#include #include #define PNP_NEW_HW_PIPE TEXT("\\\\.\\pipe\\PNP_New_HW_Found") #define PNP_CREATE_PIPE_EVENT TEXT("PNP_Create_Pipe_Event") #define PNP_PIPE_TIMEOUT 180000 typedef BOOL (WINAPI *FP_DEVINSTALLW)(HDEVINFO, PSP_DEVINFO_DATA); typedef HDEVINFO (WINAPI *FP_CREATEDEVICEINFOLIST)(LPGUID, HWND); typedef BOOL (WINAPI *FP_OPENDEVICEINFO)(HDEVINFO, PCWSTR, HWND, DWORD, PSP_DEVINFO_DATA); typedef BOOL (WINAPI *FP_DESTROYDEVICEINFOLIST)(HDEVINFO); typedef BOOL (WINAPI *FP_GETDEVICEINSTALLPARAMS)(HDEVINFO, PSP_DEVINFO_DATA, PSP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS_W); typedef BOOL (WINAPI *FP_ENUMDEVICEINFO)(HDEVINFO, DWORD, PSP_DEVINFO_DATA); typedef INT (WINAPI *FP_PROMPTREBOOT)(HSPFILEQ, HWND, BOOL); VOID InstallNewHardware( IN HMODULE hSysSetup ); int __cdecl main( IN int argc, IN char *argv[] ) { BOOL NewSetup = TRUE, NewHardware = FALSE; INT i; HMODULE h = NULL; FARPROC p = NULL; CHAR FileName[MAX_PATH]; // // Scan Command Line for -newsetup flag // for(i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if(argv[i][0] == '-') { if(!_stricmp(argv[i],"-newsetup")) { NewSetup = TRUE; } else if (!_stricmp(argv[i], "-plugplay")) { NewHardware = TRUE; } else if (!_stricmp(argv[i], "-asr")) { ; // do nothing } else if (!_stricmp(argv[i], "-asrquicktest")) { ; // do nothing } else if (!_stricmp(argv[i], "-mini")) { ; // do nothing } else return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } // // Load the Appropriate Libary and function pointer // h = LoadLibrary("syssetup"); if( h ){ if (NewHardware) { InstallNewHardware(h); } else { // // Call the target function. // p=GetProcAddress(h,"InstallWindowsNt"); if(p) { i = (int) p(argc,argv); } } } // // Make sure that the library goes away // while(h && GetModuleFileName(h,FileName,MAX_PATH)) { FreeLibrary(h); } return i; } VOID InstallNewHardware( IN HMODULE hSysSetup ) { FP_DEVINSTALLW fpDevInstallW = NULL; FP_CREATEDEVICEINFOLIST fpCreateDeviceInfoList = NULL; FP_OPENDEVICEINFO fpOpenDeviceInfoW = NULL; FP_DESTROYDEVICEINFOLIST fpDestroyDeviceInfoList; FP_GETDEVICEINSTALLPARAMS fpGetDeviceInstallParams; FP_ENUMDEVICEINFO fpEnumDeviceInfo; FP_PROMPTREBOOT fpPromptReboot; HMODULE hSetupApi = NULL; WCHAR szBuffer[MAX_PATH]; ULONG ulSize = 0, Index; HANDLE hPipe = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; HANDLE hEvent = NULL; HDEVINFO hDevInfo = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; SP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData; SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS_W DeviceInstallParams; BOOL bReboot = FALSE; BOOL Status = FALSE; // // retrieve a proc address of the DevInstallW procedure in syssetup // if (!(fpDevInstallW = (FP_DEVINSTALLW)GetProcAddress(hSysSetup, "DevInstallW"))) { goto Clean0; } // // also load setupapi and retrieve following proc addresses // hSetupApi = LoadLibrary("setupapi"); if (!(fpCreateDeviceInfoList = (FP_CREATEDEVICEINFOLIST)GetProcAddress(hSetupApi, "SetupDiCreateDeviceInfoList"))) { goto Clean0; } if (!(fpOpenDeviceInfoW = (FP_OPENDEVICEINFO)GetProcAddress(hSetupApi, "SetupDiOpenDeviceInfoW"))) { goto Clean0; } if (!(fpDestroyDeviceInfoList = (FP_DESTROYDEVICEINFOLIST)GetProcAddress(hSetupApi, "SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList"))) { goto Clean0; } if (!(fpGetDeviceInstallParams = (FP_GETDEVICEINSTALLPARAMS)GetProcAddress(hSetupApi, "SetupDiGetDeviceInstallParamsW"))) { goto Clean0; } if (!