/* ls - fancy schmancy dir list program * * HISTORY: * 17-Mar-87 danl Added q switch * 4/15/86 daniel lipkie Allow /s as well as /1 (one) to do single col * 4/23/86 daniel lipkie Add /v switch * 5/02/86 daniel lipkie savepath, do strlen(pat), not strlen(*pat) * 5/05/86 daniel lipkie Allow - as well as / as switch char * * 31-Jul-1986 mz Add in net aware-ness. ls \\mach\path works now. * Discard bogus C stat() function and do times correctly. * 01-Aug-1986 dl If invokes as l, then do ls /l * 23-Jan-1987 bw Add 286DOS support * 30-Oct-1987 bw Changed 'DOS5' to 'OS2' * 08-Dec-1988 mz Chance to use OS2.H * * 03-Aug-1990 davegi Removed 'F' from [s]printf format * descriptors (OS/2 2.0) * Changed Move to memmove * Removed redundant check for '-' switch character * 18-Oct-1990 w-barry Removed 'dead' code. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include char *attrs = "drahsoecp"; int amsk[] = { FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTED, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT, 0 }; char *prattrs[] = { "%s*" }; char pramsk[] = { FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY, 0 }; flagType fD = FALSE; /* TRUE => do only specified dir not sub */ flagType fSubDir = FALSE; /* TRUE => recurse on subdirs */ flagType fL = FALSE; /* TRUE => long listing */ flagType fSingle = FALSE; /* TRUE => single column output */ flagType fVisOnly = FALSE; /* TRUE => ignore FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM FILE_ATTRIBUTE_VOLUME_LABEL, no * */ flagType fQuiet = FALSE; /* TRUE => no summary */ flagType fFull = FALSE; /* TRUE => display full names */ flagType fUTC = FALSE; /* TRUE => display using UTC */ /* Sort type */ #define TYS_ALPHA 0 #define TYS_SIZE 1 #define TYS_TIME 2 int tySort = TYS_ALPHA; /* type of sort */ flagType fReverse = FALSE; /* TRUE => sort is reversed */ struct fppath { struct fppath far *next; struct fppat far *pat; struct fpfile far *first; int maxlen; int cntFiles; int cntEntries; long bytes; long bytesAlloc; long bPerA; int fToLower; int cchName; char name[1]; }; struct fppat { struct fppat far *next; int cchName; char name[1]; }; struct fpfile { struct fpfile far *next; long len; DWORD attr; time_t mtime; int cchName; char name[1]; }; struct fppath far *toppath, far *curpath; unsigned totalloc = 0; char tmpfile1[MAX_PATH], tmpfile2[MAX_PATH]; char szStarDotStar[] = "*.*"; /** Procedure prototypes */ char far *alloc (int nb); long AllocSize (char *p); void savefile (char *p, struct findType *b, void *dummy); void savepath (char *p, char *pat); void savepat (struct fppath far *toppath, char *pat); struct fppath far *freepath (struct fppath far *p); struct fppat far *freepat (struct fppat far *p); struct fpfile far *freefile (struct fpfile far *p); struct fpfile far *nfile (int n, struct fpfile far *p); flagType fIsDir (char *p); /* alloc - allocate random memory. Die cleanly if no more memory is * available. * * nb number of bytes to allocate * * returns: pointer to bytes allocated if successful * displays error message and dies otherwise */ char far *alloc (int nb) { char far *p; p = (char far *) malloc (nb); if (p != NULL) { memset (p, 0, nb); totalloc += nb; return p; } printf ("alloc out of memory - used: %u need: %d\n", totalloc, nb); exit (1); return NULL; } /* AllocSize - determine size of allocation granularity * * p character pointer to name string * * Returns long number of bytes per allocation unit */ long AllocSize (char *p) { DWORD dwSecPerClus; DWORD dwBytePerSec; DWORD dwFreeClus; DWORD dwTotalClus; if (!GetDiskFreeSpace (p, &dwSecPerClus, &dwBytePerSec, &dwFreeClus, &dwTotalClus)) { // fprintf (stderr, "GetDiskFreeSpace (%s) returned %d\n", p, GetLastError ()); return 1; } return dwBytePerSec * dwSecPerClus; } void savefile (char *p, struct findType *b, void * dummy) { int i, j; register struct fpfile far *tmp, far *tmp1; struct fpfile far *tmp2; char *psz; SYSTEMTIME DateTime; if (!curpath) return; if (TESTFLAG (b->fbuf.dwFileAttributes, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) if (!strcmp (b->fbuf.cFileName, "..") || !strcmp (b->fbuf.cFileName, ".")) return; if (fVisOnly) { if (TESTFLAG (b->fbuf.dwFileAttributes, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM | 8 )) return; RSETFLAG (b->fbuf.dwFileAttributes, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY); } if (fFull) psz = p; else psz = b->fbuf.cFileName; i = strlen (psz); if (TESTFLAG (b->fbuf.dwFileAttributes, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) i += 2; tmp = (struct fpfile far *) alloc (sizeof (*tmp) + i); if (TESTFLAG (b->fbuf.dwFileAttributes, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) sprintf (tmpfile1, "[%s]", psz); else strcpy (tmpfile1, psz); tmp->cchName = strlen (tmpfile1) + 1; memmove (tmp->name, tmpfile1, tmp->cchName); if (curpath->fToLower) lower (tmp->name); tmp->next = NULL; tmp->attr = b->fbuf.dwFileAttributes; tmp->len = b->fbuf.nFileSizeLow; if (fL || tySort == TYS_TIME) { if ( fUTC ) { FileTimeToSystemTime( &b->fbuf.ftLastWriteTime, &DateTime ); } else { FILETIME LocalFileTime; FileTimeToLocalFileTime( &b->fbuf.ftLastWriteTime, &LocalFileTime ); FileTimeToSystemTime( &LocalFileTime, &DateTime ); } tmp->mtime = (time_t)date2l( DateTime.wYear, DateTime.wMonth, DateTime.wDay, DateTime.wHour, DateTime.wMinute, DateTime.wSecond ); } if (TESTFLAG (tmp->attr, pramsk[0])) for (j = 1; pramsk[j]; j++) if (TESTFLAG (tmp->attr, pramsk[j])) { i += strlen (prattrs[j-1]) - 3; break; } curpath->maxlen = max (curpath->maxlen, i); if (!TESTFLAG (tmp->attr, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) curpath->cntFiles++; curpath->cntEntries++; tmp1 = curpath->first; tmp2 = NULL; while (tmp1) { switch (tySort) { case TYS_SIZE: i = tmp1->len > tmp->len; break; case TYS_ALPHA: memmove (tmpfile1, tmp1->name, tmp1->cchName); memmove (tmpfile2, tmp->name, tmp->cchName); i = _strcmpi (tmpfile1, tmpfile2) > 0; break; case TYS_TIME: i = (unsigned long)tmp1->mtime < (unsigned long)tmp->mtime; break; } if ((i && !fReverse) || (!i && fReverse)) break; tmp2 = tmp1; tmp1 = tmp1->next; } tmp->next = tmp1; if (tmp2) tmp2->next = tmp; else curpath->first = tmp; if (fSubDir && TESTFLAG (tmp->attr, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) savepath (p, szStarDotStar); dummy; } /* savepat - make sure that pat is in the top-level path set */ void savepat (struct fppath far *toppath, char *pat) { int i; struct fppat far *tmp, far *tmp1, far *tmp2; if (!pat) pat = szStarDotStar; i = strlen (pat); tmp = (struct fppat far *) alloc (sizeof (*tmp) +i); tmp->cchName = strlen (pat) + 1; memmove (tmp->name, pat, tmp->cchName); tmp->next = NULL; tmp1 = toppath->pat; tmp2 = NULL; while (tmp1) { memmove (tmpfile1, tmp1->name, tmp1->cchName); if (!