/*++ Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998 - 1999 Module Name: dnscmn.c Abstract: Domain Name System (DNS) Client Routines used to verify the DNS registration for a client Author: Elena Apreutesei (elenaap) 10/22/98 Revision History: --*/ #include "precomp.h" #include "dnscmn.h" #include LPSTR UTF8ToAnsi( LPSTR szuStr ) { WCHAR wszBuff[2048]; static char aszBuff[2048]; strcpy(aszBuff, ""); if (NULL == szuStr) return aszBuff; if ( MultiByteToWideChar( CP_UTF8, 0L, szuStr, -1, wszBuff, DimensionOf(wszBuff) )) { WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0L, wszBuff, -1, aszBuff, DimensionOf(aszBuff), NULL, NULL); } return aszBuff; } HRESULT CheckDnsRegistration( PDNS_NETINFO pNetworkInfo, NETDIAG_PARAMS* pParams, NETDIAG_RESULT* pResults ) { LPSTR pszHostName = NULL; LPSTR pszPrimaryDomain = NULL; LPSTR pszDomain = NULL; DWORD dwServerIP, dwIP; int idx, idx1, idx2; BOOL RegDnOk, RegPdnOk, RegDnAll, RegPdnAll; char szName[DNS_MAX_NAME_BUFFER_LENGTH]; char szIP[1500]; DNS_RECORD recordA[MAX_ADDRS]; DNS_RECORD recordPTR; DNS_STATUS dwStatus; PREGISTRATION_INFO pExpectedRegistration = NULL; HRESULT hResult = hrOK; // print out DNS settings pszHostName = (PSTR) DnsQueryConfigAlloc( DnsConfigHostName_UTF8, NULL ); if (NULL == pszHostName) { //IDS_DNS_NO_HOSTNAME " [FATAL] Cannot find DNS host name." AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_Quiet, IDS_DNS_NO_HOSTNAME); hResult = S_FALSE; goto L_ERROR; } pszPrimaryDomain = (PSTR) DnsQueryConfigAlloc( DnsConfigPrimaryDomainName_UTF8, NULL ); // compute the expected DNS registration dwStatus = ComputeExpectedRegistration( pszHostName, pszPrimaryDomain, pNetworkInfo, &pExpectedRegistration, pParams, pResults); // verifies the DNS registration if (pExpectedRegistration) hResult = VerifyDnsRegistration( pszHostName, pExpectedRegistration, pParams, pResults); L_ERROR: return hResult; } DNS_STATUS ComputeExpectedRegistration( LPSTR pszHostName, LPSTR pszPrimaryDomain, PDNS_NETINFO pNetworkInfo, PREGISTRATION_INFO *ppExpectedRegistration, NETDIAG_PARAMS* pParams, NETDIAG_RESULT* pResults ) { DWORD idx; DWORD idx1; DNS_STATUS dwStatus; char szName[DNS_MAX_NAME_BUFFER_LENGTH]; PDNS_NETINFO pFazResult = NULL; LPSTR pszDomain; DWORD dwIP; PIP_ARRAY pDnsServers = NULL; PIP_ARRAY pNameServers = NULL; PIP_ARRAY pNS = NULL; IP_ARRAY PrimaryDNS; LPWSTR pwAdapterGuidName = NULL; BOOL bRegEnabled = FALSE; BOOL bAdapterRegEnabled = FALSE; *ppExpectedRegistration = NULL; for (idx = 0; idx < pNetworkInfo->cAdapterCount; idx++) { //IDS_DNS_12878 " Interface %s\n" AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12878, (pNetworkInfo->AdapterArray[idx])->pszAdapterGuidName); pszDomain = (pNetworkInfo->AdapterArray[idx])->pszAdapterDomain; //IDS_DNS_12879 " DNS Domain: %s\n" AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12879, UTF8ToAnsi(pszDomain)); //IDS_DNS_12880 " DNS Servers: " AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12880); for (idx1 = 0; idx1 < (pNetworkInfo->AdapterArray[idx])->cServerCount; idx1++) { dwIP = (pNetworkInfo->AdapterArray[idx])->ServerArray[idx1].IpAddress; //IDS_DNS_12881 "%s " AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12881, IP_STRING(dwIP)); } //IDS_DNS_12882 "\n IP Address: " AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12882); for(idx1 = 0; idx1 < (pNetworkInfo->AdapterArray[idx])->pAdapterIPAddresses->AddrCount; idx1++) { dwIP = (pNetworkInfo->AdapterArray[idx])->pAdapterIPAddresses->AddrArray[idx1]; //IDS_DNS_12883 "%s " AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12883, IP_STRING(dwIP)); } //IDS_DNS_12884 "\n" AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12884); pDnsServers = ServerInfoToIpArray( (pNetworkInfo->AdapterArray[idx])->cServerCount, (pNetworkInfo->AdapterArray[idx])->ServerArray ); // // Verify if DNS registration is enabled for interface and for adapter's DNS domain name // bRegEnabled = bAdapterRegEnabled = FALSE; pwAdapterGuidName = LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(WCHAR)*(1+strlen((pNetworkInfo->AdapterArray[idx])->pszAdapterGuidName))); if (pwAdapterGuidName) { MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0L, (pNetworkInfo->AdapterArray[idx])->pszAdapterGuidName, -1, pwAdapterGuidName, sizeof(WCHAR)*(1+strlen((pNetworkInfo->AdapterArray[idx])->pszAdapterGuidName)) ); bRegEnabled = (BOOL) DnsQueryConfigDword( DnsConfigRegistrationEnabled, pwAdapterGuidName ); bAdapterRegEnabled = (BOOL) DnsQueryConfigDword( DnsConfigAdapterHostNameRegistrationEnabled, pwAdapterGuidName ); LocalFree(pwAdapterGuidName); } if(bRegEnabled) { if(pDnsServers) { // compute expected registration with PDN if (pszPrimaryDomain && strlen(pszPrimaryDomain)) { sprintf(szName, "%s.