#include #include "rc_ids.h" #include "dialogs.h" STRINGTABLE LOADONCALL MOVEABLE DISCARDABLE { IDS_CANT_START_WINHELP, "Unable to start help." IDS_BAD_LOCATION, "The specified location is invalid or does not contain the Books Online files." IDS_BROWSE_TITLE, "Locate Books Online Files" IDS_FILETYPE_NAME, "Books Online" IDS_USAGE, "Invalid command line arguments" IDS_FILELIST_CAPTION, "Books Online" IDS_FILELIST, "Please wait while the Books Online are examined to determine their size." IDS_LAYOUT_INF_DAMAGED, "The system file LAYOUT.INF is damaged." } IDI_MAIN ICON BOOKS.ICO #include "msg.rc" #include "dialogs.dlg" #include #define VER_FILETYPE VFT_APP #define VER_FILESUBTYPE VFT2_UNKNOWN #define VER_FILEDESCRIPTION_STR "Microsoft\256 Setup Online Books Install Utility" #define VER_INTERNALNAME_STR "ntbooks.exe" #define VER_ORIGINALFILENAME_STR "ntbooks.exe" #include