
Copyright (c) 1998  Microsoft Corporation

Module Name:



    UNICODE / ASCII conversion macros


    Hakki T. Bostanci (hakkib) 5-Aug-1998

Revision History:


#ifndef __CONV_H__
#define __CONV_H__

// cross dependencies

#include <winnt.h>
#include <winbase.h>
#include <winnls.h>
#include <malloc.h>

// in case MFC or ATL conversion helpers are already defined, undef these

#undef W2A
#undef A2W
#undef T2A
#undef A2T
#undef T2W
#undef W2T
#undef T2O
#undef O2T
#undef T2DA
#undef A2DT
#undef T2DW
#undef W2DT
#undef _wcsdupa
#undef _strdupa
#undef _tcsdupa

// USES_CONVERSION must be defined in every function that uses the
// conversion macros

#define USES_CONVERSION int __nLength; PCWSTR __pUnicode; PCSTR __pAscii

// W2A
// Routine Description:
//   Converts a UNICODE string to ASCII. Allocates the coversion buffer
//   off the stack using _alloca
// Arguments:
//	 pStr          UNICODE string
// Return Value:
//   the converted ASCII string

#define W2A(pStr)								                \
	((__pUnicode = pStr) == 0 ? (PSTR) 0 : (	                \
	__nLength = WideCharToMultiByte(				            \
		CP_ACP,									                \
		0,										                \
		__pUnicode,							                    \
		-1,										                \
		0,										                \
		0,										                \
		0,										                \
		0										                \
	),											                \
	__pAscii = (PCSTR) _alloca(__nLength * sizeof(CHAR)),       \
	WideCharToMultiByte(						                \
		CP_ACP,									                \
		0,										                \
		__pUnicode,							                    \
		-1,										                \
		(PSTR) __pAscii,						                \
		__nLength,								                \
		0,										                \
		0										                \
	),											                \
	(PSTR) __pAscii))							                \

// A2W
// Routine Description:
//   Converts an ASCII string to UNICODE. Allocates the coversion buffer
//   off the stack using _alloca
// Arguments:
//	 pStr          ASCII string
// Return Value:
//   the converted UNICODE string

#define A2W(pStr)								                \
	((__pAscii = pStr) == 0 ? (PWSTR) 0 : (					    \
	__nLength = MultiByteToWideChar(				            \
		CP_ACP,									                \
		MB_PRECOMPOSED,							                \
		__pAscii,							                    \
		-1,										                \
		0,										                \
		0										                \
	),											                \
	__pUnicode = (PCWSTR) _alloca(__nLength * sizeof(WCHAR)),	\
	MultiByteToWideChar(						                \
		CP_ACP,									                \
		MB_PRECOMPOSED,							                \
		__pAscii,							                    \
		-1,										                \
		(PWSTR) __pUnicode,							            \
		__nLength									            \
	),											                \
	(PWSTR) __pUnicode))							            \

// _tcsdupa
// Routine Description:
//   Duplicates a string to a buffer allocated off the stack using _alloca
// Arguments:
//	 pStr          input string
// Return Value:
//   duplicated string

#define _wcsdupa(pStr)                                                  \
    (__pAscii, (__pUnicode = pStr) == 0 ? (PWSTR) 0 : (                 \
    __nLength = wcslen(__pUnicode) + 1,                                 \
    lstrcpyW((PWSTR) _alloca(__nLength * sizeof(WCHAR)), __pUnicode)))  \

#define _strdupa(pStr)                                                  \
    (__pUnicode, (__pAscii = pStr) == 0 ? (PSTR) 0 : (                  \
    __nLength = strlen(__pAscii) + 1,                                   \
    lstrcpyA((PSTR) _alloca(__nLength * sizeof(CHAR)), __pAscii)))      \

#ifdef UNICODE 
#define _tcsdupa _wcsdupa
#define _tcsdupa _strdupa

// T2A, A2T, T2W, W2T, T2O, O2T, T2DA, A2DT, T2DW, W2DT
// Routine Description:
//   These macros expand to the corresponding correct form according to the
//   #definition of UNICODE. 
//   We use the cryptic form (__nLength, __pAscii, __pUnicode, pStr) to avoid 
//   the compiler warning "symbol defined but not used" due to the variables 
//   defined in USES_CONVERSION macro.

#ifdef UNICODE
	#define T2A(pStr)   W2A(pStr)
	#define A2T(pStr)   A2W(pStr)
	#define T2W(pStr)   (__nLength, __pAscii, __pUnicode, pStr)
	#define W2T(pStr)   (__nLength, __pAscii, __pUnicode, pStr)
	#define T2O(pStr)   W2A(pStr)
	#define O2T(pStr)   A2W(pStr)
	#define T2DA(pStr)  W2A(pStr)
	#define A2DT(pStr)  A2W(pStr)
	#define T2DW(pStr)  _wcsdupa(pStr)
	#define W2DT(pStr)  _wcsdupa(pStr)
    typedef CHAR        OCHAR, *LPOSTR, *POSTR;
#else //UNICODE
	#define T2A(pStr)   (__nLength, __pAscii, __pUnicode, pStr)
	#define A2T(pStr)   (__nLength, __pAscii, __pUnicode, pStr)
	#define T2W(pStr)   A2W(pStr)
	#define W2T(pStr)   W2A(pStr)
	#define T2O(pStr)   A2W(pStr)
	#define O2T(pStr)   W2A(pStr)
	#define T2DA(pStr)  _strdupa(pStr)
	#define A2DT(pStr)  _strdupa(pStr)
	#define T2DW(pStr)  A2W(pStr)
	#define W2DT(pStr)  W2A(pStr)
    typedef WCHAR       OCHAR, *LPOSTR, *POSTR;
#endif //UNICODE

#endif //__CONV_H__