// Microsoft Visual Studio Object Model // Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Microsoft Corporation // All rights reserved. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // textdefs.h // Declaration of constants used by objects in the type library // VISUAL STUDIO 97 TEXT EDITOR (SharedIDE\bin\devedit.pkg) #ifndef __TEXTDEFS_H__ #define __TEXTDEFS_H__ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Enumerations used by Automation Methods // select vs. extend enum DsMovementOptions { dsMove = 0, dsExtend = 1 }; // TextSelection.StartOfLine enum DsStartOfLineOptions { dsFirstColumn = 0, dsFirstText = 1 }; // TextSelection.ChangeCase enum DsCaseOptions { dsLowercase = 1, dsUppercase = 2, dsCapitalize = 3 }; // TextSelection.DeleteWhitespace enum DsWhitespaceOptions { dsHorizontal = 0, dsVertical = 1 }; // TextSelection.GoToLine enum DsGoToLineOptions { dsLastLine = -1 }; // TextEditor.Emulation enum DsEmulation { dsDevStudio = 0, dsVC2 = 1, dsBrief = 2, dsEpsilon = 3, dsCustom = 4 }; // TextSelection.FindText/ReplaceText enum DsTextSearchOptions { dsMatchWord = 2, // match whole words dsMatchCase = 4, // match is sensitive to case dsMatchNoRegExp = 0, // don't use regular expressions dsMatchRegExp = 8, // match Dev Studio regular expressions dsMatchRegExpB = 16, // match BRIEF(TM) regular expressions dsMatchRegExpE = 32, // match Epsilon(TM) regular expressions dsMatchRegExpCur = 64, // match using current reg exp setting dsMatchForward = 0, // search forward dsMatchBackward = 128, // search backwards dsMatchFromStart = 256, // do search from start or end of view }; // string constants #define DS_IDL "ODL/IDL" #define DS_VBS "VBS Macro" #define DS_CPP "C/C++" #define DS_JAVA "Java" #define DS_HTML_IE3 "HTML - IE 3.0" #define DS_HTML_RFC1866 "HTML 2.0 (RFC 1866)" #define DS_FORTRAN_FIXED "Fortran Fixed" #define DS_FORTRAN_FREE "Fortran Free" #define DS_TEXT_DOCUMENT "Text" #endif //__TEXTDEFS_H__