dirty connection processing (load.c) */ #define TRACE_IP /* IP packet processing (main.c) */ #define TRACE_CVY /* Convoy packet processing (main.c) */ #define TRACE_CNCT /* TCP connection boundaries (main.c) */ #define TRACE_LOAD /* packet filtering (load.c) */ #define PERIODIC_RESET /* reset underlying NIC periodically for testing see main.c, prot.c for usage */ #define NO_CLEANUP /* do not cleanup host map (load.c) */ #endif #else /* DBG */ #define UNIV_TODO(s) #define UNIV_PRINT(msg) #define UNIV_DBG_ASSERT(c,m,d1,d2) #define UNIV_ASSERT(c) #define UNIV_ASSERT_VAL(c,v) #define UNIV_ASSERT_VAL2(c,v1,v2) #endif /* DBG */ #define UNIV_POOL_TAG 'SBLW' /* constants for some NDIS routines */ #define UNIV_WAIT_TIME 0 #define UNIV_NDIS_MAJOR_VERSION_OLD 4 #define UNIV_NDIS_MAJOR_VERSION 5 /* #ps# */ #define UNIV_NDIS_MINOR_VERSION 1 /* NT 5.1 */ /* Convoy protocol name to be reported to NDIS during binding */ #define UNIV_NDIS_PROTOCOL_NAME NDIS_STRING_CONST ("WLBS") /* supported medium types */ #define UNIV_NUM_MEDIUMS 1 #define UNIV_MEDIUMS { NdisMedium802_3 } /* number of supported OIDs (some are supported by Convoy directly and some are passed down to the underlying drivers) */ #define UNIV_NUM_OIDS 56 /* TYPES */ /* some procedure types */ typedef VOID (* UNIV_SYNC_CALLB) (NDIS_HANDLE, PVOID); typedef NDIS_STATUS (* UNIV_IOCTL_HDLR) (PVOID, PVOID); /* GLOBALS */ /* The global teaming list spin lock. */ extern NDIS_SPIN_LOCK univ_bda_teaming_lock; // extern UNIV_ADAPTER univ_adapters [CVY_MAX_ADAPTERS]; /* list of adapters */ extern UNIV_IOCTL_HDLR univ_ioctl_hdlr; /* preserved NDIS IOCTL handler */ extern PVOID univ_driver_ptr; /* driver pointer passed during initialization */ extern NDIS_HANDLE univ_driver_handle; /* driver handle */ extern NDIS_HANDLE univ_wrapper_handle; /* NDIS wrapper handle */ extern NDIS_HANDLE univ_prot_handle; /* NDIS protocol handle */ extern NDIS_HANDLE univ_ctxt_handle; /* Convoy context handle */ // ###### ramkrish extern ULONG univ_convoy_enabled; /* clustering mode enabled */ extern PWSTR univ_reg_path; /* registry path name passed during initialization */ extern ULONG univ_reg_path_len; // ###### ramkrish extern ULONG univ_bound; /* Convoy has been bound into // the network stack */ // ###### ramkrish extern ULONG univ_announced; /* TCP/IP has been bound to // Convoy */ extern NDIS_SPIN_LOCK univ_bind_lock; /* protects access to univ_bound and univ_announced */ extern ULONG univ_changing_ip; /* IP address change in process */ // ###### ramkrish extern ULONG univ_inited; /* context initialized */ extern NDIS_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS univ_max_addr; /* maximum physical address constant to be passed to NDIS memory allocation calls */ extern NDIS_MEDIUM univ_medium_array [];/* supported medium types */ // ###### ramkrish extern CVY_PARAMS univ_params; /* registry parameters */ // ###### ramkrish extern ULONG univ_params_valid; /* paramter structure contains // valid data */ // ###### ramkrish extern ULONG univ_optimized_frags;/* port rules allow for optimized // handling of IP fragments */ extern NDIS_OID univ_oids []; /* list of supported OIDs */ extern WCHAR empty_str []; extern NDIS_HANDLE univ_device_handle; extern PDEVICE_OBJECT univ_device_object; /* PROCEDURES */ extern VOID Univ_ndis_string_alloc ( PNDIS_STRING string, PCHAR src); /* Allocates NDIS string and copies contents of character string to it returns VOID: function: */ extern VOID Univ_ndis_string_free ( PNDIS_STRING string); /* Frees memory previously allocated for the NDIS string returns VOID: function: */ extern VOID Univ_ansi_string_alloc ( PANSI_STRING string, PWCHAR src); /* Allocates NDIS string and copies contents of character string to it returns VOID: function: */ extern VOID Univ_ansi_string_free ( PANSI_STRING string); /* Frees memory previously allocated for the NDIS string returns VOID: function: */ extern ULONG Univ_str_to_ulong ( PULONG retp, PWCHAR start_ptr, PWCHAR * end_ptr, ULONG width, ULONG base); /* Converts string representaion of a number to a ULONG value returns ULONG : TRUE => success FALSE => failure function: */ extern PWCHAR Univ_ulong_to_str ( ULONG val, PWCHAR buf, ULONG base); /* Converts ULONG value to a string representation in specified base returns PWCHAR: function: */ #endif /* _Univ_h_ */