/*++ Copyright (c) 1990-1998, Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved. Module Name: comdlg32.rc Abstract: This module contains the resource descriptions for the Win32 common dialogs. Revision History: --*/ // // Include Files. // #include #include #include "isz.h" #include "cdids.h" // // Bitmaps. // bmpDirDrive BITMAP IMPURE filebmps.bmp BMFONT BITMAP font.bmp // // Cursors. // // // Fonts. // // // Icons. // ICO_PORTRAIT ICON portrait.ico ICO_LANDSCAPE ICON landscap.ico ICO_P_NONE ICON p_none.ico ICO_L_NONE ICON l_none.ico ICO_P_HORIZ ICON p_horz.ico ICO_L_HORIZ ICON l_horz.ico ICO_P_VERT ICON p_vert.ico ICO_L_VERT ICON l_vert.ico ICO_COLLATE ICON collate.ico ICO_NO_COLLATE ICON nocoll8.ico ICO_P_PSSTAMP ICON psstampp.ico ICO_L_PSSTAMP ICON psstampl.ico ICO_PRINTER ICON printer.ico // // Menus. // // // Accelerators. // IDA_OPENFILE ACCELERATORS DISCARDABLE BEGIN VK_F4, IDC_DROPDRIVLIST, VIRTKEY, NOINVERT VK_F5, IDC_REFRESH, VIRTKEY, NOINVERT END IDA_OPENFILEVIEW ACCELERATORS DISCARDABLE BEGIN VK_F4, IDC_DROPDRIVLIST, VIRTKEY, NOINVERT VK_F5, IDC_REFRESH, VIRTKEY, NOINVERT VK_BACK, IDC_PREVIOUSFOLDER, VIRTKEY, NOINVERT VK_BACK, IDC_BACK, VIRTKEY, NOINVERT,CONTROL END IDA_PRINTFOLDER ACCELERATORS DISCARDABLE BEGIN VK_F5, IDC_REFRESH, VIRTKEY, NOINVERT END // // Dialogs. // #include "fileopen.dlg" #include "prnsetup.dlg" #include "findtext.dlg" #include "color.dlg" #include "font.dlg" #include "printnew.dlg" DUMMYFILEOPENORD DIALOGEX DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 0, 0 STYLE DS_CONTROL | (DS_SETFONT|DS_FIXEDSYS) | DS_3DLOOK | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN END FONTDLGMMAXES DIALOG 13, 54, 287, 196 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUP | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU | DS_CONTEXTHELP | DS_3DLOOK CAPTION "Font" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "&Font:", stc1, 7, 7, 40, 9 COMBOBOX cmb1, 7, 16, 98, 76, CBS_SIMPLE | CBS_AUTOHSCROLL | CBS_DISABLENOSCROLL | CBS_SORT | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP | CBS_HASSTRINGS | CBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED LTEXT "Font st&yle:", stc2, 110, 7, 44, 9 COMBOBOX cmb2, 110, 16, 74, 76, CBS_SIMPLE | CBS_AUTOHSCROLL | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP LTEXT "&Size:", stc3, 189, 7, 30, 9 COMBOBOX cmb3, 190, 16, 36, 76, CBS_SIMPLE | CBS_AUTOHSCROLL | CBS_DISABLENOSCROLL | CBS_SORT | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP | CBS_HASSTRINGS | CBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED GROUPBOX "Effects", grp1, 7, 97, 98, 72, WS_GROUP AUTOCHECKBOX "Stri&keout", chx1, 13, 110, 49, 10, WS_TABSTOP AUTOCHECKBOX "&Underline", chx2, 13, 123, 51, 10 LTEXT "&Color:", stc4, 13, 136, 30, 9 COMBOBOX cmb4, 13, 146, 82, 100, CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | CBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED | CBS_AUTOHSCROLL | CBS_HASSTRINGS | WS_BORDER | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP GROUPBOX "Sample", grp2, 110, 97, 116, 43, WS_GROUP CTEXT "AaBbYyZz", stc5, 118, 111, 100, 23, SS_NOPREFIX | NOT WS_VISIBLE LTEXT "", stc6, 7, 172, 219, 20, SS_NOPREFIX | NOT WS_GROUP LTEXT "Sc&ript:", stc7, 110, 147, 30, 9 COMBOBOX cmb5, 110, 157, 116, 30, CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | CBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED | CBS_AUTOHSCROLL | CBS_HASSTRINGS | WS_BORDER | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP DEFPUSHBUTTON "OK", IDOK, 231, 16, 45, 14, WS_GROUP PUSHBUTTON "Cancel", IDCANCEL, 231, 