// // Common string table used by both the service and the API DLL. // STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_SERVICE_LONG_NAME SERVICE_LONG_NAME IDS_RANGE_DWORD "from %d to %d" IDS_RANGE_STRING "between %d and %d characters long" IDS_MISSING_STRING "" IDS_INBOUND "Inbound from " IDS_OUTBOUND "Outbound to " IDS_UNITS_NONE "none" IDS_UNITS_SECONDS "seconds" IDS_UNITS_MINUTES "minutes" IDS_UNITS_HOURS "hours" IDS_UNITS_DAYS "days" IDS_UNITS_MILLISEC "milliseconds" IDS_UNITS_KBYTES "kilobytes" IDS_UNITS_BYTES "bytes" IDS_UNITS_MBYTES "megabytes" IDS_REG_KEY_NOT_FOUND "The registry key path was not found" IDS_REG_VALUE_NOT_FOUND "The registry value name was not found" IDS_REG_VALUE_RANGE_ERROR "The registry value is out of range" IDS_REG_VALUE_WRONG_TYPE "The registry value has the wrong registry data type" IDS_NO_DEFAULT "no default" IDS_POLL_SUM_SEARCH_ERROR "Error searching DS with filter %ws under %ws. Error returned : %ws\n\n" IDS_POLL_SUM_DSBIND_FAIL "Could not bind to a Domain Controller. Will try again at next polling cycle.\n\n" IDS_POLL_SUM_NO_COMPUTER "Could not find computer object for this computer. Will try again at next polling cycle.\n\n" IDS_POLL_SUM_NO_REPLICASETS "This computer is not part of any valid replica set.\n\n" IDS_POLL_SUM_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE "The %ws object %ws has a invalid value for the attribute %ws.\n\n" IDS_POLL_SUM_SUBSCRIBER_CONFLICT "The nTFRSSubscriber object %ws is conflicting with %ws. Using %ws\n\n" IDS_POLL_SUM_CXTION_CONFLICT "The nTDSConnection object %ws is conflicting with %ws. Using %ws\n\n" IDS_EVENT_LOG_MSG_SIZE_EXCEEDED "\n\n[Event log message size exceeded.]\n\n" END