%s.", pszHostName, pszPrimaryDomain); //IDS_DNS_12886 " Expected registration with PDN (primary DNS domain name):\n Hostname: %s\n" AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12886, UTF8ToAnsi(szName)); pFazResult = NULL; pNameServers = NULL; dwStatus = DnsFindAllPrimariesAndSecondaries( szName, DNS_QUERY_BYPASS_CACHE, pDnsServers, &pFazResult, &pNameServers, NULL); if (pFazResult) { //IDS_DNS_12887 " Authoritative zone: %s\n" AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12887, UTF8ToAnsi(pFazResult->pSearchList->pszDomainOrZoneName)); //IDS_DNS_12888 " Primary DNS server: %s %s\n" AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12888, UTF8ToAnsi(pFazResult->AdapterArray[0]->pszAdapterDomain), IP_STRING(pFazResult->AdapterArray[0]->ServerArray[0].IpAddress)); if (pNameServers) { //IDS_DNS_12889 " Authoritative NS:" AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12889); for(idx1=0; idx1 < pNameServers->AddrCount; idx1++) //IDS_DNS_12890 "%s " AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12890, IP_STRING(pNameServers->AddrArray[idx1])); //IDS_DNS_12891 "\n" AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12891); pNS = pNameServers; } else { //IDS_DNS_12892 " NS query failed with %d %s\n" AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12892, dwStatus, DnsStatusString(dwStatus)); PrimaryDNS.AddrCount = 1; PrimaryDNS.AddrArray[0] = pFazResult->AdapterArray[0]->ServerArray[0].IpAddress; pNS = &PrimaryDNS; } dwStatus = DnsUpdateAllowedTest_UTF8( NULL, szName, pFazResult->pSearchList->pszDomainOrZoneName, pNS); if ((dwStatus == NO_ERROR) || (dwStatus == ERROR_TIMEOUT)) AddToExpectedRegistration( pszPrimaryDomain, (pNetworkInfo->AdapterArray[idx]), pFazResult, pNS, ppExpectedRegistration); else //IDS_DNS_12893 " Update is not allowed in zone %s.\n" AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12893, UTF8ToAnsi(pFazResult->pSearchList->pszDomainOrZoneName)); } else { //IDS_DNS_12894 " [WARNING] Cannot find the authoritative server for the DNS name '%s'. [%s]\n The name '%s' may not be registered properly on the DNS servers.\n" AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_Quiet, IDS_DNS_12894, UTF8ToAnsi(szName), DnsStatusString(dwStatus), UTF8ToAnsi(szName)); } } // compute expected registration with DN for this adapter if (pszDomain && strlen(pszDomain) && (!pszPrimaryDomain || !strlen(pszPrimaryDomain) || (pszPrimaryDomain && pszDomain && _stricmp(pszDomain, pszPrimaryDomain)))) { sprintf(szName, "%s.%s." , pszHostName, pszDomain); //IDS_DNS_12896 " Expected registration with adapter's DNS Domain Name:\n Hostname: %s\n" AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12896, UTF8ToAnsi(szName)); if (bAdapterRegEnabled) { pFazResult = NULL; pNameServers = NULL; dwStatus = DnsFindAllPrimariesAndSecondaries( szName, DNS_QUERY_BYPASS_CACHE, pDnsServers, &pFazResult, &pNameServers, NULL); if (pFazResult) { //IDS_DNS_12897 " Authoritative zone: %s\n" AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12897, UTF8ToAnsi(pFazResult->pSearchList->pszDomainOrZoneName)); //IDS_DNS_12898 " Primary DNS server: %s %s\n" AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12898, UTF8ToAnsi(pFazResult->AdapterArray[0]->pszAdapterDomain), IP_STRING(pFazResult->AdapterArray[0]->ServerArray[0].IpAddress)); if (pNameServers) { //IDS_DNS_12899 " Authoritative NS:" AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12899); for(idx1=0; idx1 < pNameServers->AddrCount; idx1++) //IDS_DNS_12900 "%s " AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12900, IP_STRING(pNameServers->AddrArray[idx1])); //IDS_DNS_12901 "\n" AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12901); pNS = pNameServers; } else { //IDS_DNS_12902 " NS query failed with %d %s\n" AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12902, dwStatus, DnsStatusString(dwStatus)); PrimaryDNS.AddrCount = 1; PrimaryDNS.AddrArray[0] = pFazResult->AdapterArray[0]->ServerArray[0].IpAddress; pNS = &PrimaryDNS; } dwStatus = DnsUpdateAllowedTest_UTF8( NULL, szName, pFazResult->pSearchList->pszDomainOrZoneName, pNS); if ((dwStatus == NO_ERROR) || (dwStatus == ERROR_TIMEOUT)) AddToExpectedRegistration( pszDomain, (pNetworkInfo->AdapterArray[idx]), pFazResult, pNS, ppExpectedRegistration); else //IDS_DNS_12903 " Update is not allowed in zone %s\n" AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12903, UTF8ToAnsi(pFazResult->pSearchList->pszDomainOrZoneName)); } else { //IDS_DNS_12894 " [WARNING] Cannot find the authoritative server for the DNS name '%s'. [%s]\n The name '%s' may not be registered properly on the DNS servers.