@echo off REM ------------------------------------------------------------------ REM REM timebomb.cmd REM Swap in the appropriate timebombed hive REM REM Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. REM REM ------------------------------------------------------------------ if defined _CPCMAGIC goto CPCBegin perl -x "%~f0" %* goto :EOF #!perl use strict; use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH} . "\\PostBuildScripts"; use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH}; use PbuildEnv; use ParseArgs; sub Usage { print<] Swap in the appropriate timebombed hive USAGE parseargs('?' => \&Usage); # *** NEXT FEW LINES ARE TEMPLATE *** $ENV{"_CPCMAGIC"}++;exit(system($0)>>8); __END__ :CPCBegin set _CPCMAGIC= setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION ENABLEEXTENSIONS REM *** BEGIN YOUR CMD SCRIPT BELOW *** REM International builds inherit setupreg.hiv and setupp.ini from the US release shares. REM They shouldn't need to rebuild them. if /i not "%lang%"=="usa" ( call logmsg.cmd "%script_name% does not apply to international builds." goto :EOF ) set DAYS=180 if "%DAYS%" == "0" goto :EOF REM REM Swap timebomb versions of setupreg.hiv and the pid REM for %%d in (. perinf srvinf blainf sbsinf entinf dtcinf) do ( REM Save non-timebombed hive if not exist %_NTPostBld%\%%d\idw\setup\no_tbomb.hiv ( call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /b %_NTPostBld%\%%d\setupreg.hiv %_NTPostBld%\%%d\idw\setup\no_tbomb.hiv" ) REM Copy in timebomb version of setupreg.hiv, but first save off original call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /b %_NTPostBld%\%%d\idw\setup\tbomb%DAYS%.hiv %_NTPostBld%\%%d\setupreg.hiv" REM Save non-timebombed setupp.ini if not exist %_NTPostBld%\%%d\idw\setup\setupp_no_tbomb.ini ( call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /b %_NTPostBld%\%%d\setupp.ini %_NTPostBld%\%%d\idw\setup\setupp_no_tbomb.ini" ) REM Copy in timebomb version of setupp.ini call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /b %_NTPostBld%\%%d\idw\setup\setupptb%DAYS%.ini %_NTPostBld%\%%d\setupp.ini" )