/*++ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Module Name: private\inc\ipfltinf.h Abstract: Stuff needed for filtering/firewall/demand dial support in user mode Kernel mode only stuff is in ntos\inc\ipfilter.h Revision History: --*/ #ifndef __IPFLTINF_H__ #define __IPFLTINF_H__ #if _MSC_VER > 1000 #pragma once #endif typedef void *INTERFACE_CONTEXT; // Context in an inteface // // Enum for values that may be returned from filter routine. // typedef enum _FORWARD_ACTION { FORWARD = 0, DROP = 1, ICMP_ON_DROP = 2 } FORWARD_ACTION; typedef enum _ACTION_E { ICMP_DEST_UNREACHABLE_ON_DROP = 0x1 } ACTION_E, *PACTION_E; // // Actions that are returned to IP from IPSEC for a packet. // typedef enum _IPSEC_ACTION { eFORWARD = 0, eDROP, eABSORB, eBACKFILL_NOT_SUPPORTED } IPSEC_ACTION, *PIPSEC_ACTION; // // Structure passed to the IPSetInterfaceContext call. // typedef struct _IP_SET_IF_CONTEXT_INFO { unsigned int Index; // Inteface index for i/f to be set. INTERFACE_CONTEXT *Context; // Context for inteface. IPAddr NextHop; } IP_SET_IF_CONTEXT_INFO, *PIP_SET_IF_CONTEXT_INFO; #endif //__IPFLTINF_H__