//+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Microsoft Windows // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992-1999. // // File: urlmon.idl // // Contents: async moniker interfaces // // Classes: // // Functions: // // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpp_quote("//=--------------------------------------------------------------------------=") cpp_quote("// UrlMon.h") cpp_quote("//=--------------------------------------------------------------------------=") cpp_quote("// (C) Copyright 1995-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.") cpp_quote("//") cpp_quote("// THIS CODE AND INFORMATION IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF") cpp_quote("// ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO") cpp_quote("// THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A") cpp_quote("// PARTICULAR PURPOSE.") cpp_quote("//=--------------------------------------------------------------------------=") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("#pragma comment(lib,\"uuid.lib\")") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("//---------------------------------------------------------------------------=") cpp_quote("// URL Moniker Interfaces.") cpp_quote("") #ifdef UNIX typedef unsigned long HANDLE_PTR; #endif /* UNIX */ import "objidl.idl"; import "oleidl.idl"; import "servprov.idl"; import "msxml.idl"; interface IPersistMoniker; interface IBindProtocol; interface IBinding; interface IBindStatusCallback; interface IBindStatusCallbackMsg; interface IAuthenticate; interface IWindowForBindingUI; interface ICodeInstall; interface IHttpNegotiate; interface IHttpNegotiate2; cpp_quote("// Side-by-Side clsid") cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const IID CLSID_SBS_StdURLMoniker; ") cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const IID CLSID_SBS_HttpProtocol; ") cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const IID CLSID_SBS_FtpProtocol; ") cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const IID CLSID_SBS_GopherProtocol; ") cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const IID CLSID_SBS_HttpSProtocol; ") cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const IID CLSID_SBS_FileProtocol; ") cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const IID CLSID_SBS_MkProtocol; ") cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const IID CLSID_SBS_UrlMkBindCtx; ") cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const IID CLSID_SBS_SoftDistExt; ") cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const IID CLSID_SBS_StdEncodingFilterFac; ") cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const IID CLSID_SBS_DeCompMimeFilter; ") cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const IID CLSID_SBS_CdlProtocol; ") cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const IID CLSID_SBS_ClassInstallFilter; ") cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const IID CLSID_SBS_InternetSecurityManager; ") cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const IID CLSID_SBS_InternetZoneManager; ") cpp_quote("// END Side-by-Side clsid") cpp_quote("// These are for backwards compatibility with previous URLMON versions") cpp_quote("#define BINDF_DONTUSECACHE BINDF_GETNEWESTVERSION") cpp_quote("#define BINDF_DONTPUTINCACHE BINDF_NOWRITECACHE") cpp_quote("#define BINDF_NOCOPYDATA BINDF_PULLDATA") cpp_quote("#define INVALID_P_ROOT_SECURITY_ID ((BYTE*)-1)") cpp_quote("#define PI_DOCFILECLSIDLOOKUP PI_CLSIDLOOKUP") cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const IID IID_IAsyncMoniker; ") cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const IID CLSID_StdURLMoniker; ") cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const IID CLSID_HttpProtocol; ") cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const IID CLSID_FtpProtocol; ") cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const IID CLSID_GopherProtocol; ") cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const IID CLSID_HttpSProtocol; ") cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const IID CLSID_FileProtocol; ") cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const IID CLSID_MkProtocol; ") cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const IID CLSID_StdURLProtocol; ") cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const IID CLSID_UrlMkBindCtx; ") cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const IID CLSID_StdEncodingFilterFac; ") cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const IID CLSID_DeCompMimeFilter; ") cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const IID CLSID_CdlProtocol; ") cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const IID CLSID_ClassInstallFilter; ") cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const IID IID_IAsyncBindCtx; ") #pragma midl_echo(" ") #pragma midl_echo("#define SZ_URLCONTEXT OLESTR(\"URL Context\")") #pragma midl_echo("#define SZ_ASYNC_CALLEE OLESTR(\"AsyncCallee\")") #pragma midl_echo("#define MKSYS_URLMONIKER 6 ") #pragma midl_echo("#define URL_MK_LEGACY 0 ") #pragma midl_echo("#define URL_MK_UNIFORM 1 ") #pragma midl_echo("#define URL_MK_NO_CANONICALIZE 2 ") #pragma midl_echo(" ") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI CreateURLMoniker(LPMONIKER pMkCtx, LPCWSTR szURL, LPMONIKER FAR * ppmk); ") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI CreateURLMonikerEx(LPMONIKER pMkCtx, LPCWSTR szURL, LPMONIKER FAR * ppmk, DWORD dwFlags); ") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI GetClassURL(LPCWSTR szURL, CLSID *pClsID); ") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI CreateAsyncBindCtx(DWORD reserved, IBindStatusCallback *pBSCb, ") #pragma midl_echo(" IEnumFORMATETC *pEFetc, IBindCtx **ppBC); ") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI CreateAsyncBindCtxEx(IBindCtx *pbc, DWORD dwOptions, IBindStatusCallback *pBSCb, IEnumFORMATETC *pEnum, ") #pragma midl_echo(" IBindCtx **ppBC, DWORD reserved); ") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI MkParseDisplayNameEx(IBindCtx *pbc, LPCWSTR szDisplayName, ULONG *pchEaten, ") #pragma midl_echo(" LPMONIKER *ppmk); ") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI RegisterBindStatusCallback(LPBC pBC, IBindStatusCallback *pBSCb, ") #pragma midl_echo(" IBindStatusCallback** ppBSCBPrev, DWORD dwReserved); ") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI RevokeBindStatusCallback(LPBC pBC, IBindStatusCallback *pBSCb); ") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI GetClassFileOrMime(LPBC pBC, LPCWSTR szFilename, LPVOID pBuffer, DWORD cbSize, LPCWSTR szMime, DWORD dwReserved, CLSID *pclsid); ") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI IsValidURL(LPBC pBC, LPCWSTR szURL, DWORD dwReserved); ") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI CoGetClassObjectFromURL( REFCLSID rCLASSID,") #pragma midl_echo(" LPCWSTR szCODE, DWORD dwFileVersionMS, ") #pragma midl_echo(" DWORD dwFileVersionLS, LPCWSTR szTYPE,") #pragma midl_echo(" LPBINDCTX pBindCtx, DWORD dwClsContext,") #pragma midl_echo(" LPVOID pvReserved, REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppv);") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI FaultInIEFeature( HWND hWnd,") #pragma midl_echo(" uCLSSPEC *pClassSpec,") #pragma midl_echo(" QUERYCONTEXT *pQuery, DWORD dwFlags); ") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI GetComponentIDFromCLSSPEC(uCLSSPEC *pClassspec,") #pragma midl_echo(" LPSTR * ppszComponentID); ") #pragma midl_echo("// flags for FaultInIEFeature") #pragma midl_echo("#define FIEF_FLAG_FORCE_JITUI 0x1 // force JIT ui even if") #pragma midl_echo(" // previoulsy rejected by ") #pragma midl_echo(" // user in this session or") #pragma midl_echo(" // marked as Never Ask Again") #pragma midl_echo("#define FIEF_FLAG_PEEK 0x2 // just peek, don't faultin") #pragma midl_echo("#define FIEF_FLAG_SKIP_INSTALLED_VERSION_CHECK 0x4 // force JIT without checking local version") #pragma midl_echo(" ") #pragma midl_echo("//helper apis ") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI IsAsyncMoniker(IMoniker* pmk); ") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI CreateURLBinding(LPCWSTR lpszUrl, IBindCtx *pbc, IBinding **ppBdg); ") #pragma midl_echo(" ") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI RegisterMediaTypes(UINT ctypes, const LPCSTR* rgszTypes, CLIPFORMAT* rgcfTypes); ") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI FindMediaType(LPCSTR rgszTypes, CLIPFORMAT* rgcfTypes); ") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI CreateFormatEnumerator( UINT cfmtetc, FORMATETC* rgfmtetc, IEnumFORMATETC** ppenumfmtetc); ") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI RegisterFormatEnumerator(LPBC pBC, IEnumFORMATETC *pEFetc, DWORD reserved); ") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI RevokeFormatEnumerator(LPBC pBC, IEnumFORMATETC *pEFetc); ") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI RegisterMediaTypeClass(LPBC pBC,UINT ctypes, const LPCSTR* rgszTypes, CLSID *rgclsID, DWORD reserved); ") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI FindMediaTypeClass(LPBC pBC, LPCSTR szType, CLSID *pclsID, DWORD reserved); ") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI UrlMkSetSessionOption(DWORD dwOption, LPVOID pBuffer, DWORD dwBufferLength, DWORD dwReserved); ") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI UrlMkGetSessionOption(DWORD dwOption, LPVOID pBuffer, DWORD dwBufferLength, DWORD *pdwBufferLength, DWORD dwReserved); ") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI FindMimeFromData( ") #pragma midl_echo(" LPBC pBC, // bind context - can be NULL ") #pragma midl_echo(" LPCWSTR pwzUrl, // url - can be null ") #pragma midl_echo(" LPVOID pBuffer, // buffer with data to sniff - can be null (pwzUrl must be valid) ") #pragma midl_echo(" DWORD cbSize, // size of buffer ") #pragma midl_echo(" LPCWSTR pwzMimeProposed, // proposed mime if - can be null ") #pragma midl_echo(" DWORD dwMimeFlags, // will be defined ") #pragma midl_echo(" LPWSTR *ppwzMimeOut, // the suggested mime ") #pragma midl_echo(" DWORD dwReserved); // must be 0 ") #pragma midl_echo("#define FMFD_DEFAULT 0x00000000 ") #pragma midl_echo("#define FMFD_URLASFILENAME 0x00000001 ") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI ObtainUserAgentString(DWORD dwOption, LPSTR pszUAOut, DWORD* cbSize); ") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI CompareSecurityIds(BYTE* pbSecurityId1, DWORD dwLen1, BYTE* pbSecurityId2, DWORD dwLen2, DWORD dwReserved); ") #pragma midl_echo(" ") #pragma midl_echo("// URLMON-specific defines for UrlMkSetSessionOption() above") #pragma midl_echo("#define URLMON_OPTION_USERAGENT 0x10000001") #pragma midl_echo("#define URLMON_OPTION_USERAGENT_REFRESH 0x10000002") #pragma midl_echo("#define URLMON_OPTION_URL_ENCODING 0x10000004") #pragma midl_echo(" ") #pragma midl_echo("#define CF_NULL 0 ") #pragma midl_echo("#define CFSTR_MIME_NULL NULL ") // 7 bit MIME Types #pragma midl_echo("#define CFSTR_MIME_TEXT (TEXT(\"text/plain\")) ") #pragma midl_echo("#define CFSTR_MIME_RICHTEXT (TEXT(\"text/richtext\")) ") #pragma midl_echo("#define