// Tweak the CABINETSTATE to disable name pretification by Diz // Syntax: pretty.exe [option] // on enables name prettification // off disables name pretification // help, ? display help text // [none] displays the current state #include "windows.h" #include "windowsx.h" #include "winuserp.h" #include "shlobj.h" #include "shellapi.h" #include "shlobjp.h" #include "stdio.h" int _cdecl main(int iArgC, LPTSTR pArgs[]) { CABINETSTATE cs; LPTSTR pArg = pArg=pArgs[1]; BOOL fOldDontPrettyNames; ReadCabinetState(&cs, sizeof(cs)); fOldDontPrettyNames = cs.fDontPrettyNames; if (iArgC > 1) { if (*pArg==TEXT('-') || *pArg==TEXT('/')) pArg++; if (lstrcmpi(pArg, TEXT("on"))==0) { cs.fDontPrettyNames = FALSE; } else if (lstrcmpi(pArg, TEXT("off"))==0) { cs.fDontPrettyNames = TRUE; } else if (*pArg==TEXT('?') || lstrcmpi(pArg, TEXT("help"))==0) { printf(TEXT("Syntax: pretty.exe [on/off]\n")); return 0; } if (cs.fDontPrettyNames != fOldDontPrettyNames) WriteCabinetState(&cs); } printf(TEXT("Explorer name formatting is %s\n(Any change only become effective after next login)\n"), cs.fDontPrettyNames ? TEXT("off"):TEXT("on")); return 0; }