/*++ Copyright (c) 1993-2001 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: drwatson.h Abstract: Common header file for drwatson data structures. Author: Wesley Witt (wesw) 1-May-1993 Environment: User Mode --*/ typedef enum _CrashDumpType { FullDump = 0, MiniDump = 1, FullMiniDump = 2, } CrashDumpType; typedef struct _tagOPTIONS { _TCHAR szLogPath[MAX_PATH]; _TCHAR szWaveFile[MAX_PATH]; _TCHAR szCrashDump[MAX_PATH]; BOOL fDumpSymbols; BOOL fDumpAllThreads; BOOL fAppendToLogFile; BOOL fVisual; BOOL fSound; BOOL fCrash; // true: Generate user dump name in the range from fname000.dmp to fname999.dmp // false: standard behavior, always overwrite fname.dmp when generating a new // dump file. BOOL fUseSequentialNaming; // If TRUE use long file names when sequentially naming the dumps // If FALSE use 8.3 file names when sequentially naming the dumps // causes the 'n' of characters to be removed from the end of the // file name to make it fit in the 8.3 format. ie longuser.dmp -> longus00.dmp BOOL fUseLongFileNames; int nNextDumpSequence; DWORD dwInstructions; DWORD dwMaxCrashes; CrashDumpType dwType; } OPTIONS, *POPTIONS; typedef struct _tagCRASHES { _TCHAR szAppName[256]; _TCHAR szFunction[256]; SYSTEMTIME time; DWORD dwExceptionCode; DWORD_PTR dwAddress; } CRASHES, *PCRASHES; typedef struct _tagCRASHINFO { HWND hList; CRASHES crash; HDC hdc; DWORD cxExtent; DWORD dwIndex; DWORD dwIndexDesired; BYTE *pCrashData; DWORD dwCrashDataSize; } CRASHINFO, *PCRASHINFO; typedef struct _tagDEBUGPACKET { HWND hwnd; OPTIONS options; DWORD dwPidToDebug; HANDLE hEventToSignal; HANDLE hProcess; DWORD dwProcessId; DWORD ExitStatus; // Debug engine interfaces. PDEBUG_CLIENT2 DbgClient; PDEBUG_CONTROL DbgControl; PDEBUG_DATA_SPACES DbgData; PDEBUG_REGISTERS DbgRegisters; PDEBUG_SYMBOLS DbgSymbols; PDEBUG_SYSTEM_OBJECTS DbgSystem; } DEBUGPACKET, *PDEBUGPACKET; typedef BOOL (CALLBACK* CRASHESENUMPROC)(PCRASHINFO); #if DBG #define Assert(exp) if(!(exp)) {AssertError(_T(#exp),_T(__FILE__),__LINE__);} #else #define Assert(exp) #endif #define WM_DUMPCOMPLETE WM_USER+500 #define WM_EXCEPTIONINFO WM_USER+501 #define WM_ATTACHCOMPLETE WM_USER+502 #define WM_FINISH WM_USER+503 extern const DWORD DrWatsonHelpIds[];