/* * $Header: V:/Flite/archives/TrueFFS5/Src/FLSTATUS.H_V 1.7 Feb 19 2002 21:00:06 oris $ * $Log: V:/Flite/archives/TrueFFS5/Src/FLSTATUS.H_V $ * * Rev 1.7 Feb 19 2002 21:00:06 oris * Renamed flTimeOut status with flLeftForCompetability status. * * Rev 1.6 Jan 29 2002 20:06:34 oris * Changed spelling mistake - flMultiDocContrediction to flMultiDocContradiction. * * Rev 1.5 Jan 17 2002 23:02:32 oris * Added new states : flCanNotFold / flBadIPLBlock / flIOCommandBlocked. * * Rev 1.4 Sep 15 2001 23:46:32 oris * Added flCanNotFold status * * Rev 1.3 May 16 2001 21:19:34 oris * Added flMultiDocContrediction status code. * * Rev 1.2 May 02 2001 06:40:18 oris * flInterleaveError was misspelled. * * Rev 1.1 Apr 01 2001 07:58:04 oris * copywrite notice. * Added new status codes: * flBadDownload = 111, * flBadBBT = 112, * flInterlreavError = 113, * flWrongKey = 114, * flHWProtection = 115, * flTimeOut = 116 * Changed flUnchangableProection to flUnchangeableProtection = 110, * * Rev 1.0 Feb 04 2001 11:56:04 oris * Initial revision. * */ /***********************************************************************************/ /* M-Systems Confidential */ /* Copyright (C) M-Systems Flash Disk Pioneers Ltd. 1995-2001 */ /* All Rights Reserved */ /***********************************************************************************/ /* NOTICE OF M-SYSTEMS OEM */ /* SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT */ /* */ /* THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IS GOVERNED BY A SEPARATE LICENSE */ /* AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE OEM AND M-SYSTEMS. REFER TO THAT AGREEMENT */ /* FOR THE SPECIFIC TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USE, */ /* OR CONTACT M-SYSTEMS FOR LICENSE ASSISTANCE: */ /* E-MAIL = info@m-sys.com */ /***********************************************************************************/ #ifndef FLSTATUS_H #define FLSTATUS_H #ifndef IFLITE_ERROR_CODES typedef enum { /* Status code for operation. A zero value indicates success, other codes are the extended DOS codes. */ flOK = 0, flBadFunction = 1, flFileNotFound = 2, flPathNotFound = 3, flTooManyOpenFiles = 4, flNoWriteAccess = 5, flBadFileHandle = 6, flDriveNotAvailable = 9, flNonFATformat = 10, flFormatNotSupported = 11, flNoMoreFiles = 18, flWriteProtect = 19, flBadDriveHandle = 20, flDriveNotReady = 21, flUnknownCmd = 22, flBadFormat = 23, flBadLength = 24, flDataError = 25, flUnknownMedia = 26, flSectorNotFound = 27, flOutOfPaper = 28, flWriteFault = 29, flReadFault = 30, flGeneralFailure = 31, flDiskChange = 34, flVppFailure = 50, flBadParameter = 51, flNoSpaceInVolume = 52, flInvalidFATchain = 53, flRootDirectoryFull = 54, flNotMounted = 55, flPathIsRootDirectory = 56, flNotADirectory = 57, flDirectoryNotEmpty = 58, flFileIsADirectory = 59, flAdapterNotFound = 60, flFormattingError = 62, flNotEnoughMemory = 63, flVolumeTooSmall = 64, flBufferingError = 65, flFileAlreadyExists = 80, flIncomplete = 100, flTimedOut = 101, flTooManyComponents = 102, flTooManyDrives = 103, flTooManyBinaryPartitions = 104, flPartitionNotFound = 105, flFeatureNotSupported = 106, flWrongVersion = 107, flTooManyBadBlocks = 108, flNotProtected = 109, flUnchangeableProtection = 110, flBadDownload = 111, flBadBBT = 112, flInterleaveError = 113, flWrongKey = 114, flHWProtection = 115, flLeftForCompetability = 116, flMultiDocContradiction = 117, flCanNotFold = 118, flBadIPLBlock = 119, flIOCommandBlocked = 120 #else #include "type.h" typedef enum { /* Status code for operation. A zero value indicates success, other codes are the extended DOS codes. */ flOK = ERR_NONE, flBadFunction = ERR_SW_HW, flFileNotFound = ERR_NOTEXISTS, flPathNotFound = ERR_NOTEXISTS, flTooManyOpenFiles = ERR_MAX_FILES, flNoWriteAccess = ERR_WRITE, flBadFileHandle = ERR_NOTOPEN, flDriveNotAvailable = ERR_SW_HW, flNonFATformat = ERR_PARTITION, flFormatNotSupported = ERR_PARTITION, flNoMoreFiles = ERR_NOTEXISTS, flWriteProtect = ERR_WRITE, flBadDriveHandle = ERR_SW_HW, flDriveNotReady = ERR_PARTITION, flUnknownCmd = ERR_PARAM, flBadFormat = ERR_PARTITION, flBadLength = ERR_SW_HW, flDataError = ERR_READ, flUnknownMedia = ERR_PARTITION, flSectorNotFound = ERR_READ, flOutOfPaper = ERR_SW_HW, flWriteFault = ERR_WRITE, flReadFault = ERR_READ, flGeneralFailure = ERR_SW_HW, flDiskChange = ERR_PARTITION, flVppFailure = ERR_WRITE, flBadParameter = ERR_PARAM, flNoSpaceInVolume = ERR_SPACE, flInvalidFATchain = ERR_PARTITION, flRootDirectoryFull = ERR_DIRECTORY, flNotMounted = ERR_PARTITION, flPathIsRootDirectory = ERR_DIRECTORY, flNotADirectory = ERR_DIRECTORY, flDirectoryNotEmpty = ERR_NOT_EMPTY, flFileIsADirectory = ERR_DIRECTORY, flAdapterNotFound = ERR_DETECT, flFormattingError = ERR_FORMAT, flNotEnoughMemory = ERR_SW_HW, flVolumeTooSmall = ERR_FORMAT, flBufferingError = ERR_SW_HW, flFileAlreadyExists = ERR_EXISTS, flIncomplete = ERR_DETECT, flTimedOut = ERR_SW_HW, flTooManyComponents = ERR_PARAM #endif } FLStatus; #endif /* FLSTATUS_H */