/*++ Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: dmupdate.c Abstract: Contains the global update handlers for the Configuration Database Manager Author: John Vert (jvert) 24-Apr-1996 Revision History: --*/ #include "dmp.h" #if NO_SHARED_LOCKS extern CRITICAL_SECTION gLockDmpRoot; #else extern RTL_RESOURCE gLockDmpRoot; #endif VOID DmpUpdateSequence( VOID ); DWORD DmpUpdateHandler( IN DWORD Context, IN BOOL SourceNode, IN DWORD BufferLength, IN PVOID Buffer ) /*++ Routine Description: Update handler for registry updates Arguments: Context - Supplies the update context. This is the message type SourceNode - Supplies whether or not the update originated on this node. BufferLength - Supplies the length of the update. Buffer - Supplies a pointer to the buffer. Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS if successful Win32 error code otherwise --*/ { DWORD Status; if ( gbDmpShutdownUpdates ) return( ERROR_SUCCESS ); switch (Context) { case DmUpdateDeleteKey: ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE,"[DM] DmUpdateDeleteKey \n"); Status = DmpUpdateDeleteKey(SourceNode, (PDM_DELETE_KEY_UPDATE)Buffer); break; case DmUpdateSetValue: ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE,"[DM] DmUpdateSetValue \n"); Status = DmpUpdateSetValue(SourceNode, (PDM_SET_VALUE_UPDATE)Buffer); break; case DmUpdateDeleteValue: ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE,"[DM] DmUpdateDeleteValue\n"); Status = DmpUpdateDeleteValue(SourceNode, (PDM_DELETE_VALUE_UPDATE)Buffer); break; case DmUpdateJoin: ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL,"[DM] DmUpdateJoin\n"); Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; break; default: Status = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; CL_UNEXPECTED_ERROR(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); break; } return(Status); } DWORD DmpUpdateDeleteKey( IN BOOL SourceNode, IN PDM_DELETE_KEY_UPDATE Update ) /*++ Routine Description: Deletes the specified registry key on this node. Arguments: SourceNode - Supplies whether or not this node is the one that originated the update. Buffer - Supplies the DM_DELETE_KEY_UPDATE structure with the information necessary to delete the key. Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS if successful. Win32 error otherwise. --*/ { DWORD Disposition; DWORD Status; HKEY Key; ACQUIRE_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK(gLockDmpRoot); Status = RegDeleteKeyW(DmpRoot, Update->Name); if (SourceNode) { *Update->lpStatus = Status; } if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DmpUpdateSequence(); DmpReportNotify(Update->Name, CLUSTER_CHANGE_REGISTRY_NAME); } RELEASE_LOCK(gLockDmpRoot); return(Status); } DWORD DmpUpdateSetValue( IN BOOL SourceNode, IN PDM_SET_VALUE_UPDATE Update ) /*++ Routine Description: Updates the specified registry value on this node. Arguments: SourceNode - Supplies whether or not this node is the one that originated the update. Buffer - Supplies the DM_SET_VALUE_UPDATE structure with the information necessary to set the value. Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS if successful. Win32 error otherwise. --*/ { DWORD Status; HKEY Key; LPWSTR ValueName; CONST BYTE *lpData; ValueName = (LPWSTR)((PUCHAR)Update + Update->NameOffset); switch( Update->Type ) { case REG_DWORD: ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[DM] Setting value of %1!ws! for key %2!ws! to 0x%3!08lx!\n", ValueName, Update->KeyName, *(PDWORD)((CONST BYTE *)Update + Update->DataOffset)); break; case REG_SZ: ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[DM] Setting value of %1!ws! for key %2!ws! to %3!ws!\n", ValueName, Update->KeyName, (CONST BYTE *)Update + Update->DataOffset); break; default: ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[DM] Setting value of %1!ws! for key %2!ws!\n", ValueName, Update->KeyName); break; } ACQUIRE_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK(gLockDmpRoot); Status = RegOpenKeyExW(DmpRoot, Update->KeyName, 0, KEY_SET_VALUE, &Key); if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (SourceNode) { *Update->lpStatus = Status; } ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[DM] SetValue failed to open target key %1!ws!\n", Update->KeyName); goto FnExit; } lpData = (CONST BYTE *)Update + Update->DataOffset; Status = RegSetValueExW(Key, ValueName, 0, Update->Type, lpData, Update->DataLength); RegCloseKey(Key); if (SourceNode) { *Update->lpStatus = Status; } if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DmpUpdateSequence(); DmpReportNotify(Update->KeyName, CLUSTER_CHANGE_REGISTRY_VALUE); } FnExit: RELEASE_LOCK(gLockDmpRoot); return(Status); } DWORD DmpUpdateDeleteValue( IN BOOL SourceNode, IN PDM_DELETE_VALUE_UPDATE Update ) /*++ Routine Description: Deletes the specified registry value on this node. Arguments: SourceNode - Supplies whether or not this node is the one that originated the update. Buffer - Supplies the DM_DELETE_VALUE_UPDATE structure with the information necessary to delete the value. Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS if successful. Win32 error otherwise. --*/ { DWORD Status; HKEY Key; LPWSTR ValueName; ACQUIRE_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK(gLockDmpRoot); Status = RegOpenKeyExW(DmpRoot, Update->KeyName, 0, KEY_SET_VALUE, &Key); if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (SourceNode) { *Update->lpStatus = Status; } goto FnExit; } ValueName = (LPWSTR)((PUCHAR)Update + Update->NameOffset); Status = RegDeleteValueW(Key, ValueName); RegCloseKey(Key); if (SourceNode) { *Update->lpStatus = Status; } if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DmpUpdateSequence(); DmpReportNotify(Update->KeyName, CLUSTER_CHANGE_REGISTRY_VALUE); } FnExit: RELEASE_LOCK(gLockDmpRoot); return(Status); } VOID DmpUpdateSequence( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Updates the sequence number stored in the registry. Arguments: None. Return Value: None. --*/ { DWORD Sequence; DWORD Status; Sequence = GumGetCurrentSequence(GumUpdateRegistry); ACQUIRE_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK(gLockDmpRoot); Status = RegSetValueExW(DmpRoot, CLUSREG_NAME_CLUS_REG_SEQUENCE, 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE CONST *)&Sequence, sizeof(Sequence)); RELEASE_LOCK(gLockDmpRoot); if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { CL_UNEXPECTED_ERROR( Status ); } } DWORD DmpUpdateCreateKey( IN BOOL SourceNode, IN PDM_CREATE_KEY_UPDATE CreateUpdate, IN LPCWSTR KeyName, IN OPTIONAL LPVOID lpSecurityDescriptor ) /*++ Routine Description: GUM dispatch routine for creating a registry key. Arguments: SourceNode - Supplies whether or not this node initiated the GUM update. Not used. CreateUpdate - Supplies key creation options. KeyName - Supplies the key name lpSecurityDescriptor - if present, supplies the security descriptor to be applied when the key is created. Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS if successful. Win32 error code otherwise. --*/ { DWORD Disposition; DWORD Status; HKEY Key; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES SecurityAttributes; LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes; if (CreateUpdate->SecurityPresent) { SecurityAttributes.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); SecurityAttributes.bInheritHandle = FALSE; SecurityAttributes.lpSecurityDescriptor = lpSecurityDescriptor; lpSecurityAttributes = &SecurityAttributes; } else { lpSecurityAttributes = NULL; } ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[DM] DmpUpdateCreateKey: Creating key <%1!ws!>...\n", KeyName); ACQUIRE_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK(gLockDmpRoot); Status = RegCreateKeyEx(DmpRoot, KeyName, 0, NULL, CreateUpdate->dwOptions, CreateUpdate->samDesired, lpSecurityAttributes, &Key, &Disposition); if (SourceNode) { *CreateUpdate->lpDisposition = Disposition; *CreateUpdate->phKey = Key; } else { RegCloseKey(Key); } if ((Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (Disposition == REG_CREATED_NEW_KEY)) { DmpUpdateSequence(); DmpReportNotify(KeyName, CLUSTER_CHANGE_REGISTRY_NAME); } RELEASE_LOCK(gLockDmpRoot); return(Status); } DWORD DmpUpdateSetSecurity( IN BOOL SourceNode, IN PSECURITY_INFORMATION pSecurityInformation, IN LPCWSTR KeyName, IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR lpSecurityDescriptor, IN LPDWORD pGrantedAccess ) /*++ Routine Description: GUM dispatch routine for creating a registry key. Arguments: SourceNode - Supplies whether or not this node initiated the GUM update. Not used. pSecurityInformation - Supplies a pointer to the security information KeyName - Supplies the key name lpSecurityDescriptor - Supplies the security descriptor to be applied. pGrantedAccess - Supplies the access that the key was opened with. Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS if successful. Win32 error code otherwise. --*/ { DWORD Status; HKEY Key; ACQUIRE_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK(gLockDmpRoot); Status = RegOpenKeyExW(DmpRoot, KeyName, 0, *pGrantedAccess, &Key); if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if ((Status == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) || (Status == ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD)) { BOOLEAN Enabled; Status = ClRtlEnableThreadPrivilege(SE_SECURITY_PRIVILEGE, &Enabled); if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Status = RegOpenKeyExW(DmpRoot, KeyName, 0, *pGrantedAccess, &Key); ClRtlRestoreThreadPrivilege(SE_SECURITY_PRIVILEGE, Enabled); } } if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto FnExit; } } Status = RegSetKeySecurity(Key, *pSecurityInformation, lpSecurityDescriptor); RegCloseKey(Key); if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DmpUpdateSequence(); DmpReportNotify(KeyName, CLUSTER_CHANGE_REGISTRY_ATTRIBUTES); } FnExit: RELEASE_LOCK(gLockDmpRoot); return(Status); }