#include #include "progman.h" #include "taskman.h" /* HACK!!!! The DOS application icon must be the second icon in the resource * table in order for the default DOS app icon to be selected correctly in * the icon chooser/new item thingy. */ PROGMANICON ICON PRELOAD progman.ico DOSAPPICON ICON winoldap.ico WORDICON ICON PRELOAD MOVEABLE pmword.ico // not discardable! SHEETICON ICON pmsheet.ico DATAICON ICON pmdata.ico COMMICON ICON pmcomm.ico ITEMICON ICON PRELOAD pmitem.ico PERSGROUPICON ICON PRELOAD personal.ico COMMGROUPICON ICON common.ico WINDOWSICON ICON windows.ico MSDOSICON ICON msdos.ico /* the following icons are in the icon library contained in progman. Their id's will start with WINDOWSICON+10 to allow for addition of more 'real' icons before the library starts... */ 110 ICON icons\objects\arttools.ico 111 ICON icons\objects\barchart.ico 112 ICON icons\objects\camera.ico 113 ICON icons\objects\cd.ico 114 ICON icons\objects\charts.ico 115 ICON icons\objects\clapbrd.ico 116 ICON icons\objects\draft.ico 117 ICON icons\objects\fancydoc.ico 118 ICON icons\objects\filmstrp.ico 119 ICON icons\objects\graph.ico 120 ICON icons\objects\hndshake.ico 121 ICON icons\objects\knife.ico 122 ICON icons\objects\letters.ico 123 ICON icons\objects\mona.ico 124 ICON icons\objects\news.ico 125 ICON icons\objects\phone.ico 126 ICON icons\objects\plaindoc.ico 127 ICON icons\objects\spredsht.ico 128 ICON icons\objects\sticky.ico 129 ICON icons\objects\tape.ico 130 ICON icons\objects\typewrit.ico 131 ICON icons\contain\brfcase.ico 132 ICON icons\contain\door.ico 133 ICON icons\contain\lenvel.ico 134 ICON icons\contain\mailbox.ico 135 ICON icons\contain\safe.ico 136 ICON icons\hyper\help.ico 137 ICON icons\hyper\alert.ico 138 ICON icons\hyper\exit.ico 139 ICON icons\hyper\handl.ico 140 ICON icons\hyper\handr.ico 141 ICON icons\hyper\handstop.ico 142 ICON icons\hyper\darrow.ico 143 ICON icons\hyper\larrow.ico 144 ICON icons\hyper\rarrow.ico 145 ICON icons\hyper\uarrow.ico // // put these 2 icons at the end to not change the order of the icons in // progman, so items using progman's icons keeep the expected icon selection. // GROUPICON ICON pmgroup.ico 147 ICON console.ico PMACCELS ACCELERATORS PRELOAD BEGIN VK_RETURN, IDM_OPEN, VIRTKEY, NOINVERT VK_RETURN, IDM_OPEN, VIRTKEY, SHIFT /* REVIEW Additions by IanEl. */ VK_RETURN, IDM_PROPS, VIRTKEY, ALT VK_DELETE, IDM_DELETE, VIRTKEY VK_F5, IDM_CASCADE, VIRTKEY, SHIFT VK_F4, IDM_TILE, VIRTKEY, SHIFT VK_F1, IDM_HELPINDEX, VIRTKEY VK_F7, IDM_MOVE, VIRTKEY VK_F8, IDM_COPY, VIRTKEY END PROGMANMENU MENU PRELOAD BEGIN POPUP "&File" BEGIN MENUITEM "&New...", IDM_NEW MENUITEM "&Open\tEnter", IDM_OPEN MENUITEM "&Move...\tF7", IDM_MOVE MENUITEM "&Copy...\tF8", IDM_COPY MENUITEM "&Delete\tDel", IDM_DELETE MENUITEM "&Properties...\tAlt+Enter", IDM_PROPS MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Run...", IDM_RUN MENUITEM SEPARATOR #ifdef DOSWIN32 MENUITEM "E&xit Windows...", IDM_EXIT #else MENUITEM "&Logoff...", IDM_EXIT MENUITEM "&Shutdown...", IDM_SHUTDOWN #endif END POPUP "&Options" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Auto Arrange", IDM_AUTOARRANGE MENUITEM "&Minimize on Use", IDM_MINONRUN MENUITEM "&Save Settings on Exit", IDM_SAVESETTINGS MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Save Settings &Now", IDM_SAVENOW #if 0 MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Shortcut Key...", IDM_HOTKEY #endif END POPUP "&Window" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Cascade\tShift+F5", IDM_CASCADE MENUITEM "&Tile\tShift+F4", IDM_TILE MENUITEM "&Arrange Icons", IDM_ARRANGEICONS END POPUP "&Help" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Contents", IDM_HELPINDEX MENUITEM "&Search for Help on..." IDM_HELPSEARCH MENUITEM "&How to Use Help", IDM_HELPHELP #if 0 MENUITEM "&Index", IDM_HELPINDEX MENUITEM "&Keyboard", IDM_HELPKEYS MENUITEM "&Basic Skills", IDM_HELPBASIC MENUITEM "&Commands", IDM_HELPCOMMANDS MENUITEM "&Procedures", IDM_HELPPROCS MENUITEM "&Glossary", IDM_HELPGLOSSARY MENUITEM "&Using Help", IDM_HELPHELP #endif MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&About Program Manager...",IDM_ABOUT END END /* 