#include "precomp.h" #include "atlbase.h" #include "resource.h" #include "clcnflnk.hpp" #include "launstub.h" #define DISPLAYNAME_STRING _T( "+displayName=" ) void WINAPI NewMediaPhone( HWND hwndParent, HINSTANCE hinst, PSTR pszCmdLine, int nShowCmd) { CULSLaunch_Stub MyLaunchStub; ULS_HTTP_RESP br; if(SUCCEEDED(MyLaunchStub.ParseUlsHttpRespFile(pszCmdLine, &br))) { long l = lstrlen( br.szIPAddress ) + 1; // We will always have an IP address if(br.pszUID) { l += lstrlen(DISPLAYNAME_STRING); l += lstrlen(br.pszUID); } LPTSTR sz = new TCHAR[l]; if( sz != NULL ) { lstrcpy( sz, br.szIPAddress ); if(br.pszUID) { lstrcat( sz, DISPLAYNAME_STRING ); lstrcat( sz, br.pszUID ); } shellCallto(sz, true); delete [] sz; } MyLaunchStub.FreeUlsHttpResp(&br); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // CallToProtocolHandler. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// extern "C" void WINAPI CallToProtocolHandler ( HWND ,//parent, HINSTANCE ,//instance, PSTR commandLine, int //cmdShow ){ shellCallto( commandLine, true ); } // End of CallToProtocolHandler.