/****************************** Module Header ******************************\ * Module Name: WOWEXEC.RC * * Copyright (c) 1991, Microsoft Corporation * * Resources * * History: * 04-07-91 MattFe Created. * 21-mar-92 mattfe added exec error strings from win 3.1 progman \***************************************************************************/ #define OEMRESOURCE #include "windows.h" #include "wowexec.h" ID_WOWEXEC_ICON ICON wowexec.ico #ifdef DEBUG MainMenu MENU BEGIN POPUP "&Debug" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Int 3", MM_BREAK MENUITEM "E&xit WOW", MM_EXIT MENUITEM "&GP Fault", MM_FAULT MENUITEM "Dr. &Watson", MM_WATSON MENUITEM "&Party By Number", MM_PARTY MENUITEM "Genthunk &Quicktest", MM_GENTHUNK MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&About WOWExec...", MM_ABOUT END END ID_PARTY_DIALOG DIALOG 47, 59, 231, 64 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUP | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU CAPTION "PartyByNumber" /* FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" */ BEGIN CONTROL "&Number:", IDD_PARTY_NUMLABEL, "Static", SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP, 3, 19, 33, 10 EDITTEXT IDD_PARTY_NUMBER, 50, 18, 125, 12, ES_AUTOHSCROLL CONTROL "&String:", IDD_PARTY_STRLABEL, "Static", SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP, 3, 33, 33, 10 EDITTEXT IDD_PARTY_STRING, 50, 32, 125, 12, ES_AUTOHSCROLL DEFPUSHBUTTON "OK", 0xdad /* IDOK */, 185, 6, 40, 14 PUSHBUTTON "Cancel", 0xdab /* IDCANCEL */, 185, 23, 40, 14 END #endif // DEBUG /* 0....5....1....56...2....5....3.2..5....4....5....5....6...45....7....5....8....5....9....5....0....5....1....5....2....5..8 */ STRINGTABLE PRELOAD BEGIN /* Maximum # of chars: */ errTitle "16-bit Windows Subsystem" /* 50 */ IDS_NOMEMORYMSG, "Insufficient memory to run this application. Quit one or more Windows applications and then try again." /* 256 */ IDS_FILENOTFOUNDMSG, "Cannot find file %s (or one of its components). Check to ensure the path and filename are correct and that all required libraries are available." /* 256 */ IDS_MANYOPENFILESMSG, "Too many other files are currently in use. Quit one or more applications, or increase the FILES command in CONFIG.SYS." /* 256 */ IDS_MULTIPLEDSMSG, "Cannot start more than one copy of the specified program." /* 256 */ IDS_NEWWINDOWSMSG, "This application is not supported by Microsoft Windows." /* 256 */ IDS_ACCESSDENIED, "Access to the specified device, path, or file is denied." /* 256 */ IDS_COMPRESSEDEXE, "This program or one of its components is compressed.\n\nUse the MS-DOS Expand command to copy the file from the Windows Setup disks." IDS_INVALIDDLL, "One of the library files needed to run %s is damaged. Please reinstall this application." /* 256 */ IDS_SHAREERROR, "This file is in use by some other application." /* 256 */ IDS_BADPATHMSG, "The path %s is invalid." /* 256 */ IDS_OOMEXITTITLE, "WOWExec Extremely Low on Memory" /* 32 */ IDS_OOMEXITMSG, "Close an application and try again." /* 64 */ IDS_UNKNOWNMSG, "Unknown message ID: %d." /*256 */ IDS_EXECERRTITLE, "Can't run 16-bit Windows program" /* 50 */ IDS_APPTITLE, "WOWExec" /* 32 */ IDS_SHAREDAPPTITLE, "Shared WOWExec" /* 32 */ IDS_CANTLOADWIN32DLL "One of the library files needed to run %s cannot load in the 16-bit Windows subsystem because it is a Win32 DLL." END #include "wowexec.rcv"