CFSTR_MIME_X_BITMAP (TEXT(\"image/x-xbitmap\")) ") #pragma midl_echo("#define CFSTR_MIME_POSTSCRIPT (TEXT(\"application/postscript\")) ") // 8 bit MIME Types #pragma midl_echo("#define CFSTR_MIME_AIFF (TEXT(\"audio/aiff\")) ") #pragma midl_echo("#define CFSTR_MIME_BASICAUDIO (TEXT(\"audio/basic\")) ") #pragma midl_echo("#define CFSTR_MIME_WAV (TEXT(\"audio/wav\")) ") #pragma midl_echo("#define CFSTR_MIME_X_WAV (TEXT(\"audio/x-wav\")) ") #pragma midl_echo("#define CFSTR_MIME_GIF (TEXT(\"image/gif\")) ") #pragma midl_echo("#define CFSTR_MIME_PJPEG (TEXT(\"image/pjpeg\")) ") #pragma midl_echo("#define CFSTR_MIME_JPEG (TEXT(\"image/jpeg\")) ") #pragma midl_echo("#define CFSTR_MIME_TIFF (TEXT(\"image/tiff\")) ") #pragma midl_echo("#define CFSTR_MIME_X_PNG (TEXT(\"image/x-png\")) ") #pragma midl_echo("#define CFSTR_MIME_BMP (TEXT(\"image/bmp\")) ") #pragma midl_echo("#define CFSTR_MIME_X_ART (TEXT(\"image/x-jg\")) ") #pragma midl_echo("#define CFSTR_MIME_X_EMF (TEXT(\"image/x-emf\")) ") #pragma midl_echo("#define CFSTR_MIME_X_WMF (TEXT(\"image/x-wmf\")) ") #pragma midl_echo("#define CFSTR_MIME_AVI (TEXT(\"video/avi\")) ") #pragma midl_echo("#define CFSTR_MIME_MPEG (TEXT(\"video/mpeg\")) ") #pragma midl_echo("#define CFSTR_MIME_FRACTALS (TEXT(\"application/fractals\")) ") #pragma midl_echo("#define CFSTR_MIME_RAWDATA (TEXT(\"application/octet-stream\"))") #pragma midl_echo("#define CFSTR_MIME_RAWDATASTRM (TEXT(\"application/octet-stream\"))") #pragma midl_echo("#define CFSTR_MIME_PDF (TEXT(\"application/pdf\")) ") #pragma midl_echo("#define CFSTR_MIME_HTA (TEXT(\"application/hta\")) ") #pragma midl_echo("#define CFSTR_MIME_X_AIFF (TEXT(\"audio/x-aiff\")) ") #pragma midl_echo("#define CFSTR_MIME_X_REALAUDIO (TEXT(\"audio/x-pn-realaudio\")) ") #pragma midl_echo("#define CFSTR_MIME_XBM (TEXT(\"image/xbm\")) ") #pragma midl_echo("#define CFSTR_MIME_QUICKTIME (TEXT(\"video/quicktime\")) ") #pragma midl_echo("#define CFSTR_MIME_X_MSVIDEO (TEXT(\"video/x-msvideo\")) ") #pragma midl_echo("#define CFSTR_MIME_X_SGI_MOVIE (TEXT(\"video/x-sgi-movie\")) ") // 7 or 8 bit MIME Types #pragma midl_echo("#define CFSTR_MIME_HTML (TEXT(\"text/html\")) ") #pragma midl_echo("#define CFSTR_MIME_XML (TEXT(\"text/xml\")) ") #pragma midl_echo(" ") cpp_quote("// MessageId: MK_S_ASYNCHRONOUS ") cpp_quote("// MessageText: Operation is successful, but will complete asynchronously. ") cpp_quote("// ") cpp_quote("#define MK_S_ASYNCHRONOUS _HRESULT_TYPEDEF_(0x000401E8L) ") cpp_quote("#ifndef S_ASYNCHRONOUS ") cpp_quote("#define S_ASYNCHRONOUS MK_S_ASYNCHRONOUS ") cpp_quote("#endif ") cpp_quote(" ") cpp_quote("#ifndef E_PENDING ") cpp_quote("#define E_PENDING _HRESULT_TYPEDEF_(0x8000000AL) ") cpp_quote("#endif ") cpp_quote(" ") cpp_quote("// ") cpp_quote("// ") cpp_quote("// WinINet and protocol specific errors are mapped to one of the following ") cpp_quote("// error which are returned in IBSC::OnStopBinding ") cpp_quote("// ") cpp_quote("// ") cpp_quote("// Note: FACILITY C is split into ranges of 1k ") cpp_quote("// C0000 - C03FF INET_E_ (URLMON's original hresult) ") cpp_quote("// C0400 - C07FF INET_E_CLIENT_xxx ") cpp_quote("// C0800 - C0BFF INET_E_SERVER_xxx ") cpp_quote("// C0C00 - C0FFF INET_E_???? ") cpp_quote("// C1000 - C13FF INET_E_AGENT_xxx (info delivery agents) ") // // url could not be parsed // cpp_quote("#define INET_E_INVALID_URL _HRESULT_TYPEDEF_(0x800C0002L) ") // // InternetOpen failed - no session was established // cpp_quote("#define INET_E_NO_SESSION _HRESULT_TYPEDEF_(0x800C0003L) ") // // InternetConnect failed - no // cpp_quote("#define INET_E_CANNOT_CONNECT _HRESULT_TYPEDEF_(0x800C0004L) ") // // the server or proxy was not found // cpp_quote("#define INET_E_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND _HRESULT_TYPEDEF_(0x800C0005L) ") // // the actual object was not found - e.g. http: 404 // cpp_quote("#define INET_E_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND _HRESULT_TYPEDEF_(0x800C0006L) ") // // connection was established but data can not be retrieved // no filename from cache invalid etc. // cpp_quote("#define INET_E_DATA_NOT_AVAILABLE _HRESULT_TYPEDEF_(0x800C0007L) ") // // generic download failure - connection broke // cpp_quote("#define INET_E_DOWNLOAD_FAILURE _HRESULT_TYPEDEF_(0x800C0008L) ") // // to access to this object need authentication e.g. http: 401 // cpp_quote("#define INET_E_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED _HRESULT_TYPEDEF_(0x800C0009L) ") // // the object is not available of the required type http: 403 no object // cpp_quote("#define INET_E_NO_VALID_MEDIA _HRESULT_TYPEDEF_(0x800C000AL) ") // // the internet connection timed out // cpp_quote("#define INET_E_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT _HRESULT_TYPEDEF_(0x800C000BL) ") // // the request was invalid // cpp_quote("#define INET_E_INVALID_REQUEST _HRESULT_TYPEDEF_(0x800C000CL) ") // // protocol is not know and no plugable protocol is registered // cpp_quote("#define INET_E_UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL _HRESULT_TYPEDEF_(0x800C000DL) ") // // security problem encountered // cpp_quote("#define INET_E_SECURITY_PROBLEM _HRESULT_TYPEDEF_(0x800C000EL) ") // // object could not be loaded; IPersistXXX::Load failed // cpp_quote("#define INET_E_CANNOT_LOAD_DATA _HRESULT_TYPEDEF_(0x800C000FL) ") // // CoCreateInstance failed. // cpp_quote("#define INET_E_CANNOT_INSTANTIATE_OBJECT _HRESULT_TYPEDEF_(0x800C0010L) ") // // Redirect failed. // cpp_quote("#define INET_E_REDIRECT_FAILED _HRESULT_TYPEDEF_(0x800C0014L) ") // // Redirect to directory. // cpp_quote("#define INET_E_REDIRECT_TO_DIR _HRESULT_TYPEDEF_(0x800C0015L) ") // // HResult range returned in OnStopBinding // // // Data can not be locked // cpp_quote("#define INET_E_CANNOT_LOCK_REQUEST _HRESULT_TYPEDEF_(0x800C0016L) ") cpp_quote("#define INET_E_USE_EXTEND_BINDING _HRESULT_TYPEDEF_(0x800C0017L) ") cpp_quote("#define INET_E_TERMINATED_BIND _HRESULT_TYPEDEF_(0x800C0018L) ") cpp_quote("#define INET_E_ERROR_FIRST _HRESULT_TYPEDEF_(0x800C0002L) ") // User declined download of component cpp_quote("#define INET_E_CODE_DOWNLOAD_DECLINED _HRESULT_TYPEDEF_(0x800C0100L) ") cpp_quote("#define INET_E_RESULT_DISPATCHED _HRESULT_TYPEDEF_(0x800C0200L) ") // Exact code download version requested not found cpp_quote("#define INET_E_CANNOT_REPLACE_SFP_FILE _HRESULT_TYPEDEF_(0x800C0300L) ") // NOTE: Please update INET_E_ERROR_LAST if you add an error code with a higher number: cpp_quote("#define INET_E_ERROR_LAST INET_E_CANNOT_REPLACE_SFP_FILE") //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995-1998. // // Contents: IPersistMoniker interface definition // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPPERSISTMONIKER_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _LPPERSISTMONIKER_DEFINED") [ object, uuid(79eac9c9-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IPersistMoniker : IUnknown { typedef [unique] IPersistMoniker *LPPERSISTMONIKER; HRESULT GetClassID( [out] CLSID *pClassID ); HRESULT IsDirty(void); HRESULT Load( [in] BOOL fFullyAvailable, [in] IMoniker * pimkName, [in] LPBC pibc, [in] DWORD grfMode ); HRESULT Save( [in] IMoniker * pimkName, [in] LPBC pbc, [in] BOOL fRemember); HRESULT SaveCompleted( [in] IMoniker * pimkName, [in] LPBC pibc); HRESULT GetCurMoniker( [out] IMoniker ** ppimkName); } cpp_quote("#endif") //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995-1998. // // Contents: IMonikerProp interface definition // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPMONIKERPROP_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _LPMONIKERPROP_DEFINED") [ object, uuid(a5ca5f7f-1847-4d87-9c5b-918509f7511d), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IMonikerProp : IUnknown { typedef [unique] IMonikerProp *LPMONIKERPROP; typedef enum { MIMETYPEPROP = 0x00000000, USE_SRC_URL = 0X00000001 } MONIKERPROPERTY; HRESULT PutProperty ( [in] MONIKERPROPERTY mkp, [in] LPCWSTR val ); } cpp_quote("#endif") //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995-1998. // // Contents: IBindProtocol interface definition // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPBINDPROTOCOL_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _LPBINDPROTOCOL_DEFINED") [ local, object, uuid(79eac9cd-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IBindProtocol : IUnknown { typedef [unique] IBindProtocol *LPBINDPROTOCOL; HRESULT CreateBinding( [in] LPCWSTR szUrl, [in] IBindCtx *pbc, [out] IBinding ** ppb); } cpp_quote("#endif") //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995-1998. // // Contents: IBinding interface definition // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPBINDING_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _LPBINDING_DEFINED") [ object, uuid(79eac9c0-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IBinding: IUnknown { typedef [unique] IBinding *LPBINDING; HRESULT Abort(); HRESULT Suspend(); HRESULT Resume(); HRESULT SetPriority( [in] LONG nPriority); HRESULT GetPriority( [out] LONG * pnPriority); [local] HRESULT GetBindResult( [out] CLSID *pclsidProtocol, [out] DWORD *pdwResult, [out] LPOLESTR *pszResult, [in, out] DWORD *pdwReserved); [call_as(GetBindResult)] HRESULT RemoteGetBindResult( [out] CLSID *pclsidProtocol, [out] DWORD *pdwResult, [out] LPOLESTR *pszResult, [in] DWORD dwReserved); } cpp_quote("#endif") //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995-1998. // // Contents: IBindStatusCallback interface definition // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPBINDSTATUSCALLBACK_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _LPBINDSTATUSCALLBACK_DEFINED") [ object, uuid(79eac9c1-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IBindStatusCallback: IUnknown { typedef [unique] IBindStatusCallback *LPBINDSTATUSCALLBACK; typedef enum { BINDVERB_GET = 0x00000000, // default action BINDVERB_POST = 0x00000001, // post verb BINDVERB_PUT = 0x00000002, // put verb BINDVERB_CUSTOM = 0x00000003, // custom verb } BINDVERB; typedef enum { BINDINFOF_URLENCODESTGMEDDATA = 0x00000001, // url encode the stgmed data BINDINFOF_URLENCODEDEXTRAINFO = 0x00000002, // url encode the extra info } BINDINFOF; // flags that describe the type of transaction that caller wants typedef enum { BINDF_ASYNCHRONOUS = 0x00000001 ,BINDF_ASYNCSTORAGE = 0x00000002 ,BINDF_NOPROGRESSIVERENDERING = 0x00000004 ,BINDF_OFFLINEOPERATION = 0x00000008 ,BINDF_GETNEWESTVERSION = 0x00000010 ,BINDF_NOWRITECACHE = 0x00000020 ,BINDF_NEEDFILE = 0x00000040 ,BINDF_PULLDATA = 0x00000080 ,BINDF_IGNORESECURITYPROBLEM = 0x00000100 ,BINDF_RESYNCHRONIZE = 0x00000200 ,BINDF_HYPERLINK = 0x00000400 ,BINDF_NO_UI = 0x00000800 ,BINDF_SILENTOPERATION = 0x00001000 ,BINDF_PRAGMA_NO_CACHE = 0x00002000 ,BINDF_GETCLASSOBJECT = 0x00004000 ,BINDF_RESERVED_1 = 0x00008000 // bindstatus callback from client is free threaded ,BINDF_FREE_THREADED = 0x00010000 // client does not need to know excat size of data available // hence the read goes directly to e.g. socket ,BINDF_DIRECT_READ = 0x00020000 // is the transaction a forms submit. ,BINDF_FORMS_SUBMIT = 0x00040000 ,BINDF_GETFROMCACHE_IF_NET_FAIL = 0x00080000 // binding is from UrlMoniker ,BINDF_FROMURLMON = 