32, 45, 14, WS_GROUP PUSHBUTTON "&Apply", psh3, 231, 48, 45, 14, WS_GROUP PUSHBUTTON "&Help", pshHelp, 231, 64, 45, 14, WS_GROUP GROUPBOX "Axes:", grp3, 7, 200, 200, 210, WS_GROUP SCROLLBAR scr1, 70, 217, 100, 10, WS_TABSTOP | NOT WS_GROUP SCROLLBAR scr2, 70, 237, 100, 10, WS_TABSTOP | NOT WS_GROUP SCROLLBAR scr3, 70, 257, 100, 10, WS_TABSTOP | NOT WS_GROUP SCROLLBAR scr4, 70, 277, 100, 10, WS_TABSTOP | NOT WS_GROUP SCROLLBAR scr5, 70, 297, 100, 10, WS_TABSTOP | NOT WS_GROUP SCROLLBAR scr6, 70, 317, 100, 10, WS_TABSTOP | NOT WS_GROUP RTEXT "", stc11, 25, 217, 40, 10 RTEXT "", stc12, 25, 237, 40, 10 RTEXT "", stc13, 25, 257, 40, 10 RTEXT "", stc14, 25, 277, 40, 10 RTEXT "", stc15, 25, 297, 40, 10 RTEXT "", stc16, 25, 317, 40, 10 EDITTEXT edt1, 180, 217, 20, 10, ES_AUTOHSCROLL | ES_READONLY, WS_TABSTOP EDITTEXT edt2, 180, 237, 20, 10, ES_AUTOHSCROLL | ES_READONLY, WS_TABSTOP EDITTEXT edt3, 180, 257, 20, 10, ES_AUTOHSCROLL | ES_READONLY, WS_TABSTOP EDITTEXT edt4, 180, 277, 20, 10, ES_AUTOHSCROLL | ES_READONLY, WS_TABSTOP EDITTEXT edt5, 180, 297, 20, 10, ES_AUTOHSCROLL | ES_READONLY, WS_TABSTOP EDITTEXT edt6, 180, 317, 20, 10, ES_AUTOHSCROLL | ES_READONLY, WS_TABSTOP LTEXT "", stc18, 70, 207, 40, 10 LTEXT "", stc19, 70, 227, 40, 10 LTEXT "", stc20, 70, 247, 40, 10 LTEXT "", stc21, 70, 267, 40, 10 LTEXT "", stc22, 70, 287, 40, 10 LTEXT "", stc23, 70, 307, 40, 10 RTEXT "", stc25, 130, 207, 40, 10 RTEXT "", stc26, 130, 227, 40, 10 RTEXT "", stc27, 130, 247, 40, 10 RTEXT "", stc28, 130, 267, 40, 10 RTEXT "", stc29, 130, 287, 40, 10 RTEXT "", stc31, 130, 307, 40, 10 END // // Strings. // STRINGTABLE BEGIN MH_TOOLTIPBASE + IDC_PARENT "Up One Level" MH_TOOLTIPBASE + IDC_NEWFOLDER "Create New Folder" MH_TOOLTIPBASE + IDC_VIEWLIST "List" MH_TOOLTIPBASE + IDC_VIEWDETAILS "Details" MH_TOOLTIPBASE + IDC_BACK "Go To Last Folder Visited" MH_TOOLTIPBASE + IDC_VIEWMENU "View Menu" END STRINGTABLE LOADONCALL MOVEABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN iszOverwriteCaption "File Exists" iszOverwriteQuestion "%s already exists.\nDo you want to replace it?" iszDefExitCaption "Exiting" iszDefExitText "Do you really want to exit?" dlgFileOpen "FileOpen" dlgMultiFileOpen "MultiFileOpen" dlgFileSave "FileSave" dlgExitChanges "ExitChanges" dlgChooseColor "ChooseColor" dlgFindText "FindText" dlgReplaceText "ReplaceText" dlgFormatChar "FormatChar" dlgFontInfo "FontInfo" dlgPrintDlg "PrintDlg" dlgPrintSetupDlg "PrintSetupDlg" iszFileSaveIn "Save &in:" iszFileOpenButton "&Open" iszFileSaveButton "&Save" iszPrintButton "&Print" iszFileOpenTitle "Open" iszFileSaveTitle "Save As" iszSaveFileAsType "Save file as &type:" iszNetworkButtonText "Network..." iszNetworkButtonTextAccel "Net&work..." iszDriveDoesNotExist "Drive %c: does not exist.\nPlease verify the appropriate drive was given." iszNoDiskInDrive "Windows is unable to read drive %c:. Make sure there is a disk in the drive and that the disk is formatted and free of errors." iszNoDiskInCDRom "Windows is unable to read the CD ROM in drive %c:. Make sure the drive door is closed and that there is a valid data disk in the drive." iszWrongDiskInDrive "A different disk is expected in drive %c:. Please insert the appropriate disk." iszUnformatedDisk "The disk in drive %c: is not formatted;\nPlease insert a formatted disk and try this operation again." iszFileNotFound "%s\nFile not found.\nPlease verify the correct file name was given." iszPathNotFound "%s\nPath does not exist.\nPlease verify the correct path was given." iszInvalidFileName "%s\nThe above file name is invalid." iszSharingViolation "%s\nThis file is already in use.