#ifndef _MIPADDRESS_HH #define _MIPADDRESS_HH // Copyright (c) Microsoft. All Rights Reserved // // THIS IS UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE OF Microsoft. // The copyright notice above does not evidence any // actual or intendd publication of such source code. // // OneLiner : Interface for MIPAddress. // DevUnit : wlbstest // Author : Murtaza Hakim // // Description: // ------------ // Provides static methods for checking if ip address is valid or not, // finding subnet, etc. // Include Files #include #include #include using namespace std; // Class Definition class MIPAddress { public: enum IPClass { classA, classB, classC, classD, classE }; // Description // ----------- // Checks if the ip address supplied is valid. // // IP address needs to be in dotted decimal // for eg.,, etc. // ip addresses in the form 192.31 are not allowed. // There must be exactly four parts. // // // Parameters // ---------- // ipAddrToCheck in : ipAddr to check in dotted dec notation. // // Returns // ------- // true if valid else false. static bool checkIfValid(const _bstr_t& ipAddrToCheck ); // Description // ----------- // Gets the default subnet mask for ip address. The ip address // needs to be valid for operation to be successful. // // IP address needs to be in dotted decimal // for eg.,, etc. // ip addresses in the form 192.31 are not allowed. // There must be exactly four parts. // // Parameters // ---------- // ipAddress IN : ip address for which default subnet required. // subnetMask OUT : default subnet mask for ip. // // Returns // ------- // true if able to find default subnet or false if ipAddress was // invalid. static bool getDefaultSubnetMask( const _bstr_t& ipAddr, _bstr_t& subnetMask ); // Description // ----------- // Gets the class to which this ip address belongs. // class A: 1 - 126 // class B: 128 - 191 // class C: 192 - 223 // class D: 224 - 239 // class D: 240 - 247 // // IP address needs to be in dotted decimal // for eg.,, etc. // ip addresses in the form 192.31 are not allowed. // There must be exactly four parts. // // Parameters // ---------- // ipAddress IN : ip address for which class is to be found. // ipClass OUT : class to which ip belongs. // // Returns // ------- // true if able to find class or false if not able to find. // static bool getIPClass( const _bstr_t& ipAddr, IPClass& ipClass ); static bool isValidIPAddressSubnetMaskPair( const _bstr_t& ipAddress, const _bstr_t& subnetMask ); static bool isContiguousSubnetMask( const _bstr_t& subnetMask ); private: }; //------------------------------------------------------ // //------------------------------------------------------ // Inline Functions //------------------------------------------------------ // //------------------------------------------------------ // Ensure Type Safety //------------------------------------------------------ typedef class MIPAddress MIPAddress; //------------------------------------------------------ // #endif _MIPADDRESS_HH