/* * Verticalflowlayout */ #ifndef DUI_LAYOUT_VERTICALFLOWLAYOUT_H_INCLUDED #define DUI_LAYOUT_VERTICALFLOWLAYOUT_H_INCLUDED #pragma once namespace DirectUI { // No layout positions struct VLINE { UINT cy; // length of line UINT cx; // thickness of line UINT x; // pixel start of line (always 0 for first line) UINT cElements; // number of elements in line UINT* aryElement; // pixel start of elements in line (one less than cElements -- because first start is always 0) UINT iStart; // index of first element in line }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // vertical flow layout class VerticalFlowLayout : public Layout { public: static HRESULT Create(int dNumParams, int* pParams, Value** ppValue); // For parser static HRESULT Create(bool fWrap, UINT uXAlign, UINT uXLineAlign, UINT uYLineAlign, Layout** ppLayout); // Layout callbacks virtual void DoLayout(Element* pec, int cx, int cy); virtual SIZE UpdateDesiredSize(Element* pec, int dConstW, int dConstH, Surface* psrf); virtual Element* GetAdjacent(Element* pec, Element* peFrom, int iNavDir, NavReference const* pnr, bool fKeyableOnly); int GetLine(Element* pec, Element* pe); VerticalFlowLayout() { } void Initialize(bool fWrap, UINT uXAlign, UINT uXLineAlign, UINT uYLineAlign); virtual ~VerticalFlowLayout(); protected: SIZE BuildCacheInfo(Element *pec, int cxConstraint, int cyConstraint, Surface* psrf, bool fRealSize); bool _fWrap; UINT _uXLineAlign; UINT _uYLineAlign; UINT _uXAlign; SIZE _sizeDesired; SIZE _sizeLastConstraint; UINT _cLines; VLINE* _arLines; static SIZE g_sizeZero; }; } // namespace DirectUI #endif // DUI_LAYOUT_VERTICALFLOWLAYOUT_H_INCLUDED