<% @ LANGUAGE = VBScript %> <% Option Explicit %> <% Response.Buffer=true %> AspAppRestart Demo <% Dim objApp, objFile, strPath, vntAppRoot, intPos If Request.form("hFlag1") =1 Then Application("test")=Request.form("AppVar") End If If Request.form("hFlag2") =1 Then vntPath=Request.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO") Set objFile=GetObject("IIS://Localhost/W3svc/1/Root" & vPath) strAppRoot=oFile.AppRoot Set objFile=Nothing Set objApp= GetObject("IIS://Localhost/" & mid(strAppRoot,5)) 'call aspAppRestart and refresh asp. 'all application variables are gone objApp.aspAppRestart Response.Clear Response.Redirect("aspAppRestart.asp") End If %> AspAppRestart Demo

For this sample to work properly, you need to do following
1) Your NT account needs to have IIS admin permission
2) start MMC version internet service manager
3) locate aspAppRestart.asp file from the manager
4) clear anonymous authentication for this file (if It is cleared, set it on and the off. The last step will also add the file info to metabase, which is needed in this asp file)

Application("test") = <% =Application("test") %>

Set Application("test") Variable

Click to restart Application