0x00100000 ,BINDF_FWD_BACK = 0x00200000 ,BINDF_PREFERDEFAULTHANDLER = 0x00400000 ,BINDF_ENFORCERESTRICTED = 0x00800000 // Note: // the highest byte 0x??000000 is used internally // see other documentation } BINDF; typedef enum { URL_ENCODING_NONE = 0x00000000 ,URL_ENCODING_ENABLE_UTF8 = 0x10000000 ,URL_ENCODING_DISABLE_UTF8 = 0x20000000 } URL_ENCODING; typedef struct _tagBINDINFO { ULONG cbSize; LPWSTR szExtraInfo; // e.g. string added to the URL string [range byte] STGMEDIUM stgmedData; // e.g. put or post data DWORD grfBindInfoF; // e.g. how meddata should be treaded DWORD dwBindVerb; // e.g. put, post, ... LPWSTR szCustomVerb; // e.g. custom verb DWORD cbstgmedData; // size of data in stgmedData DWORD dwOptions; // additional option DWORD dwOptionsFlags; // options flags DWORD dwCodePage; // the code used to convert the url SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES securityAttributes; IID iid; // iid of pUnk IUnknown *pUnk; // pUnk - whatever DWORD dwReserved; // should be null } BINDINFO; typedef struct _REMSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES { DWORD nLength; DWORD lpSecurityDescriptor; BOOL bInheritHandle; } REMSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, *PREMSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, *LPREMSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES; typedef struct _tagRemBINDINFO { ULONG cbSize; LPWSTR szExtraInfo; // e.g. string added to the URL string [range byte] DWORD grfBindInfoF; // e.g. how meddata should be treaded DWORD dwBindVerb; // e.g. put, post, ... LPWSTR szCustomVerb; // e.g. custom verb DWORD cbstgmedData; // size of data in stgmedData DWORD dwOptions; // additional options DWORD dwOptionsFlags; // options flags DWORD dwCodePage; // the code used to convert the url REMSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES securityAttributes; IID iid; // iid of pUnk IUnknown *pUnk; // pUnk - whatever DWORD dwReserved; // should be null } RemBINDINFO; typedef struct tagRemFORMATETC { DWORD cfFormat; DWORD ptd; DWORD dwAspect; LONG lindex; DWORD tymed; } RemFORMATETC, *LPREMFORMATETC; // Options flag typedef enum { BINDINFO_OPTIONS_WININETFLAG = 0x00010000 ,BINDINFO_OPTIONS_ENABLE_UTF8 = 0x00020000 ,BINDINFO_OPTIONS_DISABLE_UTF8 = 0x00040000 ,BINDINFO_OPTIONS_USE_IE_ENCODING = 0x00080000 ,BINDINFO_OPTIONS_BINDTOOBJECT = 0x00100000 // Note: // the lowest byte 0xx0000???? is used extended binding } BINDINFO_OPTIONS; // Data notification flags typedef enum { BSCF_FIRSTDATANOTIFICATION = 0x00000001 ,BSCF_INTERMEDIATEDATANOTIFICATION = 0x00000002 ,BSCF_LASTDATANOTIFICATION = 0x00000004 ,BSCF_DATAFULLYAVAILABLE = 0x00000008 ,BSCF_AVAILABLEDATASIZEUNKNOWN = 0x00000010 } BSCF; typedef enum tagBINDSTATUS { BINDSTATUS_FINDINGRESOURCE = 1 ,BINDSTATUS_CONNECTING ,BINDSTATUS_REDIRECTING ,BINDSTATUS_BEGINDOWNLOADDATA ,BINDSTATUS_DOWNLOADINGDATA ,BINDSTATUS_ENDDOWNLOADDATA ,BINDSTATUS_BEGINDOWNLOADCOMPONENTS ,BINDSTATUS_INSTALLINGCOMPONENTS ,BINDSTATUS_ENDDOWNLOADCOMPONENTS ,BINDSTATUS_USINGCACHEDCOPY ,BINDSTATUS_SENDINGREQUEST ,BINDSTATUS_CLASSIDAVAILABLE ,BINDSTATUS_MIMETYPEAVAILABLE ,BINDSTATUS_CACHEFILENAMEAVAILABLE ,BINDSTATUS_BEGINSYNCOPERATION ,BINDSTATUS_ENDSYNCOPERATION ,BINDSTATUS_BEGINUPLOADDATA ,BINDSTATUS_UPLOADINGDATA ,BINDSTATUS_ENDUPLOADDATA ,BINDSTATUS_PROTOCOLCLASSID ,BINDSTATUS_ENCODING ,BINDSTATUS_VERIFIEDMIMETYPEAVAILABLE ,BINDSTATUS_CLASSINSTALLLOCATION ,BINDSTATUS_DECODING ,BINDSTATUS_LOADINGMIMEHANDLER ,BINDSTATUS_CONTENTDISPOSITIONATTACH ,BINDSTATUS_FILTERREPORTMIMETYPE ,BINDSTATUS_CLSIDCANINSTANTIATE ,BINDSTATUS_IUNKNOWNAVAILABLE ,BINDSTATUS_DIRECTBIND ,BINDSTATUS_RAWMIMETYPE ,BINDSTATUS_PROXYDETECTING ,BINDSTATUS_ACCEPTRANGES ,BINDSTATUS_COOKIE_SENT ,BINDSTATUS_COMPACT_POLICY_RECEIVED ,BINDSTATUS_COOKIE_SUPPRESSED ,BINDSTATUS_COOKIE_STATE_UNKNOWN ,BINDSTATUS_COOKIE_STATE_ACCEPT ,BINDSTATUS_COOKIE_STATE_REJECT ,BINDSTATUS_COOKIE_STATE_PROMPT ,BINDSTATUS_COOKIE_STATE_LEASH ,BINDSTATUS_COOKIE_STATE_DOWNGRADE ,BINDSTATUS_POLICY_HREF ,BINDSTATUS_P3P_HEADER ,BINDSTATUS_SESSION_COOKIE_RECEIVED ,BINDSTATUS_PERSISTENT_COOKIE_RECEIVED ,BINDSTATUS_SESSION_COOKIES_ALLOWED } BINDSTATUS; HRESULT OnStartBinding( [in] DWORD dwReserved, [in] IBinding * pib); HRESULT GetPriority( [out] LONG * pnPriority); HRESULT OnLowResource( [in] DWORD reserved); HRESULT OnProgress( [in] ULONG ulProgress, [in] ULONG ulProgressMax, [in] ULONG ulStatusCode, [in] LPCWSTR szStatusText); HRESULT OnStopBinding( [in] HRESULT hresult, [in, unique] LPCWSTR szError ); [local] HRESULT GetBindInfo( [out] DWORD *grfBINDF, [in, out, unique] BINDINFO * pbindinfo ); [call_as(GetBindInfo)] HRESULT RemoteGetBindInfo( [out] DWORD *grfBINDF, [in, out, unique] RemBINDINFO * pbindinfo, [in, out, unique] RemSTGMEDIUM* pstgmed ); [local] HRESULT OnDataAvailable( [in] DWORD grfBSCF, [in] DWORD dwSize, [in] FORMATETC* pformatetc, [in] STGMEDIUM* pstgmed ); [call_as(OnDataAvailable)] HRESULT RemoteOnDataAvailable( [in] DWORD grfBSCF, [in] DWORD dwSize, [in] RemFORMATETC *pformatetc, [in] RemSTGMEDIUM* pstgmed ); HRESULT OnObjectAvailable( [in] REFIID riid, [in, iid_is(riid)] IUnknown* punk ); } cpp_quote("#endif") //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995-1998. // // Contents: IAuthenticate interface definition // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPAUTHENTICATION_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _LPAUTHENTICATION_DEFINED") [ object, uuid(79eac9d0-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IAuthenticate : IUnknown { typedef [unique] IAuthenticate *LPAUTHENTICATION; HRESULT Authenticate( [out] HWND* phwnd, [out] LPWSTR *pszUsername, [out] LPWSTR *pszPassword ); } cpp_quote("#endif") //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995-1998. // // Contents: IHttpNegotiate interface definition // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPHTTPNEGOTIATE_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _LPHTTPNEGOTIATE_DEFINED") [ object, uuid(79eac9d2-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IHttpNegotiate : IUnknown { typedef [unique] IHttpNegotiate *LPHTTPNEGOTIATE; HRESULT BeginningTransaction( [in] LPCWSTR szURL, [in, unique] LPCWSTR szHeaders, [in] DWORD dwReserved, [out] LPWSTR *pszAdditionalHeaders ); HRESULT OnResponse( [in] DWORD dwResponseCode, [in, unique] LPCWSTR szResponseHeaders, [in, unique] LPCWSTR szRequestHeaders, [out] LPWSTR *pszAdditionalRequestHeaders ); } cpp_quote("#endif") //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995-1998. // // Contents: IHttpNegotiate2 interface definition // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPHTTPNEGOTIATE2_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _LPHTTPNEGOTIATE2_DEFINED") [ object, uuid(4F9F9FCB-E0F4-48eb-B7AB-FA2EA9365CB4), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IHttpNegotiate2 : IHttpNegotiate { typedef [unique] IHttpNegotiate2 *LPHTTPNEGOTIATE2; HRESULT GetRootSecurityId ( [out, size_is(*pcbSecurityId)] BYTE* pbSecurityId, [in, out] DWORD* pcbSecurityId, [in] DWORD_PTR dwReserved ); } cpp_quote("#endif") //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995-1998. // // Contents: IWindowForBindingUI interface definition // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPWINDOWFORBINDINGUI_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _LPWINDOWFORBINDINGUI_DEFINED") [ local, object, uuid(79eac9d5-bafa-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IWindowForBindingUI : IUnknown { typedef [unique] IWindowForBindingUI *LPWINDOWFORBINDINGUI; HRESULT GetWindow( [in] REFGUID rguidReason, [out] HWND* phwnd); } cpp_quote("#endif") //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995-1998. // // Contents: ICodeDownloadClient interface definition // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPCODEINSTALL_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _LPCODEINSTALL_DEFINED") [ local, object, uuid(79eac9d1-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b), pointer_default(unique) ] interface ICodeInstall : IWindowForBindingUI { typedef [unique] ICodeInstall *LPCODEINSTALL; typedef enum { CIP_DISK_FULL, CIP_ACCESS_DENIED, CIP_NEWER_VERSION_EXISTS, CIP_OLDER_VERSION_EXISTS, CIP_NAME_CONFLICT, CIP_TRUST_VERIFICATION_COMPONENT_MISSING, CIP_EXE_SELF_REGISTERATION_TIMEOUT, CIP_UNSAFE_TO_ABORT, CIP_NEED_REBOOT } CIP_STATUS; HRESULT OnCodeInstallProblem( [in] ULONG ulStatusCode, // contingency status [in, unique] LPCWSTR szDestination, // file that needs to be updated [in, unique] LPCWSTR szSource, // new version from 'net (a temp file) [in] DWORD dwReserved ); } cpp_quote("#endif") //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995-1998. // // Contents: IWinInetInfo interface definition // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPWININETINFO_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _LPWININETINFO_DEFINED") [ object, uuid(79eac9d6-bafa-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IWinInetInfo : IUnknown { typedef [unique] IWinInetInfo *LPWININETINFO; [local] HRESULT QueryOption( [in] DWORD dwOption, [in, out, size_is(*pcbBuf)] LPVOID pBuffer, [in, out] DWORD *pcbBuf); [call_as(QueryOption)] HRESULT RemoteQueryOption( [in] DWORD dwOption, [in, out, size_is(*pcbBuf)] BYTE *pBuffer, [in, out] DWORD *pcbBuf); } cpp_quote("#endif") cpp_quote("#define WININETINFO_OPTION_LOCK_HANDLE 65534") //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995-1998. // // Contents: IHttpSecurity interface definition // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPHTTPSECURITY_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _LPHTTPSECURITY_DEFINED") [ local, object, uuid(79eac9d7-bafa-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IHttpSecurity : IWindowForBindingUI { typedef [unique] IHttpSecurity *LPHTTPSECURITY; HRESULT OnSecurityProblem( [in] DWORD dwProblem); } cpp_quote("#endif") //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995-1998. // // Contents: IWinInetHttpInfo interface definition // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPWININETHTTPINFO_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _LPWININETHTTPINFO_DEFINED") [ object, uuid(79eac9d8-bafa-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IWinInetHttpInfo : IWinInetInfo { typedef [unique] IWinInetHttpInfo *LPWININETHTTPINFO; [local] HRESULT QueryInfo( [in] DWORD dwOption, [in, out,size_is(*pcbBuf)] LPVOID pBuffer, [in, out] DWORD *pcbBuf, [in, out] DWORD *pdwFlags, [in, out] DWORD *pdwReserved ); [call_as(QueryInfo)] HRESULT RemoteQueryInfo( [in] DWORD dwOption, [in,out,size_is(*pcbBuf)] BYTE *pBuffer, [in, out] DWORD *pcbBuf, [in, out] DWORD *pdwFlags, [in, out] DWORD *pdwReserved ); } cpp_quote("#endif") cpp_quote("#define SID_IBindHost IID_IBindHost") cpp_quote("#define SID_SBindHost IID_IBindHost") //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995-1998. // // Contents: IBindHost definition // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPBINDHOST_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _LPBINDHOST_DEFINED") cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const GUID SID_BindHost;") [ object, uuid(fc4801a1-2ba9-11cf-a229-00aa003d7352), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IBindHost : IUnknown { typedef [unique] IBindHost *LPBINDHOST; HRESULT CreateMoniker( [in] LPOLESTR szName, [in] IBindCtx *pBC, [out] IMoniker** ppmk, [in] DWORD dwReserved); [local] HRESULT MonikerBindToStorage( [in] IMoniker *pMk, [in] IBindCtx *pBC, [in] IBindStatusCallback *pBSC, [in] REFIID riid, [out] void **ppvObj); [call_as(MonikerBindToStorage)] HRESULT RemoteMonikerBindToStorage( [in, unique] IMoniker *pMk, [in, unique] IBindCtx *pBC, [in, unique] IBindStatusCallback *pBSC, [in] REFIID riid, [out, iid_is(riid)] IUnknown **ppvObj); [local] HRESULT MonikerBindToObject( [in] IMoniker *pMk, [in] IBindCtx *pBC, [in] IBindStatusCallback *pBSC, [in] REFIID riid, [out] void **ppvObj); [call_as(MonikerBindToObject)] HRESULT RemoteMonikerBindToObject( [in, unique] IMoniker *pMk, [in, unique] IBindCtx *pBC, [in, unique] IBindStatusCallback *pBSC, [in] REFIID riid, [out, iid_is(riid)] IUnknown **ppvObj); } cpp_quote("#endif") // urlhlink stuff #pragma midl_echo(" ") cpp_quote("// These are for backwards compatibility with previous URLMON versions") #pragma midl_echo("// Flags for the UrlDownloadToCacheFile ") #pragma midl_echo("#define URLOSTRM_USECACHEDCOPY_ONLY 0x1 // Only get from cache ") #pragma midl_echo("#define URLOSTRM_USECACHEDCOPY 0x2 // Get from cache if available else download ") #pragma midl_echo("#define URLOSTRM_GETNEWESTVERSION 0x3 // Get new version only. But put it in cache too ") #pragma midl_echo(" ") #pragma midl_echo(" ") #pragma midl_echo("struct IBindStatusCallback; ") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI HlinkSimpleNavigateToString( ") #pragma midl_echo(" /* [in] */ LPCWSTR szTarget, // required - target document - null if local jump w/in doc ") #pragma midl_echo(" /* [in] */ LPCWSTR szLocation, // optional, for navigation into middle of a doc ") #pragma midl_echo(" /* [in] */ LPCWSTR szTargetFrameName,// optional, for targeting frame-sets ") #pragma midl_echo(" /* [in] */ IUnknown *pUnk, // required - we'll search this for other necessary interfaces ") #pragma midl_echo(" /* [in] */ IBindCtx *pbc, // optional. caller may register an IBSC in this ") #pragma midl_echo(" /* [in] */ IBindStatusCallback *, ") #pragma midl_echo(" /* [in] */ DWORD grfHLNF, // flags ") #pragma midl_echo(" /* [in] */ DWORD dwReserved // for future use, must be NULL ") #pragma midl_echo("); ") #pragma midl_echo(" ") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI HlinkSimpleNavigateToMoniker( ") #pragma midl_echo(" /* [in] */ IMoniker *pmkTarget, // required - target document - (may be null ") #pragma midl_echo(" /* [in] */ LPCWSTR szLocation, // optional, for navigation into middle of a doc ") #pragma midl_echo(" /* [in] */ LPCWSTR szTargetFrameName,// optional, for targeting frame-sets ") #pragma midl_echo(" /* [in] */ IUnknown *pUnk, // required - we'll search this for other necessary interfaces ") #pragma midl_echo(" /* [in] */ IBindCtx *pbc, // optional. caller may register an IBSC in this ") #pragma midl_echo(" /* [in] */ IBindStatusCallback *, ") #pragma midl_echo(" /* [in] */ DWORD grfHLNF, // flags ") #pragma midl_echo(" /* [in] */ DWORD dwReserved // for future use, must be NULL ") #pragma midl_echo("); ") //#pragma midl_echo("typedef HRESULT (STDAPICALLTYPE *LPFNUOSCALLBACK)(LPBINDSTATUSCALLBACK); ") #pragma midl_echo(" ") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI URLOpenStreamA(LPUNKNOWN,LPCSTR,DWORD,LPBINDSTATUSCALLBACK); ") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI URLOpenStreamW(LPUNKNOWN,LPCWSTR,DWORD,LPBINDSTATUSCALLBACK); ") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI URLOpenPullStreamA(LPUNKNOWN,LPCSTR,DWORD,LPBINDSTATUSCALLBACK); ") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI URLOpenPullStreamW(LPUNKNOWN,LPCWSTR,DWORD,LPBINDSTATUSCALLBACK); ") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI URLDownloadToFileA(LPUNKNOWN,LPCSTR,LPCSTR,DWORD,LPBINDSTATUSCALLBACK); ") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI URLDownloadToFileW(LPUNKNOWN,LPCWSTR,LPCWSTR,DWORD,LPBINDSTATUSCALLBACK); ") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI URLDownloadToCacheFileA(LPUNKNOWN,LPCSTR,LPTSTR,DWORD,DWORD,LPBINDSTATUSCALLBACK); ") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI URLDownloadToCacheFileW(LPUNKNOWN,LPCWSTR,LPWSTR,DWORD,DWORD,LPBINDSTATUSCALLBACK); ") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI URLOpenBlockingStreamA(LPUNKNOWN,LPCSTR,LPSTREAM*,DWORD,LPBINDSTATUSCALLBACK); ") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI URLOpenBlockingStreamW(LPUNKNOWN,LPCWSTR,LPSTREAM*,DWORD,LPBINDSTATUSCALLBACK); ") #pragma midl_echo(" ") #pragma midl_echo("#ifdef UNICODE ") #pragma midl_echo("#define URLOpenStream URLOpenStreamW ") #pragma midl_echo("#define URLOpenPullStream URLOpenPullStreamW ") #pragma midl_echo("#define URLDownloadToFile URLDownloadToFileW ") #pragma midl_echo("#define URLDownloadToCacheFile URLDownloadToCacheFileW ") #pragma midl_echo("#define URLOpenBlockingStream URLOpenBlockingStreamW ") #pragma midl_echo("#else ") #pragma midl_echo("#define URLOpenStream URLOpenStreamA ") #pragma midl_echo("#define URLOpenPullStream URLOpenPullStreamA ") #pragma midl_echo("#define URLDownloadToFile URLDownloadToFileA ") #pragma midl_echo("#define URLDownloadToCacheFile URLDownloadToCacheFileA ") #pragma midl_echo("#define URLOpenBlockingStream URLOpenBlockingStreamA ") #pragma midl_echo("#endif // !UNICODE ") #pragma midl_echo(" ") #pragma midl_echo(" ") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI HlinkGoBack(IUnknown *pUnk); ") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI HlinkGoForward(IUnknown *pUnk); ") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI HlinkNavigateString(IUnknown *pUnk, LPCWSTR szTarget); ") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI HlinkNavigateMoniker(IUnknown *pUnk, IMoniker *pmkTarget); ") #pragma midl_echo(" ") // urlhlink end // // Some components to not want the new async plugable protocol interfaces (e.g OLE) // #pragma midl_echo("#ifndef _URLMON_NO_ASYNC_PLUGABLE_PROTOCOLS_ ") interface IInternet; interface IInternetBindInfo; interface IInternetProtocolRoot; interface IInternetProtocol; interface IInternetProtocolSink; interface IInternetProtocolInfo; interface IInternetSession; interface IInternetProtocolSinkStackable; //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995-1998. // // Contents: IInternet interface definition // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPIINTERNET") cpp_quote("#define _LPIINTERNET") [ local, object, uuid(79eac9e0-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IInternet : IUnknown { typedef [unique] IInternet *LPIINTERNET; } cpp_quote("#endif") //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995-1998. // // Contents: IInternetBindInfo interface definition // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPIINTERNETBINDINFO") cpp_quote("#define _LPIINTERNETBINDINFO") [ local, object, uuid(79eac9e1-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IInternetBindInfo : IUnknown { typedef [unique] IInternetBindInfo *LPIINTERNETBINDINFO; typedef enum tagBINDSTRING { BINDSTRING_HEADERS = 1 ,BINDSTRING_ACCEPT_MIMES ,BINDSTRING_EXTRA_URL ,BINDSTRING_LANGUAGE ,BINDSTRING_USERNAME ,BINDSTRING_PASSWORD ,BINDSTRING_UA_PIXELS ,BINDSTRING_UA_COLOR ,BINDSTRING_OS ,BINDSTRING_USER_AGENT ,BINDSTRING_ACCEPT_ENCODINGS ,BINDSTRING_POST_COOKIE ,BINDSTRING_POST_DATA_MIME ,BINDSTRING_URL ,BINDSTRING_IID ,BINDSTRING_FLAG_BIND_TO_OBJECT ,BINDSTRING_PTR_BIND_CONTEXT } BINDSTRING; HRESULT GetBindInfo( [out] DWORD *grfBINDF, [in, out, unique] BINDINFO * pbindinfo ); HRESULT GetBindString( [in] ULONG ulStringType, [in, out] LPOLESTR *ppwzStr, [in] ULONG cEl, [in, out] ULONG *pcElFetched ); } cpp_quote("#endif") //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995-1998. // // Contents: IInternetProtocolRoot interface definition // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPIINTERNETPROTOCOLROOT_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _LPIINTERNETPROTOCOLROOT_DEFINED") [ local, object, uuid(79eac9e3-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IInternetProtocolRoot : IUnknown { typedef [unique] IInternetProtocolRoot *LPIINTERNETPROTOCOLROOT; typedef enum _tagPI_FLAGS { PI_PARSE_URL = 0x00000001 ,PI_FILTER_MODE = 0x00000002 ,PI_FORCE_ASYNC = 0x00000004 ,PI_USE_WORKERTHREAD = 0x00000008 ,PI_MIMEVERIFICATION = 0x00000010 ,PI_CLSIDLOOKUP = 0x00000020 ,PI_DATAPROGRESS = 0x00000040 ,PI_SYNCHRONOUS = 0x00000080 ,PI_APARTMENTTHREADED = 0x00000100 ,PI_CLASSINSTALL = 0x00000200 // new flags to deal with mime handler // and to load app directly ,PI_PASSONBINDCTX = 0x00002000 ,PI_NOMIMEHANDLER = 0x00008000 ,PI_LOADAPPDIRECT = 0x00004000 // flags used in the protocol data on switch ,PD_FORCE_SWITCH = 0x00010000 ,PI_PREFERDEFAULTHANDLER = 0x00020000 } PI_FLAGS; typedef struct _tagPROTOCOLDATA { DWORD grfFlags; DWORD dwState; LPVOID pData; ULONG cbData; } PROTOCOLDATA; typedef struct _tagStartParam { IID iid; IBindCtx *pIBindCtx; IUnknown *pItf; } StartParam; HRESULT Start( [in] LPCWSTR szUrl, [in] IInternetProtocolSink *pOIProtSink, [in] IInternetBindInfo *pOIBindInfo, [in] DWORD grfPI, [in] HANDLE_PTR dwReserved ); HRESULT Continue( [in] PROTOCOLDATA *pProtocolData ); HRESULT Abort( [in] HRESULT hrReason, [in] DWORD dwOptions ); HRESULT Terminate( [in] DWORD dwOptions ); HRESULT Suspend(); HRESULT Resume(); } cpp_quote("#endif") //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995-1998. // // Contents: IInternetProtocol interface definition // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPIINTERNETPROTOCOL_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _LPIINTERNETPROTOCOL_DEFINED") [ local, object, uuid(79eac9e4-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IInternetProtocol : IInternetProtocolRoot { typedef [unique] IInternetProtocol *LPIINTERNETPROTOCOL; HRESULT Read( [in,out, size_is(cb), length_is(*pcbRead)] void *pv, [in] ULONG cb, [out] ULONG *pcbRead); HRESULT Seek( [in] LARGE_INTEGER dlibMove, [in] DWORD dwOrigin, [out] ULARGE_INTEGER *plibNewPosition); HRESULT LockRequest( [in] DWORD dwOptions ); HRESULT UnlockRequest(); } cpp_quote("#endif") //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995-1998. // // Contents: IInternetProtocolSink interface definition // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPIINTERNETPROTOCOLSINK_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _LPIINTERNETPROTOCOLSINK_DEFINED") [ local, object, uuid(79eac9e5-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IInternetProtocolSink : IUnknown { typedef [unique] IInternetProtocolSink *LPIINTERNETPROTOCOLSINK; HRESULT Switch( [in] PROTOCOLDATA *pProtocolData ); HRESULT ReportProgress( [in] ULONG ulStatusCode, [in] LPCWSTR szStatusText ); HRESULT ReportData( [in] DWORD grfBSCF, [in] ULONG ulProgress, [in] ULONG ulProgressMax ); HRESULT ReportResult( [in] HRESULT hrResult, [in] DWORD dwError, [in] LPCWSTR szResult ); } cpp_quote("#endif") //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995-1998. // // Contents: IInternetProtocolSinkStackable interface definition // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPIINTERNETPROTOCOLSINKSTACKABLE_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _LPIINTERNETPROTOCOLSINKSTACKABLE_DEFINED") [ local, object, uuid(79eac9f0-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IInternetProtocolSinkStackable : IUnknown { typedef [unique] IInternetProtocolSinkStackable *LPIINTERNETPROTOCOLSINKStackable; HRESULT SwitchSink( [in] IInternetProtocolSink *pOIProtSink ); HRESULT CommitSwitch(); HRESULT RollbackSwitch(); } cpp_quote("#endif") //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995 - 1997. // // Contents: IInternetSession interface definition // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPIINTERNETSESSION_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _LPIINTERNETSESSION_DEFINED") [ local, object, uuid(79eac9e7-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IInternetSession : IUnknown { typedef [unique] IInternetSession *LPIINTERNETSESSION; typedef enum _tagOIBDG_FLAGS { // default is free threaded OIBDG_APARTMENTTHREADED = 0x00000100 ,OIBDG_DATAONLY = 0x00001000 } OIBDG_FLAGS; HRESULT RegisterNameSpace( [in] IClassFactory *pCF, [in] REFCLSID rclsid, [in] LPCWSTR pwzProtocol, [in] ULONG cPatterns, [in] const LPCWSTR *ppwzPatterns, [in] DWORD dwReserved ); HRESULT UnregisterNameSpace( [in] IClassFactory *pCF, [in] LPCWSTR pszProtocol ); HRESULT RegisterMimeFilter( [in] IClassFactory *pCF, [in] REFCLSID rclsid, [in] LPCWSTR pwzType ); HRESULT UnregisterMimeFilter( [in] IClassFactory *pCF, [in] LPCWSTR pwzType ); HRESULT CreateBinding( [in] LPBC pBC, [in] LPCWSTR szUrl, [in] IUnknown *pUnkOuter, [out, unique] IUnknown **ppUnk, [out, unique] IInternetProtocol **ppOInetProt, [in] DWORD dwOption ); HRESULT SetSessionOption( [in] DWORD dwOption, [in] LPVOID pBuffer, [in] DWORD dwBufferLength, [in] DWORD dwReserved ); HRESULT GetSessionOption( [in] DWORD dwOption, [in, out] LPVOID pBuffer, [in, out] DWORD *pdwBufferLength, [in] DWORD dwReserved ); } cpp_quote("#endif") //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995-1998. // // Contents: IInternetThreadSwitch interface definition // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPIINTERNETTHREADSWITCH_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _LPIINTERNETTHREADSWITCH_DEFINED") [ local, object, uuid(79eac9e8-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IInternetThreadSwitch : IUnknown { typedef [unique] IInternetThreadSwitch *LPIINTERNETTHREADSWITCH; HRESULT Prepare(); HRESULT Continue(); } cpp_quote("#endif") //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995-1998. // // Contents: IInternetPriority interface definition // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPIINTERNETPRIORITY_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _LPIINTERNETPRIORITY_DEFINED") [ local, object, uuid(79eac9eb-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IInternetPriority : IUnknown { typedef [unique] IInternetPriority *LPIINTERNETPRIORITY; HRESULT SetPriority( [in] LONG nPriority ); HRESULT GetPriority( [out] LONG * pnPriority ); } cpp_quote("#endif") //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995-1998. // // Contents: IInternetProtocolInfo interface definition // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPIINTERNETPROTOCOLINFO_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _LPIINTERNETPROTOCOLINFO_DEFINED") [ local, object, uuid(79eac9ec-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IInternetProtocolInfo : IUnknown { typedef [unique] IInternetProtocolInfo *LPIINTERNETPROTOCOLINFO; typedef enum _tagPARSEACTION { PARSE_CANONICALIZE = 1 // compute canonical URL ,PARSE_FRIENDLY // get user friendly name from URL ,PARSE_SECURITY_URL // get security URL. ,PARSE_ROOTDOCUMENT // returns URL of root document for site ,PARSE_DOCUMENT // Strips of #anchor ,PARSE_ANCHOR // Strips of everything before #anchor ,PARSE_ENCODE // encode the url ,PARSE_DECODE // decode the url ,PARSE_PATH_FROM_URL // get the path if apply ,PARSE_URL_FROM_PATH // create a url from the path ,PARSE_MIME // return mime of this url ,PARSE_SERVER // return server ,PARSE_SCHEMA ,PARSE_SITE ,PARSE_DOMAIN ,PARSE_LOCATION ,PARSE_SECURITY_DOMAIN // returns the canonical security form of the URL. ,PARSE_ESCAPE // encode the url ,PARSE_UNESCAPE // decode the url } PARSEACTION; // Actions for CoInternetGetSecurityURL function. typedef enum _tagPSUACTION { PSU_DEFAULT = 1 // gets security URL and returns its domain. ,PSU_SECURITY_URL_ONLY // gets just the security URL } PSUACTION; // // Query options - needs more work on possible options // typedef enum _tagQUERYOPTION { QUERY_EXPIRATION_DATE = 1 // the expiration date in form of systemtime ,QUERY_TIME_OF_LAST_CHANGE // time of last change in form of systemtime ,QUERY_CONTENT_ENCODING // the content concoding schema ,QUERY_CONTENT_TYPE // the content type header (mime and charset) ,QUERY_REFRESH // the refresh ,QUERY_RECOMBINE // combine the page URL with the nearest base if TRUE ,QUERY_CAN_NAVIGATE // does the protocol navigate (unlike mailto) ,QUERY_USES_NETWORK // will URL hit network ,QUERY_IS_CACHED // is data cached locally? ,QUERY_IS_INSTALLEDENTRY // Is the entry installed locally (on cdrom) ,QUERY_IS_CACHED_OR_MAPPED // is the entry in cache or is it on a mapped drive // It may be mapped but may not actually be present ,QUERY_USES_CACHE // does the protocol use the internet cache ,QUERY_IS_SECURE // is the protocol encrypted ,QUERY_IS_SAFE // the protocol serves only trusted (e.g. local resource) content } QUERYOPTION; // // returns: // S_OK on success // S_FALSE on success but buffer is too small // INET_E_DEFAULT_ACTION if action is not know should be handled be default implementation // HRESULT ParseUrl( [in] LPCWSTR pwzUrl, [in] PARSEACTION ParseAction, [in] DWORD dwParseFlags, [out] LPWSTR pwzResult, [in] DWORD cchResult, [out] DWORD *pcchResult, [in] DWORD dwReserved ); // // returns: // S_OK on success // S_FALSE on success but buffer is too small // INET_E_DEFAULT_ACTION if action is not know should be handled be default implementation // HRESULT CombineUrl( [in] LPCWSTR pwzBaseUrl, [in] LPCWSTR pwzRelativeUrl, [in] DWORD dwCombineFlags, [out] LPWSTR pwzResult, [in] DWORD cchResult, [out] DWORD *pcchResult, [in] DWORD dwReserved ); // // returns: // S_OK if equal // S_FALSE otherwise // HRESULT CompareUrl( [in] LPCWSTR pwzUrl1, [in] LPCWSTR pwzUrl2, [in] DWORD dwCompareFlags ); // // returns: // S_OK on success // S_FALSE on success but buffer is too small // INET_E_QUERYOPTION_UNKNOWN // HRESULT QueryInfo( [in] LPCWSTR pwzUrl, [in] QUERYOPTION OueryOption, [in] DWORD dwQueryFlags, [in, out,size_is(*pcbBuf)] LPVOID pBuffer, [in] DWORD cbBuffer, [in, out] DWORD *pcbBuf, [in] DWORD dwReserved ); } cpp_quote("#endif") // // compatablility defines // cpp_quote("#define IOInet IInternet ") cpp_quote("#define IOInetBindInfo IInternetBindInfo ") cpp_quote("#define IOInetProtocolRoot IInternetProtocolRoot") cpp_quote("#define IOInetProtocol IInternetProtocol ") cpp_quote("#define IOInetProtocolSink IInternetProtocolSink") cpp_quote("#define IOInetProtocolInfo IInternetProtocolInfo") cpp_quote("#define IOInetSession IInternetSession ") cpp_quote("#define IOInetPriority IInternetPriority ") cpp_quote("#define IOInetThreadSwitch IInternetThreadSwitch") cpp_quote("#define IOInetProtocolSinkStackable IInternetProtocolSinkStackable") cpp_quote("#define LPOINET LPIINTERNET ") cpp_quote("#define LPOINETPROTOCOLINFO LPIINTERNETPROTOCOLINFO ") cpp_quote("#define LPOINETBINDINFO LPIINTERNETBINDINFO ") cpp_quote("#define LPOINETPROTOCOLROOT LPIINTERNETPROTOCOLROOT ") cpp_quote("#define LPOINETPROTOCOL LPIINTERNETPROTOCOL ") cpp_quote("#define LPOINETPROTOCOLSINK LPIINTERNETPROTOCOLSINK ") cpp_quote("#define LPOINETSESSION LPIINTERNETSESSION ") cpp_quote("#define LPOINETTHREADSWITCH LPIINTERNETTHREADSWITCH ") cpp_quote("#define LPOINETPRIORITY LPIINTERNETPRIORITY ") cpp_quote("#define LPOINETPROTOCOLINFO LPIINTERNETPROTOCOLINFO ") cpp_quote("#define LPOINETPROTOCOLSINKSTACKABLE LPIINTERNETPROTOCOLSINKSTACKABLE ") cpp_quote("#define IID_IOInet IID_IInternet ") cpp_quote("#define IID_IOInetBindInfo IID_IInternetBindInfo ") cpp_quote("#define IID_IOInetProtocolRoot IID_IInternetProtocolRoot") cpp_quote("#define IID_IOInetProtocol IID_IInternetProtocol ") cpp_quote("#define IID_IOInetProtocolSink IID_IInternetProtocolSink") cpp_quote("#define IID_IOInetProtocolInfo IID_IInternetProtocolInfo") cpp_quote("#define IID_IOInetSession IID_IInternetSession ") cpp_quote("#define IID_IOInetPriority IID_IInternetPriority ") cpp_quote("#define IID_IOInetThreadSwitch IID_IInternetThreadSwitch") cpp_quote("#define IID_IOInetProtocolSinkStackable IID_IInternetProtocolSinkStackable") // // OInet helper functions for url parsing // #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI CoInternetParseUrl( ") #pragma midl_echo(" LPCWSTR pwzUrl, ") #pragma midl_echo(" PARSEACTION ParseAction, ") #pragma midl_echo(" DWORD dwFlags, ") #pragma midl_echo(" LPWSTR pszResult, ") #pragma midl_echo(" DWORD cchResult, ") #pragma midl_echo(" DWORD *pcchResult, ") #pragma midl_echo(" DWORD dwReserved ") #pragma midl_echo(" ); ") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI CoInternetCombineUrl( ") #pragma midl_echo(" LPCWSTR pwzBaseUrl, ") #pragma midl_echo(" LPCWSTR pwzRelativeUrl, ") #pragma midl_echo(" DWORD dwCombineFlags, ") #pragma midl_echo(" LPWSTR pszResult, ") #pragma midl_echo(" DWORD cchResult, ") #pragma midl_echo(" DWORD *pcchResult, ") #pragma midl_echo(" DWORD dwReserved ") #pragma midl_echo(" ); ") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI CoInternetCompareUrl( ") #pragma midl_echo(" LPCWSTR pwzUrl1, ") #pragma midl_echo(" LPCWSTR pwzUrl2, ") #pragma midl_echo(" DWORD dwFlags ") #pragma midl_echo(" ); ") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI CoInternetGetProtocolFlags( ") #pragma midl_echo(" LPCWSTR pwzUrl, ") #pragma midl_echo(" DWORD *pdwFlags, ") #pragma midl_echo(" DWORD dwReserved ") #pragma midl_echo(" ); ") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI CoInternetQueryInfo( ") #pragma midl_echo(" LPCWSTR pwzUrl, ") #pragma midl_echo(" QUERYOPTION QueryOptions, ") #pragma midl_echo(" DWORD dwQueryFlags, ") #pragma midl_echo(" LPVOID pvBuffer, ") #pragma midl_echo(" DWORD cbBuffer, ") #pragma midl_echo(" DWORD *pcbBuffer, ") #pragma midl_echo(" DWORD dwReserved ") #pragma midl_echo(" ); ") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI CoInternetGetSession( ") #pragma midl_echo(" DWORD dwSessionMode, ") #pragma midl_echo(" IInternetSession **ppIInternetSession,") #pragma midl_echo(" DWORD dwReserved ") #pragma midl_echo(" ); ") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI CoInternetGetSecurityUrl( ") #pragma midl_echo(" LPCWSTR pwzUrl, ") #pragma midl_echo(" LPWSTR *ppwzSecUrl, ") #pragma midl_echo(" PSUACTION psuAction, ") #pragma midl_echo(" DWORD dwReserved ") #pragma midl_echo(" ); ") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI AsyncInstallDistributionUnit( ") #pragma midl_echo(" LPCWSTR szDistUnit, ") #pragma midl_echo(" LPCWSTR szTYPE, ") #pragma midl_echo(" LPCWSTR szExt, ") #pragma midl_echo(" DWORD dwFileVersionMS, ") #pragma midl_echo(" DWORD dwFileVersionLS, ") #pragma midl_echo(" LPCWSTR szURL, ") #pragma midl_echo(" IBindCtx *pbc, ") #pragma midl_echo(" LPVOID pvReserved, ") #pragma midl_echo(" DWORD flags ") #pragma midl_echo(" ); ") // // STGMEDIUMs and BINDINFO helper utils // #pragma midl_echo(" ") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI CopyStgMedium(const STGMEDIUM * pcstgmedSrc, ") #pragma midl_echo(" STGMEDIUM * pstgmedDest); ") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI CopyBindInfo( const BINDINFO * pcbiSrc, ") #pragma midl_echo(" BINDINFO * pbiDest ); ") #pragma midl_echo("STDAPI_(void) ReleaseBindInfo( BINDINFO * pbindinfo ); ") #pragma midl_echo(" ") cpp_quote("#define INET_E_USE_DEFAULT_PROTOCOLHANDLER _HRESULT_TYPEDEF_(0x800C0011L) ") cpp_quote("#define INET_E_USE_DEFAULT_SETTING _HRESULT_TYPEDEF_(0x800C0012L) ") cpp_quote("#define INET_E_DEFAULT_ACTION INET_E_USE_DEFAULT_PROTOCOLHANDLER ") cpp_quote("#define INET_E_QUERYOPTION_UNKNOWN _HRESULT_TYPEDEF_(0x800C0013L) ") cpp_quote("#define INET_E_REDIRECTING _HRESULT_TYPEDEF_(0x800C0014L) ") cpp_quote("#define OInetParseUrl CoInternetParseUrl ") cpp_quote("#define OInetCombineUrl CoInternetCombineUrl ") cpp_quote("#define OInetCompareUrl CoInternetCompareUrl ") cpp_quote("#define OInetQueryInfo CoInternetQueryInfo ") cpp_quote("#define OInetGetSession CoInternetGetSession ") #pragma midl_echo("#endif // !