\nSelect a new name or close the file in use by another application." iszNetworkAccessDenied "%s\nCannot access this file.\nCheck security privileges over the network drive." iszReadOnly "%s\nThis file exists with Read Only attributes.\nPlease use a different file name." iszPortName "%s\nThis file name is a reserved device name.\nPlease choose another name." iszWriteProtection "Disk %c: is write-protected.\nA file cannot be saved on a write-protected disk." iszDiskFull "This directory of disk %c: is full.\nChoose another directory or disk." iszNoFileHandles "Cannot open %s. Maximum number of files already open.\nClose a file or application in order to open this file." iszCreatePrompt "%s\nThis file does not exist.\n\nCreate the file?" iszCreateNoModify "%s\nThis file is on a network drive with create but no modify privileges.\n\nAsk the administrator of this network to change this condition." iszSelectDriveTrouble "Cannot select drive %c:." iszNoNetButtonResponse "Network service not responding." iszFileAccessDenied "%s\nYou do not have permission to open this file. \n\n See the owner of the file or an administrator to obtain permission." iszDirAccessDenied "%s\nYou do not have permission to open this directory. \n\n See the owner of the directory or an administrator to obtain permission." iszDirSaveAccessDenied "%s\nYou do not have permission to save in this directory. \nSee the administrator to obtain permission.\n\nWould you like to save in the My Documents folder instead?" iszTooManyFiles "More than one file has the name '%s'.\n\nChoose one from the list of files." iszSaveAsType "Save as &type:" iszSaveRestricted "You cannot save in the folder you specified. Please choose another location." iszNoSaveToURL "You cannot save in the URL Location you specified. Please choose another location." iszPrinterDeleted "'%s' is no longer available. Close the properties dialog box, and select another printer." //String for Object File Open/Save as dialogs iszObjectName "Object &name:" iszObjectType "Objects of &type:" //Color Dialog iszBlack "Black" iszDkRed "Maroon" iszDkGreen "Green" iszDkYellow "Olive" iszDkBlue "Navy" iszDkPurple "Purple" iszDkAqua "Teal" iszDkGrey "Gray" iszLtGrey "Silver" iszLtRed "Red" iszLtGreen "Lime" iszLtYellow "Yellow" iszLtBlue "Blue" iszLtPurple "Fuchsia" iszLtAqua "Aqua" iszWhite "White" iszHighPrnQ "High" iszMedPrnQ "Medium" iszLowPrnQ "Low" iszDraftPrnQ "Draft" iszPrinter "Printer: " iszSysPrn "System Printer (" iszPrnOnPort " on " iszDefCurOn "(currently %s)" iszPageRangeError "This value is not within the page range.\nEnter a number between %u and %u." iszFromToError "The 'From' value cannot be greater than the 'To' value." iszPageFromError "The 'From' value cannot be empty and must be a positive value." iszPageToError "The 'To' value cannot be empty and must be a positive value." iszBadMarginError "The margins overlap or they are off the paper.\nEnter a different margin size." iszCopiesZero "The 'Copies' value cannot be empty and must be a positive value." iszTooManyCopies "This printer cannot support this many copies.\n Number of copies will be set to printer maximum of %u." iszWarningTitle "Printing Error" iszPrnNotFound "The printer could not be found." iszMemoryError "There is not enough memory for this operation." iszGeneralWarning "An error occurred during this operation." iszUnknownDriver "Unknown printer driver.\nPlease verify that a driver is installed on %s." iszBadPageRange "The page range is invalid.