/* (C) Copyright Microsoft Corporation 1991. All Rights Reserved */ /* * mplayer.rc * */ /* include files */ #include #include #include "mplayer.h" #include "toolbar.h" #include "track.h" #include "mplayer.rcv" /* accelerators */ MPLAYERACCEL ACCELERATORS PRELOAD BEGIN VK_F1, IDM_HELPTOPICS, VIRTKEY // Help.Help Topics VK_F5, IDM_MCISTRING, VIRTKEY, CONTROL // MCI SendCommand "^p", ID_PLAYTOGGLE "^q", ID_PLAYSEL "P", ID_PLAYSEL, VIRTKEY, ALT // play sel "P", ID_PLAYSEL, VIRTKEY, ALT, CONTROL "^s", ID_STOP VK_ESCAPE, ID_ESCAPE, VIRTKEY "^w", IDM_WINDOW // "Window" "1", IDM_ZOOM1, VIRTKEY, CONTROL // 1:1 "2", IDM_ZOOM2, VIRTKEY, CONTROL // 1:2 "3", IDM_ZOOM3, VIRTKEY, CONTROL // 1:3 "4", IDM_ZOOM4, VIRTKEY, CONTROL // 1:4 "^r", IDM_DEFAULTSIZE // Restore "^c", IDM_COPY_OBJECT // Edit.Copy "^o", IDM_OPTIONS // Edit.Options "^d", IDM_CONFIG // Device.Config "^l", IDM_SELECTION // Edit.Selection "^u", IDM_CLOSE // File.Close (Or Update) "^f", IDM_OPEN // File.Open VK_INSERT, IDM_COPY_OBJECT,VIRTKEY,CONTROL // Edit.Copy END #include "setsel.dlg" #include "options.dlg" /* icons */ APPICON ICON PRELOAD amp.ico IDI_DDEFAULT ICON PRELOAD dmp.ico IDI_DSOUND ICON PRELOAD dsound.ico IDI_DVIDEO ICON PRELOAD dvideo.ico IDI_DANI ICON PRELOAD dani.ico IDI_DMIDI ICON PRELOAD dmidi.ico IDI_DCDA ICON PRELOAD dcda.ico /* cursors */ IDC_DRAG CURSOR PRELOAD dragcopy.cur /* bitmaps */ IDR_TOOLBAR BITMAP PRELOAD MOVEABLE DISCARDABLE resource\toolbar.bmp IDR_ARROWS BITMAP PRELOAD MOVEABLE DISCARDABLE resource\arrows.bmp IDR_MARK BITMAP PRELOAD MOVEABLE DISCARDABLE resource\mark.bmp Thumb BITMAP PRELOAD MOVEABLE DISCARDABLE resource\thumb.bmp FillPat BITMAP PRELOAD MOVEABLE DISCARDABLE resource\fillpat.bmp /* strings */ STRINGTABLE PRELOAD MOVEABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_APPNAME "Media Player" IDS_OPENTITLE "Open" IDS_FINDFILE "Locate %s %s" IDS_CANTOPENFILE "Media Player cannot open this file. Make sure the filename is correct and that the file is in a format that Media Player recognizes." IDS_CANTACCESSFILE "Media Player cannot open this file. Either access to the file is denied or the file is currently opened by another application." IDS_DEVICECANNOTPLAY "This device cannot play." IDS_DEVICEERROR "%s" IDS_NOTREADYFORMAT "%s (not ready)" IDS_READYFORMAT "%s (%s)" IDS_DEVICEMENUCOMPOUNDFORMAT "&%d %s..." IDS_DEVICEMENUSIMPLEFORMAT "&%d %s" IDS_ALLFILES "All files" IDS_CLOSE "&Close" IDS_UPDATE "&Update %s" IDS_EXIT "E&xit" IDS_EXITRETURN "E&xit && Return to %s" IDS_NOPICTURE "No Picture" IDS_FRAME "frame" IDS_HRS "hrs" /* abbreviation for hours */ IDS_MIN "min" /* abbreviation for minutes */ IDS_SEC "sec" /* abbreviation for seconds */ IDS_MSEC "msec" /* abbreviation for milli-seconds */ SCALE_HOURS "Scale: Time (hh%cmm)" SCALE_MINUTES "Scale: Time (mm%css)" SCALE_SECONDS "Scale: Time (sec)" SCALE_MSEC "Scale: Time (msec)" SCALE_FRAMES "Scale: Frames" SCALE_TRACKS "Scale: Tracks" SCALE_NOTRACKS "Scale: Unavailable" // // OLE stuff. // IDS_CLASSROOT "Media Clip" IDS_PLAYVERB "&Play" IDS_EDITVERB "&Edit" IDS_UNTITLED "(Bogus)" IDS_FRAMERANGE "You have typed numbers outside the acceptable range. Try typing a different number." IDS_CANTSTARTOLE "Unable to register OLE server" IDS_CANTLOADLIB "The dynamic link library %s cannot be loaded. Media Player cannot continue." IDS_CANTFINDPROC "The procedure %hs cannot be found in the dynamic link library %s. Media Player cannot continue." IDS_OUTOFMEMORY "Not enough memory available to complete this operation. Quit one or more applications to increase available memory and then try again." IDS_DEVICEINUSE "This device is being used by another application. Wait until it is finished, and then try again." IDS_NOGOODTIMEFORMATS "Media Player cannot play this device because the device does not support milliseconds or frames." #ifdef CHICAGO_PRODUCT IDS_NOMCIDEVICES "There are no MCI device drivers installed on your system. To install MCI device drivers, go to Control Panel and open Add Hardware." #else IDS_NOMCIDEVICES "There are no MCI device drivers installed on your system. To install MCI device drivers, go to Control Panel and open Add Hardware." #endif IDS_UPDATEOBJECT "This object has been changed. Update %s before proceeding?" IDS_CANTPLAY "The multimedia device you selected is not ready or open." IDS_CANTCOPY "There is not enough memory to copy this selection to the clipboard./n/nClose one or more files or programs, and then try again." #ifdef CHICAGO_PRODUCT IDS_CANTPLAYSOUND "Your system cannot play sound files because you don't have the required hardware or drivers installed. To install MCI device drivers, go to Control Panel and open Add Hardware." IDS_CANTPLAYVIDEO "Your