(fpEnumDeviceInfo = (FP_ENUMDEVICEINFO)GetProcAddress(hSetupApi, "SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo"))) { goto Clean0; } if (!(fpPromptReboot = (FP_PROMPTREBOOT)GetProcAddress(hSetupApi, "SetupPromptReboot"))) { goto Clean0; } // // open the event that will be used to signal the successful // creation of the named pipe (event should have been created // before I was called but if this process is started by anyone // else then it will go away now safely) // hEvent = OpenEvent(EVENT_MODIFY_STATE, FALSE, PNP_CREATE_PIPE_EVENT); if (hEvent == NULL) { goto Clean0; } // // create the named pipe, umpnpmgr will write requests to // this pipe if new hardware is found // hPipe = CreateNamedPipe(PNP_NEW_HW_PIPE, PIPE_ACCESS_INBOUND, PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE | PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE, 1, // only one connection MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR), // out buffer size MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR), // in buffer size PNP_PIPE_TIMEOUT, // default timeout NULL // default security ); // // signal the event now, whether the pipe was successfully created // or not (don't keep userinit/cfgmgr32 waiting) // SetEvent(hEvent); if (hPipe == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { goto Clean0; } // // connect to the newly created named pipe // if (ConnectNamedPipe(hPipe, NULL)) { // // create a devinfo handle and device info data set to // pass to DevInstall // if((hDevInfo = (fpCreateDeviceInfoList)(NULL, NULL)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { goto Clean0; } while (TRUE) { // // listen to the named pipe by submitting read // requests until the named pipe is broken on the // other end. // if (!ReadFile(hPipe, (LPBYTE)szBuffer, // device instance id MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR), &ulSize, NULL)) { if (GetLastError() != ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE) { // Perhaps Log an Event } goto Clean0; } DeviceInfoData.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVINFO_DATA); if(!(fpOpenDeviceInfoW)(hDevInfo, szBuffer, NULL, 0, &DeviceInfoData)) { goto Clean0; } // // call syssetup, DevInstallW // if ((fpDevInstallW)(hDevInfo, &DeviceInfoData)) { Status = TRUE; // at least one device installed successfully } } } Clean0: // // If at least one device was successfully installed, then determine // whether a reboot prompt is necessary. // if (Status && hDevInfo != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // // Enumerate each device that is associated with the device info set. // Index = 0; DeviceInfoData.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVINFO_DATA); while ((fpEnumDeviceInfo)(hDevInfo, Index, &DeviceInfoData)) { // // Get device install params, keep track if any report needing // a reboot. // DeviceInstallParams.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS_W); if ((fpGetDeviceInstallParams)(hDevInfo, &DeviceInfoData, &DeviceInstallParams)) { if ((DeviceInstallParams.Flags & DI_NEEDREBOOT) || (DeviceInstallParams.Flags & DI_NEEDRESTART)) { bReboot = TRUE; } } Index++; } (fpDestroyDeviceInfoList)(hDevInfo); // // If any devices need reboot, prompt for reboot now. // if (bReboot) { (fpPromptReboot)(NULL, NULL, FALSE); } } if (hSetupApi != NULL) { FreeLibrary(hSetupApi); } if (hPipe != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DisconnectNamedPipe(hPipe); CloseHandle(hPipe); } if (hEvent != NULL) { CloseHandle(hEvent); } return; } // InstallNewHardware