\nEnter numbers between %u and %u." iszTooManyPageRanges "You have entered too many page ranges. You may enter a total of %u page ranges." iszBadPageRangeSyntaxOld "The syntax for the page range is invalid.\nEnter either a single page number or a single page range. For example, 5-12." iszBadPageRangeSyntaxNew "The syntax for the page range is invalid.\nEnter page numbers and/or page ranges separated by commas. For example, 1,3,5-12." iszNoPrinters "Before you can perform printer-related tasks such as page setup or printing a document, you need to install a printer. Do you want to install a printer now?" iszNoPrinterSelected "Before you can print, you need to select a printer.\nIf you need to install a printer, either double-click the Add Printer icon or click the Find Printer... button located on the General tab of this dialog." iszDefaultMenuText "Print" iszNoPrinterAccess "You do not have permission to use the selected printer. If you need access, contact your network administrator." iszStatusReady "Ready" iszStatusPaused "Paused; " iszStatusError "Error; " iszStatusPendingDeletion "Pending deletion; " iszStatusPaperJam "Paper jam; " iszStatusPaperOut "Paper out; " iszStatusManualFeed "Manual feed; " iszStatusPaperProblem "Paper problem; " iszStatusOffline "Offline; " iszStatusIOActive "I/O active; " iszStatusBusy "Busy; " iszStatusPrinting "Printing; " iszStatusOutputBinFull "Output bin full; " iszStatusNotAvailable "Not available; " iszStatusWaiting "Waiting; " iszStatusProcessing "Processing; " iszStatusInitializing "Initializing; " iszStatusWarmingUp "Warming up; " iszStatusTonerLow "Toner low; " iszStatusNoToner "No toner; " iszStatusPagePunt "Page punt; " iszStatusUserIntervention "User intervention; " iszStatusOutOfMemory "Out of memory; " iszStatusDoorOpen "Door open; " iszStatusDocumentsWaiting "%lu documents waiting" iszStatusDefaultPrinter "Default printer; " // // Used only when more than 1 page. // iszPrintRangeAll "&All %lu pages" iszMarginsInches "Margins (inches)" iszMarginsMillimeters "Margins (millimeters)" iszInches """" iszMillimeters "mm" iszDefaultSource "Automatically Select" iszGeneralPage "General" iszPrintCaption "Print" // // "Close" text for find/replace. // iszClose "Close" iszSizeNumber "Size must be a number." iszSizeRange "Size must be between %d and %d points." iszSynth "This font style is imitated for the display. The closest matching style will be used for printing." iszTrueType "This is a TrueType font. This same font will be used on both your printer and your screen." iszPrinterFont "This is a printer font. The closest matching Windows font will be used on your screen." #ifdef WINNT iszTTOpenType "This is an OpenType font. This same font will be used on both your printer and your screen." iszPSOpenType "This is an OpenType font. This same font will be used on both your printer and your screen." iszType1 "This is a PostScript font. This same font will be used on both your printer and your screen." #endif iszGDIFont "This is a screen font. The closest matching printer font will be used for printing." iszNoFontsTitle "Fonts" iszNoFontsMsg "There are no fonts installed.\nOpen the Fonts folder from the Control Panel to install fonts." iszNoFaceSel "There is no font with that name.\nChoose a font from the list of fonts." iszNoStyleSel "This font is not available in that style.