/*++ Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: misc.c Abstract: This module contains declarations of functions and globals for helper routines not readily available in kernel or TDI libraries for ws2ifsl.sys driver. Author: Vadim Eydelman (VadimE) Dec-1996 Revision History: --*/ ULONG CopyMdlChainToBuffer( IN PMDL SourceMdlChain, IN PVOID Destination, IN ULONG DestinationLength ); VOID AllocateMdlChain( IN PIRP Irp, IN LPWSABUF BufferArray, IN ULONG BufferCount, OUT PULONG TotalByteCount ); ULONG CopyBufferToMdlChain( IN PVOID Source, IN ULONG SourceLength, IN PMDL DestinationMdlChain );