system cannot play video files because you don't have the required hardware or drivers installed. To install MCI device drivers, go to Control Panel and open Add Hardware." IDS_CANTPLAYMIDI "Your system cannot play instrument music files because you don't have the required hardware or drivers installed. Double-click Add Hardware in Control Panel to install MCI device drivers." #else IDS_CANTPLAYSOUND "Your system cannot play sound files because you don't have the required hardware or drivers installed. To install MCI device drivers, go to Control Panel and open Add Hardware." IDS_CANTPLAYVIDEO "Your system cannot play video files because you don't have the required hardware or drivers installed. To install MCI device drivers, go to Control Panel and open Add Hardware." IDS_CANTPLAYMIDI "Your system cannot play instrument music files because you don't have the required hardware or drivers installed. To install MCI device drivers, go to Control Panel and open Add Hardware." #endif IDS_NOTSOUNDFILE "The file %s is not a sound file." IDS_NOTVIDEOFILE "The file %s is not a video file." IDS_NOTMIDIFILE "The file %s is not an instrument music file." /* The parameter in the following string will be replaced by the string returned by * WNetGetLastError or FormatMessage: */ IDS_NETWORKERROR "A network error has occurred. %s" IDS_UNKNOWNNETWORKERROR "An unknown network error has occurred." IDS_INSERTAUDIODISC "The compact disc does not contain any playable tracks. Please insert an audio compact disc." IDS_TIMEMODE "Set Selection - Time Mode" IDS_FRAMEMODE "Set Selection - Frame Mode" IDS_TRACKMODE "Set Selection - Track Mode" IDS_SSNOTREADY "not ready" IDS_SSPAUSED "paused" IDS_SSPLAYING "playing" IDS_SSSTOPPED "stopped" IDS_SSOPEN "open" IDS_SSPARKED "parked" IDS_SSRECORDING "recording" IDS_SSSEEKING "seeking" IDS_SSUNKNOWN "(unknown)" //InPlace menu names IDS_EDITMENU "&Edit" IDS_INSERTMENU "&Insert Clip" IDS_SCALEMENU "&Scale" IDS_COMMANDMENU "&Command" IDS_HELPMENU "&Help" /* The following string is used to format the main window's title bar * where Media Player is embedded in a client document. * * E.g: "SNWBOARD.AVI - Media Clip in OLECLI.DOC" */ IDS_FORMATEMBEDDEDTITLE "%s in %s" IDS_IS_RTL "0=rtl" /* Registry fix-up stuff: */ IDS_BADREG "Media Player settings have been changed by another program. As a result, Media Player may not work correctly.\n\nTo fix this problem, click Yes. To exit without fixing this problem, click No." IDS_FIXREGERROR "There was an error updating the registry." /* DO NOT LOCALIZE THE FOLLOWING STRINGS */ IDS_HTMLHELPFILE "MPLAYER.CHM" IDS_HELPFILE "MPLAYER.HLP" IDS_INIFILE "MPLAYER.INI" /* TOOL TIPS */ IDT_PLAY "Play" IDT_PAUSE "Pause" IDT_STOP "Stop" IDT_EJECT "Eject" IDT_HOME "Previous Mark" IDT_FWD "Fast Forward" IDT_RWD "Rewind" IDT_END "Next Mark" IDT_MARKIN "Start Selection" IDT_MARKOUT "End Selection" IDT_ARROWPREV "Scroll Backward" IDT_ARROWNEXT "Scroll Forward" /* The Width - localizers should change this to fit all their long menu names */ IDS_MPLAYERWIDTH "400" END MPlayer MENU PRELOAD BEGIN POPUP "&File" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Open...", IDM_OPEN MENUITEM "&Close", IDM_CLOSE MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "E&xit", IDM_EXIT END POPUP "&Edit" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Copy Object \tCtrl+C", IDM_COPY_OBJECT MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Options \tCtrl+O", IDM_OPTIONS MENUITEM "&Selection...", IDM_SELECTION END POPUP "&Device" BEGIN MENUITEM "", IDM_NONE, GRAYED MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Properties", IDM_CONFIG MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Volume Control", IDM_VOLUME #ifdef DEBUG MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "C&ommand...\tCtrl+F5",IDM_MCISTRING #endif END POPUP "&Scale" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Time", IDM_SCALE + ID_TIME MENUITEM "&Frames", IDM_SCALE + ID_FRAMES MENUITEM "T&racks", IDM_SCALE + ID_TRACKS END POPUP "&Help" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Help Topics", IDM_HELPTOPICS MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&About Media Player", IDM_ABOUT END END DLG_MCICOMMAND DIALOG 32, 18, 256, 59 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUP | DS_3DLOOK | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU CAPTION "Send MCI String Command" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN EDITTEXT IDC_MCICOMMAND, 50, 4, 186, 12, ES_AUTOHSCROLL DEFPUSHBUTTON "&Send", IDOK, 7, 43, 40, 14 PUSHBUTTON "&Close", IDCANCEL, 50, 43, 40, 14 LTEXT "Command:", -1, 7, 4, 40, 8 LTEXT "Result:", -1, 7, 20, 40, 8 LTEXT "", IDC_RESULT, 50, 20, 190, 20 END