_strcmpi (pat, tmpfile1)) { free (tmp); return; } else { tmp2 = tmp1; tmp1 = tmp1->next; } } if (tmp2) tmp2->next = tmp; else toppath->pat = tmp; } /* savepath - add a path and matching files into the file set * * p directory for files * pat pattern to match */ void savepath (char *p, char *pat) { static char dirbuf[MAX_PATH], nambuf[14]; int i; struct fppath far *tmp, far *tmp1, far *tmp2; char far *fp; DWORD dwFileSystemFlags; if (p) rootpath (p, dirbuf); else if (fPathChr (*pat) || *pat == '.' || (strlen (pat) >= 2 && pat[1] == ':')) { rootpath (pat, dirbuf); fileext (dirbuf, nambuf); path (dirbuf+2, dirbuf+2); pat = nambuf; } else curdir (dirbuf, 0); p = dirbuf + strlen (dirbuf) - 1; if (fPathChr (*p)) { if (fPathChr (*pat) || !*pat) *p = 0; } else if (*pat && !fPathChr (*pat)) strcpy (++p, "\\"); i = strlen (dirbuf); tmp = (struct fppath far *) alloc (sizeof (*tmp) + i); tmp->cchName = strlen (dirbuf) + 1; memmove (fp = tmp->name, dirbuf, tmp->cchName); tmp->next = NULL; tmp->pat = NULL; tmp->first = NULL; tmp->cntFiles = 0; tmp->cntEntries = 0; tmp->maxlen = 0; tmp->bytes = 0L; tmp->bytesAlloc = 0L; tmp->bPerA = AllocSize (dirbuf); Retry: if (!GetVolumeInformation (dirbuf, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, &dwFileSystemFlags, NULL, 0)) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_DIR_NOT_ROOT) { p = dirbuf + strlen (dirbuf) - 1; if (fPathChr(*p)) { *p = 0; p = strrchr(dirbuf, '\\'); if (p) { p[1] = 0; goto Retry; } } } dwFileSystemFlags = 0; } tmp->fToLower = dwFileSystemFlags != 0 ? FALSE : TRUE; while (*fp) if (fPathChr (*fp++)) { fp[-1] = '\\'; } tmp1 = toppath; tmp2 = NULL; while (tmp1) { memmove (tmpfile1, tmp1->name, tmp1->cchName); memmove ( tmpfile2, tmp->name, tmp->cchName); switch (_strcmpi (tmpfile1, tmpfile2)) { case 0: free (tmp); tmp = NULL; break; case 1: break; default: tmp2 = tmp1; tmp1 = tmp1->next; continue; } break; } if (tmp) { tmp->next = tmp1; if (tmp2) tmp2->next = tmp; else toppath = tmp; } else tmp = tmp1; savepat (tmp, pat); sprintf (dirbuf, "%s%s", tmp->name, pat); tmp2 = curpath; curpath = tmp; forfile(dirbuf, -1, savefile, NULL); curpath = tmp2; } struct fppath far *freepath (struct fppath far *p) { struct fppath far *p1; p1 = p->next; free (p); return p1; } struct fppat far *freepat (struct fppat far *p) { struct fppat far *p1; p1 = p->next; free (p); return p1; } struct fpfile far *freefile (struct fpfile far *p) { struct fpfile far *p1; p1 = p->next; free (p); return p1; } struct fpfile far *nfile (int n, struct fpfile far *p) { while (n--) if ((p = p->next) == NULL) break; return p; } flagType fIsDir (char *p) { int a = GetFileAttributes( p ); if (a != -1) return (flagType) TESTFLAG (a, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY); return FALSE; } int __cdecl main (int c, char *v[]) { int i, j, k, rows, cols, len; flagType fGrand; char buf[MAX_PATH], buf2[MAX_PATH], tbuf[MAX_PATH]; struct fppat far *pat; struct