0....5....1....56...2....5....3.2..5....4....5....5....6...45....7....5....8....5....9....5....0....5....1....5....2....5..8 */ STRINGTABLE PRELOAD BEGIN /* Maximum # of chars: */ IDS_APPTITLE, "Program Manager" /* 32 */ IDS_PMCLASS, "Progman" /* 16 */ IDS_GROUPCLASS, "PMGroup" /* 16 */ IDS_ITEMCLASS, "PMItem" /* 16 */ IDS_SETTINGS, "Settings" /* 32 */ IDS_STARTUP, "Start Up" /* Default name of startup group */ IDS_CONFIRMDELTITLE, "Delete" /* 32 */ IDS_CONFIRMDELITEMMSG, "Are you sure you want to delete item '%s'?" /* 128 */ IDS_CONFIRMDELGROUPMSG, "Are you sure you want to delete group '%s'?" /* 128 */ IDS_NOICONSTITLE, "Change Icon" /* 32 */ IDS_NOICONSMSG1, "There are no icons available for the file specified. \n\nYou can choose an icon from those available for Program Manager." /* 128 */ IDS_NOICONSMSG, "Cannot find any icons in this file" /* 128 */ IDS_BADPATHTITLE, "Invalid Path" /* 32 */ IDS_BADPATHMSG, "The path %s is invalid." /* 128 */ IDS_BADPATHMSG2, "There is no association for %s." /* 128 */ IDS_BADPATHMSG3, "The working directory is invalid." /* 128 */ IDS_NETPATHTITLE, "Network Path Specified" /* 32 */ IDS_REMOVEPATHTITLE, "Removable Path Specified" /* 32 */ IDS_PATHWARNING, "The specified path points to a file that may not be available during later Windows sessions. Do you want to continue?" /* 128 */ IDS_EXECERRTITLE, "Application Execution Error" /* 32 */ IDS_UNKNOWNMSG, "Unexpected DOS error: %d." /* 125!*/ IDS_NOMEMORYMSG, "Insufficient memory to run this application; close one or more Windows applications and try again." /* 128 */ IDS_INSUFFICIENTQUOTA, "Not enough quota is available to process this command." IDS_FILENOTFOUNDMSG, "Cannot find file %s (or one of its components); check to ensure the path and filename are correct and that all required libraries are available." /* 128 */ IDS_MANYOPENFILESMSG, "Too many other files are currently in use." /* 128 */ IDS_NOASSOCMSG, "No association exists for the specified file." /* 128 */ IDS_ASSOCINCOMPLETE, "Cannot open file. Start the application used to create this file, and open it from there." IDS_MULTIPLEDSMSG, "Cannot start more than one copy of the specified program." /* 128 */ IDS_OS2APPMSG "The specified application is not a Windows or DOS program." /* 128 */ IDS_NEWWINDOWSMSG, "This application requires a newer version of Microsoft Windows." /* 128 */ IDS_PMODEONLYMSG, "This application requires Standard or Enhanced Mode Windows." /* 128 */ IDS_ACCESSDENIED, "Access to the specified device, path or file is denied." /* 128 */ IDS_DDEFAIL, "An error occurred sending the command to the application." /* 128 */ IDS_COMPRESSEDEXE "This program or one of its components is compressed.\n\nPlease uncompress it and try again." IDS_INVALIDDLL "One of the library files needed to run this application is damaged. Please reinstall this application." IDS_SHAREERROR "This file is in use by some other application." IDS_COPYDLGTITLE, "Copy Program Item" /* 32 */ IDS_COPYDLGTITLE1, "Copy Program Item:" /* 32 */ IDS_GROUPS, "Groups" /* 32 */ // This is used when restrictions will stop progman from patching the // ini file. IDS_NOGRPFILE, "Cannot open program group '%s'" /* 128 */ // This one is used when there are no restrictions. We give the user the // option of patching the ini file. IDS_NOGRPFILE2, "Cannot open program group '%s'. Do you want the Program Manager to still try to load it in the future ?" /* 128 */ IDS_LOWMEM, "Insufficient memory to perform this operation; close one or more Windows applications and try again." /* 128 */ IDS_BADFILE, "Program group '%s' is invalid or damaged; recreate the group." /* 128 */ IDS_CANTWRITEGRP, "Cannot save program group '%s' because of insufficient memory." /* 128 */ IDS_CANTWRITEGRPS, "Cannot save program groups because conversion to original format failed." // IDS_CANTWRITEGRPDISK, "Cannot save program group '%s'; you may need to delete some files to free disk space" /* 128 */ IDS_GRPISRO, "Program group '%s' is write-protected. Its contents will not be updated." /* 128 */ IDS_GROUPFILEERR, "Group Error" /* 32 */ IDS_EXTRACTERROR, "Icon Extraction Error" /* 32 */ IDS_EEGROUPRO, "Program group '%s' is write-protected. Its icons cannot be updated for the new display