\n" AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_Quiet, IDS_DNS_12894, UTF8ToAnsi(szName), DnsStatusString(dwStatus), UTF8ToAnsi(szName)); } } else { AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12939); } } LocalFree(pDnsServers); } } else // if(bRegEnabled) { AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12947); } } return NO_ERROR; } void AddToExpectedRegistration( LPSTR pszDomain, PDNS_ADAPTER pAdapterInfo, PDNS_NETINFO pFazResult, PIP_ARRAY pNS, PREGISTRATION_INFO *ppExpectedRegistration) { PREGISTRATION_INFO pCurrent = *ppExpectedRegistration, pNew = NULL, pLast = NULL; BOOL done = FALSE, found = FALSE; DWORD i,j; IP_ARRAY ipArray; DWORD dwAddrToRegister; DWORD dwMaxAddrToRegister; USES_CONVERSION; dwMaxAddrToRegister = DnsQueryConfigDword( DnsConfigAddressRegistrationMaxCount, A2W(pAdapterInfo->pszAdapterGuidName )); dwAddrToRegister = (pAdapterInfo->pAdapterIPAddresses->AddrCount < dwMaxAddrToRegister) ? pAdapterInfo->pAdapterIPAddresses->AddrCount : dwMaxAddrToRegister; while(pCurrent) { if(!done && !_stricmp(pCurrent->szDomainName, pszDomain) && !_stricmp(pCurrent->szAuthoritativeZone, pFazResult->pSearchList->pszDomainOrZoneName) && SameAuthoritativeServers(pCurrent, pNS)) { // found a node under the same domain name / authoritative server list done = TRUE; if(pCurrent->dwIPCount + pAdapterInfo->pAdapterIPAddresses->AddrCount > MAX_ADDRS) { //IDS_DNS_12905 " WARNING - more than %d IP addresses\n" // AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_Verbose, IDS_DNS_12905, MAX_ADDRS); return; } // add the new IPs for(i=0; i < dwAddrToRegister; i++) { pCurrent->IPAddresses[pCurrent->dwIPCount + i] = pAdapterInfo->pAdapterIPAddresses->AddrArray[i]; } pCurrent->dwIPCount += dwAddrToRegister; // for each NS check if it's already in the list, if not add it for(i=0; i < pNS->AddrCount; i++) { found = FALSE; for(j=0; !found && (j < pCurrent->dwAuthNSCount); j++) if(pNS->AddrArray[i] == pCurrent->AuthoritativeNS[j]) found = TRUE; if (!found && pCurrent->dwAuthNSCount < MAX_NAME_SERVER_COUNT) pCurrent->AuthoritativeNS[pCurrent->dwAuthNSCount++] = pNS->AddrArray[i]; } // check if DNS servers allow updates if (pCurrent->AllowUpdates == ERROR_TIMEOUT) { ipArray.AddrCount = 1; ipArray.AddrArray[0] = pFazResult->AdapterArray[0]->ServerArray[0].IpAddress; pCurrent->AllowUpdates = DnsUpdateTest_UTF8( NULL, // Context handle pCurrent->szAuthoritativeZone, 0, //DNS_UPDATE_TEST_USE_LOCAL_SYS_ACCT, &ipArray); // use the DNS server returned from FAZ } } pLast = pCurrent; pCurrent = pCurrent->pNext; } if (!done) { // need to allocate new entry pNew = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, sizeof(REGISTRATION_INFO)); if( !pNew) return; pNew->pNext = NULL; strcpy(pNew->szDomainName, pszDomain); strcpy(pNew->szAuthoritativeZone, pFazResult->pSearchList->pszDomainOrZoneName); pNew->dwIPCount = 0; for(i=0; i < dwAddrToRegister; i++) { if(pNew->dwIPCount < MAX_ADDRS) pNew->IPAddresses[pNew->dwIPCount++] = pAdapterInfo->pAdapterIPAddresses->AddrArray[i]; else { //IDS_DNS_12905 " WARNING - more than %d IP addresses\n" // AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_Verbose, IDS_DNS_12905, MAX_ADDRS); break; } } pNew->dwAuthNSCount = 0; for(i=0; i < pNS->AddrCount; i++) { if (pNew->dwAuthNSCount < MAX_NAME_SERVER_COUNT) pNew->AuthoritativeNS[pNew->dwAuthNSCount++] = pNS->AddrArray[i]; else break; } // check if DNS servers allow updates ipArray.AddrCount = 1; ipArray.AddrArray[0] = pFazResult->AdapterArray[0]->ServerArray[0].IpAddress; pNew->AllowUpdates = DnsUpdateTest_UTF8( NULL, // Context handle pNew->szAuthoritativeZone, 0, //DNS_UPDATE_TEST_USE_LOCAL_SYS_ACCT, &ipArray); // use the DNS server returned from FAZ if(pLast) pLast->pNext = (LPVOID)pNew; else *ppExpectedRegistration = pNew; } } BOOL SameAuthoritativeServers(PREGISTRATION_INFO pCurrent, PIP_ARRAY pNS) { BOOL same = FALSE, found = FALSE; DWORD i, j; for (i=0; idwAuthNSCount; i++) { found = FALSE; for (j=0; jAddrCount; j++) if(pNS->AddrArray[j] == pCurrent->AuthoritativeNS[i]) found = TRUE; if (found) same = TRUE; } return same; } HRESULT VerifyDnsRegistration(LPSTR pszHostName, PREGISTRATION_INFO pExpectedRegistration,NETDIAG_PARAMS* pParams, NETDIAG_RESULT* pResults ) { PREGISTRATION_INFO pCurrent = pExpectedRegistration; BOOL regOne, regAll, partialMatch; DWORD i,j, numOfMissingAddr; DNS_STATUS dwStatus; PDNS_RECORD pExpected=NULL, pResult=NULL, pDiff1=NULL, pDiff2=NULL, pThis = NULL; char szFqdn[DNS_MAX_NAME_BUFFER_LENGTH]; IP_ARRAY DnsServer; HRESULT hr = hrOK; //IDS_DNS_12906 " Verify DNS registration:\n" AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12906); DnsServer.AddrCount = 1; while(pCurrent) { regOne = FALSE; regAll = TRUE; partialMatch = FALSE; numOfMissingAddr = 0; sprintf(szFqdn, "%s.