/*----------------------------- DEFINE VERSION RESOURCE -----------------------------*/ #include #include /*-----------------------------------------------*/ /* the following lines are specific to this file */ /*-----------------------------------------------*/ /* VER_FILETYPE, VER_FILESUBTYPE, VER_FILEDESCRIPTION_STR * and VER_INTERNALNAME_STR must be defined before including COMMON.VER * The strings don't need a '\0', since common.ver has them. */ #define VER_FILETYPE VFT_DLL /* possible values: VFT_UNKNOWN VFT_APP VFT_DLL VFT_DRV VFT_FONT VFT_VXD VFT_STATIC_LIB */ #define VER_FILESUBTYPE VFT2_UNKNOWN /* possible values VFT2_UNKNOWN VFT2_DRV_PRINTER VFT2_DRV_KEYBOARD VFT2_DRV_LANGUAGE VFT2_DRV_DISPLAY VFT2_DRV_MOUSE VFT2_DRV_NETWORK VFT2_DRV_SYSTEM VFT2_DRV_INSTALLABLE VFT2_DRV_SOUND VFT2_DRV_COMM */ #define VER_FILEDESCRIPTION_STR "Windows NT Setup Patch Support Library" #define VER_INTERNALNAME_STR "PATCHDLL.DLL" #define VER_ORIGINALFILENAME_STR "PATCHDLL.DLL" #include "common.ver" /*----------------------------- DEFINE STRING RESOURCES -----------------------------*/ #include "rc_ids.h" STRINGTABLE PRELOAD MOVEABLE { IDS_ERROR_BADARGS , "Bad arguments passed to function." IDS_ERROR_GENERATETEMP , "Failed to generate a temporary file." IDS_ERROR_GETVOLINFO , "Failed to get information on a file system volume" IDS_ERROR_TRANSFERSEC , "Failed to transfer security to new file." IDS_ERROR_DLLOOM , "Out of memory, cannot continue." IDS_ERROR_GETSIZE , "Failed to get the size of repair log file." IDS_ERROR_OPENLOGFILE , "Failed to open the repair log file." IDS_ERROR_CREATEFILEMAP , "Failed to map the repair log file into virtual memory." IDS_ERROR_MAPVIEW , "Failed to map a view into the repair log file." IDS_ERROR_UNMAPVIEW , "Failed to unmap a view into the repair log file." IDS_ERROR_CLOSEFILEMAP , "Failed to close the map of the repair log file." IDS_ERROR_CLOSELOGFILE , "Failed to close the repair log file." IDS_ERROR_GETATTRIBUTES , "Failed to get the attributes of the repair log file." IDS_ERROR_GETSYSTEMDIR , "Failed to get the windows system directory." IDS_ERROR_TEMPFILE , "Failed to generate a temporary file." IDS_ERROR_CLOSETEMPFILE , "Failed to close the temporary file used." IDS_ERROR_OPENTEMPFILE , "Failed to open the temporary file." IDS_ERROR_WRITETEMPFILE , "Failed to write the temporary file." IDS_ERROR_MOVETEMP , "Failed to copy the temporary file to the emergency repair disk." IDS_ERROR_READLOGFILE , "Failed to read the repair log file." IDS_ERROR_GETWINDOWSDIR , "Failed to get the windows directory." IDS_ERROR_NONVRAMVARS , "The boot variables passed to the function were all empty." IDS_ERROR_OSLOADNOTFND , "Failed to find the currently booted system in the boot variables." IDS_ERROR_BADOSLNVR , "The OsLoader boot variable is badly formed." IDS_ERROR_DOSNOTEXIST , "Couldn't process the OsLoader boot variable." IDS_ERROR_INVALIDDISK , "Invalid device name or path specified." IDS_ERROR_RTLOOM , "System memory heap allocation error." IDS_ERROR_OBJDIROPEN , "Unable to open an object directory." IDS_ERROR_OBJDIRREAD , "Unable to read some object directory entries." IDS_ERROR_SYMLNKOPEN , "Unable to open the specified symbolic link object." IDS_ERROR_SYMLNKREAD , "Unable to query an open symbolic link object." IDS_ERROR_OBJNAMOVF , "Setup expanded the full path of a symbolic link and it overflowed the specified buffer." }