#ifndef CLASSGEN_HPP_INCLUDED #define CLASSGEN_HPP_INCLUDED class ClassGeneralPage : public CPropertyPage { public: ClassGeneralPage( ComponentData *pScope ); ~ClassGeneralPage(); void Load( Cookie& CookieRef ); // // The schema object that this property page is for. // ComponentData *pScopeControl; Cookie *pCookie; SchemaObject *pObject; IADs *pIADsObject; BOOL fDataLoaded; // // Data members for property fields. // CString ObjectName; CString DisplayName; CString Description; CString SysClassString; CString OidString; CString ClassType; CString Category; BOOL Displayable; BOOL Defunct; // // DDX Associated variables that we care about. // CString DDXDescription; CString DDXCategory; BOOL DDXDisplayable; BOOL DDXDefunct; virtual BOOL OnApply(); virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(); virtual void DoDataExchange( CDataExchange *pDX ); virtual BOOL OnSetActive(); BOOL OnHelp(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { return ShowHelp( GetSafeHwnd(), wParam, lParam, help_map, FALSE ); }; BOOL OnContextHelp(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { return ShowHelp( GetSafeHwnd(), wParam, lParam, help_map, TRUE ); }; void OnDeactivateClick(); protected: static const DWORD help_map[]; afx_msg void OnButtonCategoryChange(); HRESULT ChangeDefunctState( BOOL DDXDefunct, BOOL & Defunct, IADsPropertyList * pPropertyList, BOOL & fApplyAbort, BOOL & fApplyFailed ); private: DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() }; #endif