// Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation #ifdef NOMINMAX #undef NOMINMAX #endif #include #include #include "chgport.h" #define VER_FILETYPE VFT_APP #define VER_FILESUBTYPE VFT2_UNKNOWN #define VER_FILEDESCRIPTION_STR "Change port Utility" #define VER_INTERNALNAME_STR "chgport" #define VER_ORIGINALFILENAME_STR "chgport.exe" #include #include "common.ver" STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_ERROR_MALLOC L"Error allocating memory\n" IDS_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERS L"Invalid parameter(s)\n" IDS_ERROR_GETTING_COMPORTS L"Unable to get list of COM ports, error code = 0x%x.\n" IDS_ERROR_DEL_PORT_MAPPING L"Unable to delete mapping for port %s, error code = 0x%x.\n" IDS_ERROR_CREATE_PORT_MAPPING L"Unable to create mapping for port %s, error code = 0x%x.\n" IDS_ERROR_PORT_MAPPING_EXISTS L"Serial port %s is already mapped to %s.\n" IDS_ERROR_NO_SERIAL_PORTS L"No serial ports were found.\n" IDS_HELP_USAGE1 L"List or change COM port mappings for DOS application compatibility.\n\n" IDS_HELP_USAGE2 L"CHANGE PORT [portx=porty | /D portx | /QUERY]\n\n" IDS_HELP_USAGE3 L" portx=porty Map port x to port y.\n" IDS_HELP_USAGE4 L" /D portx Delete mapping for port x.\n" IDS_HELP_USAGE5 L" /QUERY Display current mapping ports.\n\n" IDS_ERROR_NOT_TS L"This utility needs Terminal Services to be running.\n" END