/*++ Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: macros.h Abstract: This module contains the global macros --*/ #ifndef _MACROS_H #define _MACROS_H HANDLE g_HeapHandle; // g_HeapHandle is the global handle to the heap // MemInitializeMacro is a macro to get the handle to the heap #define MemInitializeMacro(hHeap) (g_HeapHandle = hHeap) // MemAllocMacro is a macro to allocate dwBytes bytes of memory from the heap #define MemAllocMacro(dwBytes) (HeapAlloc(g_HeapHandle, HEAP_GENERATE_EXCEPTIONS | HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, dwBytes)) // MemReAllocMacro is a macro to reallocate dwBytes bytes of memory from the heap #define MemReAllocMacro(lpMem, dwBytes) (HeapReAlloc(g_HeapHandle, HEAP_GENERATE_EXCEPTIONS | HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, lpMem, dwBytes)) // MemFreeMacro is a macro to free a memory block allocated from the heap #define MemFreeMacro(lpMem) (HeapFree(g_HeapHandle, 0, lpMem)) #endif