////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation // // Module Name: // // aaaamon.c // // Abstract: // // Main aaaamon file. // // Revision History: // // pmay // Thierry Perraut 04/02/1999 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define AAAA_HELPER_VERSION 1 #include #include "strdefs.h" #include "rmstring.h" #include #include "aaaamontr.h" #include "context.h" #include "aaaahndl.h" #include "aaaaconfig.h" #include "aaaaversion.h" GUID g_AaaamontrGuid = AAAAMONTR_GUID; GUID g_NetshGuid = NETSH_ROOT_GUID; // // Reminder // // #define CREATE_CMD_ENTRY(t,f) {CMD_##t, f, HLP_##t, HLP_##t##_EX, CMD_FLAG_PRIVATE} // #define CREATE_CMD_ENTRY_EX(t,f,i) {CMD_##t, f, HLP_##t, HLP_##t##_EX, i} // #define CMD_FLAG_PRIVATE 0x01 // not valid in sub-contexts // #define CMD_FLAG_INTERACTIVE 0x02 // not valid from outside netsh // #define CMD_FLAG_IMMEDIATE 0x04 // not valid from ancestor contexts // #define CMD_FLAG_LOCAL 0x08 // not valid from a remote machine // #define CMD_FLAG_ONLINE 0x10 // not valid in offline/non-commit mode CMD_ENTRY g_AaaaSetCmdTable[] = { CREATE_CMD_ENTRY_EX(AAAACONFIG_SET, HandleAaaaConfigSet,(CMD_FLAG_PRIVATE | CMD_FLAG_ONLINE)), }; CMD_ENTRY g_AaaaShowCmdTable[] = { CREATE_CMD_ENTRY_EX(AAAACONFIG_SHOW, HandleAaaaConfigShow,(CMD_FLAG_PRIVATE | CMD_FLAG_ONLINE)), CREATE_CMD_ENTRY_EX(AAAAVERSION_SHOW, HandleAaaaVersionShow,(CMD_FLAG_PRIVATE | CMD_FLAG_ONLINE)), }; CMD_GROUP_ENTRY g_AaaaCmdGroups[] = { CREATE_CMD_GROUP_ENTRY(GROUP_SET, g_AaaaSetCmdTable), CREATE_CMD_GROUP_ENTRY(GROUP_SHOW, g_AaaaShowCmdTable), }; ULONG g_ulNumGroups = sizeof(g_AaaaCmdGroups)/sizeof(CMD_GROUP_ENTRY); HANDLE g_hModule; BOOL g_bCommit; DWORD g_dwNumTableEntries; DWORD ParentVersion; BOOL g_bAaaaDirty = FALSE; NS_CONTEXT_CONNECT_FN AaaaConnect; ULONG g_ulInitCount; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AaaaCommit ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DWORD WINAPI AaaaCommit( IN DWORD dwAction ) { switch(dwAction) { case NETSH_COMMIT: { if(g_bCommit) { return NO_ERROR; } g_bCommit = TRUE; break; } case NETSH_UNCOMMIT: { g_bCommit = FALSE; return NO_ERROR; } case NETSH_SAVE: { if(g_bCommit) { return NO_ERROR; } break; } case NETSH_FLUSH: { // // Action is a flush. If current state is commit, then // nothing to be done. // if(g_bCommit) { return NO_ERROR; } // bFlush = TRUE; break; } default: { return NO_ERROR; } } // // Switched to commit mode. So set all valid info in the // strutures. Free memory and invalidate the info. // return NO_ERROR; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AaaaStartHelper ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DWORD WINAPI AaaaStartHelper( IN CONST GUID *pguidParent, IN DWORD dwVersion ) { DWORD dwErr; NS_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTES attMyAttributes; ParentVersion = dwVersion; ZeroMemory( &attMyAttributes, sizeof(attMyAttributes) ); attMyAttributes.pwszContext = L"aaaa"; attMyAttributes.guidHelper = g_AaaamontrGuid; attMyAttributes.dwVersion = 1; attMyAttributes.dwFlags = CMD_FLAG_LOCAL; attMyAttributes.ulNumTopCmds = 0; attMyAttributes.pTopCmds = NULL; attMyAttributes.ulNumGroups = g_ulNumGroups; attMyAttributes.pCmdGroups = (CMD_GROUP_ENTRY (*)[])&g_AaaaCmdGroups; attMyAttributes.pfnCommitFn = AaaaCommit; attMyAttributes.pfnDumpFn = AaaaDump; attMyAttributes.pfnConnectFn= AaaaConnect; dwErr = RegisterContext( &attMyAttributes ); return dwErr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AaaaUnInit ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DWORD WINAPI AaaaUnInit( IN DWORD dwReserved ) { if(InterlockedDecrement(&g_ulInitCount) != 0) { return NO_ERROR; } return NO_ERROR; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AaaaDllEntry ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL WINAPI AaaaDllEntry( HINSTANCE hInstDll, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID pReserved ) { switch (fdwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: { g_hModule = hInstDll; DisableThreadLibraryCalls(hInstDll); break; } case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: { g_hModule = NULL; break; } default: { break; } } return TRUE; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // InitHelperDll ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DWORD WINAPI InitHelperDll( IN DWORD dwNetshVersion, OUT PVOID pReserved ) { DWORD dwErr; NS_HELPER_ATTRIBUTES attMyAttributes; // // See if this is the first time we are being called // if(InterlockedIncrement(&g_ulInitCount) != 1) { return NO_ERROR; } g_bCommit = TRUE; // Register this module as a helper to the netsh root // context. // ZeroMemory( &attMyAttributes, sizeof(attMyAttributes) ); attMyAttributes.guidHelper = g_AaaamontrGuid; attMyAttributes.dwVersion = AAAA_HELPER_VERSION; attMyAttributes.pfnStart = AaaaStartHelper; attMyAttributes.pfnStop = NULL; RegisterHelper( &g_NetshGuid, &attMyAttributes ); // Register any sub contexts implemented in this dll // dwErr = AaaaContextInstallSubContexts(); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { AaaaUnInit(0); return dwErr; } return NO_ERROR; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AaaaConnect ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DWORD WINAPI AaaaConnect( IN LPCWSTR pwszRouter ) { // If context info is dirty, reregister it if (g_bAaaaDirty) { AaaaStartHelper(NULL, ParentVersion); } return NO_ERROR; }