device." /* 128 */ IDS_GROUPRO, "Program group '%s' is write-protected. The program group cannot be modified." /* 128 */ IDS_OOMEXITTITLE, "Extremely Low on Memory" /* 32 */ IDS_OOMEXITMSG, "Close an application and try again." /* 64 */ IDS_DUPHOTKEYTTL, "Duplicate Shortcut Key" /* 32 */ IDS_DUPHOTKEYMSG, "%s is using the same shortcut key: Press OK to accept this or Cancel to select a new key." /* MAXMESSAGE */ IDS_CANTRENAMETITLE, "Group Properties Error" /* 32 */ IDS_CANTRENAMEMSG, "Cannot rename the program group information." /* 64 */ IDS_TOOMANYITEMS "This program group already contains the maximum number of items." IDS_ALREADYLOADED "This program group is already loaded." IDS_PLUS " + " /* hot key separator */ IDS_GRPHASCHANGED "The program group has been modified by another program or user and will be reloaded; try the operation again." IDS_NONE "None" /* no hotkey */ IDS_EXIT "E&xit" /* if not shell replaces exit windows */ IDS_LOGOFF "&Logoff..." IDS_SHUTDOWN "S&hutdown..." IDS_PROPERTIESPROGS "Programs#*.exe;*.pif;*.com;*.bat;*.cmd#All Files (*.*)#*.*#" IDS_CHNGICONPROGS "Icon Files#*.ico;*.exe;*.dll#Programs (*.exe)#*.exe#Libraries (*.dll)#*.dll#Icons (*.ico)#*.ico#All Files (*.*)#*.*#" IDS_BROWSE "Browse" IDS_TOOMANYGROUPS "You have created the maximum number of personal groups possible in Program Manager.\nTo create a new group you must first delete a personal group to make room." IDS_TOOMANYCOMMONGROUPS "You have created the maximum number of common groups possible in Program Manager.\nTo create a new group you must first delete a common group to make room." IDS_LOWMEMONINIT "Extremely Low on Memory, unable to load group %s." IDS_PIFINIFILE "PIF.INF" /*16*/ IDS_PIFSECTION "pif" /*32*/ IDS_EXECSETUP "setup /@ " /*MAXITEMPATHLEN+1*/ // These messages are inserted into some of the exec error messages above. // For the first two we do a ' + filename + IDS_... and insert it as %s // into IDS_FILENOTFOUND (for example). The last one is just a simple // insert and no mention is made of the file name. The list of messages // that these things can be inserted into is in pmcomman.c/ExecProgram. // To check these messages are OK you'll need something invalid on the // command line, in the load= line in win.ini or in the startup group. IDS_WININIERR "' specified in win.ini" IDS_STARTUPERR "' specified in the startup group" IDS_CMDLINEERR "' specified on the command line" IDS_WINHELPERR "Unable to show help information." IDS_ITEMINGROUP "Item '%s' in group '%s' " /*64*/ /* Take care with this message, it is almost the maximum length */ IDS_LOWMEMONEXTRACT "There is not enough memory to convert all the program icons.\nThe icons which are not converted will appear black.You can\nfix this by choosing FILE.PROPERTIES from the program manager\n(with the defective item highlighted) nd pressing OK." IDS_DEFICONSFILE "progman.exe" IDS_COMMDLGLOADERR "Unable to load a library required for this operation." IDS_REGISTRYERROR "An error has occurred in the registry.\nThe Program Manager's settings and groups cannot be accessed." IDS_ERRORDELETEGROUP "Could not delete the group %s." IDS_COMMONGRPSUFFIX " (Common)" IDS_COMMONGROUPPROP "Common Program Group Properties" IDS_COMMONGROUPERR, "Common Group Error" /* 32 */ IDS_NOCOMMONGRPS, "The Common Program Groups cannot be accessed. Do you want to create a Personal Program Group?" IDS_DEFAULTSTARTUP "startup" IDS_NO_PERMISSION_SHUTDOWN "You do not have permission to shutdown this computer." IDS_SHUTDOWN_MESSAGE "Shutdown Computer" IDS_MSGBOXSTR1, "The application has chosen not to close. It may be completing a lengthy task. " IDS_MSGBOXSTR2, "Forcing the application to close may lose data. Do you wish to force the application to close?" IDS_ANSIGROUPSMENU "&Update Program Groups" //#ifdef JAPAN //for Bad port name // IDS_BADPORTPATHTITLE, "無効なファイル名です。" /* 32 */ // IDS_BADPORTPATHMSG, "%s\n\rこのファイル名はデバイス名として予約されています。\nほかのファイル名を指定してください。" //#endif END #include "progman.dlg" #include #define VER_FILETYPE VFT_APP #define VER_FILESUBTYPE VFT2_UNKNOWN #define VER_FILEDESCRIPTION_STR "Program Manager" #define VER_INTERNALNAME_STR "progman\0" #define VER_ORIGINALFILENAME_STR "PROGMAN.EXE" #include "common.ver"