#include #include #include #include #include "shmgdefs.h" #include // structure used to store a scheme in the registry #define SCHEME_VERSION_16 1 #define LF_FACESIZE16 32 #pragma pack(1) typedef struct { SHORT lfHeight; SHORT lfWidth; SHORT lfEscapement; SHORT lfOrientation; SHORT lfWeight; BYTE lfItalic; BYTE lfUnderline; BYTE lfStrikeOut; BYTE lfCharSet; BYTE lfOutPrecision; BYTE lfClipPrecision; BYTE lfQuality; BYTE lfPitchAndFamily; char lfFaceName[LF_FACESIZE16]; } LOGFONT16; typedef LOGFONT16 *LPLOGFONT16; typedef struct { SHORT version; NONCLIENTMETRICSA ncm; LOGFONT16 lfIconTitle; COLORREF rgb[COLOR_MAX]; } SCHEMEDATA16; typedef SCHEMEDATA16 *PSCHEMEDATA16; #pragma pack() // structure used to store a scheme in the registry #define SCHEME_VERSION_NT 2 typedef struct { SHORT version; WORD wDummy; // for alignment NONCLIENTMETRICSW ncm; LOGFONTW lfIconTitle; COLORREF rgb[COLOR_MAX]; } SCHEMEDATAW; typedef SCHEMEDATAW *PSCHEMEDATAW; typedef TCHAR FILEPATH[MAX_PATH]; typedef struct tagSZNODE { TCHAR *psz; struct tagSZNODE *next; } SZNODE; TCHAR szApprSchemes[] = TEXT("Control Panel\\Appearance\\Schemes"); TCHAR szNTCsrSchemes[] = TEXT("Control Panel\\Cursor Schemes"); TCHAR szWinCsrSchemes[] = TEXT("Control Panel\\Cursors\\Schemes"); TCHAR szSystemRoot[] = TEXT("%SystemRoot%\\System32\\"); const TCHAR szWinCursors[] = TEXT("Control Panel\\Cursors"); const TCHAR szSchemes[] = TEXT("Schemes"); const TCHAR szDaytonaSchemes[] = REGSTR_PATH_SETUP TEXT("\\Control Panel\\Cursors\\Schemes"); #define ID_NONE_SCHEME 0 // #define ID_USER_SCHEME 1 // These are the possible values of "Scheme Source" as define for the #define ID_OS_SCHEME 2 // mouse pointer applet /***********************************************************************\ * * CONVERSION ROUTINES * * NOTE: Although ConvertLF16to32 appears to be identical to ConvertLFAtoW * they are actually different once compiled: the size of the individual * fields for a LOGFONT16 and a LOGFONTA are different. * \***********************************************************************/ void ConvertLF16to32( LPLOGFONTW plfwDst, UNALIGNED LOGFONT16 *plfaSrc ) { plfwDst->lfHeight = plfaSrc->lfHeight; plfwDst->lfWidth = plfaSrc->lfWidth; plfwDst->lfEscapement = plfaSrc->lfEscapement; plfwDst->lfOrientation = plfaSrc->lfOrientation; plfwDst->lfWeight = plfaSrc->lfWeight; plfwDst->lfItalic = plfaSrc->lfItalic; plfwDst->lfUnderline = plfaSrc->lfUnderline; plfwDst->lfStrikeOut = plfaSrc->lfStrikeOut; plfwDst->lfCharSet = plfaSrc->lfCharSet; plfwDst->lfOutPrecision = plfaSrc->lfOutPrecision; plfwDst->lfClipPrecision = plfaSrc->lfClipPrecision; plfwDst->lfQuality = plfaSrc->lfQuality; plfwDst->lfPitchAndFamily = plfaSrc->lfPitchAndFamily; MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, plfaSrc->lfFaceName, -1, plfwDst->lfFaceName, ARRAYSIZE(plfwDst->lfFaceName)); } void ConvertLFAtoW( LPLOGFONTW plfwDst, UNALIGNED LOGFONTA *plfaSrc ) { plfwDst->lfHeight = plfaSrc->lfHeight; plfwDst->lfWidth = plfaSrc->lfWidth; plfwDst->lfEscapement = plfaSrc->lfEscapement; plfwDst->lfOrientation = plfaSrc->lfOrientation; plfwDst->lfWeight = plfaSrc->lfWeight; plfwDst->lfItalic = plfaSrc->lfItalic; plfwDst->lfUnderline = plfaSrc->lfUnderline; plfwDst->lfStrikeOut = plfaSrc->lfStrikeOut; plfwDst->lfCharSet = plfaSrc->lfCharSet; plfwDst->lfOutPrecision = plfaSrc->lfOutPrecision; plfwDst->lfClipPrecision = plfaSrc->lfClipPrecision; plfwDst->lfQuality = plfaSrc->lfQuality; plfwDst->lfPitchAndFamily = plfaSrc->lfPitchAndFamily; MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, plfaSrc->lfFaceName, -1, plfwDst->lfFaceName, ARRAYSIZE(plfwDst->lfFaceName)); } void ConvertNCMAtoW( LPNONCLIENTMETRICSW