%s" , pszHostName, pCurrent->szDomainName); //IDS_DNS_12908 " Name: %s\n" AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12908, UTF8ToAnsi(szFqdn)); // build the expected RRset pExpected = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, pCurrent->dwIPCount * sizeof(DNS_RECORD)); if(!pExpected) { //IDS_DNS_12909 " LocalAlloc() failed, exit verify\n" AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12909); return S_FALSE; } memset(pExpected, 0, pCurrent->dwIPCount * sizeof(DNS_RECORD)); //IDS_DNS_12910 " Expected IP: " AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12910); for (j=0; jdwIPCount; j++) { pExpected[j].pName = szFqdn; pExpected[j].wType = DNS_TYPE_A; pExpected[j].wDataLength = sizeof(DNS_A_DATA); pExpected[j].Data.A.IpAddress = pCurrent->IPAddresses[j]; pExpected[j].pNext = (j < (pCurrent->dwIPCount - 1))?(&pExpected[j+1]):NULL; pExpected[j].Flags.S.Section = DNSREC_ANSWER; //IDS_DNS_12911 "%s " AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12911, IP_STRING(pCurrent->IPAddresses[j])); } //IDS_DNS_12912 "\n" AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12912); // verify on each server for (i=0; i < pCurrent->dwAuthNSCount; i++) { DnsServer.AddrArray[0] = pCurrent->AuthoritativeNS[i]; /* // // Ping the DNS server. // IpAddressString = inet_ntoa(inetDnsServer.AddrArray[0]); if ( IpAddressString ) if (!IsIcmpResponseA( IpAddressString ) { PrintStatusMessage(pParams, 12, IDS_DNS_CANNOT_PING, IpAddressString); pIfResults->Dns.fOutput = TRUE; AddIMessageToList(&pIfResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_Quiet, 16, IDS_DNS_CANNOT_PING, IpAddressString); RetVal = FALSE; goto Cleanup; } */ pDiff1 = pDiff2 = NULL; dwStatus = DnsQueryAndCompare( szFqdn, DNS_TYPE_A, DNS_QUERY_DATABASE, &DnsServer, &pResult, NULL, // don't want the full DNS message pExpected, FALSE, FALSE, &pDiff1, &pDiff2 ); if(dwStatus != NO_ERROR) { if (dwStatus == ERROR_NO_MATCH) { //IDS_DNS_12913 " Server %s: ERROR_NO_MATCH\n" AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12913, IP_STRING(DnsServer.AddrArray[0])); if(pDiff2) { //IDS_DNS_12914 " Missing IP from DNS: " AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12914); for (pThis = pDiff2; pThis; pThis = pThis->pNext, numOfMissingAddr++) //IDS_DNS_12915 "%s " AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12915, IP_STRING (pThis->Data.A.IpAddress)); //IDS_DNS_12916 "\n" AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12916); if (numOfMissingAddr != pCurrent->dwIPCount) partialMatch = TRUE; } if(pDiff1) { //IDS_DNS_12917 " Wrong IP in DNS: " AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12917); for (pThis = pDiff1; pThis; pThis = pThis->pNext) //IDS_DNS_12918 "%s " AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12918, IP_STRING (pThis->Data.A.IpAddress)); //IDS_DNS_12919 "\n" AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12919); } } else //IDS_DNS_12920 " Server %s: Error %d %s\n" AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12920, IP_STRING(DnsServer.AddrArray[0]), dwStatus, DnsStatusToErrorString_A(dwStatus)); if ( dwStatus != ERROR_TIMEOUT ) regAll = FALSE; } else { //IDS_DNS_12921 " Server %s: NO_ERROR\n" AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12921, IP_STRING(DnsServer.AddrArray[0])); regOne = TRUE; } } if (regOne && !regAll) //IDS_DNS_12922 " WARNING: The DNS registration is correct only on some DNS servers, pls. wait 15 min for replication and try this test again\n" { PrintStatusMessage(pParams, 0, IDS_DNS_12922, UTF8ToAnsi(szFqdn)); pResults->Dns.fOutput = TRUE; AddIMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_Quiet, 4, IDS_DNS_12922, UTF8ToAnsi(szFqdn)); } if (!regOne && !regAll && !partialMatch) //IDS_DNS_12923 " FATAL: The DNS registration is incorrect on all DNS servers.