Administration - Unfiltered Documents

<%if CiMatchedRecordCount eq 0%> All documents have been successfully filtered. <%else%> Documents in this list failed to filter. Possible causes include document corruption, property set corruption and password protection. <%endif%>
<%if CiContainsFirstRecord eq 0%> <%endif%> <%if CiContainsLastRecord eq 0%> <%endif%>
<%begindetail%> <%enddetail%>
Virtual Path:<%vpath%>
Physical Path:<%path%>
Last Modified:<%if write ne ""%><%write%> GMT<%endif%>

<%if CiMatchedRecordCount ne 0%>

<%endif%> <%if CiContainsFirstRecord eq 0%> <%endif%> <%if CiContainsLastRecord eq 0%> <%endif%>
<%if CiOutOfDate ne 0%>

The index is out of date. <%endif%> <%if CiQueryIncomplete eq 1%>

The query is too expensive to complete. <%endif%>