pncmwDst, UNALIGNED NONCLIENTMETRICSA *pncmaSrc ) { pncmwDst->cbSize = sizeof(*pncmwDst); pncmwDst->iBorderWidth = pncmaSrc->iBorderWidth; pncmwDst->iScrollWidth = pncmaSrc->iScrollWidth; pncmwDst->iScrollHeight = pncmaSrc->iScrollHeight; pncmwDst->iCaptionWidth = pncmaSrc->iCaptionWidth; pncmwDst->iCaptionHeight = pncmaSrc->iCaptionHeight; pncmwDst->iSmCaptionWidth = pncmaSrc->iSmCaptionWidth; pncmwDst->iSmCaptionHeight = pncmaSrc->iSmCaptionHeight; pncmwDst->iMenuWidth = pncmaSrc->iMenuWidth; pncmwDst->iMenuHeight = pncmaSrc->iMenuHeight; ConvertLFAtoW( &(pncmwDst->lfCaptionFont), &(pncmaSrc->lfCaptionFont) ); ConvertLFAtoW( &(pncmwDst->lfSmCaptionFont), &(pncmaSrc->lfSmCaptionFont) ); ConvertLFAtoW( &(pncmwDst->lfMenuFont), &(pncmaSrc->lfMenuFont) ); ConvertLFAtoW( &(pncmwDst->lfStatusFont), &(pncmaSrc->lfStatusFont) ); ConvertLFAtoW( &(pncmwDst->lfMessageFont), &(pncmaSrc->lfMessageFont) ); } void CvtDeskCPL_Win95ToSUR( void ) { HKEY hk = NULL; DWORD cchClass, cb, cch, cSubk, cchMaxSubk, cchMaxCls, iVal, cchMaxVName; DWORD cbMaxVData, cbSecDes, dwType; FILETIME pfLstWr; TCHAR szClass[4]; LONG lRet; PVOID pvVData = NULL; LPTSTR pszVName = NULL; LONG erc; FILETIME ftLstWr; // Open the key (Appearence\Schemes) if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szApprSchemes, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &hk) != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto ErrorExit; cchClass = ARRAYSIZE(szClass); erc = RegQueryInfoKey(hk, szClass, &cchClass, NULL, &cSubk, &cchMaxSubk, &cchMaxCls, &iVal, &cchMaxVName, &cbMaxVData, &cbSecDes, &ftLstWr); if( erc != ERROR_SUCCESS && erc != ERROR_MORE_DATA) goto ErrorExit; cchMaxVName += 1; pszVName = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, cchMaxVName * SIZEOF(TCHAR)); pvVData = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, cbMaxVData); if (pvVData == NULL || pszVName == NULL) goto ErrorExit; // for each value in the key iVal = 0; for(;;) { PSCHEMEDATA16 psda; SCHEMEDATAW sdw; cch = cchMaxVName; cb = cbMaxVData; if( RegEnumValue(hk, iVal++, pszVName, &cch, NULL, &dwType, pvVData, &cb ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) break; // check if it has been converted yet psda = pvVData; if (psda->version != SCHEME_VERSION_16) continue; // if not, convert ANSI font names to UNICODE and tag the structure // as converted sdw.version = SCHEME_VERSION_NT; sdw.wDummy = 0; CopyMemory(sdw.rgb, psda->rgb, SIZEOF(sdw.rgb)); ConvertNCMAtoW( &(sdw.ncm), &(psda->ncm) ); ConvertLF16to32( &(sdw.lfIconTitle), &(psda->lfIconTitle) ); // write the new data back out RegSetValueEx(hk, pszVName, 0L, dwType, (LPBYTE)&sdw, SIZEOF(sdw)); } ErrorExit: // close the key if (hk) RegCloseKey(hk); if (pvVData) LocalFree(pvVData); if (pszVName) LocalFree(pszVName); } #ifdef LATER void CvtDeskCPL_DaytonaToSur( void ) { } #endif // // NOTE! These enums MUST be in the same order that the names will appear in the registry string enum { arrow,help,appstart,wait,cross,ibeam,pen,no,sizens,sizewe,sizenwse,sizenesw,move,altsel, C_CURSORS } ID_CURSORS; FILEPATH aszCurs[C_CURSORS]; TCHAR szOut[(C_CURSORS * (MAX_PATH+1)) + 1]; void CvtCursorsCPL_DaytonaToSUR( void ) { HKEY hkIn = NULL, hkOut = NULL; DWORD dwTmp; DWORD cchClass; LONG erc; DWORD dwType; DWORD cSubk; DWORD cchMaxSubk; DWORD cchMaxCls; DWORD iVal; DWORD cchMaxVName; DWORD cbMaxVData; DWORD cbSecDes; FILETIME ftLstWr; DWORD cch; DWORD cb; TCHAR szClass[4]; PVOID pvVData = NULL; LPTSTR pszVName = NULL; // Open the source registry key (Cursor Schemes) if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szNTCsrSchemes, 0, KEY_READ, &hkIn) != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto ErrorExit; // Open/create the dest registry key (Cursors\Schemes) if (RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szWinCsrSchemes, 0, TEXT(""), REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hkOut, &dwTmp) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto ErrorExit; } // for each value in the source key cchClass = ARRAYSIZE(szClass); erc = RegQueryInfoKey(hkIn, szClass, &cchClass, NULL, &cSubk, &cchMaxSubk, &cchMaxCls, &iVal, &cchMaxVName, &cbMaxVData, &cbSecDes, &ftLstWr); if( erc != ERROR_SUCCESS && erc != ERROR_MORE_DATA) goto ErrorExit; cchMaxVName += 1; pszVName = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, cchMaxVName * SIZEOF(TCHAR)); pvVData = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, cbMaxVData + sizeof(TCHAR)); if (pvVData == NULL || pszVName == NULL) goto ErrorExit; iVal = 0; for(;;) { DWORD cbData; LPTSTR pszOut; int i; cch = cchMaxVName; cb = cbMaxVData; if( RegEnumValue(hkIn, iVal++, pszVName, &cch, NULL, &dwType, pvVData, &cb ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) break; // if the name already exists in the new key then skip this one if (RegQueryValueEx(hkOut, pszVName, NULL, NULL, NULL, &cbData ) == ERROR_SUCCESS && cbData != 0) continue; if (dwType != REG_EXPAND_SZ && dwType != REG_SZ) continue; *(TCHAR *)((LPBYTE)pvVData+cb) = TEXT('\0'); // Make sure nul terminated // convert the data to SUR format for( i = 0; i < C_CURSORS; i++ ) { *aszCurs[i] = TEXT('\0'); } //arrow,wait,appstart,no,ibeam,cross,ns,ew,nwse,nesw,move _stscanf(pvVData, TEXT("%[^,], %[^,], %[^,], %[^,], %[^,], %[^,], %[^,], %[^,], %[^,], %[^,]"), aszCurs[arrow],aszCurs[wait],aszCurs[appstart],aszCurs[no], aszCurs[ibeam],aszCurs[cross],aszCurs[sizens],aszCurs[sizewe], aszCurs[sizenwse],aszCurs[sizenesw],aszCurs[move]); szOut[0] = TEXT('\0'); pszOut = szOut; for( i = 0; i < C_CURSORS; i++ ) { if (!HasPath(aszCurs[i])) pszOut += mystrcpy( pszOut, szSystemRoot, TEXT('\0') ); pszOut += mystrcpy( pszOut, aszCurs[i], TEXT('\0') ); *pszOut++ = TEXT(','); } *(pszOut-1) = TEXT('\0'); // write the new data back out RegSetValueEx(hkOut, pszVName, 0L, REG_EXPAND_SZ, (LPBYTE)szOut, (DWORD)(sizeof(TCHAR)*(pszOut - szOut))); } ErrorExit: // close the registry keys if (hkIn) RegCloseKey(hkIn); if (hkOut) RegCloseKey(hkOut); if (pvVData) LocalFree(pvVData); if (pszVName) LocalFree(pszVName); } void FixupCursorSchemePaths( void ) { HKEY hk = NULL; DWORD cchClass, cb, cch, cSubk, cchMaxSubk, cchMaxCls, iVal, cchMaxVName; DWORD cbMaxVData, cbSecDes, dwType; FILETIME pfLstWr; TCHAR szClass[4]; LONG lRet; PVOID pvVData = NULL; LPTSTR pszVName = NULL; LONG erc; FILETIME ftLstWr; // Open the key (Appearence\Schemes) if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szWinCsrSchemes, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &hk) != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto ErrorExit; cchClass = ARRAYSIZE(szClass); erc = RegQueryInfoKey(hk, szClass, &cchClass, NULL, &cSubk, &cchMaxSubk, &cchMaxCls, &iVal, &cchMaxVName, &cbMaxVData, &cbSecDes, &ftLstWr); if( erc != ERROR_SUCCESS && erc != ERROR_MORE_DATA) goto ErrorExit; cchMaxVName += 1; DPRINT(( TEXT("cchName:%d cbData:%d\n"), cchMaxVName, cbMaxVData )); pszVName = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, cchMaxVName * SIZEOF(TCHAR)); pvVData = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, cbMaxVData + sizeof(TCHAR)); if (pvVData == NULL || pszVName == NULL) goto ErrorExit; // for each value in the key iVal = 0; for(;;) { LPTSTR pszIn, pszOut; BOOL fFixed; TCHAR szTmp[MAX_PATH]; cch = cchMaxVName; cb = cbMaxVData; DPRINT(( TEXT("\n\n>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Getting scheme %d "), iVal )); if( RegEnumValue(hk, iVal++, pszVName, &cch, NULL, &dwType, pvVData, &cb ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) break; if (dwType != REG_EXPAND_SZ && dwType != REG_SZ) continue; *(TCHAR *)((LPBYTE)pvVData+cb) = TEXT('\0'); // Make sure nul terminated // check if it has been converted yet DPRINT(( TEXT("Scheme : %s = [%s]"), pszVName, pvVData )); fFixed = FALSE; pszOut = szOut; pszIn = pvVData; pszIn--; // prime pszIn for first comma skip do { pszIn++; // skip over comma separator pszIn += mystrcpy( szTmp, pszIn, TEXT(',') ); // bump ptr by length of token DPRINT((TEXT("\n\t%s"), szTmp)); if (!HasPath(szTmp)) { fFixed = TRUE; DPRINT((TEXT(" "))); } pszOut += mystrcpy( pszOut, szTmp, TEXT('\0') ); *pszOut++ = TEXT(','); #ifdef SHMG_DBG *pszOut = TEXT('\0'); DPRINT((TEXT("\nszOut so far: '%s'"), szOut )); #endif } while ( *pszIn ); *(pszOut-1) = TEXT('\0'); DPRINT((TEXT("\n\n******** Findal szOut: [%s]"), szOut )); // write the new data back out if (fFixed) { DPRINT((TEXT(" (Saving back to reg)"))); RegSetValueEx(hk, pszVName, 0L, REG_EXPAND_SZ, (LPBYTE)szOut, (DWORD)(sizeof(TCHAR)*(pszOut - szOut))); } } ErrorExit: DPRINT(( TEXT("\n\n **EXITING FN()**\n" ))); // close the key if (hk) RegCloseKey(hk); if (pvVData) LocalFree(pvVData); if (pszVName) LocalFree(pszVName); } // this function will remove entries from HKCU\Control Panel\Cursors\Schemes which are identical to // schemes found in HKLM\%Current Version%\Control Panel\Cursors\Schemes // // HKCU\Control Panel\Cursors // This key contains the users currently selected cursor scheme // HKCU\Control Panel\Cursors "Scheme Source" // This is a new key which will be added if not present. The key indicates if the currently // select user scheme is user defined or system defined. // HKCU\Control Panel\Cursors\Schemes // This is the location for user defined schemes. If any of these schemes have both the same // scheme name and the same file list as a system defined scheme then that key will be // removed from the user list. If the currently selected cursor scheme is removed then // "Scheme Source" will be updated to reflect the new location. // HKLM\%Current Version%\Control Panel\Cursors\Schemes // Under the new optional component model, optional components are installed on a per-machine // basis into this location instead of the old per-user basis. This allows floating profiles // to use system pointer schemes on multiple machines and simplifies component installation. void CvtCursorSchemesToMultiuser( void ) { HKEY hkOldCursors, hkOldSchemes; HKEY hkNewSchemes; DWORD iSchemeLocation; DWORD iType; TCHAR szDefaultScheme[MAX_PATH+1]; const TCHAR szSchemeSource[] = TEXT("Scheme Source"); SZNODE *pnHead = NULL; SZNODE *pnTail = NULL; // open a key to the original cursors location if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szWinCursors, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkOldCursors) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { long len = sizeof( szDefaultScheme ); if (RegQueryValue( hkOldCursors, NULL, szDefaultScheme, &len ) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { szDefaultScheme[0] = TEXT('\0'); // if the default key isn't set, the user has the default cursors } // try to read the value of "Scheme Source" len = sizeof( iSchemeLocation ); if ( RegQueryValueEx( hkOldCursors, szSchemeSource, 0, &iType, (BYTE *)&iSchemeLocation, &len ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { iSchemeLocation = ID_USER_SCHEME; // if the value isn't there then it's a user scheme RegSetValueEx( hkOldCursors, szSchemeSource, 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE *)&iSchemeLocation, sizeof( iSchemeLocation ) ); } // now open the schemes subkey, this is what we're interested in if (RegOpenKeyEx( hkOldCursors, szSchemes, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkOldSchemes ) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { TCHAR szOldKeyName[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szOldKeyValue[C_CURSORS*(MAX_PATH+1)+1]; TCHAR szNewKeyValue[C_CURSORS*(MAX_PATH+1)+1]; long iLenName; // the length of the name of the old key long iLenValue; // the length of the value of the old key long iLenNewKey; // the length of the new key's value int iIndex; // now we are ready to enum the user defined schemes, but first lets make sure we can // open the new location, if we can't open it then we bail out. if (RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szDaytonaSchemes, 0, KEY_READ, &hkNewSchemes ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) goto bailOut; DPRINT(( TEXT("Opened key %s"), szDaytonaSchemes )); // now we start reading the new schemes for (iIndex = 0;;) { // read next scheme iLenName = ARRAYSIZE(szOldKeyName); // these must be reset each time around iLenValue = sizeof( szOldKeyValue ); if (RegEnumValue( hkOldSchemes, iIndex++, szOldKeyName, &iLenName, NULL, NULL, (BYTE *)szOldKeyValue, &iLenValue ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { // we fail if we are out of data, which means we're done break; } DPRINT(( TEXT("Opened key: %s\n"), szOldKeyName )); // now we try to find a key with the same name in the new location iLenNewKey = sizeof( szNewKeyValue ); if (RegQueryValueEx( hkNewSchemes, szOldKeyName, 0, NULL, (BYTE *)szNewKeyValue, &iLenNewKey ) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { // if the new key exists, compare the values DPRINT(( TEXT(" Key exists in HKLM.\n") )); DPRINT(( TEXT(" Old=%s\n New=%s\n"), szOldKeyValue, szNewKeyValue )); if ( lstrcmpi(szOldKeyValue, szNewKeyValue) == 0 ) { // if the values are the same, see if this is the currently selected scheme if ( lstrcmp(szOldKeyName, szDefaultScheme) == 0 ) { // since we're going to delete the user defined scheme and the system scheme // has the same name and value we simply change the value of "Scheme Source" iSchemeLocation = ID_OS_SCHEME; RegSetValueEx( hkOldCursors, szSchemeSource, 0, REG_DWORD, (unsigned char *)&iSchemeLocation, sizeof( iSchemeLocation ) ); } // remove the user key DPRINT(( TEXT(" Tagging user key for removal.\n") )); if ( pnTail == NULL ) { pnTail = (SZNODE *)LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, sizeof( SZNODE ) ); pnHead = pnTail; if (!pnTail) // not enough memory break; } else { pnTail->next = (SZNODE *)LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, sizeof( SZNODE ) ); pnTail = pnTail->next; if (!pnTail) // not enough memory break; } pnTail->next = NULL; pnTail->psz = LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, sizeof( szOldKeyName ) ); if (!pnTail->psz) // not enough memory break; lstrcpy( pnTail->psz, szOldKeyName ); } } } // If we tagged any keys for deletion they will be stored in our list while (pnHead) { if (pnHead->psz) // if we ran out of memory, this could be NULL { DPRINT(( TEXT("Deleting key %s\n"), pnHead->psz )); RegDeleteValue( hkOldSchemes, pnHead->psz ); LocalFree( pnHead->psz ); // Clean up the list as we go } pnTail = pnHead; pnHead = pnHead->next; LocalFree( pnTail ); // Clean up as we go } // now we are finished removing the duplicate keys, clean up and exit RegCloseKey( hkNewSchemes ); bailOut: RegCloseKey( hkOldSchemes ); } // else: no schemes are defined for current user so there's nothing to do RegCloseKey( hkOldCursors ); } // else: no cursor key exists for current user so there's nothing to do }