\n" { PrintStatusMessage(pParams, 0, IDS_DNS_12923, UTF8ToAnsi(szFqdn)); pResults->Dns.fOutput = TRUE; AddIMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_Quiet, 4, IDS_DNS_12923, UTF8ToAnsi(szFqdn)); hr = S_FALSE; } if (!regOne && !regAll && partialMatch) //IDS_DNS_12951 " [WARNING] Not all DNS registrations for %s is correct on all DNS Servers. Please run netdiag /v /test:dns for more detail. \n" { PrintStatusMessage(pParams, 0, IDS_DNS_12951, UTF8ToAnsi(szFqdn)); pResults->Dns.fOutput = TRUE; AddIMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_Quiet, 4, IDS_DNS_12951, UTF8ToAnsi(szFqdn)); hr = S_FALSE; } if (!regOne && regAll) //IDS_DNS_12924 " FATAL: All DNS servers are currently down.\n" { PrintStatusMessage(pParams, 0, IDS_DNS_12924, UTF8ToAnsi(szFqdn)); pResults->Dns.fOutput = TRUE; AddIMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_Quiet, 4, IDS_DNS_12924, UTF8ToAnsi(szFqdn)); hr = S_FALSE; } if (regOne && regAll) { PrintStatusMessage(pParams, 6, IDS_DNS_12940, UTF8ToAnsi(szFqdn)); AddIMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, 0, IDS_DNS_12940, UTF8ToAnsi(szFqdn)); } pCurrent = pCurrent->pNext; } return hr; } PIP_ARRAY ServerInfoToIpArray( DWORD cServerCount, PDNS_SERVER_INFO ServerArray ) { PIP_ARRAY pipDnsServers = NULL; DWORD i; pipDnsServers = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, IP_ARRAY_SIZE(cServerCount)); if (!pipDnsServers) return NULL; pipDnsServers->AddrCount = cServerCount; for(i=0; i < cServerCount; i++) pipDnsServers->AddrArray[i] = ServerArray[i].IpAddress; return pipDnsServers; } DNS_STATUS DnsFindAllPrimariesAndSecondaries( IN LPSTR pszName, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN PIP_ARRAY aipQueryServers, OUT PDNS_NETINFO * ppNetworkInfo, OUT PIP_ARRAY * ppNameServers, OUT PIP_ARRAY * ppPrimaries ) { DNS_STATUS dwStatus; PDNS_RECORD pDnsRecord = NULL; PIP_ARRAY pDnsServers = NULL; DWORD i; // // check arguments // if (!pszName || !ppNetworkInfo || !ppNameServers) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; *ppNameServers = NULL; *ppNetworkInfo = NULL; // // FAZ First // dwStatus = DnsFindAuthoritativeZone( pszName, dwFlags, aipQueryServers, ppNetworkInfo); // // Check error cases // if (dwStatus != NO_ERROR) return dwStatus; if ( !Dns_IsUpdateNetworkInfo(*ppNetworkInfo)) { if ( *ppNetworkInfo ) { DnsFreeConfigStructure( *ppNetworkInfo, DnsConfigNetInfo ); } *ppNetworkInfo = NULL; return DNS_ERROR_RCODE_SERVER_FAILURE; } // // Get all NS records for the Authoritative Domain Name // pDnsServers = ServerInfoToIpArray( ((*ppNetworkInfo)->AdapterArray[0])->cServerCount, ((*ppNetworkInfo)->AdapterArray[0])->ServerArray ); dwStatus = DnsQuery_UTF8( (*ppNetworkInfo)->pSearchList->pszDomainOrZoneName, DNS_TYPE_NS, DNS_QUERY_BYPASS_CACHE, aipQueryServers, &pDnsRecord, NULL); if (dwStatus != NO_ERROR) return dwStatus; *ppNameServers = GrabNameServersIp(pDnsRecord); // // select primaries // if (ppPrimaries) { *ppPrimaries = NULL; if (*ppNameServers) { *ppPrimaries = LocalAlloc(LPTR, IP_ARRAY_SIZE((*ppNameServers)->AddrCount)); if(*ppPrimaries) { (*ppPrimaries)->AddrCount = 0; for (i=0; i<(*ppNameServers)->AddrCount; i++) if(NO_ERROR == IsDnsServerPrimaryForZone_UTF8( (*ppNameServers)->AddrArray[i], pszName)) { (*ppPrimaries)->AddrArray[(*ppPrimaries)->AddrCount] = (*ppNameServers)->AddrArray[i]; ((*ppPrimaries)->AddrCount)++; } } } } return dwStatus; } /* void CompareCachedAndRegistryNetworkInfo(PDNS_NETINFO pNetworkInfo) { DNS_STATUS dwStatus1, dwStatus2; PDNS_RPC_ADAPTER_INFO pRpcAdapterInfo = NULL, pCurrentCache; PDNS_RPC_SERVER_INFO pRpcServer = NULL; PDNS_ADAPTER pCurrentRegistry; PDNS_IP_ADDR_LIST pIpList = NULL; BOOL cacheOk = TRUE, sameServers = TRUE, serverFound = FALSE; DWORD iCurrentAdapter, iServer, count = 0; dwStatus1 = GetCachedAdapterInfo( &pRpcAdapterInfo ); dwStatus2 = GetCachedIpAddressList( &pIpList ); //IDS_DNS_12925 "\nCheck DNS cached network info: \n" AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12925); if(dwStatus1) { //IDS_DNS_12926 " ERROR: CRrGetAdapterInfo() failed with error %d %s\n" AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12926, dwStatus1, DnsStatusToErrorString_A(dwStatus1) ); return; } if (!pRpcAdapterInfo) { //IDS_DNS_12927 " ERROR: CRrGetAdapterInfo() returned NO_ERROR but empty Adapter Info\n" AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12927); return; } // check adapter count count = 0; for(pCurrentCache = pRpcAdapterInfo; pCurrentCache; pCurrentCache = pCurrentCache->pNext) count++; if(count != pNetworkInfo->cAdapterCount) { //IDS_DNS_12928 " ERROR: mismatch between adapter count from cache and registry\n" PrintMessage(pParams, IDS_DNS_12928); PrintCacheAdapterInfo(pRpcAdapterInfo); PrintRegistryAdapterInfo(pNetworkInfo); return; } pCurrentCache = pRpcAdapterInfo; iCurrentAdapter = 0; while(pCurrentCache && (iCurrentAdapter < pNetworkInfo->cAdapterCount)) { // check DNS domain name pCurrentRegistry = pNetworkInfo->AdapterArray[iCurrentAdapter]; if((pCurrentCache->pszAdapterDomainName && !pCurrentRegistry->pszAdapterDomain) || (!pCurrentCache->pszAdapterDomainName && pCurrentRegistry->pszAdapterDomain) || (pCurrentCache->pszAdapterDomainName && pCurrentRegistry->pszAdapterDomain && _stricmp(pCurrentCache->pszAdapterDomainName, pCurrentRegistry->pszAdapterDomain))) { cacheOk = FALSE; //IDS_DNS_12929 " ERROR: mismatch between cache and registry info on adapter %s\n" PrintMessage(pParams, IDS_DNS_12929, pCurrentRegistry->pszAdapterGuidName); //IDS_DNS_12930 " DNS Domain Name in cache: %s\n" PrintMessage(pParams, IDS_DNS_12930, pCurrentCache->pszAdapterDomainName); //IDS_DNS_12931 " DNS Domain Name in registry: %s\n" PrintMessage(pParams, IDS_DNS_12931, pCurrentRegistry->pszAdapterDomain); } // check DNS server list sameServers = TRUE; pRpcServer = pCurrentCache->pServerInfo; count = 0; while(pRpcServer) { count++; serverFound = FALSE; for (iServer = 0; iServer < pCurrentRegistry->cServerCount; iServer++) if(pRpcServer->ipAddress == (pCurrentRegistry->aipServers[iServer]).ipAddress) serverFound = TRUE; if(!serverFound) sameServers = FALSE; pRpcServer = pRpcServer->pNext; } if (count != pCurrentRegistry->cServerCount) sameServers = FALSE; if(!sameServers) { cacheOk = FALSE; //IDS_DNS_12932 " ERROR: mismatch between cache and registry info on adapter %s\n" PrintMessage(pParams, IDS_DNS_12932, pCurrentRegistry->pszAdapterGuidName); //IDS_DNS_12933 " DNS server list in cache: " PrintMessage(pParams, IDS_DNS_12933); for( pRpcServer = pCurrentCache->pServerInfo; pRpcServer; pRpcServer = pRpcServer->pNext) //IDS_DNS_12934 "%s " PrintMessage(pParams, IDS_DNS_12934, IP_STRING(pRpcServer->ipAddress)); //IDS_DNS_12935 "\n DNS server list in registry: " PrintMessage(pParams, IDS_DNS_12935); for (iServer = 0; iServer < pCurrentRegistry->cServerCount; iServer++) //IDS_DNS_12936 "%s " PrintMessage(pParams, IDS_DNS_12936, IP_STRING((pCurrentRegistry->aipServers[iServer]).ipAddress)); //IDS_DNS_12937 "\n" PrintMessage(pParams, IDS_DNS_12937); } pCurrentCache = pCurrentCache->pNext; iCurrentAdapter++; } if (cacheOk) //IDS_DNS_12938 " NO_ERROR\n" PrintMessage(pParams, IDS_DNS_12938); } */ DNS_STATUS DnsUpdateAllowedTest_A( IN HANDLE hContextHandle OPTIONAL, LPSTR pszName, LPSTR pszAuthZone, PIP_ARRAY pAuthDnsServers ) { LPWSTR pwName = NULL, pwZone = NULL; int count = 0; // // check arguments // if (!pszName || !pszAuthZone || !pAuthDnsServers || !pAuthDnsServers->AddrCount) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; pwName = LocalAlloc(LPTR, (strlen(pszName)+1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if(!pwName) return GetLastError(); count = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0L, pszName, -1, pwName, (strlen(pszName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) ); if (!count) { LocalFree(pwName); return GetLastError(); } pwZone = LocalAlloc(LPTR, (strlen(pszAuthZone)+1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if(!pwZone) { LocalFree(pwName); return GetLastError(); } count = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0L, pszAuthZone, -1, pwZone, (strlen(pszAuthZone) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) ); if (!count) { LocalFree(pwName); LocalFree(pwZone); return GetLastError(); } return DnsUpdateAllowedTest_W( hContextHandle, pwName, pwZone, pAuthDnsServers); } DNS_STATUS DnsQueryAndCompare( IN LPSTR lpstrName, IN WORD wType, IN DWORD fOptions, IN PIP_ARRAY aipServers OPTIONAL, IN OUT PDNS_RECORD * ppQueryResultsSet OPTIONAL, IN OUT PVOID * pResponseMsg OPTIONAL, IN PDNS_RECORD pExpected OPTIONAL, IN BOOL bInclusionOk, IN BOOL bUnicode, IN OUT PDNS_RECORD * ppDiff1 OPTIONAL, IN OUT PDNS_RECORD * ppDiff2 OPTIONAL ) { BOOL bCompare = FALSE; DNS_STATUS stat; DNS_RRSET rrset; PDNS_RECORD pDnsRecord = NULL, pAnswers = NULL, pAdditional = NULL, pLastAnswer = NULL; BOOL bIsLocal = FALSE; // // Run the query and get the result // if(fOptions | DNS_QUERY_DATABASE) if (!aipServers || !aipServers->AddrCount) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; else stat = QueryDnsServerDatabase(lpstrName, wType, aipServers->AddrArray[0], ppQueryResultsSet, bUnicode, &bIsLocal); else if(!bUnicode) { stat = DnsQuery_UTF8(lpstrName, wType, fOptions, aipServers, ppQueryResultsSet, pResponseMsg); } else // Unicode call { stat = DnsQuery_W((LPWSTR)lpstrName, wType, fOptions, aipServers, ppQueryResultsSet, pResponseMsg); } if (pExpected && !stat) //succeed, compare the result { // no need to compare if wanted reponse from database and result is from outside if ((fOptions | DNS_QUERY_DATABASE) && !bIsLocal) return DNS_INFO_NO_RECORDS; pDnsRecord = *ppQueryResultsSet; // // Truncate temporary the record set to answers only // if ((pDnsRecord == NULL) || (pDnsRecord->Flags.S.Section > DNSREC_ANSWER)) { pAnswers = NULL; pAdditional = pDnsRecord; } else { pAnswers = pDnsRecord; pAdditional = pDnsRecord; while (pAdditional->pNext && pAdditional->pNext->Flags.S.Section == DNSREC_ANSWER) pAdditional = pAdditional->pNext; if(pAdditional->pNext) { pLastAnswer = pAdditional; pAdditional = pAdditional->pNext; pLastAnswer->pNext = NULL; } else pAdditional = NULL; } // // Compare the answer with what's expected // stat = DnsRecordSetCompare( pAnswers, pExpected, ppDiff1, ppDiff2); // // Restore the list // if (pAnswers && pAdditional) pLastAnswer->pNext = pAdditional; // // check if inclusion acceptable // if (stat == TRUE) stat = NO_ERROR; else if (bInclusionOk && (ppDiff2 == NULL)) stat = NO_ERROR; else stat = ERROR_NO_MATCH; } return( stat ); } DNS_STATUS QueryDnsServerDatabase( LPSTR szName, WORD type, IP_ADDRESS serverIp, PDNS_RECORD *ppDnsRecord, BOOL bUnicode, BOOL *pIsLocal) { PDNS_RECORD pDnsRecord1 = NULL, pDnsRecord2 = NULL; PDNS_RECORD pdiff1 = NULL, pdiff2 = NULL; DNS_STATUS status1, status2, ret = NO_ERROR; PIP_ARRAY pipServer = NULL; BOOL bMatch = FALSE; DWORD dwTtl1, dwTtl2; *pIsLocal = FALSE; *ppDnsRecord = NULL; if ( serverIp == INADDR_NONE ) { return( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); } pipServer = Dns_CreateIpArray( 1 ); if ( ! pipServer ) { return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; } pipServer->AddrArray[0] = serverIp; status1 = DnsQuery_UTF8( szName, type, DNS_QUERY_BYPASS_CACHE, pipServer, &pDnsRecord1, NULL ); if (status1 != NO_ERROR) status2 = status1; else { Sleep(1500); status2 = DnsQuery_UTF8( szName, type, DNS_QUERY_BYPASS_CACHE, pipServer, &pDnsRecord2, NULL ); } if ((status1 == ERROR_TIMEOUT) || (status2 == ERROR_TIMEOUT)) { ret = ERROR_TIMEOUT; goto Cleanup; } if ((status1 != NO_ERROR) || (status2 != NO_ERROR)) { ret = (status1 != NO_ERROR)?status1:status2; goto Cleanup; } bMatch = DnsRecordSetCompare( pDnsRecord1, pDnsRecord2, &pdiff1, &pdiff2 ); if (!bMatch) { ret = DNS_ERROR_TRY_AGAIN_LATER; goto Cleanup; } if (GetAnswerTtl( pDnsRecord1, &dwTtl1 ) && GetAnswerTtl( pDnsRecord2, &dwTtl2 )) if ( dwTtl1 != dwTtl2 ) { ret = NO_ERROR; *pIsLocal = FALSE; } else { ret = NO_ERROR; *pIsLocal = TRUE; } else ret = DNS_INFO_NO_RECORDS; Cleanup: Dns_Free( pipServer ); if (pdiff1) DnsRecordListFree( pdiff1, TRUE ); if (pdiff2) DnsRecordListFree( pdiff2, TRUE ); if (pDnsRecord1) DnsRecordListFree( pDnsRecord1, TRUE ); if (pDnsRecord2 && (ret != NO_ERROR)) DnsRecordListFree( pDnsRecord2, TRUE ); if (ret == NO_ERROR) *ppDnsRecord = pDnsRecord2; else *ppDnsRecord = NULL; return ret; } BOOL GetAnswerTtl( PDNS_RECORD pRec, PDWORD pTtl ) { PDNS_RECORD pDnsRecord = NULL; BOOL bGotAnswer = FALSE; *pTtl = 0; // // Look for answer section // for (pDnsRecord = pRec; !bGotAnswer && pDnsRecord; pDnsRecord = pDnsRecord->pNext) { if (pDnsRecord->Flags.S.Section == DNSREC_ANSWER) { bGotAnswer = TRUE; *pTtl = pDnsRecord->dwTtl; } } return bGotAnswer; } // Get A records from additional section and build a PIP_ARRAY PIP_ARRAY GrabNameServersIp( PDNS_RECORD pDnsRecord ) { DWORD i = 0; PDNS_RECORD pCurrent = pDnsRecord; PIP_ARRAY pIpArray = NULL; // count records while (pCurrent) { if((pCurrent->wType == DNS_TYPE_A) && (pCurrent->Flags.S.Section == DNSREC_ADDITIONAL)) i++; pCurrent = pCurrent->pNext; } if (!i) return NULL; // allocate PIP_ARRAY pIpArray = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, IP_ARRAY_SIZE(i)); if (!pIpArray) return NULL; // fill PIP_ARRAY pIpArray->AddrCount = i; pCurrent = pDnsRecord; i=0; while (pCurrent) { if((pCurrent->wType == DNS_TYPE_A) && (pCurrent->Flags.S.Section == DNSREC_ADDITIONAL)) (pIpArray->AddrArray)[i++] = pCurrent->Data.A.IpAddress; pCurrent = pCurrent->pNext; } return pIpArray; } DNS_STATUS DnsUpdateAllowedTest_W( IN HANDLE hContextHandle OPTIONAL, LPWSTR pwszName, LPWSTR pwszAuthZone, PIP_ARRAY pAuthDnsServers ) { PDNS_RECORD pResult = NULL; DNS_STATUS dwStatus = 0, status = 0; BOOL bAnyAllowed = FALSE; BOOL bAllTimeout = TRUE; DWORD i; // // Check arguments // if (!pwszName || !pwszAuthZone || !pAuthDnsServers || !pAuthDnsServers->AddrCount) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; // // go through server list // for(i=0; iAddrCount; i++) { // // verify if server is a primary // status = IsDnsServerPrimaryForZone_W( pAuthDnsServers->AddrArray[i], pwszAuthZone); switch(status) { case ERROR_TIMEOUT: case DNS_ERROR_RCODE: // // it's ok to go check the next server; this one timeouted or it's a secondary // break; case NO_ERROR: // server is a primary // // Check if update allowed // status = DnsUpdateTest_W( hContextHandle, pwszName, 0, pAuthDnsServers); switch(status) { case ERROR_TIMEOUT: break; case NO_ERROR: case DNS_ERROR_RCODE_YXDOMAIN: return NO_ERROR; break; case DNS_ERROR_RCODE_REFUSED: default: return status; break; } break; default: return status; break; } } return ERROR_TIMEOUT; } DNS_STATUS DnsUpdateAllowedTest_UTF8( IN HANDLE hContextHandle OPTIONAL, LPSTR pszName, LPSTR pszAuthZone, PIP_ARRAY pAuthDnsServers ) { PDNS_RECORD pResult = NULL; DNS_STATUS dwStatus = 0, status = 0; BOOL bAnyAllowed = FALSE; BOOL bAllTimeout = TRUE; DWORD i; // // Check arguments // if (!pszName || !pszAuthZone || !pAuthDnsServers || !pAuthDnsServers->AddrCount) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; // // go through server list // for(i=0; iAddrCount; i++) { // // verify if server is a primary // status = IsDnsServerPrimaryForZone_UTF8( pAuthDnsServers->AddrArray[i], pszAuthZone); switch(status) { case ERROR_TIMEOUT: case DNS_ERROR_RCODE: // // it's ok to go check the next server; this one timeouted or it's a secondary // break; case NO_ERROR: // server is a primary // // Check if update allowed // status = DnsUpdateTest_UTF8( hContextHandle, pszName, 0, pAuthDnsServers); switch(status) { case ERROR_TIMEOUT: break; case NO_ERROR: case DNS_ERROR_RCODE_YXDOMAIN: return NO_ERROR; break; case DNS_ERROR_RCODE_REFUSED: default: return status; break; } break; default: return status; break; } } return ERROR_TIMEOUT; } DNS_STATUS IsDnsServerPrimaryForZone_UTF8( IP_ADDRESS ip, LPSTR zone ) { PDNS_RECORD pDnsRecord = NULL; DNS_STATUS status; IP_ARRAY ipArray; PIP_ARRAY pResult = NULL; BOOL bFound = FALSE; DWORD i; // // query for SOA // ipArray.AddrCount = 1; ipArray.AddrArray[0] = ip; status = DnsQuery_UTF8( zone, DNS_TYPE_SOA, DNS_QUERY_BYPASS_CACHE, &ipArray, &pDnsRecord, NULL); if(status == NO_ERROR) { pResult = GrabNameServersIp(pDnsRecord); if (pResult) { bFound = FALSE; for (i=0; iAddrCount; i++) if(pResult->AddrArray[i] == ip) bFound = TRUE; LocalFree(pResult); if(bFound) return NO_ERROR; else return DNS_ERROR_RCODE; } else return DNS_ERROR_ZONE_CONFIGURATION_ERROR; } else return status; } DNS_STATUS IsDnsServerPrimaryForZone_W( IP_ADDRESS ip, LPWSTR zone ) { PDNS_RECORD pDnsRecord = NULL; DNS_STATUS status; IP_ARRAY ipArray; PIP_ARRAY pResult = NULL; BOOL bFound = FALSE; DWORD i; // // query for SOA // ipArray.AddrCount = 1; ipArray.AddrArray[0] = ip; status = DnsQuery_W( zone, DNS_TYPE_SOA, DNS_QUERY_BYPASS_CACHE, &ipArray, &pDnsRecord, NULL); if(status == NO_ERROR) { pResult = GrabNameServersIp(pDnsRecord); if (pResult) { bFound = FALSE; for (i=0; iAddrCount; i++) if(pResult->AddrArray[i] == ip) bFound = TRUE; LocalFree(pResult); if(bFound) return NO_ERROR; else return DNS_ERROR_RCODE; } else return DNS_ERROR_ZONE_CONFIGURATION_ERROR; } else return status; } DNS_STATUS GetAllDnsServersFromRegistry( PDNS_NETINFO pNetworkInfo, PIP_ARRAY * pIpArray ) { DNS_STATUS dwStatus = NO_ERROR; DWORD i, j, idx, idx1, count = 0, dwIP; BOOL bFound = FALSE; *pIpArray = NULL; if (!pNetworkInfo) { // // Get the DNS Network Information // Force rediscovery // pNetworkInfo = DnsQueryConfigAlloc( DnsConfigNetInfo, NULL ); if (!pNetworkInfo) { dwStatus = GetLastError(); return dwStatus; } } for (idx = 0; idx < pNetworkInfo->cAdapterCount; idx++) count += (pNetworkInfo->AdapterArray[idx])->cServerCount; if(count == 0) return DNS_ERROR_INVALID_DATA; *pIpArray = LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(DWORD) + count*sizeof(IP_ADDRESS)); if(*pIpArray == NULL) return GetLastError(); i = 0; for (idx = 0; idx < pNetworkInfo->cAdapterCount; idx++) { for (idx1 = 0; idx1 < (pNetworkInfo->AdapterArray[idx])->cServerCount; idx1++) { dwIP = (pNetworkInfo->AdapterArray[idx])->ServerArray[idx1].IpAddress; bFound = FALSE; if(i>0) for (j = 0; j < i; j++) if(dwIP == (*pIpArray)->AddrArray[j]) bFound = TRUE; if (!bFound) (*pIpArray)->AddrArray[i++] = dwIP; } } (*pIpArray)->AddrCount = i; return DNS_ERROR_RCODE_NO_ERROR; }