//**************************************************************************** // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // File: syncmgr.idl // // Contents: Interfaces for Synchronization Manager // //**************************************************************************** #ifndef DO_NO_IMPORTS import "objidl.idl"; import "oleidl.idl"; #endif interface ISyncMgrSynchronize; interface ISyncMgrSynchronizeCallback; interface ISyncMgrEnumItems; interface ISyncMgrSynchronizeInvoke; interface ISyncMgrRegister; typedef GUID SYNCMGRITEMID; typedef REFGUID REFSYNCMGRITEMID; typedef GUID SYNCMGRERRORID; typedef REFGUID REFSYNCMGRERRORID; // {6295DF27-35EE-11d1-8707-00C04FD93327} cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_SyncMgr,0x6295df27, 0x35ee, 0x11d1, 0x87, 0x7, 0x0, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0xd9, 0x33, 0x27);") // {6295DF40-35EE-11d1-8707-00C04FD93327} cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(IID_ISyncMgrSynchronize,0x6295df40, 0x35ee, 0x11d1, 0x87, 0x7, 0x0, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0xd9, 0x33, 0x27);") // {6295DF41-35EE-11d1-8707-00C04FD93327} cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(IID_ISyncMgrSynchronizeCallback,0x6295df41, 0x35ee, 0x11d1, 0x87, 0x7, 0x0, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0xd9, 0x33, 0x27);") // {6295DF42-35EE-11d1-8707-00C04FD93327} cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(IID_ISyncMgrRegister, 0x6295df42, 0x35ee, 0x11d1, 0x87, 0x7, 0x0, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0xd9, 0x33, 0x27);") // {6295DF2A-35EE-11d1-8707-00C04FD93327} cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(IID_ISyncMgrEnumItems,0x6295df2a, 0x35ee, 0x11d1, 0x87, 0x7, 0x0, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0xd9, 0x33, 0x27);") // {6295DF2C-35EE-11d1-8707-00C04FD93327} cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(IID_ISyncMgrSynchronizeInvoke,0x6295df2c, 0x35ee, 0x11d1, 0x87, 0x7, 0x0, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0xd9, 0x33, 0x27);") // Success codes specific to SyncMgr interfaces cpp_quote("#define S_SYNCMGR_MISSINGITEMS MAKE_SCODE(SEVERITY_SUCCESS,FACILITY_ITF,0x0201)") cpp_quote("#define S_SYNCMGR_RETRYSYNC MAKE_SCODE(SEVERITY_SUCCESS,FACILITY_ITF,0x0202)") cpp_quote("#define S_SYNCMGR_CANCELITEM MAKE_SCODE(SEVERITY_SUCCESS,FACILITY_ITF,0x0203)") cpp_quote("#define S_SYNCMGR_CANCELALL MAKE_SCODE(SEVERITY_SUCCESS,FACILITY_ITF,0x0204)") // success codes that may be returned in ShowPropertiesCompleted. cpp_quote("#define S_SYNCMGR_ITEMDELETED MAKE_SCODE(SEVERITY_SUCCESS,FACILITY_ITF,0x0210)") cpp_quote("#define S_SYNCMGR_ENUMITEMS MAKE_SCODE(SEVERITY_SUCCESS,FACILITY_ITF,0x0211)") [ local, object, uuid(6295DF40-35EE-11d1-8707-00C04FD93327) // IID_ISyncMgrSynchronize ] interface ISyncMgrSynchronize: IUnknown { typedef [unique] ISyncMgrSynchronize *LPSYNCMGRSYNCHRONIZE; typedef enum _tagSYNCMGRFLAG { // flags for Synchronization Event SYNCMGRFLAG_CONNECT = 0x0001, // Sync was invoked by a network connect SYNCMGRFLAG_PENDINGDISCONNECT = 0x0002, // Sync was invoked by a pending network disconnect SYNCMGRFLAG_MANUAL = 0x0003, // Sync was invoked manually SYNCMGRFLAG_IDLE = 0x0004, // Sync was invoked by an idle event SYNCMGRFLAG_INVOKE = 0x0005, // Sync was programmatically invoked by handler SYNCMGRFLAG_SCHEDULED = 0x0006, // Sync was invoked by a scheduled update SYNCMGRFLAG_EVENTMASK = 0x00FF, SYNCMGRFLAG_SETTINGS = 0x0100, // Sync was invoked for configuration only SYNCMGRFLAG_MAYBOTHERUSER = 0x0200, // Interaction with the user is permitted } SYNCMGRFLAG; const USHORT MAX_SYNCMGRHANDLERNAME = 32; cpp_quote("#define SYNCMGRHANDLERFLAG_MASK 0x07") cpp_quote("") typedef enum _tagSYNCMGRHANDLERFLAGS { // flags that apply to this handler. SYNCMGRHANDLER_HASPROPERTIES = 0x01, // have a properties dialog for this handler SYNCMGRHANDLER_MAYESTABLISHCONNECTION = 0x02, // may call callback EstablishConnection method SYNCMGRHANDLER_ALWAYSLISTHANDLER = 0x04, // Show Handler in Choice even if not items } SYNCMGRHANDLERFLAGS; typedef struct _tagSYNCMGRHANDLERINFO { DWORD cbSize; HICON hIcon; DWORD SyncMgrHandlerFlags; WCHAR wszHandlerName[MAX_SYNCMGRHANDLERNAME]; } SYNCMGRHANDLERINFO, *LPSYNCMGRHANDLERINFO; cpp_quote("#define SYNCMGRITEMSTATE_UNCHECKED 0x0000") cpp_quote("#define SYNCMGRITEMSTATE_CHECKED 0x0001") cpp_quote("") typedef enum _tagSYNCMGRSTATUS { SYNCMGRSTATUS_STOPPED = 0x0000, SYNCMGRSTATUS_SKIPPED = 0x0001, SYNCMGRSTATUS_PENDING = 0x0002, SYNCMGRSTATUS_UPDATING = 0x0003, SYNCMGRSTATUS_SUCCEEDED = 0x0004, SYNCMGRSTATUS_FAILED = 0x0005, SYNCMGRSTATUS_PAUSED = 0x0006, SYNCMGRSTATUS_RESUMING = 0x0007, SYNCMGRSTATUS_DELETED = 0x0100, // send to indicate to item that the item has been deleted. } SYNCMGRSTATUS; HRESULT Initialize( [in] DWORD dwReserved, [in] DWORD dwSyncMgrFlags, [in] DWORD cbCookie, [in, unique, size_is(cbCookie)] BYTE const*lpCookie); HRESULT GetHandlerInfo( [out] LPSYNCMGRHANDLERINFO *ppSyncMgrHandlerInfo); HRESULT EnumSyncMgrItems( [out] ISyncMgrEnumItems **ppSyncMgrEnumItems); HRESULT GetItemObject( [in] REFSYNCMGRITEMID ItemID, [in] REFIID riid, [out, iid_is(riid)] void** ppv); HRESULT ShowProperties( [in] HWND hWndParent, [in] REFSYNCMGRITEMID ItemID); HRESULT SetProgressCallback( [in,unique] ISyncMgrSynchronizeCallback *lpCallBack); HRESULT PrepareForSync( [in] ULONG cbNumItems, [in, size_is(cbNumItems)] SYNCMGRITEMID* pItemIDs, [in] HWND hWndParent, [in] DWORD dwReserved); HRESULT Synchronize( [in] HWND hWndParent); HRESULT SetItemStatus( [in] REFSYNCMGRITEMID pItemID, [in] DWORD dwSyncMgrStatus); HRESULT ShowError( [in] HWND hWndParent, [in] REFSYNCMGRERRORID ErrorID); } [ local, object, uuid(6295DF41-35EE-11d1-8707-00C04FD93327) // IID_ISyncMgrSynchronizeCallback ] interface ISyncMgrSynchronizeCallback: IUnknown { typedef [unique] ISyncMgrSynchronizeCallback *LPSYNCMGRSYNCHRONIZECALLBACK; cpp_quote("#define SYNCMGRPROGRESSITEM_STATUSTEXT 0x0001") cpp_quote("#define SYNCMGRPROGRESSITEM_STATUSTYPE 0x0002") cpp_quote("#define SYNCMGRPROGRESSITEM_PROGVALUE 0x0004") cpp_quote("#define SYNCMGRPROGRESSITEM_MAXVALUE 0x0008") cpp_quote("") typedef struct _tagSYNCMGRPROGRESSITEM { DWORD cbSize; UINT mask; LPCWSTR lpcStatusText; DWORD dwStatusType; INT iProgValue; INT iMaxValue; } SYNCMGRPROGRESSITEM, *LPSYNCMGRPROGRESSITEM; typedef enum _tagSYNCMGRLOGLEVEL { SYNCMGRLOGLEVEL_INFORMATION = 0x0001, SYNCMGRLOGLEVEL_WARNING = 0x0002, SYNCMGRLOGLEVEL_ERROR = 0x0003, } SYNCMGRLOGLEVEL; cpp_quote("#define SYNCMGRLOGERROR_ERRORFLAGS 0x0001") cpp_quote("#define SYNCMGRLOGERROR_ERRORID 0x0002") cpp_quote("#define SYNCMGRLOGERROR_ITEMID 0x0004") cpp_quote("") typedef enum _tagSYNCMGRERRORFLAGS { // flags that apply to the error. SYNCMGRERRORFLAG_ENABLEJUMPTEXT = 0x01, // ShowErrors should be called on this item. } SYNCMGRERRORFLAGS; typedef struct _tagSYNCMGRLOGERRORINFO { DWORD cbSize; DWORD mask; DWORD dwSyncMgrErrorFlags; SYNCMGRERRORID ErrorID; SYNCMGRITEMID ItemID; } SYNCMGRLOGERRORINFO, *LPSYNCMGRLOGERRORINFO; HRESULT ShowPropertiesCompleted( [in] HRESULT hr); HRESULT PrepareForSyncCompleted( [in] HRESULT hr); HRESULT SynchronizeCompleted( [in] HRESULT hr); HRESULT ShowErrorCompleted( [in] HRESULT hr, [in] ULONG cbNumItems, [in,unique,size_is(cbNumItems)] SYNCMGRITEMID *pItemIDs); HRESULT EnableModeless( [in] BOOL fEnable); HRESULT Progress( [in] REFSYNCMGRITEMID pItemID, [in,unique] LPSYNCMGRPROGRESSITEM lpSyncProgressItem); HRESULT LogError( [in] DWORD dwErrorLevel, [in] LPCWSTR lpcErrorText, [in,unique] LPSYNCMGRLOGERRORINFO lpSyncLogError); HRESULT DeleteLogError( [in] REFSYNCMGRERRORID ErrorID, [in] DWORD dwReserved); HRESULT EstablishConnection( [in,unique] LPCWSTR lpwszConnection, [in] DWORD dwReserved); } [ local, object, uuid(6295DF2A-35EE-11d1-8707-00C04FD93327), // IID_ISyncMgrEnumItems pointer_default(unique) ] interface ISyncMgrEnumItems : IUnknown { typedef [unique] ISyncMgrEnumItems *LPSYNCMGRENUMITEMS; cpp_quote("#define SYNCMGRITEM_ITEMFLAGMASK 0x1F") const USHORT MAX_SYNCMGRITEMNAME = 128; typedef enum _tagSYNCMGRITEMFLAGS { // flags for this SyncMgr Item SYNCMGRITEM_HASPROPERTIES = 0x01, // have a properties dialog for this item SYNCMGRITEM_TEMPORARY = 0x02, // remove any stored preferences for this item SYNCMGRITEM_ROAMINGUSER = 0x04, // This item should roam with the User SYNCMGRITEM_LASTUPDATETIME = 0x08, // Indicates lastUpdateTime Field is valid SYNCMGRITEM_MAYDELETEITEM = 0x10, // Indicates Item can be deleted fron SyncMgr UI } SYNCMGRITEMFLAGS; typedef struct _tagSYNCMGRITEM { DWORD cbSize; DWORD dwFlags; SYNCMGRITEMID ItemID; DWORD dwItemState; HICON hIcon; WCHAR wszItemName[MAX_SYNCMGRITEMNAME]; FILETIME ftLastUpdate; } SYNCMGRITEM, *LPSYNCMGRITEM; HRESULT Next( [in] ULONG celt, [out, size_is(celt), length_is(*pceltFetched)] LPSYNCMGRITEM rgelt, [out] ULONG *pceltFetched); HRESULT