// Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation #ifdef NOMINMAX #undef NOMINMAX #endif #include #include #include "cprofile.h" #define VER_FILETYPE VFT_APP #define VER_FILESUBTYPE VFT2_UNKNOWN #define VER_FILEDESCRIPTION_STR "Clean Profile Utility" #define VER_INTERNALNAME_STR "cprofile" #define VER_ORIGINALFILENAME_STR "cprofile.exe" #include #include "common.ver" STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_USAGE_CMDLINE L"CPROFILE [/L] [/I] [/V] filelist\n" IDS_USAGE_DESCR1 L"\nCleans the specified profiles of wasted space and removes user-specific file\nassociations from the registry when disabled.\n\n" IDS_USAGE_DESCR2 L"\nThis tool will not modify profiles that are currently in use.\n" IDS_USAGE_OPTION_LIST L"\n" IDS_USAGE_LOPTION L" /L Clean all local profiles (filelist need not be specified).\n" IDS_USAGE_IOPTION L" /I Interactively prompt the user with each profile.\n" IDS_USAGE_VOPTION L" /V Provide verbose output.\n" IDS_USAGE_HOPTION L"\n" IDS_MSG_PROCESSING L"Processing file: %ws\n" IDS_MSG_MODIFY_PROMPT L"Modify (Y)es, (N)o, or (Q)uit [default=n]? " IDS_UI_YES_CHAR L"Y" IDS_UI_NO_CHAR L"N" IDS_UI_QUIT_CHAR L"Q" IDS_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERS L"Invalid parameter(s)\n" IDS_ERROR_MALLOC L"Error allocating memory\n" IDS_ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_AVAILABLE L"Privilege was not available to perform requested operation\n" IDS_ERROR_MISSING_PROFILE_LIST L"Unable to find the list of local profiles\n" IDS_ERROR_MISSING_LPROFILE L"Unable to find the local profile path for %ws\n" IDS_ERROR_BAD_LPROFILE L"Unable to process local profile path for %ws\n" IDS_ERROR_SAVING_PROFILE L"Unable to save the profile %ws. Profile skipped.\n" IDS_ERROR_OPENING_PROFILE L"Unable to open the profile %ws. Profile skipped.\n" IDS_ERROR_INVALID_USER_RESP L"Invalid response... Please try again [y|n|q] " IDS_ERROR_MISSING_RESOURCES L"Missing resources for Application\n" IDS_ERROR_BAD_PROFILE L"File is not of correct format for profile\n" IDS_ERROR_PROFILE_LOAD_ERR L"Failed to load profile, error=%d\n" IDS_ERROR_PROFILE_INUSE L"Profile is being used and cannot be processed\n" IDS_ERROR_NOT_ADMIN L"You must be an administrator to run the CPROFILE utility\n" IDS_ERROR_NOT_TS L"This utility needs Terminal Services to be running.\n" END