_URLMON_NO_ASYNC_PLUGABLE_PROTOCOLS_ ") cpp_quote("//") cpp_quote("// Static Protocol flags") cpp_quote("//") cpp_quote("#define PROTOCOLFLAG_NO_PICS_CHECK 0x00000001") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("// Creates the security manager object. The first argument is the Service provider") cpp_quote("// to allow for delegation") cpp_quote("STDAPI CoInternetCreateSecurityManager(IServiceProvider *pSP, IInternetSecurityManager **ppSM, DWORD dwReserved);") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("STDAPI CoInternetCreateZoneManager(IServiceProvider *pSP, IInternetZoneManager **ppZM, DWORD dwReserved);") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("// Security manager CLSID's") cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const IID CLSID_InternetSecurityManager; ") cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const IID CLSID_InternetZoneManager; ") cpp_quote("// This service is used for delegation support on the Security Manager interface") cpp_quote("#define SID_SInternetSecurityManager IID_IInternetSecurityManager") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("#define SID_SInternetHostSecurityManager IID_IInternetHostSecurityManager") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPINTERNETSECURITYMGRSITE_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _LPINTERNETSECURITYMGRSITE_DEFINED") [ local, object, uuid(79eac9ed-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b), helpstring("IInternetSecurityMgrSite Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IInternetSecurityMgrSite : IUnknown { HRESULT GetWindow ( [out] HWND* phwnd); HRESULT EnableModeless ( [in] BOOL fEnable); }; cpp_quote("#endif") cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPINTERNETSECURITYMANANGER_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _LPINTERNETSECURITYMANANGER_DEFINED") [ uuid(79eac9ee-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b), helpstring("IInternetSecurityManager Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IInternetSecurityManager : IUnknown { HRESULT SetSecuritySite ( [in,unique] IInternetSecurityMgrSite *pSite ); HRESULT GetSecuritySite ( [out] IInternetSecurityMgrSite **ppSite ); cpp_quote("#define MUTZ_NOSAVEDFILECHECK 0x00000001 // don't check file: for saved file comment") cpp_quote("#define MUTZ_ENFORCERESTRICTED 0x00000100 // enforce restricted zone independent of URL") HRESULT MapUrlToZone ( [in] LPCWSTR pwszUrl, [out] DWORD* pdwZone, [in] DWORD dwFlags ); cpp_quote("// MapUrlToZone returns the zone index given a URL") cpp_quote("#define MAX_SIZE_SECURITY_ID 512 // bytes") HRESULT GetSecurityId ( [in] LPCWSTR pwszUrl, [out, size_is(*pcbSecurityId)] BYTE* pbSecurityId, [in, out] DWORD* pcbSecurityId, [in] DWORD_PTR dwReserved ); // Flags passed into ProcessUrlAction. typedef enum { PUAF_DEFAULT = 0x00000000, PUAF_NOUI = 0x00000001, PUAF_ISFILE = 0x00000002, // Assume URL if File, url does not need file:// PUAF_WARN_IF_DENIED = 0x00000004, PUAF_FORCEUI_FOREGROUND = 0x00000008, PUAF_CHECK_TIFS = 0x00000010, PUAF_DONTCHECKBOXINDIALOG = 0x00000020, PUAF_TRUSTED = 0x00000040, PUAF_ACCEPT_WILDCARD_SCHEME = 0x00000080, PUAF_ENFORCERESTRICTED = 0x00000100, } PUAF ; HRESULT ProcessUrlAction ( [in] LPCWSTR pwszUrl, [in] DWORD dwAction, [out, size_is(cbPolicy)] BYTE* pPolicy, // output buffer pointer [in] DWORD cbPolicy, // output buffer size [in] BYTE* pContext, // context (used by the delegation routines) [in] DWORD cbContext, // size of the Context [in] DWORD dwFlags, // See enum PUAF for details. [in] DWORD dwReserved ); cpp_quote("// This is the wrapper function that most clients will use.") cpp_quote("// It figures out the current Policy for the passed in Action,") cpp_quote("// and puts up UI if the current Policy indicates that the user") cpp_quote("// should be queried. It returns back the Policy which the caller") cpp_quote("// will use to determine if the action should be allowed") HRESULT QueryCustomPolicy ( [in] LPCWSTR pwszUrl, [in] REFGUID guidKey, [out, size_is(,*pcbPolicy)] // allocation via IMemAlloc; caller frees BYTE** ppPolicy, // pointer to output buffer pointer [out] DWORD* pcbPolicy, // pointer to output buffer size [in] BYTE* pContext, // context (used by the delegation routines) [in] DWORD cbContext, // size of the Context [in] DWORD dwReserved ); cpp_quote("// This is the wrapper function to conveniently read a custom policy.") // create/enumerate mappings typedef enum { SZM_CREATE = 0x00000000, // create new mapping, error's if mapping already exists. SZM_DELETE = 0x00000001, // delete the mapping } SZM_FLAGS; HRESULT SetZoneMapping ( [in] DWORD dwZone, // absolute zone index [in] LPCWSTR lpszPattern, // URL pattern with limited wildcarding [in] DWORD dwFlags // add, change, delete ); cpp_quote("// SetZoneMapping") cpp_quote("// lpszPattern: string denoting a URL pattern") cpp_quote("// Examples of valid patterns: ") cpp_quote("// *://*.msn.com ") cpp_quote("// http://*.sony.co.jp ") cpp_quote("// *://et.msn.com ") cpp_quote("// ") cpp_quote("// https://localsvr ") cpp_quote("// file:\\localsvr\share ") cpp_quote("// *://157.54.100-200.* ") cpp_quote("// Examples of invalid patterns: ") cpp_quote("// http://*.lcs.mit.edu ") cpp_quote("// ftp://* ") cpp_quote("// dwFlags: SZM_FLAGS values ") HRESULT GetZoneMappings ( [in] DWORD dwZone, // absolute zone index [out] IEnumString **ppenumString, // output buffer size [in] DWORD dwFlags // reserved, pass 0 ); // Returns an enumerator of strings for the mappings of a zone. // dwFlags is for future use; pass in 0. }; cpp_quote("#endif") cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPINTERNETHOSTSECURITYMANANGER_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _LPINTERNETHOSTSECURITYMANANGER_DEFINED") cpp_quote("//This is the interface MSHTML exposes to its clients") cpp_quote("//The clients need not pass in a URL to these functions") cpp_quote("//since MSHTML maintains the notion of the current URL") [ local, object, uuid(3af280b6-cb3f-11d0-891e-00c04fb6bfc4), helpstring("IInternetHostSecurityManager Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IInternetHostSecurityManager : IUnknown { HRESULT GetSecurityId ( [out, size_is(*pcbSecurityId)] BYTE* pbSecurityId, [in, out] DWORD* pcbSecurityId, [in] DWORD_PTR dwReserved ); HRESULT ProcessUrlAction ( [in] DWORD dwAction, [out, size_is(cbPolicy)] BYTE* pPolicy, // output buffer pointer [in] DWORD cbPolicy, // output buffer size [in] BYTE* pContext, // context (used by the delegation routines) [in] DWORD cbContext, // size of the Context [in] DWORD dwFlags, // See enum PUAF for details. [in] DWORD dwReserved ); HRESULT QueryCustomPolicy ( [in] REFGUID guidKey, [out, size_is(,*pcbPolicy)] // allocation via IMemAlloc; caller frees BYTE** ppPolicy, // pointer to output buffer pointer [out] DWORD* pcbPolicy, // pointer to output buffer size [in] BYTE* pContext, // context (used by the delegation routines) [in] DWORD cbContext, // size of the Context [in] DWORD dwReserved ); }; cpp_quote("#endif") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("// The zone manager maintains policies for a set of standard actions. ") cpp_quote("// These actions are identified by integral values (called action indexes)") cpp_quote("// specified below.") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("// Minimum legal value for an action ") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_MIN 0x00001000") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_DOWNLOAD_MIN 0x00001000") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_DOWNLOAD_SIGNED_ACTIVEX 0x00001001") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_DOWNLOAD_UNSIGNED_ACTIVEX 0x00001004") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_DOWNLOAD_CURR_MAX 0x00001004") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_DOWNLOAD_MAX 0x000011FF") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_ACTIVEX_MIN 0x00001200") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_ACTIVEX_RUN 0x00001200") cpp_quote("#define URLPOLICY_ACTIVEX_CHECK_LIST 0x00010000") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_ACTIVEX_OVERRIDE_OBJECT_SAFETY 0x00001201 // aggregate next four") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_ACTIVEX_OVERRIDE_DATA_SAFETY 0x00001202 //") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_ACTIVEX_OVERRIDE_SCRIPT_SAFETY 0x00001203 //") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_SCRIPT_OVERRIDE_SAFETY 0x00001401 //") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_ACTIVEX_CONFIRM_NOOBJECTSAFETY 0x00001204 //") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_ACTIVEX_TREATASUNTRUSTED 0x00001205") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_ACTIVEX_NO_WEBOC_SCRIPT 0x00001206") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_ACTIVEX_CURR_MAX 0x00001206") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_ACTIVEX_MAX 0x000013ff") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_SCRIPT_MIN 0x00001400") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_SCRIPT_RUN 0x00001400") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_SCRIPT_JAVA_USE 0x00001402") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_SCRIPT_SAFE_ACTIVEX 0x00001405") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_CROSS_DOMAIN_DATA 0x00001406") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_SCRIPT_PASTE 0x00001407") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_SCRIPT_CURR_MAX 0x00001407") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_SCRIPT_MAX 0x000015ff") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_HTML_MIN 0x00001600") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_HTML_SUBMIT_FORMS 0x00001601 // aggregate next two") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_HTML_SUBMIT_FORMS_FROM 0x00001602 //") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_HTML_SUBMIT_FORMS_TO 0x00001603 //") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_HTML_FONT_DOWNLOAD 0x00001604") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_HTML_JAVA_RUN 0x00001605 // derive from Java custom policy") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_HTML_USERDATA_SAVE 0x00001606") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_HTML_SUBFRAME_NAVIGATE 0x00001607") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_HTML_META_REFRESH 0x00001608") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_HTML_MIXED_CONTENT 0x00001609") //cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_HTML_CURR_MAX 0x00001609") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_HTML_MAX 0x000017ff") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_SHELL_MIN 0x00001800") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_SHELL_INSTALL_DTITEMS 0x00001800") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_SHELL_MOVE_OR_COPY 0x00001802") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_SHELL_FILE_DOWNLOAD 0x00001803") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_SHELL_VERB 0x00001804") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_SHELL_WEBVIEW_VERB 0x00001805") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_SHELL_SHELLEXECUTE 0x00001806") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_SHELL_CURR_MAX 0x00001806") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_SHELL_MAX 0x000019ff") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_NETWORK_MIN 0x00001A00") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_CREDENTIALS_USE 0x00001A00") cpp_quote("#define URLPOLICY_CREDENTIALS_SILENT_LOGON_OK 0x00000000") cpp_quote("#define URLPOLICY_CREDENTIALS_MUST_PROMPT_USER 0x00010000") cpp_quote("#define URLPOLICY_CREDENTIALS_CONDITIONAL_PROMPT 0x00020000") cpp_quote("#define URLPOLICY_CREDENTIALS_ANONYMOUS_ONLY 0x00030000") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_AUTHENTICATE_CLIENT 0x00001A01") cpp_quote("#define URLPOLICY_AUTHENTICATE_CLEARTEXT_OK 0x00000000") cpp_quote("#define URLPOLICY_AUTHENTICATE_CHALLENGE_RESPONSE 0x00010000") cpp_quote("#define URLPOLICY_AUTHENTICATE_MUTUAL_ONLY 0x00030000") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_COOKIES 0x00001A02") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_COOKIES_SESSION 0x00001A03") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_CLIENT_CERT_PROMPT 0x00001A04") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_COOKIES_THIRD_PARTY 0x00001A05") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_COOKIES_SESSION_THIRD_PARTY 0x00001A06") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_COOKIES_ENABLED 0x00001A10") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_NETWORK_CURR_MAX 0x00001A10") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_NETWORK_MAX 0x00001Bff") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_JAVA_MIN 0x00001C00") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_JAVA_PERMISSIONS 0x00001C00") cpp_quote("#define URLPOLICY_JAVA_PROHIBIT 0x00000000") cpp_quote("#define URLPOLICY_JAVA_HIGH 0x00010000") cpp_quote("#define URLPOLICY_JAVA_MEDIUM 0x00020000") cpp_quote("#define URLPOLICY_JAVA_LOW 0x00030000") cpp_quote("#define URLPOLICY_JAVA_CUSTOM 0x00800000") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_JAVA_CURR_MAX 0x00001C00") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_JAVA_MAX 0x00001Cff") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("// The following Infodelivery actions should have no default policies") cpp_quote("// in the registry. They assume that no default policy means fall") cpp_quote("// back to the global restriction. If an admin sets a policy per") cpp_quote("// zone, then it overrides the global restriction.") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_INFODELIVERY_MIN 0x00001D00") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_INFODELIVERY_NO_ADDING_CHANNELS 0x00001D00") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_INFODELIVERY_NO_EDITING_CHANNELS 0x00001D01") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_INFODELIVERY_NO_REMOVING_CHANNELS 0x00001D02") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_INFODELIVERY_NO_ADDING_SUBSCRIPTIONS 0x00001D03") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_INFODELIVERY_NO_EDITING_SUBSCRIPTIONS 0x00001D04") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_INFODELIVERY_NO_REMOVING_SUBSCRIPTIONS 0x00001D05") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_INFODELIVERY_NO_CHANNEL_LOGGING 0x00001D06") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_INFODELIVERY_CURR_MAX 0x00001D06") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_INFODELIVERY_MAX 0x00001Dff") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_CHANNEL_SOFTDIST_MIN 0x00001E00") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_CHANNEL_SOFTDIST_PERMISSIONS 0x00001E05") cpp_quote("#define URLPOLICY_CHANNEL_SOFTDIST_PROHIBIT 0x00010000") cpp_quote("#define URLPOLICY_CHANNEL_SOFTDIST_PRECACHE 0x00020000") cpp_quote("#define URLPOLICY_CHANNEL_SOFTDIST_AUTOINSTALL 0x00030000") cpp_quote("#define URLACTION_CHANNEL_SOFTDIST_MAX 0x00001Eff") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("// For each action specified above the system maintains") cpp_quote("// a set of policies for the action. ") cpp_quote("// The only policies supported currently are permissions (i.e. is something allowed)") cpp_quote("// and logging status. ") cpp_quote("// IMPORTANT: If you are defining your own policies don't overload the meaning of the") cpp_quote("// loword of the policy. You can use the hiword to store any policy bits which are only") cpp_quote("// meaningful to your action.") cpp_quote("// For an example of how to do this look at the URLPOLICY_JAVA above") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("// Permissions ") cpp_quote("#define URLPOLICY_ALLOW 0x00") cpp_quote("#define URLPOLICY_QUERY 0x01") cpp_quote("#define URLPOLICY_DISALLOW 0x03") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("// Notifications are not done when user already queried.") // CUT cpp_quote("#define URLPOLICY_NOTIFY_ON_ALLOW 0x10") cpp_quote("#define URLPOLICY_NOTIFY_ON_DISALLOW 0x20") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("// Logging is done regardless of whether user was queried.") // CUT cpp_quote("#define URLPOLICY_LOG_ON_ALLOW 0x40") cpp_quote("#define URLPOLICY_LOG_ON_DISALLOW 0x80") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("#define URLPOLICY_MASK_PERMISSIONS 0x0f") cpp_quote("#define GetUrlPolicyPermissions(dw) (dw & URLPOLICY_MASK_PERMISSIONS)") cpp_quote("#define SetUrlPolicyPermissions(dw,dw2) ((dw) = ((dw) & ~(URLPOLICY_MASK_PERMISSIONS)) | (dw2))") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("#define URLPOLICY_DONTCHECKDLGBOX 0x100") cpp_quote("// The ordinal #'s that define the predefined zones internet explorer knows about. ") cpp_quote("// When we support user-defined zones their zone numbers should be between ") cpp_quote("// URLZONE_USER_MIN and URLZONE_USER_MAX") //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995-1998. // // Contents: IInternetZoneManager interface definition // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPINTERNETZONEMANAGER_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _LPINTERNETZONEMANAGER_DEFINED") [ local, object, uuid(79eac9ef-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b), helpstring("IInternetZoneManager Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IInternetZoneManager : IUnknown { typedef [unique] IInternetZoneManager *LPURLZONEMANAGER; typedef enum tagURLZONE { URLZONE_PREDEFINED_MIN = 0, URLZONE_LOCAL_MACHINE = 0, // local machine zone is not exposed in UI URLZONE_INTRANET, // My Intranet zone URLZONE_TRUSTED, // Trusted Web sites zone URLZONE_INTERNET, // The Internet zone URLZONE_UNTRUSTED, // Untrusted sites zone URLZONE_PREDEFINED_MAX = 999, URLZONE_USER_MIN = 1000, URLZONE_USER_MAX = 10000, } URLZONE; typedef enum tagURLTEMPLATE { // This value is just used to indicate the current set // of policies are not based on any template. URLTEMPLATE_CUSTOM = 0x000000, URLTEMPLATE_PREDEFINED_MIN = 0x10000, URLTEMPLATE_LOW = 0x10000, URLTEMPLATE_MEDLOW = 0x10500, URLTEMPLATE_MEDIUM = 0x11000, URLTEMPLATE_HIGH = 0x12000, URLTEMPLATE_PREDEFINED_MAX = 0x20000 } URLTEMPLATE ; enum { MAX_ZONE_PATH = 260, MAX_ZONE_DESCRIPTION = 200 }; typedef enum { ZAFLAGS_CUSTOM_EDIT = 0x00000001, ZAFLAGS_ADD_SITES = 0x00000002, ZAFLAGS_REQUIRE_VERIFICATION = 0x00000004, ZAFLAGS_INCLUDE_PROXY_OVERRIDE = 0x00000008, // Intranet only. ZAFLAGS_INCLUDE_INTRANET_SITES = 0x00000010, // Intranet only. ZAFLAGS_NO_UI = 0x00000020, // Don't display UI (used for local machine) ZAFLAGS_SUPPORTS_VERIFICATION = 0x00000040, // Supports server verification. ZAFLAGS_UNC_AS_INTRANET = 0x00000080, } ZAFLAGS ; typedef struct _ZONEATTRIBUTES { ULONG cbSize; WCHAR szDisplayName[MAX_ZONE_PATH]; WCHAR szDescription[MAX_ZONE_DESCRIPTION]; WCHAR szIconPath[MAX_ZONE_PATH]; DWORD dwTemplateMinLevel; DWORD dwTemplateRecommended; DWORD dwTemplateCurrentLevel; DWORD dwFlags; // ZAFLAGS. } ZONEATTRIBUTES, *LPZONEATTRIBUTES; HRESULT GetZoneAttributes ( [in] DWORD dwZone, [in, out, unique] ZONEATTRIBUTES* pZoneAttributes ); cpp_quote("// Gets the zone attributes (information in registry other than actual security") cpp_quote("// policies associated with the zone). Zone attributes are fixed as:") HRESULT SetZoneAttributes ( [in] DWORD dwZone, [in] ZONEATTRIBUTES* pZoneAttributes ); cpp_quote("// Sets the zone attributes (information in registry other than actual security") cpp_quote("// policies associated with the zone). Zone attributes as above.") cpp_quote("// Returns S_OK or ??? if failed to write the zone attributes.") cpp_quote("/* Registry Flags") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote(" When reading, default behavior is:") cpp_quote(" If HKLM allows override and HKCU value exists") cpp_quote(" Then use HKCU value") cpp_quote(" Else use HKLM value") cpp_quote(" When writing, default behavior is same as HKCU") cpp_quote(" If HKLM allows override") cpp_quote(" Then Write to HKCU") cpp_quote(" Else Fail") cpp_quote("*/") typedef enum _URLZONEREG { URLZONEREG_DEFAULT=0, URLZONEREG_HKLM, URLZONEREG_HKCU } URLZONEREG; HRESULT GetZoneCustomPolicy ( [in] DWORD dwZone, // zone index [in] REFGUID guidKey, // key to lookup value [out, size_is(,*pcbPolicy)] // allocation via IMemAlloc; caller frees BYTE** ppPolicy, // pointer to output buffer pointer [out] DWORD* pcbPolicy, // pointer to output buffer size [in] URLZONEREG urlZoneReg // effective, HKCU, or HKLM ); cpp_quote("// Gets a named custom policy associated with a zone;") cpp_quote("// e.g. the Java VM settings can be defined with a unique key such as 'Java'.") cpp_quote("// Custom policy support is intended to allow extensibility from the predefined") cpp_quote("// set of policies that IE4 has built in.") cpp_quote("// ") cpp_quote("// pwszKey is the string