Skip( [in] ULONG celt); HRESULT Reset(); HRESULT Clone( [out] ISyncMgrEnumItems **ppenum); } [ local, object, uuid(6295DF2C-35EE-11d1-8707-00C04FD93327), // IID_ISyncMgrSynchronizeInvoke pointer_default(unique) ] interface ISyncMgrSynchronizeInvoke : IUnknown { typedef [unique] ISyncMgrSynchronizeInvoke *LPSYNCMGRSYNCHRONIZEINVOKE; typedef enum _tagSYNCMGRINVOKEFLAGS { // flags for how SyncMgr should be invoked. SYNCMGRINVOKE_STARTSYNC = 0x02, // Immediately start the sync without displaying choices SYNCMGRINVOKE_MINIMIZED = 0x04, // Dialog should be minimized by default } SYNCMGRINVOKEFLAGS; HRESULT UpdateItems( [in] DWORD dwInvokeFlags, [in] REFCLSID rclsid, [in] DWORD cbCookie, [in, unique, size_is(cbCookie)] const BYTE *lpCookie); HRESULT UpdateAll(); } [ local, object, uuid(6295DF42-35EE-11d1-8707-00C04FD93327), // IID_ISyncMgrSynchronizeRegister pointer_default(unique) ] interface ISyncMgrRegister : IUnknown { typedef [unique] ISyncMgrRegister *LPSYNCMGRREGISTER; cpp_quote("#define SYNCMGRREGISTERFLAGS_MASK 0x07") cpp_quote("") typedef enum _tagSYNCMGRREGISTERFLAGS { SYNCMGRREGISTERFLAG_CONNECT = 0x01, // Register to receive Connect Events SYNCMGRREGISTERFLAG_PENDINGDISCONNECT = 0x02, // Register to receive PendingDisconnect Events SYNCMGRREGISTERFLAG_IDLE = 0x04, // Register to receive Idle Events } SYNCMGRREGISTERFLAGS; HRESULT RegisterSyncMgrHandler( [in] REFCLSID rclsidHandler, [in,unique] LPCWSTR pwszDescription, [in] DWORD dwSyncMgrRegisterFlags); HRESULT UnregisterSyncMgrHandler( [in] REFCLSID rclsidHandler, [in] DWORD dwReserved); HRESULT GetHandlerRegistrationInfo( [in] REFCLSID rclsidHandler, [in,out] LPDWORD pdwSyncMgrRegisterFlags); } [ uuid(6295DF27-35EE-11d1-8707-00C04FD93327), helpstring("Common Synchronization UI service") ] coclass SyncMgr { [default, source] interface ISyncMgrSynchronizeInvoke; }; cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("// Declarations for Conflict resolution dialog ") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("// Flags ") cpp_quote("#define RFCF_APPLY_ALL 0x0001 ") cpp_quote("") // If we require any of the elements in the dialog box, we can call the // caller back via the callback function and specify what we want cpp_quote("// Parameter values for RFCCM_NEEDELEMENT (unimplemented)") cpp_quote("#define RFCD_NAME 0x0001 ") cpp_quote("#define RFCD_KEEPBOTHICON 0x0002 ") cpp_quote("#define RFCD_KEEPLOCALICON 0x0004 ") cpp_quote("#define RFCD_KEEPSERVERICON 0x0008 ") cpp_quote("#define RFCD_NETWORKMODIFIEDBY 0x0010 ") cpp_quote("#define RFCD_NETWORKMODIFIEDON 0x0020 ") cpp_quote("#define RFCD_LOCALMODIFIEDBY 0x0040 ") cpp_quote("#define RFCD_LOCALMODIFIEDON 0x0080 ") cpp_quote("#define RFCD_NEWNAME 0x0100 ") cpp_quote("#define RFCD_LOCATION 0x0200 ") cpp_quote("#define RFCD_ALL 0x03FF ") cpp_quote("") // User clicks the view button. This is the message sent to the caller // via the callback cpp_quote("// Callback Messages ") cpp_quote("#define