\nChoose a style from the list of styles." // // iszRegular thru iszBoldItalic must be 31 characters or less. // iszRegular "Regular" iszBold "Bold" iszItalic "Italic" iszBoldItalic "Bold Italic" iszNoScript "(none)" // Note: All the FontSample strings below must be entered as UNICODE strings. The code that // reads the strings will convert them if needed under millennium. So, do not add any // "ifdef UNICODE" conditional compilation for these strings here. iszFontSample L"AaBbYyZz" iszFontSample + 1 L"AaBbYyZz" iszFontSample + 2 L"Symbol" iszFontSample + 77 L"AaBbYyZz" iszFontSample + 177 L"AaBb\x05e0\x05e1\x05e9\x05ea" iszFontSample + 178 L"AaBb\x0627\x0628\x062c\x062f\x0647\x0648\x0632" iszFontSample + 186 L"AaBbYyZz" iszFontSample + 204 L"AaBb\x0411\x0431\x0424\x0444" iszFontSample + 238 L"AaBb\x00c1\x00e1\x00d4\x00f4" iszFontSample + 161 L"AaBb\x0391\x03b1\x0392\x03b2" iszFontSample + 162 L"AaBb\x011e\x011f\x015e\x015f" iszFontSample + 163 L"AaBb\x01a0\x01a1\x01af\x01b0" iszFontSample + 222 L"AaBb\x0e2d\x0e31\x0e01\x0e29\x0e23\x0e44\x0e17\x0e22" iszFontSample + 255 L"AaBbøñý" iszFontSample + 128 L"Aa\x3042\x3041\x30a2\x30a1\x4e9c\x5b87" iszFontSample + 129 L"\xac00\xb098\xb2e4\x0041\x0061\x0042\x0062\x0059\x0079\x005a\x007a" iszFontSample + 130 L"\xac00\xb098\xb2e4\x0041\x0061\x0042\x0062\x0059\x0079\x005a\x007a" iszFontSample + 134 L"\x5fae\x8f6f\x4e2d\x6587\x8f6f\x4ef6" iszFontSample + 136 L"\x4e2d\x6587\x5b57\x578b\x7bc4\x4f8b" iszFontSample + 179 L"AaBb\x0639\x0645\x0646\x062e\x0631\x0648\x0643\x0645" END //Unicode Sample Strings STRINGTABLE LOADONCALL MOVEABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN //0 Basic Latin //1 Latin-1 Supplement //2 Latin Extended-A //3 Latin Extended-B //4 IPA Extensions //5 Spacing Modifier Letters //6 Combining Diacritical Marks //7 Basic Greek //8 Greek Symbols and Coptic //9 Cyrillic //10 Armenian //11 Basic Hebrew //12 Hebrew Extended //13 Basic Arabic //14 Arabic Extended //15 Devanagari iszUnicode+15 L"\x092E\x093e\x0924\x093e" //16 Bengali //17 Gurmukhi iszUnicode+17 L"\x0a2e\x0a3e\x0a24\x0a3e" //18 Gujarati iszUnicode+18 L"\x0aae\x0abe\x0aa4\x0abe" //19 Oriya //20 Tamil iszUnicode+20 L"\x0B85\x0BAE\x0BCD\x0BAE\x0BBE" //21 Telugu iszUnicode+21 L"\x0c05\x0c2e\x0c4d\x0c2e" //22 Kannada iszUnicode+22 L"\x0c85\x0cae\x0ccd\x0cae" //23 Malayalam //24 Thai //25 Lao //26 Basic Georgian //27 Georgian Extended //28 Hangul Jamo //29 Latin Extended Additional //30 Greek Extended //31 General Punctuation //32 Subscripts and Superscripts //33 Currency Symbols //34 Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols //35 Letter-like Symbols //36 Number Forms //37 Arrows //38 Mathematical Operators //39 Miscellaneous Technical //40 Control Pictures //41 Optical Character Recognition //42 Enclosed Alphanumerics //43 Box Drawing //44 Block Elements //45 Geometric Shapes //46 Miscellaneous Symbols //47 Dingbats //48 Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (CJK) Symbols and Punctuation //49 Hiragana //50 Katakana //51 Bopomofo //52 Hangul Compatibility Jamo //53 CJK Miscellaneous //54 Enclosed CJK //55 CJK Compatibility //56 Hangul //57 Reserved for Unicode Subranges //58 Reserved for Unicode Subranges //59 CJK Unified Ideographs //60 Private Use Area //61 CJK Compatibility Ideographs //62 Alphabetic Presentation Forms //63 Arabic Presentation Forms-A //64 Combining Half Marks //65 CJK Compatibility Forms //66 Small Form Variants //67 Arabic Presentation Forms-B //68 Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms //69 Specials //70-127 Reserved for Unicode Subranges END #include #define VER_FILETYPE VFT_DLL #define VER_FILESUBTYPE VFT2_UNKNOWN #define VER_FILEDESCRIPTION_STR "Common Dialogs DLL" #define VER_INTERNALNAME_STR "comdlg32\0" #define VER_ORIGINALFILENAME_STR "comdlg32.dll" #include "common.ver"