Step 1: Platform
Choose the platform for which you would like to create a WinPE image.
(Note: For a 64-bit image you will need the 64-bit version of Windows XP Pro).
Step 2: OPK Location
Please enter location for OPK (OEM Preinstall Kit):
(you may use a local drive, CDROM drive or network location.
Make sure NOT to end with a \)
(eg: "d:" for CDROM, "c:\opk" for local Harddrive or "\\winbuilds\release\main\usa\latest.tst\opk"
for net share)
Step 3: Windows XP Location
Please enter the location for WinXP Pro (WinXP build must be of the same
as OPK build).
(you may use a local drive, CDROM drive or network
location. Make sure NOT to end with a \)
(eg: "d:" for CDROM, "c:\winxp" for local Harddrive or "\\winbuilds\release\main\usa\latest.tst\x86fre\pro"
for net share)
Drive Type:
Dest Drive and folder: (eg: "c:\test_image\1")
Step 5:
Custom Startup and winbom (Optional)
Custom Startup Script/App
Please select the script or executable file (including its path) to run when
WinPE starts. By default its set to startnet.cmd:
Startup Script/APP:
(eg: "c:\oem\doit.exe")
Custom winbom.ini
Please select location for winbom.ini file (including its path). By default
its set to winbom.ini.
Custom winbom.ini location:
(eg: "c:\oem\winbom.ini")
Step 6: Optional Components
Please select the optional components you
want to enable in the WinPE environment
Step 7:
Custom Wallpaper for WinPE (Optional)
Please select the custom bitmap wallpaper you would like to use for WinPE:
Custom Wallpaper:
(eg: "c:\oem\logo.bmp")