@echo on @rem setlocal if "%1"=="" goto :Usage set MACHINE=%1 set STATUSFILE=\\%MACHINE%\BC_DISTSTATUS\%COMPUTERNAME%.txt echo Started RegisterMTScript.cmd > %STATUSFILE% for /f %%x in ('hostname') do set myname=%%x net share BC_BUILD_LOGS /delete /y rmtshare \\%MACHINE%\BC_DISTSTATUS=%temp% /grant ntdev\ntbuild:full @rem net share BC_BUILD_LOGS=%TEMP% /Remark:"Build Console build logs share" if errorlevel 1 (call :RegError Error creating BC_BUILD_LOGS share & goto :PauseBeforeExit) if exist MTRCopy.dll ( regsvr32 /s MTRCopy.dll || (call :RegError Error registering MTRCopy.dll & goto :PauseBeforeExit) ) else ( regsvr32 /s RCopy.dll || (call :RegError Error registering RCopy.dll & goto :PauseBeforeExit) ) regsvr32 /s mtscrprx.dll || (call :RegError Error registering mtscrprx.dll & goto :PauseBeforeExit) regsvr32 /s mtlocal.dll || (call :RegError Error registering mtlocal.dll & goto :PauseBeforeExit) regsvr32 /s mtodproxy.dll || (call :RegError Error registering mtodproxy.dll & goto :PauseBeforeExit) @Rem Unregister first to reset security information mtscript.exe /unregister mtscript.exe /register if ERRORLEVEL 1 (call :RegError Error registering mtscript.exe & goto :PauseBeforeExit) @Rem Unregister first to reset security information mtodaemon.exe /unregister mtodaemon.exe /register if ERRORLEVEL 1 (call :RegError Error registering mtodaemon.exe & goto :PauseBeforeExit) @rem This process was started CreateProcessWithLogonW (from bsrunas.exe). This @rem means that we are in a job object. This interferes with mtscript's job @rem management. Thus, we will rely on automatic launching to get mtscript going. @rem start mtscript.exe @rem if ERRORLEVEL 1 (call :RegError mtscript.exe & goto :PauseBeforeExit) echo OK> %STATUSFILE% goto :PauseBeforeExit :RegError @echo ============================================== @echo FAILED RegisterMTScript.cmd: %* > %STATUSFILE% net send %MACHINE% %* on host %myname% goto :PauseBeforeExit :Usage @echo. @echo. @echo =================================================== @echo Usage: registermtscript.cmd NotifyMachine directory @goto :PauseBeforeExit :PauseBeforeExit @echo. @echo. @echo This window will close 30 minutes after %DATE% %TIME% @echo Presss Ctrl-BREAK to prevent this Sleep 1800 if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :EOF exit 1 goto :EOF