[Strings] Brother="Brother" series="Семейство" BrDrvDisk1="Диск драйверов Brother MFC" BrUsbScn.SvcDesc="Драйвер Brother MFC USB сканера" BrParImg.SvcDesc="Драйвер Brother Multi Function Parallel Image" BrWiaUsd="Минидрайвер Brother Wia сканера" ScanToOcr="Scan To OCR - нажатие кнопки" ScanToSpApp="Scan To Image - нажатие кнопки" ScanToEmail="Scan To E-mail - нажатие кнопки" ScanToFile="Scan To File - нажатие кнопки" ;; Model Name Brother_FAX5750 = "Brother FAX5750" Brother_FAX-8750P = "Brother FAX-8750P" Brother_MFC-8300 = "Brother MFC-8300" Brother_MFC-8300J = "Brother MFC-8300J" Brother_MFC-8600 = "Brother MFC-8600" Brother_MFC-8700 = "Brother MFC-8700" Brother_MFC-9650 = "Brother MFC-9650" Brother_MFC-9600 = "Brother MFC-9600" Brother_MFC-9870 = "Brother MFC-9870" Brother_MFC-9850 = "Brother MFC-9850" Brother_MFC-9750 = "Brother MFC-9750" Brother_DCP-1200 = "Brother DCP-1200" Brother_MFC-9600J = "Brother MFC-9600J" Brother_MFC-P2500 = "Brother MFC-P2500" Brother_HL-P2500 = "Brother HL-P2500" Brother_MFC-7300C = "Brother MFC-7300C" Brother_MFC-7400C = "Brother MFC-7400C" Brother_MFC-9200C = "Brother MFC-9200C" Brother_MFC-830 = "Brother MFC-830" Brother_MFC-840 = "Brother MFC-840" Brother_MFC-860 = "Brother MFC-860" Brother_MFC-7400J = "Brother MFC-7400J" Brother_MFC-9200J = "Brother MFC-9200J" Brother_MFC-7150C = "Brother MFC-7150C" Brother_MFC-7160C = "Brother MFC-7160C" Brother_MFC-740 = "Brother MFC-740" Brother_MFC-9100C = "Brother MFC-9100C" Brother_MFC-760 = "Brother MFC-760" Brother_MFC-7000FC = "Brother MFC-7000FC" Brother_MFC-7200FC = "Brother MFC-7200FC" Brother_MFC_Pro-700 = "Brother MFC Pro-700" Brother_MFC-9060 = "Brother MFC-9060" Brother_MFC-4600 = "Brother MFC-4600" Brother_MFC-9550 = "Brother MFC-9550" Brother_MFC-7750 = "Brother MFC-7750" Brother_MFC-6650MC = "Brother MFC-6650MC" Brother_MFC-7650MC = "Brother MFC-7650MC" Brother_MFC-4650 = "Brother MFC-4650" Brother_MFC-6650J = "Brother MFC-6650J" Brother_MFC8600/9650_Series = "Brother MFC8600/9650 семейство" Brother_MFC9600/9870_Series = "Brother MFC9600/9870 семейство" Brother_MFC9750/1200_Series = "Brother MFC9750/1200 семейство" Brother_P2500_Series = "Brother P2500 семейство"