newfsp.dll is a sample Windows NT Fax virtual service provider. How to install: "regsvr32 newfsp.dll" Configuration: The newfsp configuration settings are found under "NewFsp: Sample Windows NT Fax Service Provider" in the registry under the Fax Device Providers key. The available configuration settings are: - LoggingEnabled: 0 - logging disabled, 1 - logging enabled This is initially set to 0 - LoggingDirectory: A valid directory This is initially set to the directory from which "regsvr32 newfsp.dll" was run The newfsp device settings are found under "Devices\" in the registry under the newfsp key. The available configuration settings are: - Directory: A valid directory This is initially set to the directory from which "regsvr32 newfsp.dll" was run To send a fax: Set the fax number to "Dial exactly as typed" and specify a valid directory; e.g. "C:\temp". The fax will be copied to that directory. To receive a fax: Change the file attributes of a file in the directory associated with the device. The first tiff file found in that directory will be copied to the received fax. Limitations: There is minimal directory validation. There is no tiff validation.