fpfile far *file; char *p; long totbytes, totalloc, t; time_t mtime; unsigned totfiles; /* Make a call to set the video buffering to null */ //setvbuf( stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0 ); ConvertAppToOem( c, v ); filename (*v, buf); /* remove path part, if any */ if (!strcmpis (buf, "l")) fL = TRUE; SHIFT (c, v); while (c != 0 && fSwitChr (* (p = *v))) { while (*++p) switch (*p) { case 'F': fFull = TRUE; break; case 'u': fUTC = TRUE; break; case 'r': fReverse = TRUE; break; case 'q': fQuiet = TRUE; break; case 'R': fSubDir = TRUE; break; case 'd': fD = TRUE; break; case 'l': fL = TRUE; break; case 't': tySort = TYS_TIME; break; case '1': case 's': fSingle = TRUE; break; case 'S': tySort = TYS_SIZE; break; case 'v': fVisOnly = TRUE; break; default: printf ("Usage: LS [/FrqRdlt1sSvu] [files]\n"); exit (1); } SHIFT (c, v); } if (c == 0) { c++; v--; *v = szStarDotStar; } curpath = toppath = NULL; while (c) { pname (*v); p = *v + strlen (*v) - 1; if (fPathChr (*p)) savepath (*v, szStarDotStar); else if (*p == ':') { if (strlen (*v) != 2) break; savepath (*v, szStarDotStar); } else if (fIsDir (*v)) savepath (*v, fD ? "" : szStarDotStar); else savepath (NULL, *v); SHIFT (c, v); } curpath = toppath; totbytes = 0L; totalloc = 0L; totfiles = 0; fGrand = FALSE; while (curpath) { len = curpath->maxlen; /* only do the space padding if we are going to print * more than one file per line */ cols = len+2; if (fL) cols += 17 + 1 + STAMPLEN; cols = min (cols, 78); /* (cols) = columns of text per item * (len) = length of name field * * convert from columns of text to columns per screen */ cols = 79 / (cols + 1); if (fSingle || cols == 1) { strcpy (buf, "%s"); cols = 1; } else sprintf (buf, "%%-%ds ", len+1); rows = (curpath->cntEntries + cols - 1) / cols; /* number of rows */ if (curpath != toppath) { fGrand = TRUE; putchar ('\n'); } if (!fQuiet) { pat = curpath->pat; printf (" %s%s", curpath->name, pat->name); while (pat = freepat (pat)) printf (" %s", pat->name); putchar('\n'); } if (!curpath->first) printf ("no files\n"); else { for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) { for (j = 0; j < cols; j++) { if ((file = nfile (i+j*rows, curpath->first)) == NULL) break; if (fL) { char *pTime; for (k=0; amsk[k]; k++) if (TESTFLAG (file->attr, amsk[k])) putchar(attrs[k]); else putchar('-'); mtime = file->mtime; pTime = ctime(&mtime); if ( pTime ) { strcpy(tbuf, ctime (&mtime)); } else { strcpy(tbuf, "??? ??? ?? ??:??:?? ????\n"); } tbuf[strlen (tbuf) -1] = '\0'; printf (" %9ld %s ", file->len, tbuf); } if (TESTFLAG (file->attr, pramsk[0])) { sprintf(buf2, "%s*", file->name); } else { sprintf(buf2, "%s", file->name); } curpath->bytes += file->len; t = file->len + curpath->bPerA - 1; t = t / curpath->bPerA; t = t * curpath->bPerA; curpath->bytesAlloc += t; printf (buf, buf2); } putchar('\n'); } } if (!fQuiet && curpath->cntFiles) { printf (" %ld (%ld) bytes in %d files\n", curpath->bytesAlloc, curpath->bytes, curpath->cntFiles); totbytes += curpath->bytes; totalloc += curpath->bytesAlloc; totfiles += curpath->cntFiles; } curpath = freepath (curpath); } if (!fQuiet && fGrand) printf ("\nTotal of %ld (%ld) bytes in %d files\n", totalloc, totbytes, totfiles); return 0; }