// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // // This is unpublished source code of Microsoft. // The copyright notice above does not evidence any // actual or intended publication of such source code. // OneLiner : Implementation of MIPAddressAdmin // DevUnit : wlbstest // Author : Murtaza Hakim // include files #include "MIPAddress.h" #include "WTokens.h" #include "wlbsutil.h" // checkIfValid // bool MIPAddress::checkIfValid( const _bstr_t& ipAddrToCheck ) { // The validity rules are as follows // // The first byte (FB) has to be : 0 < FB < 224 && FB != 127 // Note that 127 is loopback address. // hostid portion of an address cannot be zero. // // class A range is 1 - 126. hostid portion is last 3 bytes. // class B range is 128 - 191 hostid portion is last 2 bytes // class C range is 192 - 223 hostid portion is last byte. // split up the ipAddrToCheck into its 4 bytes. // WTokens tokens; tokens.init( wstring( ipAddrToCheck ) , L"."); vector byteTokens = tokens.tokenize(); if( byteTokens.size() != 4 ) { return false; } int firstByte = _wtoi( byteTokens[0].c_str() ); int secondByte = _wtoi( byteTokens[1].c_str() ); int thirdByte = _wtoi( byteTokens[2].c_str() ); int fourthByte = _wtoi( byteTokens[3].c_str() ); // check firstByte if ( ( firstByte > 0 ) && ( firstByte < 224 ) && ( firstByte != 127 ) ) { // check that host id portion is not zero. IPClass ipClass; getIPClass( ipAddrToCheck, ipClass ); switch( ipClass ) { case classA : // last three bytes should not be zero. if( ( _wtoi( byteTokens[1].c_str() ) == 0 ) && ( _wtoi( byteTokens[2].c_str() )== 0 ) && ( _wtoi( byteTokens[3].c_str() )== 0 ) ) { return false; } break; case classB : // last two bytes should not be zero. if( ( _wtoi( byteTokens[2].c_str() )== 0 ) && ( _wtoi( byteTokens[3].c_str() )== 0 ) ) { return false; } break; case classC : // last byte should not be zero. if( _wtoi( byteTokens[3].c_str() ) == 0 ) { return false; } break; default : // this should not have happened. return false; break; } return true; } else { return false; } } // getDefaultSubnetMask // bool MIPAddress::getDefaultSubnetMask( const _bstr_t& ipAddr, _bstr_t& subnetMask ) { // first ensure that the ip is valid. // bool isValid = checkIfValid( ipAddr ); if( isValid == false ) { return false; } // get the class to which this ip belongs. // as this determines the subnet. IPClass ipClass; getIPClass( ipAddr, ipClass ); switch( ipClass ) { case classA : subnetMask = L""; break; case classB : subnetMask = L""; break; case classC : subnetMask = L""; break; default : // this should not have happened. return false; break; } return true; } // getIPClass // bool MIPAddress::getIPClass( const _bstr_t& ipAddr, IPClass& ipClass ) { // get the first byte of the ipAddr WTokens tokens; tokens.init( wstring( ipAddr ) , L"."); vector byteTokens = tokens.tokenize(); if( byteTokens.size() == 0 ) { return false; } int firstByte = _wtoi( byteTokens[0].c_str() ); if( ( firstByte >= 1 ) && ( firstByte <= 126 ) ) { // classA ipClass = classA; return true; } else if( (firstByte >= 128 ) && (firstByte <= 191 ) ) { // classB ipClass = classB; return true; } else if( (firstByte >= 192 ) && (firstByte <= 223 ) ) { // classC ipClass = classC; return true; } else if( (firstByte >= 224 ) && (firstByte <= 239 ) ) { // classD ipClass = classD; return true; } else if( (firstByte >= 240 ) && (firstByte <= 247 ) ) { // classE ipClass = classE; return true; } else { // invalid net portiion. return false; } } bool MIPAddress::isValidIPAddressSubnetMaskPair( const _bstr_t& ipAddress, const _bstr_t& subnetMask ) { if( IsValidIPAddressSubnetMaskPair( ipAddress, subnetMask ) == TRUE ) { return true; } else { return false; } } bool MIPAddress::isContiguousSubnetMask( const _bstr_t& subnetMask ) { if( IsContiguousSubnetMask( subnetMask ) == TRUE ) { return true; } else { return false; } }