#define UNICODE #define _UNICODE #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MAX_SNAPSHOT_SIZE 2048 typedef BOOL (*SNAPSHOTFUNC)(DWORD Flags, LPCTSTR *lpStrings, PLONG MaxBuffSize, LPTSTR SnapShotBuff); _cdecl main() { HANDLE hEventLog; PSID pUserSid = NULL; PTOKEN_USER pTokenUser = NULL; DWORD dwSidSize = sizeof(SID), dwEventID; WCHAR szProcessName[MAX_PATH + 1], szReason[128]; WCHAR szComputerName[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1]; LPWSTR lpStrings[7]; WORD wEventType, wStringCnt; WCHAR szShutdownType[32], szMinorReason[32]; BOOL bRet = FALSE; HMODULE hSnapShot; SNAPSHOTFUNC pSnapShotProc; struct { DWORD Reason ; WCHAR SnapShotBuf[MAX_SNAPSHOT_SIZE]; } SnapShot ; LONG SnapShotSize = MAX_SNAPSHOT_SIZE ; WCHAR wszDll[MAX_PATH]; INT sTicks, eTicks; wStringCnt = 6; lpStrings[0] = L"TestProcess"; lpStrings[1] = L"TestComputer"; lpStrings[2] = L"4"; lpStrings[3] = L"2"; lpStrings[4] = L"Reboot"; lpStrings[5] = L"This is a test comment"; //take a snapshot if shutdown is unplanned. //GetWindowsDirectoryW(wszDll, sizeof(wszDll) / sizeof(WCHAR)); //wcsncat(wszDll, L"\\system32\\snapshot.dll",MAX_PATH - wcslen(wszDll)); wsprintf(wszDll,L"snapshot.dll"); hSnapShot = LoadLibrary(wszDll); if (! hSnapShot) { printf("Load %S failed!\n",wszDll); } else { pSnapShotProc = (SNAPSHOTFUNC)GetProcAddress(hSnapShot, "LogSystemSnapshot"); if (!pSnapShotProc) { printf("GetProcAddress for LogSystemSnapshot on snapshot.dll failed!\n"); } else { SnapShotSize = MAX_SNAPSHOT_SIZE ; __try { // Assume the worst about the snapshot DLL! printf("Calling the snapshot DLL\n"); sTicks = GetTickCount(); (*pSnapShotProc)(0,lpStrings,&SnapShotSize,&SnapShot.SnapShotBuf[0]); eTicks = GetTickCount(); } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { printf("Exception Occurred!\n"); wsprintf(SnapShot.SnapShotBuf, L"State Snapshot took an exception\n"); eTicks = sTicks = 0 ; } SnapShotSize = wcslen(SnapShot.SnapShotBuf) ; } FreeLibrary(hSnapShot); if (SnapShotSize > 0) { printf("Snapshot buffer is %d bytes\n%S\n",SnapShotSize,SnapShot.SnapShotBuf); printf("Time Taken %dms\n",eTicks-sTicks); } } }