RFCCM_VIEWLOCAL 0x0001 ") cpp_quote("#define RFCCM_VIEWNETWORK 0x0002 ") cpp_quote("#define RFCCM_NEEDELEMENT 0x0003 ") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("// Return values ") cpp_quote("#define RFC_CANCEL 0x00 ") cpp_quote("#define RFC_KEEPBOTH 0x01 ") cpp_quote("#define RFC_KEEPLOCAL 0x02 ") cpp_quote("#define RFC_KEEPNETWORK 0x03 ") cpp_quote("#define RFC_APPLY_TO_ALL 0x10 ") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PFNRFCDCALLBACK)(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("typedef struct tagRFCDLGPARAMW { ") cpp_quote(" DWORD dwFlags; // RFCF_* ") cpp_quote(" LPCWSTR pszFilename; // File name of the file conflicted ") cpp_quote(" LPCWSTR pszLocation; // Location of the file ") cpp_quote(" LPCWSTR pszNewName; // The new name to give the file ") cpp_quote(" LPCWSTR pszNetworkModifiedBy; // Name of person who changed the net doc ") cpp_quote(" LPCWSTR pszLocalModifiedBy; // Name of person who changed the local doc ") cpp_quote(" LPCWSTR pszNetworkModifiedOn; // When the net doc was changed ") cpp_quote(" LPCWSTR pszLocalModifiedOn; // When the local doc was changed ") cpp_quote(" HICON hIKeepBoth; // Icon ") cpp_quote(" HICON hIKeepLocal; // ") cpp_quote(" HICON hIKeepNetwork; // ") cpp_quote(" PFNRFCDCALLBACK pfnCallBack; // Callback ") cpp_quote(" LPARAM lCallerData; // Place where the caller can keep some context data") cpp_quote("} RFCDLGPARAMW;") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("typedef struct tagRFCDLGPARAMA {") cpp_quote(" DWORD dwFlags; // RFCF_* ") cpp_quote(" LPCSTR pszFilename; // File name of the file conflicted ") cpp_quote(" LPCSTR pszLocation; // Location of the file ") cpp_quote(" LPCSTR pszNewName; // The new name to give the file ") cpp_quote(" LPCSTR pszNetworkModifiedBy; // Name of person who changed the net doc ") cpp_quote(" LPCSTR pszLocalModifiedBy; // Name of person who changed the local doc ") cpp_quote(" LPCSTR pszNetworkModifiedOn; // When the net doc was changed ") cpp_quote(" LPCSTR pszLocalModifiedOn; // When the local doc was changed ") cpp_quote(" HICON hIKeepBoth; // Icon ") cpp_quote(" HICON hIKeepLocal; // ") cpp_quote(" HICON hIKeepNetwork; // ") cpp_quote(" PFNRFCDCALLBACK pfnCallBack; // Callback ") cpp_quote(" LPARAM lCallerData; // Place where the caller can keep some context data") cpp_quote("} RFCDLGPARAMA;") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("int WINAPI SyncMgrResolveConflictW(HWND hWndParent, RFCDLGPARAMW *pdlgParam);") cpp_quote("int WINAPI SyncMgrResolveConflictA(HWND hWndParent, RFCDLGPARAMA *pdlgParam);") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("#ifdef UNICODE ") cpp_quote("#define SyncMgrResolveConflict SyncMgrResolveConflictW ") cpp_quote("#define RFCDLGPARAM RFCDLGPARAMW ") cpp_quote("#else ") cpp_quote("#define SyncMgrResolveConflict SyncMgrResolveConflictA ") cpp_quote("#define RFCDLGPARAM RFCDLGPARAMA ") cpp_quote("#endif // !UNICODE ") cpp_quote("")