/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ | WINCHAT RESOURCE FILE | This module defines the resources for the WinChat application | | | Copyright (c) Microsoft Corp., 1990-1993 | | created: 01-Nov-91 | history: 01-Nov-91 created. | 01-Jul-92 help text edited. | 29-Dec-92 port to NT, cleanup. | \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define RC_INVOLKED // prevents RC-compiler from choking on pragma's. #include #include "winchat.h" #include "dialogs.h" #ifdef WIN32 #include #endif // Include other resources. // #include "winchat.rcv" #include "dialogs.dlg" // This section defines the resources used // throughout the application. // IDBITMAP BITMAP buttons.bmp phone1 ICON phone1.ico phone2 ICON phone2.ico phone3 ICON phone3.ico // This table defines the keyboard accelerators // for the applicaton. // IDACCELERATORS ACCELERATORS PRELOAD BEGIN VK_F1, IDM_CONTENTS, VIRTKEY VK_F6, IDM_SWITCHWIN, NOINVERT, VIRTKEY END // Application menu. // WinChatMenu MENU BEGIN POPUP "&Conversation" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Dial...", IDM_DIAL MENUITEM "&Answer" , IDM_ANSWER MENUITEM "&Hang Up", IDM_HANGUP MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "E&xit" , IDM_EXIT END POPUP "&Edit" BEGIN MENUITEM "Cu&t\tCtrl+X" , IDM_EDITCUT MENUITEM "&Copy\tCtrl+C" , IDM_EDITCOPY MENUITEM "&Paste\tCtrl+V", IDM_EDITPASTE MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Select &All" , IDM_EDITSELECT END POPUP "&Options" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Preferences..." , IDM_PREFERENCES MENUITEM "&Font..." , IDM_FONT MENUITEM "Background &Color...", IDM_COLOR MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Toolbar" , IDM_TOOLBAR MENUITEM "&Status Bar" , IDM_STATUSBAR MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Sou&nd" , IDM_SOUND END POPUP "&Help" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Help Topics" , IDM_CONTENTS MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&About Chat..." , IDM_ABOUT END END // This section defines the string constants for // the application. // STRINGTABLE PRELOAD BEGIN // Misc strings. // IDS_HELV "MS Shell Dlg" // max 32 IDS_APPNAME "Chat" // max 32 IDS_SERVICENAME "WinChat" // max 32 IDS_SYSERR "The application cannot start." // max 64 IDS_DIALING "Dialing %s ..." // max 64 IDS_CONNECTABANDON "No longer attempting to connect" // max 64 IDS_HANGINGUP "Hung up" // max 64 IDS_HASTERMINATED "%s hung up" // max 64 IDS_CONNECTEDTO "Connected to %s" // max 64 IDS_CONNECTING "Connecting..." // max 64 IDS_ISCALLING "%s is calling" // max 64 IDS_NOCONNECT "The other computer did not respond" // max 64 IDS_ALWAYSONTOP "Always on &Top" // max 64 IDS_NOCONNECTTO "No connection to %s" // max 64 IDS_NONETINSTALLED "The network is not installed or enabled. You will not be able\nto make a remote connection. Do you wish to continue dialing?" // max 255 IDS_INISECTION "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\IniFileMapping\\Winchat.ini" IDS_INIPREFKEY "USR:Software\\Microsoft\\Winchat\\Preferences" IDS_INIFONTKEY "USR:Software\\Microsoft\\Winchat\\Font" IDS_INIRINGIN "ringin.wav, Incoming Call" IDS_INIRINGOUT "ringout.wav, Outgoing Call" IDS_TSNOTSUPPORTED "This application cannot be used from a Terminal Server remote session." // Menuhelp strings // MH_BASE+IDM_DIAL "Makes a call to someone at another computer" MH_BASE+IDM_ANSWER "Answers an incoming call" MH_BASE+IDM_HANGUP "Hangs up and ends the current conversation" MH_BASE+IDM_EXIT "Quits Chat" MH_BASE+IDM_EDITCUT "Deletes selected text and places it onto the Clipboard" MH_BASE+IDM_EDITCOPY "Copies selected text onto the Clipboard" MH_BASE+IDM_EDITPASTE "Pastes the contents of the Clipboard at the cursor position" MH_BASE+IDM_EDITSELECT "Selects entire contents of window" MH_BASE+IDM_PREFERENCES "Changes the layout of the Chat window" MH_BASE+IDM_FONT "Changes the font in the Chat window" MH_BASE+IDM_COLOR "Changes the background color of the Chat window" MH_BASE+IDM_TOOLBAR "Shows or hides the toolbar" MH_BASE+IDM_STATUSBAR "Shows or hides the status bar" MH_BASE+IDM_SOUND "Turns sound on and off" MH_BASE+IDM_CONTENTS "Displays the contents for Chat Help" MH_BASE+IDM_SEARCHHELP "Searches for a topic in Chat Help" MH_BASE+IDM_HELPHELP "Displays information about how to use Help" MH_BASE+IDM_ABOUT "Displays version information about Chat" MH_BASE+IDM_TOPMOST "Keeps this window in the foreground" MH_POPUPBASE+0 "Commands for starting or ending conversations" MH_POPUPBASE+1 "Commands for transferring text to and from the Clipboard" MH_POPUPBASE+2 "Commands for customizing Chat" MH_POPUPBASE+3 "Commands for displaying Chat Help" END