APPVER = 5.0 !include cflags = $(cflags) /Gz cvarsdll = -DNT -DMPR50 LIBS = rtm.lib rtutils.lib all: ipsample.dll OBJS = \ hashtable.obj \ sync.obj \ utils.obj \ packet.obj \ socket.obj \ networkentry.obj \ networkmgr.obj \ configentry.obj \ configmgr.obj \ mibmgr.obj \ rtmapi.obj \ rmapi.obj \ test.obj \ ipsample.obj # Build rule for converting c files to obj files .c.obj: $(cc) $(cdebug) $(cflags) $(cvarsdll) $*.c # Update messages msg00001.bin ipsamplemsg.rc ipsamplemsg.h : mc -v ipsample.rc: msg00001.bin ipsamplemsg.rc # Update the resources if necessary ipsample.res: ipsample.rc rc -r -fo ipsample.res ipsample.rc # Update the executable file ipsample.dll: ipsample.res $(OBJS) $(link) $(linkdebug) $(dlllflags) $(conlibsdll) $(LIBS) \ -def:ipsample.def -out:$*.dll $** clean: del *.pdb *.pch *.obj *.dll *.lib *.exp \ *.res *.bin ipsamplemsg.rc ipsamplemsg.h