name designating the custom policy. Components are") cpp_quote("// responsible for having unique names.") cpp_quote("// ppPolicy is the callee allocated buffer for the policy byte blob; caller is") cpp_quote("// responsible for freeing this buffer eventually.") cpp_quote("// pcbPolicy is the size of the byte blob returned.") cpp_quote("// dwRegFlags determines how registry is accessed (see above).") cpp_quote("// Returns S_OK if key is found and buffer allocated; ??? if key is not found (no buffer alloced).") HRESULT SetZoneCustomPolicy ( [in] DWORD dwZone, // zone index [in] REFGUID guidKey, // key to lookup value [in, size_is(cbPolicy)] BYTE* pPolicy, // input buffer pointer [in] DWORD cbPolicy, // input data size [in] URLZONEREG urlZoneReg // default, HKCU, or HKLM ); cpp_quote("// Sets a named custom policy associated with a zone;") cpp_quote("// e.g. the Java VM settings can be defined with a unique key such as 'Java'.") cpp_quote("// Custom policy support is intended to allow extensibility from the predefined") cpp_quote("// set of policies that IE4 has built in. ") cpp_quote("// ") cpp_quote("// pwszKey is the string name designating the custom policy. Components are") cpp_quote("// responsible for having unique names.") cpp_quote("// ppPolicy is the caller allocated buffer for the policy byte blob.") cpp_quote("// pcbPolicy is the size of the byte blob to be set.") cpp_quote("// dwRegFlags determines if HTCU or HKLM is set.") cpp_quote("// Returns S_OK or ??? if failed to write the zone custom policy.") HRESULT GetZoneActionPolicy ( [in] DWORD dwZone, // zone index [in] DWORD dwAction, // index number of action [out, size_is(cbPolicy)] BYTE* pPolicy, // output buffer pointer [in] DWORD cbPolicy, // output buffer size [in] URLZONEREG urlZoneReg // effective, HKCU, or HKLM ); cpp_quote("// Gets action policy associated with a zone, the builtin, fixed-length policies info.") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("// dwAction is the action code for the action as defined above.") cpp_quote("// pPolicy is the caller allocated buffer for the policy data.") cpp_quote("// cbPolicy is the size of the caller allocated buffer.") cpp_quote("// dwRegFlags determines how registry is accessed (see above).") cpp_quote("// Returns S_OK if action is valid; ??? if action is not valid.") HRESULT SetZoneActionPolicy ( [in] DWORD dwZone, // zone index [in] DWORD dwAction, // index number of action [in, size_is(cbPolicy)] BYTE* pPolicy, // input buffer pointer [in] DWORD cbPolicy, // input data size [in] URLZONEREG urlZoneReg // HKCU, or HKLM ); // Sets action policy associated with a zone, the builtin, fixed-length policies info. // // dwAction is the action code as defined above. // pPolicy is the caller allocated buffer for the policy data. // cbPolicy is the size of the caller allocated buffer. // dwRegFlags determines how registry is accessed (see above). // Returns S_OK if action is valid; ??? if action is not valid. // UI, logging, and wrapper for both // This function is not implemented yet. HRESULT PromptAction ( [in] DWORD dwAction, // action type [in] HWND hwndParent, // parent window handle [in] LPCWSTR pwszUrl, // URL to display [in] LPCWSTR pwszText, // dialog text [in] DWORD dwPromptFlags // reserved, pass 0 ); // This method presents UI to ask user about specified action // This function is not implemented. HRESULT LogAction ( [in] DWORD dwAction, // action type [in] LPCWSTR pwszUrl, // URL to log [in] LPCWSTR pwszText, // associated text [in] DWORD dwLogFlags // reserved, pass 0 ); // zone enumeration HRESULT CreateZoneEnumerator ( [out] DWORD* pdwEnum, // enum handle [out] DWORD* pdwCount, // # of elements in the list. [in] DWORD dwFlags // reserved, pass 0 ); // Returns enumerator handle needed to enumerate defined zones. // The zone enumeration corresponds to a snap-shot of the zones when // the Create call is made. HRESULT GetZoneAt ( [in] DWORD dwEnum, // returned by CreateZoneEnumerator [in] DWORD dwIndex, // 0-based [out] DWORD* pdwZone // absolute zone index. ); HRESULT DestroyZoneEnumerator ( [in] DWORD dwEnum // enum handle ); // Destroys resources associated with an enumerator HRESULT CopyTemplatePoliciesToZone ( [in] DWORD dwTemplate, // High, medium or low [in] DWORD dwZone, // Zone to copy policies to. [in] DWORD dwReserved ); } cpp_quote("#endif") cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const IID CLSID_SoftDistExt; ") //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995-1998. // // Contents: ISoftDistExt interface definition // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPSOFTDISTEXT_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _LPSOFTDISTEXT_DEFINED") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("#define SOFTDIST_FLAG_USAGE_EMAIL 0x00000001") cpp_quote("#define SOFTDIST_FLAG_USAGE_PRECACHE 0x00000002") cpp_quote("#define SOFTDIST_FLAG_USAGE_AUTOINSTALL 0x00000004") cpp_quote("#define SOFTDIST_FLAG_DELETE_SUBSCRIPTION 0x00000008") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("#define SOFTDIST_ADSTATE_NONE 0x00000000") cpp_quote("#define SOFTDIST_ADSTATE_AVAILABLE 0x00000001") cpp_quote("#define SOFTDIST_ADSTATE_DOWNLOADED 0x00000002") cpp_quote("#define SOFTDIST_ADSTATE_INSTALLED 0x00000003") cpp_quote("") typedef struct _tagCODEBASEHOLD { ULONG cbSize; LPWSTR szDistUnit; LPWSTR szCodeBase; DWORD dwVersionMS; DWORD dwVersionLS; DWORD dwStyle; } CODEBASEHOLD, *LPCODEBASEHOLD; typedef struct _tagSOFTDISTINFO { ULONG cbSize; DWORD dwFlags; DWORD dwAdState; LPWSTR szTitle; LPWSTR szAbstract; LPWSTR szHREF; DWORD dwInstalledVersionMS; DWORD dwInstalledVersionLS; DWORD dwUpdateVersionMS; DWORD dwUpdateVersionLS; DWORD dwAdvertisedVersionMS; DWORD dwAdvertisedVersionLS; DWORD dwReserved; } SOFTDISTINFO, *LPSOFTDISTINFO; [ local, object, uuid(B15B8DC1-C7E1-11d0-8680-00AA00BDCB71), helpstring("ISoftDistExt Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface ISoftDistExt : IUnknown { HRESULT ProcessSoftDist ( [in] LPCWSTR szCDFURL, [in] IXMLElement *pSoftDistElement, [in, out] LPSOFTDISTINFO lpsdi ); HRESULT GetFirstCodeBase ( [in] LPWSTR *szCodeBase, [in] LPDWORD dwMaxSize ); HRESULT GetNextCodeBase ( [in] LPWSTR *szCodeBase, [in] LPDWORD dwMaxSize ); HRESULT AsyncInstallDistributionUnit ( [in] IBindCtx *pbc, [in] LPVOID pvReserved, [in] DWORD flags, [in] LPCODEBASEHOLD lpcbh ); } cpp_quote("STDAPI GetSoftwareUpdateInfo( LPCWSTR szDistUnit, LPSOFTDISTINFO psdi );") cpp_quote("STDAPI SetSoftwareUpdateAdvertisementState( LPCWSTR szDistUnit, DWORD dwAdState, DWORD dwAdvertisedVersionMS, DWORD dwAdvertisedVersionLS );") cpp_quote("#endif") //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995-1998. // // Contents: ICatalogFileInfo interface definition // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPCATALOGFILEINFO_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _LPCATALOGFILEINFO_DEFINED") [ local, object, uuid(711C7600-6B48-11d1-B403-00AA00B92AF1), pointer_default(unique) ] interface ICatalogFileInfo : IUnknown { typedef [unique] ICatalogFileInfo *LPCATALOGFILEINFO; HRESULT GetCatalogFile( [out] LPSTR *ppszCatalogFile // Catalog file path ); HRESULT GetJavaTrust( [out] void **ppJavaTrust // Java Trust structure ); } cpp_quote("#endif") //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995-1998. // // Contents: IDataFilter definition // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPDATAFILTER_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _LPDATAFILTER_DEFINED") [ object, uuid(69d14c80-c18e-11d0-a9ce-006097942311), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IDataFilter: IUnknown { typedef [unique] IDataFilter *LPDATAFILTER; HRESULT DoEncode( [in] DWORD dwFlags, [in] LONG lInBufferSize, [in, size_is(lInBufferSize)] BYTE* pbInBuffer, [in] LONG lOutBufferSize, [out, size_is(lOutBufferSize)] BYTE* pbOutBuffer, [in] LONG lInBytesAvailable, [out] LONG* plInBytesRead, [out] LONG* plOutBytesWritten, [in] DWORD dwReserved ); HRESULT DoDecode( [in] DWORD dwFlags, [in] LONG lInBufferSize, [in, size_is(lInBufferSize)] BYTE* pbInBuffer, [in] LONG lOutBufferSize, [out, size_is(lOutBufferSize)] BYTE* pbOutBuffer, [in] LONG lInBytesAvailable, [out] LONG* plInBytesRead, [out] LONG* plOutBytesWritten, [in] DWORD dwReserved ); HRESULT SetEncodingLevel( [in] DWORD dwEncLevel ); } cpp_quote("#endif") //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995-1998. // // Contents: IEncodingFilterFactory definition // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPENCODINGFILTERFACTORY_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _LPENCODINGFILTERFACTORY_DEFINED") typedef struct _tagPROTOCOLFILTERDATA { DWORD cbSize; IInternetProtocolSink *pProtocolSink; // out parameter IInternetProtocol *pProtocol; // in parameter IUnknown *pUnk; DWORD dwFilterFlags; } PROTOCOLFILTERDATA; [ local, object, uuid(70bdde00-c18e-11d0-a9ce-006097942311), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IEncodingFilterFactory : IUnknown { typedef [unique] IEncodingFilterFactory *LPENCODINGFILTERFACTORY; typedef struct _tagDATAINFO { ULONG ulTotalSize; ULONG ulavrPacketSize; ULONG ulConnectSpeed; ULONG ulProcessorSpeed; } DATAINFO ; HRESULT FindBestFilter( [in] LPCWSTR pwzCodeIn, [in] LPCWSTR pwzCodeOut, [in] DATAINFO info, [out] IDataFilter** ppDF ); HRESULT GetDefaultFilter( [in] LPCWSTR pwzCodeIn, [in] LPCWSTR pwzCodeOut, [out] IDataFilter** ppDF ); } cpp_quote("#endif") //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995-1998. // // Contents: Hit Logging Apis definition // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpp_quote("#ifndef _HITLOGGING_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _HITLOGGING_DEFINED") cpp_quote("// Logging-specific apis") #pragma midl_echo("BOOL WINAPI IsLoggingEnabledA(IN LPCSTR pszUrl); ") #pragma midl_echo("BOOL WINAPI IsLoggingEnabledW(IN LPCWSTR pwszUrl); ") cpp_quote("#ifdef UNICODE ") cpp_quote("#define IsLoggingEnabled IsLoggingEnabledW ") cpp_quote("#else ") cpp_quote("#define IsLoggingEnabled IsLoggingEnabledA ") cpp_quote("#endif // !UNICODE ") // HIT_LOGGING_INFO typedef struct _tagHIT_LOGGING_INFO { DWORD dwStructSize; LPSTR lpszLoggedUrlName; SYSTEMTIME StartTime; SYSTEMTIME EndTime; LPSTR lpszExtendedInfo; } HIT_LOGGING_INFO, * LPHIT_LOGGING_INFO; #pragma midl_echo("BOOL WINAPI WriteHitLogging(IN LPHIT_LOGGING_INFO lpLogginginfo); ") cpp_quote("#define CONFIRMSAFETYACTION_LOADOBJECT 0x00000001") struct CONFIRMSAFETY { CLSID clsid; IUnknown * pUnk; DWORD dwFlags; }; cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const GUID GUID_CUSTOM_CONFIRMOBJECTSAFETY; ") cpp_quote("#endif") //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 2000. // // Contents: IWrappedProtocol definition // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPIWRAPPEDPROTOCOL_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define _LPIWRAPPEDPROTOCOL_DEFINED") [ local, object, uuid(53c84785-8425-4dc5-971b-e58d9c19f9b6), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IWrappedProtocol : IUnknown { typedef [unique] IWrappedProtocol *LPIWRAPPEDPROTOCOL; HRESULT GetWrapperCode( [out] LONG * pnCode, [in] DWORD_PTR dwReserved ); } cpp_quote("#endif")